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9514466 No.9514466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the actual certified pro and cons if no-fap? Is it even feasable? Is it true your crave would go into a climax after a week and then you'd be free of sexual thoughts?

>> No.9514484

no lol

>> No.9514492

To which question?

>> No.9514496

>Is it even feasable [sic]
wet dreams after awhile
>you'd be free of sexual thoughts
no, they intensify, which gives you more drive

it's pretty rough emotionally to just go cold turkey

>> No.9514500

>wet dreams after awhile
What would the consequences of that be?

>> No.9514551

You will wake up with pre cum in your dick and feel bad for not fucking a woman and cumming inside her vagina every now and then

>> No.9514556


>> No.9514560

So just the same as now but with precum
Would it be, psychologically and hormonal-wise like breaking the no-fap?

>> No.9514568

much less satisfying

>> No.9514569

a thread died for this

>> No.9514571

But the "benefits" if there are any, no one still answered to this, they'd still stay?

>> No.9514577

>More free time
>Better self control and self discipline
>Jesus loves you more

>> No.9514582

well you don't feel satisfied, so yeah

>> No.9514586

I can only speak for myself

>be me
>19 yo NEET
>fap every night after my family go to sleep
>depressed to the point where I`d have suicidal thoughts almost every day
>decided to go NoFap after reading a long and well-thought reddit post on the subject
>one week passes by
>the thought of jerking off won`t leae my brain
>1st month
>have my first wet-dream since I started this thing
>feel guilty for ejaculating even though I couldn`t control it
>think that not fapping is what really matters
>keep going
>2nd month
>already feeling healthier
>feeling like a priest for resisting the mundane temptations
>no more suicidal thoughts
>think this is just a placebo
>ignore this thought because NoFap is having a desirable effect and that`s what really matters to me
>3 moths later
>decided to apply for college
>exited for finally getting my act together
>4 months later
>never thinking about fapping
>started to learn the two hardest languages in the world for an english speaker
>new goals make my life seem worth living
>5 months later
>already attending college
>preparing for my first test on a subject that I love
>got a D
>get anxious over the thought of not being smart enough for my degree
>feeling much more stressed
>don`t go to class for the next week
>saturday night
>browsing /pol/
>see a pic of a black girl with a big juicy ass
>instantly get a boner
>think of all those months of NoFap and how awful it would be to ruin it all at this point
>the next thing I notice is my hand on my dick
>release a full load on the my monitor screen
>a few seconds pass
>become even more stressed out
>now I fap 2 times a day
>still in college
>the best score that I get is a D
>suicidal thoughts came back
NoFap is essential but is far from being enough.

>> No.9514595

I've tried before, can't do it. Longest I've gone is a month. As far as I can tell nofap is only good for wasting less time and not worrying about porn or jizz.
I guess I'll try again starting now just for the fuck of it.

>> No.9514597

>What are the actual certified pro and cons if no-fap?
No-fap is a meme so none to both.
>Is it even feasable?
Why wouldn't it be?
>Is it true your crave would go into a climax after a week and then you'd be free of sexual thoughts?
I don't see why there'd be a significant correlation between masturbation and sexual thoughts to begin with.

>> No.9514603


>> No.9514638

There is no point in doing no-fap if you don't excercise or follow a diet. Well, you excercised and followed a diet you could fap as much as you wanted

>> No.9514760

Let me guess, Pure math?

>> No.9514766


>> No.9514802

Pros: None really. Your testosterone levels peak after 7 days and slowly go back down and its not enough to really change much for you in that regard. The actual benefit of nofap actually has nothing to do with the act itself but breaking porn addiction
Cons: If you go too long you may or may not fuck your sex drive supposedly

>> No.9514821

There are no known negative physical medical conditions caused by not masturbating, even for men.

There are also no known proven benefits for not doing it.

>> No.9514849
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A lot of people could probably benefit psychologically from fapping less and especially watching less porn, but all the shit about preserving your seed to gain wizardly powers is 100% autism.