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File: 83 KB, 835x835, neanderthal with a mighty beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9513787 No.9513787 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the neanderthals disappear? Did they "merge" with us? Or did they just die? How can they just disappear like that? Surely they must have been adaptable, some cold winds can't be that bad can it?

>> No.9513790

They were replaced. They probably had low numbers compared to humans.

East asians and Amerindians have more neanderthal admixture than europeans.

>> No.9514120

They failed to adapt to changing conditions. Warming weather made their entire lifestyle untenable. Their effective range reduced...

Keep in mind the Neanderthals were highly evolved for a specific and enduring climate. They were reproducing at ages of 12 or younger and they only lived twice that age give or take...

They did this for a very long time. Thats a lot of specialised evolution. They got stuck in an evolutionary rut, lack of environmental change over so long and a lifespan of only 30 years or so meant they were never going to be able to adjust quickly enough. Or they just didnt want to.

But we did mingle.

>> No.9514199

did they have an language like we do? or was it all gestures and screeches?

>> No.9514204

we know for a fact that they spoke with valley girl accents

>> No.9514208

Glorious superior neanderthal became whites and invented civilization. Dumb inferior "sapiens" became nignogs and gooks.

>> No.9514225

prepare to witness the most retarded video of your day

>> No.9514242
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>Superior beings
Simply amazing.

>> No.9514264

Bodies too expensive energy-wise. I recall reading once that they had three times more muscle than we do or something like that. That’s definitely not an advantage in food shortage periods like the ones mankind has gone through in the stone age.
Also, they weren’t as cooperative as we are (to the point where some people have theorized that autism comes from our inheritance from them, which is not a far-fetched idea imo). Cooperation is a big deal in terms of evolution. If you have two groups, even if one of them has more capable individuals, you can only predict their success by how cooperative they are. Neanderthals failed to develop the complex social structures that enabled us to survive in harsh environments.

>> No.9514280

so neanderthals were too much of the good? too big brain, too much muscle mass?

>> No.9514290

Take heed, brothers. The Chads of this world lost to a beta uprising once before. They can do so again.

>> No.9514294

are you stupid or just pretending?

>> No.9514298

You can see it that way, but you can also understand that they were very inefficient.
We are as smart as they were, but our brains and bodies don't have to be as big.

>> No.9514297

No one really knows how the most intelligent creatures that have existed this on this planet went extinct its truely a mystery feral fucktards like humans somehow survived Eurasia and these guys didnt.

>> No.9514301

>Also, they weren’t as cooperative as we are
They were hominids they had to be social or extroverted as a majority, spergs and autist were unseen for most of history and prehistory.

>> No.9514305

Neanderthals had small camps of people scattered sparsely throughout Europe. Then we came along and interbreeded with them and ultimately out competed them through teamwork.

>> No.9514372

the Chad Neanderthal
the Virgin Homo (Homosex) Sapiens

>> No.9514385

Who's more cooperative than an asian?

>> No.9514393

By the way, all non-nigger humans have some small amount of Neanderthal DNA.

>> No.9514400

>Did they "merge" with us?
It's called sex.
You know, penis in vagina.

>> No.9514410

They were bred out of existence because they had lower birth rates.

>> No.9514418

Just like white people

>> No.9514424

Fun fact: they were actually white at the times, while sapiens had still black skins.

>> No.9514440

>white people
No such thing.

>> No.9514499

Okay, okay. Aryans.

>> No.9514513
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lol only Americans group people together like that

>> No.9514815

>they weren’t as cooperative as we are

Actually... Out of necessity they were MORE co-operative than we were. It was their cultural behaviours that lost them the game. They were settled not nomadic. The seasons changed dramatically and the same seasonal foraging and hunting grounds they had used for thousands of years changed so much that their usual foods would not have grown there anymore.

I digress.

I read an article a while ago which proposed that the neanderthals had a much more developed sense of compassion than we did when we first encountered each other. Interestingly the races which mixed Neanderthal DNA into their own get along with each other a LOT better than the africans get along with anyone, even each other.

>> No.9514838

>spouts unsubstantiated garbage

>uses "but I digress" to sound smart

>spouts more complete hogwash

>> No.9515376

The basics of their article was pretty much that neanderthals had a much more developed spirituality and deeper social bonds within groups. They would have had to maintain social connections with other groups to avoid inbreeding, at at their rate of reproduction this would have needed to be a regular event.

Their information was passed down generation to generation but they innovated very rarely. I suspect due to their short lifespan.

Id try to dig the article up but its probably on some subscription required site which i am no longer subscribed to. Freedom of information would be a powerful thing.

But I digress...

The migration of the modern human from africa, which is the current best theory afaik, was triggered by environment conditions changing right?

>> No.9515381



>> No.9515417


>Interestingly the races which mixed Neanderthal DNA into their own get along with each other a LOT better than the africans get along with anyone, even each other

I agree anon, certainly the Amerindians can vouch for your statement when they encounter European hospitality centuries ago. It's just too bad those pesky Africans came to America and wiped most of the tribes out and turn the rest into rape babies/ mutts. Although it's strange, those Amerindians tend to have a lot more European admixture than black. Maybe the Africans tricked the Europeans to fuck all the native women just for jokes.

>> No.9515433

I thought faster generations meant faster adaptation.

>> No.9515451

Their existence was only tentative, they had fuck-all population. Same with homo sapiens and most of our antecedent/brother species/subspecies. Really our set-up is pretty weak for survival. We managed to go beyond a population of a few thousand, we succeeded where others did not.

>> No.9515493

Sure, adaptation to the same environmental factors over tens or even hundred of thousand of unchanging years. Adaptation had been bred out of them, they had done the same things for hundreds of thousands of years. It was amazing, they survived somewhere and in a time where nobody else could.

Compare them to modern humans. These guys are adventurous, ambitious, smart... Their natural habitat has been expanding and theyve been getting a lot of practise at adapting to an environment which is changing >in our favour< not against it.

The neanderthals were fighting a losing battle and we had a headstart. We were doing much better than they were and we would have been very eligible at any of the major social gatherings involving both species, or even at smaller ones.

>> No.9515498

Are you looking for an apology?

The euros at least had the social nuance to band together and invade the world. The africans are still slaughtering, raping and robbing each other.

I mean we do it too but we found a useful place to put those kinds of people, the ones with less neanderthal DNA. Its called the military. Then we send them off to kill each other.

What you are seeing now is the first time wars have almost completely betafied the entire white western male population.

>> No.9515523

I don't think the weather had much to do with their demise as Neanderthals persisted at the Gebralter area longer than any other known region which was a warm mild climate, though the warming climate being more advantageous for humans to spread could have inadvertently hurt them.
Humans lived about the same age during that period too but Neatherthals matured much earlier reaching full adulthood by 15 or so. They were simply less sophisticated than humans, Neatherdals had been around for 500k+ years yet their technology barely changed at all in such a long time, its obvious they lacked a creative spark that humans had over them, they also lived in very small isolated groups who likely were not even aware of one anothers existence so humans likely had a networking advantage over them as well.

>> No.9515528

>the races which mixed Neanderthal DNA into their own get along with each other a LOT better than the africans get along with anyone, even each other.
Lol I'm sure this is an irrefutable fact backed by science and not your stormbabby tier opinion.

>> No.9515533

>It's just too bad those pesky Africans came to America and wiped most of the tribes out and turn the rest into rape babies/ mutts
What the fuck are you talking about? Africans were enslaved in a strange land. They couldn't possibly manage to build a society on their on, let alone terminate another race. It was euros that fucked native americans.

>> No.9515553

Trolls trolling trolls trololololol

Hes being sarcastic and taking a bite out of me. I care less whether its fact or not than he does, it seems like a valid theory that africans are less compassionate. Certainly the evidence available indicates in my favour. Just look at africa. Just look at it.

>> No.9515757

>prepare to read the most retarded post of your day

>> No.9515851
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> shorter lifespans means less adaptability

>> No.9515878

>the absolute state of bbc (big black cockers)

>> No.9515922

By all outward measures Neanderthal were stronger and had bigger brains and had fire, we should be a footnote in history.

BUT, we had help! We co-evolved with wolf/dog companions.

Neanderthal could not compete with the human/dog combo.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the wolf/dog co-evolution.

>> No.9515932


All wrong. There is no evidence that neanderthals were "more spiritual" or more cooperative than anyone else.

In fact there is much more evidence that humans were. Humans left behind a lot more cultural artifacts like artwork, jewelry, cave paintings, etc.

The reason humans left africa has nothing to do with a change in environment. Quiet the opposite, in fact. Humans had mastered clothing, fire, and most important better tools. Throwing spear in particular are believed to be what allowed humans to overcome most pray and dangerous animals. The intelligence of our early ancestors is what allowed us to leave Africa and dominate the planet.

>> No.9516590

>evolutionary rut

Like one of the birds that lived on some island so long it specialised on some rare food and became endangered in a changing climate.

Theres plenty of data supporting the theory that climate was the driving force behind the migration out of africa. That and population.

Its highly plausible thatafrica reached its peak population and then lower rainfall or some other change in weather patterns consistent with warming temperatures caused a shortage of resources like food and a mass exodus began to occur. If we had never had to push out of our comfortable environment we may never have developed the inventive spark.

Is this just chicken and the egg or is there a definitive answer?

Thats interesting, any links?

>> No.9516874

>It is impossible to overstate the importance of the wolf/dog co-evolution.
I wouldn't understate the importance of human/cat evolution too.
Cats are darn cute, they make us more human.

>> No.9516883

>Why did the neanderthals disappear?
neanderthals are a social construct therefore they disappeared in a puff of feminist logic

>> No.9516985

Not science.

>> No.9516997
File: 2.05 MB, 2344x2736, 1513249933499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9517084

They certainly did not "merge" with the humans of the time, they just fucked a few of them once in a while, but barely that much. That's why their DNA isn't very dominant in people who have it.

You realize that there really weren't that many of them to begin with, right? They were smarter than humans at the time, but they couldn't communicate like humans could, and they were most likely very emotional and people with Neanderthal genes often develop schizophrenia or addictions much easier than people without it. So we can assume they were addicts and crazy although they were very, very smart.

Their numbers never exceeded like 10,000 total Thals living at once, it's not hard for them to all die for some reason. Besides their intelligence they weren't any superior to any other animal. Humans aren't either, we just create societies, that's our only chance. The Neanderthals fatal flaw was living in small isolated groups. Humans need society to survive. Otherwise what is a single human going to do by himself without any technology? He might be smart but he can't do shit on his own with a bunch of bears around.

>> No.9518055

We also hunted them and used them as slaves (sometimes)

>> No.9518469

Garfield tried to save them, but Squidward struck them all down. That's what happened to them.

>> No.9519163

Sex slaves apparently.

>> No.9519180
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>Humans successfully bred with Neanderthals
>Somehow a different species

>> No.9519194
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the absolute state of biologists

>> No.9519269

Niggers also can breed successfully with humans.

>> No.9519298


i love you hahaha

>> No.9519312

"species" has several definitions. reproductive isolation is only one of them, and sometimes the reproductive isolation is purely behavioral. ie, two species that if forced to mate could produce offspring but have mating periods exclusive of the other's

>> No.9519454

Sapiens had sand colored skin from the beginning(Capoid race), then nigger colored skin for most of time then they got sand colored skin again and slowly got paler as they migrated more north in Eurasia.

South East Asians like cambodians are examples of the ancient sand colored protoasians and middle easterners are examples of ancient sand colored caucasoids.

>> No.9519463

Neanderthal 10 year old boys could strangle you without trying they were fucking monsters and even their women could beat the living shit out of you they were stronger than us and also more durable than us, their flesh is much tougher than ours and they even had higher pain tolerance they were literally biologically superior to us in everyway except agility thanks to our tropical upcoming we were quite agile but where neanderthals evolved agility was fucking useless so they were stocky and slow but really strong.
>Humans need society to survive
Humans had no societies for 170,000 years and did just fine
> The Neanderthals fatal flaw was living in small isolated groups
Just like humans then? The meme neanderthals were antisocial autist is pure stupidity since THEY ARE FUCKING PRIMATES meaning they will be extroverted confident beings as a majority no matter what.

Also retard neanderthals invented adhesives thousands of years before us, they had spears before us, probably even bow and arrow before us.

>> No.9519544
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>> No.9519592

I'm sorry if you disagree with scientific rigorousness, but race isn't science, anon. Race is pseudoscience.

>> No.9519610
File: 284 KB, 500x381, its time for me to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9519637

So what's your excuse for the inexorable march towards becoming a wizard

>> No.9519657

you can plug your ears and kick and scream all you want, that's not going to change the fact that some people are a little different from other people.

>> No.9519679

>differences between individuals demonstrate race
Yeah the lactose intolerance race, the hydrocephalic race and the squatting race lol
Race is still not science, anon. Race is pseudoscience.

>> No.9520043

Race is real. Differences in skin clour, bone structure and body shape fall into categories. Most of what race is has not been studied because some people are afraid of what it would uncover.

Dare me to do a study at the local shopping market? I probably lack all the required races here at this location but if someone knows of a suitable place in this country id even go so far as preparing the questionaire.

The participants would be filmed with hidden cameras and everyone would recieve identical tests. Their reactions to questions would be studied and recorded and claims of being racist or trying to make them look stupid would be noted.

Who else is keen?

>> No.9520047
File: 46 KB, 485x438, feminist_grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9519269 >>9519180
Humans successfully bred with Neanderthals
Somehow a different species

Niggers also can breed successfully with humans.
Somehow "same" species

makes you think

>> No.9520260

fertile offspring is what matters

>> No.9520268

Yet race is still not science. Race is pseudoscience.

>> No.9520274


Not inherantly incorrect. Go start a race thread faggot and fuel your delusion.

>> No.9520282

>Neanderthals went extinct 30,000 years ago
>Jews only appeared as a distinct group in the historical record ~3,000 years ago
Doesn't quite add up famalam

>> No.9520285

And race is still not science anon. Why are you still forcing your pseudoscience?

>> No.9520291

I'm starting to think race is a strawman cooked up by social 'scientists' to discredit objective measures of genetic distance between self-identifying populations.

>> No.9520293

>i'm starting to think
That race is not science?
You don't need to think why it's not science. If race supporters can't demonstrate race is science, which it isn't, then race is not science. Therefore, race is pseudoscience.

>> No.9520309


They became Turks.