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File: 201 KB, 550x412, elephants-thailande-1308745011-1221062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
951312 No.951312 [Reply] [Original]

How do you explain that:

>> No.951330

positive reinforcement via peanuts

>> No.951349
File: 722 KB, 461x346, its_peanut_butter_jelly_time_from_f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.951354

Lots of animals are self-conscious. Chimps will recognize themselves if they see themselves in a mirror. They tested this by putting stamps on the forehead of a group of chimps to see if they reached for them upon seeing themselves in mirrors. They did.

What's your question again?

>> No.951361

it's more likely training in this case

>> No.951365

That elephant only draws whatever lines he is daught to draw, it is impossible for him to draw whatever he feels like drawing right now, so he is not intelligent like humans.

>> No.951366


Sure, but elephants are smart, and show creativity in nature. But of course training is involved, otherwise an elephant wouldn't recognize a brush and a canvas.

>> No.951367

The precision is really awsome.
I mean... for an animal of that size.

>> No.951377

>> www.koreus.com

>> No.951401
File: 38 KB, 700x525, 1259218223065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.951441

I'm calling bullshit.

Learned trick, not real appreciation or understanding of what it's doing.

Show me fifty paintings by an elephant of lots and lots of different scenes and objects, then I'll be convinced.

Even then, it's still just doing something taught to it by humans in exchange for a reward. Until elephants start doing it spontaneously in the wild, I won't be all that impressed.

>> No.951456

The man right next to him is guiding the brush stroke. Amazing the elephant can draw good, but the man is deciding what is actually being drawn.

>> No.951463

Oh man I believed the elephant was doing it consciously until it drew the flower

>> No.951488

One might now declare Elephants too intelligent and self aware to be eaten, I for one challenge those people.

>> No.951501

In that case we shall breed elephants that want to be eaten, as to avoid any unnecessary ethical problems.

>> No.951503

Douglas Adam much?

>> No.951518

That one was easy!