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9510756 No.9510756 [Reply] [Original]

If I want to get a PhD in Machine Learning and become an AI researcher.
Should I get a degree in Math or Computer Science?
The university I'm applying two gave me two offers
One was Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
the other Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

>> No.9510761

lol who's the woman? diversity hire much? didn't know they were cucked back in Eisenstein's time.

>> No.9510762

Well it's pretty obvious that if you wan't to be an AI researcher, you should take the Artifficial intelligence course.
I mean they'd teach you everything necessary, so don't worry.
Also good luck!

>> No.9510781

It was a joint honors course. When I said AND it wasn't a new course

>> No.9510794

Choose what you like. What you actually really need in ML is a strong knowledge in probability and statistical concepts. the other math and CS kbowledge are pretty basic (calculus, linear algebra, neural networks, algorithm)

>> No.9510825

I'd say do maths then teach yourself some CS.

>> No.9510904

Computer science and AI

>> No.9510906

>CS = programming
My favourite 90-IQ meme

>> No.9511200

Depends, do you want to write code or do proofs.

A lot of CS PhDs suck at writing code, they do theoretical work.

>> No.9511681
File: 886 KB, 1170x500, CS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can't self teach cs theory

>> No.9511811

>first year textbooks are core cs
kys please

>> No.9511858

Since you say you want to go to grad school, why not take a joint honors in Mathematics and Computer Science. This will give you a broad but very good amount of skill and theory that you can later on use to specialize in AI since it will pretty much intersect both subjects.

>> No.9511865

Statistics or computer science and math joint degree

>> No.9511875

Math + CompSci BSc (major+minor combo)
then PhD in CompSci

>> No.9511876

Why is there a picture of an engineer's work on a CS textbook?

>> No.9511879

>>9510756 >>9511865
Joint degree in Math & CS

>> No.9511897

Despite all the fad and hype, ai and machine learning are just basic CS and some math, mostly.

Just start by doing simple thing. Also, get into a CS school, or a job - even better.

>> No.9511903

im a msc student in compsci. I wish i did at least a minor or double major in math, it would've helped sooooo much.

If you want to go into academia, a good math fundamental is a must have because lots of your colleagues will be from other departments as well not just compsci.

>> No.9511913

> Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
This. Ive studied at >>9511865 this one, and without math modules, I would not be able to understand ml technics. Tho still cant get a job, either I am too white mals, or ai was that much overhyped.

>> No.9511919

>Tho still cant get a job, either I am too white mals, or ai was that much overhyped
Or maybe you just suck.

You shouldve known that AI is hot shit in academia but in industry it is meh.

>> No.9511928

Everyone is smart post-factum. I will kill myself soon anyway.

>> No.9511956
File: 178 KB, 813x1077, curie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally can't tell if this is poking fun at anti-SJW hysteria or if poster is this much of a dirty pleb, but that's Madame Marie Curie: the only person to receive Nobel Prizes in both Chemistry and Physics.