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File: 29 KB, 416x416, 23843237_1902671706415972_4293915656376099199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9510466 No.9510466 [Reply] [Original]

Can everybody please stop defining intelligence and iq and that kind of shit and give me a clear definition of stupidity ?

>> No.9510476

nice thread

>> No.9510483
File: 33 KB, 551x267, images-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An unwillingness to better ones self and ones environment.

>> No.9510500

Majoring in CS.

>> No.9510519

i saw that coming

>> No.9510533


>> No.9510560

doing the same thing over and over again while you already know it doesn't work.

>> No.9510599

i thought that was craziness

>> No.9510608
File: 50 KB, 480x535, FB_IMG_1518038385939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A flaw made by the mind because the brain is insufficient to give subject the capasity needed to sufficiently operate optimal given that the circumstanses are good and it dosen't do what is necessarry, has purpose or meaning or value to it. And therefore will instead hurt you, give you a disadvantage, create a problem, eliminate options and good possibilities for no benefit. In shorter term that the brain choses actions wich in return gives you slightly to heavy lack of good beneficial gain that result in loss of good. Fuck that was hazy. Hazzley. Think i made my point. Also unessissary actions for no purpose. When there is no point to do anything. Gains and loss. Benefit or not. Win or lose. It is in the end a bad choise. Based on to do or not to do. A bad choise can be subjective or objective based on the knowlege, wisdom and mental capacity subject possess. Means to begin with and through life you certainly gonna do something stupid no matter how smart you are. But after awhile the mind makes up chances of error due to that you learn. And you chose the enviroment up to what is good for you. The more stupid you become makes you do more and more and more stupid the more you fail. The smarter the more info you can handle and you know what's good or bad, needed and not needed, true and false. And then the ability to look far ahead and dirwct your actions aswell to another option and so on. People with average mind can plan pretty good. The smarter you get the more variables you can absorb and compute. And you can decide your best options. The mind does take a lifetime to master completely and develop. Only limited by capasity. But who do you compete with beside yourself. You basically don't need more than you need. Ironically it can be both hard and easy to be smart and both hard and easy to be stupid. I think it's about how much you know yourself, that's the essence. Peace.

>> No.9510614

Check what schopenhauer wrote on that. He also describes other brainlet characteristics.

>> No.9510618

what's wrong with Counter Strike?

>> No.9510649


>> No.9510695

Lake of information.

>> No.9510704

Not being able to make right predictions based on specified information

>> No.9510719

You’re going to school to learn one of the easiest things to teach yourself.

>> No.9510767

nice point

>> No.9510770

Let's not pretend that the only reason we're in university is to gain a bargaining chip to use when discussing compensation for work

>> No.9510792

Understandable but the way that society works means that bargaining chip is 100x more important than your thirst for knowledge.

>> No.9510854

lol why would you work idiot ? life is cheap nowadays fuck society

>> No.9511033


>> No.9511043
File: 111 KB, 300x536, 1PcFzUFUVYDDI0qd1BchScg-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramanujan satisfies this definition

>> No.9511046

There is more to a cs career than just programming in java

>> No.9511049

a stupid person is someone who learns much slower than an average person (or than a particular observer)
intelligence is completely relative. if you have a dog that is easily taught how to do a few tricks on command, you might call him a smart dog. you'd expect more from a human being.

>> No.9511051

lack of cognitive ability

>> No.9511082

What you have defined is the definition of a lazy guy -or a lazy dog- not a stupidness definition.

>> No.9511087

the dog example I admit was a little lazily defined, but the point was that a smart dog is a stupid human
my definition of stupidity was the inability to learn

>> No.9511256


>> No.9511259


>> No.9511286

haha why?

>> No.9511434


>> No.9511437
File: 132 KB, 627x627, Brain Size Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak Brain Power
often correlated with
Smaller Brain Size
(aka being a Brainlet)

>> No.9511439

Wait who's that supposed to be next to Witt-dawg?

>> No.9511459

Einstein's brain was smaller than average you fucking moron !

>> No.9511510

With that logic you can learn 99% of the stuff that you get from universities. If anything, universities encourage students to learn by themselves and go to lectures to take notes, etc. Also, CS is a lot more than just programming, guess you wouldn't know that since majoring in cs is "stupid"

>> No.9511870


>> No.9511880

stupid people work against their own self-interest
>if I eat all these seeds i won't be hungry today
>nothing to plant tomorrow

>> No.9511889

CS PhD from a Top Tier Ivy League Uni isn't stupid/Brainlet.

But many Programmers are Low quality Pajeets or High School Drop Outs with Shitty Code Bootcamp Diplomas.
These shitty code monkeys are indeed very stupid/brainlets.

>> No.9511958


>> No.9511980

it is craziness

>> No.9511984

it is craziness

>> No.9511989

it is craziness

>> No.9511993

no, it is madness

>> No.9511995
File: 976 KB, 1276x1254, Madness_-_One_Step_Beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is madness

>> No.9512002
File: 471 KB, 245x210, this-is-madness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is madness

>> No.9512007
File: 32 KB, 468x599, FB_IMG_1517855612713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes here it goes. Being so fucking vulgar that you made a shit post of stupid intending to find some sort of good idea that you can keep so you wont get butthurt when i call you a faggot and a loser for not coming up with your own fucking idea for what stupid is. So goes to the rest of this thread to. Are you guys stupid or what. The irony. Fuck me.

>> No.9512014

if your still in the thread after my second craziness post, I have bad news for you.

>> No.9512024

Imagine having so many opportunities to make your life better but you do nothing and end up on the same shit and blame other people for the mistakes you did

>> No.9512052

do you mean commies

>> No.9512080

Watching TV and having social life

>> No.9512102


>> No.9512103



>> No.9512493


>> No.9513300

idiot samefag

>> No.9513424

behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.

>> No.9513458

its just a negative thing

>> No.9513560

I think that the time in which someone delays gratification is a pretty big factor in determining someone's intelligence. I.e. working hard to get good grades to get in to good college(for a maketable major) vs. fucking around the entire time and blowing off homework and class to smoke weed, and eventually dropping out. Nothing wrong with partying, just get your shit done first.

Also, people who continuously make major decisions without doing any research or considering the consequences, i.e. fucking without protection or majoring in gender studies.

I know there are outliers to these factors, with the exception of gender studies majors, naturally.

Do you mean problems learning across the board, or are you including difficulty with learning certain subjects.

>> No.9513601


>> No.9513632

this hurts

>> No.9513859

ur just gay

>> No.9514370


>> No.9514862

no u

>> No.9515898

If you had >115 IQ you would know yourself, damn it must be hard being a brainlet

>> No.9515909

Anything that makes you a probable Darwin Award candidate.

>> No.9515916

I can’t read all that shit next time you come on the chan actually think about what you’re typing

>> No.9515933

inability to solve problems

>> No.9516065

Go fuck yourself