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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9507616 No.9507616 [Reply] [Original]

>math degree
>without a philosophy degree

Why have all mathematicians since the 30s been shit?

>> No.9507621
File: 27 KB, 775x387, Philosophy vs Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying that all Philosophers since the 30s are not shittiest people in academia.
Implying that all modern Philosophy isn't garbage.

>> No.9507637

I wish philosophy was actually respectable. Instead of mulling over that is meaningful or delving into something new, modes philosophers just nitpick previous works over the specific words used.

>> No.9507695

Most professors who actually care about their craft will insert philosophy into their courses. Be it the philosophical motivation for certain definitions, or the various philosophies of mathematics in general.

The difference is that we take highly technical courses and sprinkle them with bits of philosophy to enrich our education. Philosophy majors take only non-technical courses and insert philosophy just to see who likes the smell of their farts the most. That is why modern philosophers are garbage and no one respects you. Back to your containment board, you disgusting monkey.

>> No.9507767

philosophy is outdated, a dead subject

>> No.9507772

philosophy was ended by nietzsche
everybody after him has been just ridiculous in comparison

>> No.9508064

What about Popper

>> No.9508071


>I have a theory.
>Let's try to falsify it.

But that's how modern philosophy works.

>> No.9508094

Not really before Popper

>> No.9508110

And also how modern science doesn't work (any more).

Science was once great, it was driven by a philosophical method also known as the scientific method. Philosophy gives you the tools to do science meaningfully, it will arm you with critical thought and reasoning. This is why philosophy is commonly looked down upon as some useless pastime, because it scares those in high places who don't want critically thinking scientists, or critically thinking anyone.

>> No.9508267

A proof that you have never studied philosophy even in high school. You're supposed to view everything with scientific glasses (that sounded awfully sociology-cuckholded of me) and be super critical. If someone has an idea you're not meant to go ''h-ha y-yeah man that sounds cool and I respect your opinion'' you tear their views down with logic ''but how can X be like this, how did you come to that insight and how does it explain Y?'' as a useless example. I don't know what kind of fucking philosophy they teach at colleges but this is what I've learned.

>> No.9508280

How's your intro to philosophy class going faggot?

>> No.9508286

You know how to pedantic, that has nothing to do with actual critical thinking.

>> No.9508333


How's your mom going? She was doing pretty well last time I saw her after I gave her some of this philosodick.

>> No.9508393


Pedantry in some fields is vital, it does require critical thinking, just applied to very minute details.

>> No.9508428

>>"Philosophers have a great deal to say about what is absolutely necessary to science, and it is always, so far as one can see, rather naive, and probably wrong."
>>"Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds."
>>"Scientists are explorers. Philosophers are tourists."

--Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize-winning physicist

>>"Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally, these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy is dead. Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics."
--Stephen Hawking

>> No.9508446

Hawking is correct though, epistemology got screwed

>> No.9508464

Richard feynman was just taking the piss and was pretty knowlledagble about philosophy. Hawckings isn't in any sense trained on those topics so why would I listen to him? Also, don't post like you want to impress your retarded friends in facebook or to get upvotes on reddit.
Ouch, guess I touched a nerve there you pseud.
Yes, but absolute pedantry is important in just a few fields, and the level of "rigor" in your arguments depends on the framework of truth you have accepted. And in paritcular, doing science is almost always done with many assumptions in mind so it can develop efficiently.

>> No.9508467

That isn't technically true, but it varies if you are going with pettifoggery, sophistry, or something useful. I avoid pedantic behavior for a variety of reasons and the biggest one is I don't feel the need to convince others. I can tell you there are endless 'minute' details in any subject and most of them aren't important. Most fields don't rely on critical thinking because it is complicated and risky. If you were pedantic you would know that.

On the other hand, the rich man wants to make complicated systems simple and this is done through basically modelling and task lists. Critical thinking is necessary for the model, but not for applying it. Any moron with work ethic can carry out commands and find a place. This is ideal for obtaining large labor supplies.

>> No.9508476


>I do not know—but I believe that Richard Feynman is either a Communist or very strongly pro-Communist—and as such as [sic] a very definite security risk. This man is, in my opinion, an extremely complex and dangerous person, a very dangerous person to have in a position of public trust ... In matters of intrigue Richard Feynman is, I believe immensely clever—indeed a genius—and he is, I further believe, completely ruthless, unhampered by morals, ethics, or religion—and will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve his ends. ~ Mary Louise Bell

Hawking didn't say that, he might as well be a robot. He's being used as a ventriloquist dummy to say stupid shit.

>> No.9508492

Kinda disappointed how your post rambled into commie gobbily gook.

>> No.9508645


>> No.9510391

why get a degree in it when you can just read it and write about it when not doing math?

>> No.9510725

Which scientist's opinion are you parroting? Feynman's?

>> No.9511501
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a Popperite?

>> No.9511829

>being this much of a fedora

>> No.9512001

Lol'd hard nigger.
This. Philosophy is pretty much just useless word games nowadays.
No they won't because professors have more useful shit to spend their time on that philosophy.
This is actually pretty much true. Of course, there's probably areas where philosophy is useful, such as ethics (where they can discuss about arbitrary bullshit to infinity), but in any area dealing with the natural world, human cognition etc. philosophy is actually counter-productive. Turns out you can't just sit and reason your way to enlightenment, you need to experiment and deal with counter intuitive facts and harsh truths.
What Popper did was basically calling out pseudoscientists, but nobody actually does science like Popper proposed.
>Philosophy gives you the tools to do science meaningfully, it will arm you with critical thought and reasoning
That's exactly what it doesn't do you pseudo-intellectual-in-denial. 2000 years of philosophical tradition and how many of them ever figured out free will is an illusion?
Philosophy of science is actually kind of decent because it provides the scientists with somewhat of a bird's eye perspective on his own craft. Makes you reflect more over what you do. A useful example of philosophy of science could be investigating types of errors on science for example. It's not /completely/ useless.

>> No.9512008

>"Science" part of the image is clearly based on philosopher Popper's work
Rly made me think

>> No.9514005

Philosophy is good.

But admitting you miscalculated may be better.

>> No.9514167

Philosophy allows us to understand science on an intuitive level. Without it, science would be meaningless data.

>> No.9514179

Also scientific endeavors are only carried on today because our actual philosophical zeitgeist says that we should. Without philosophy, science would not exist, and not just in an historical sense.

>> No.9514205

Philosophy does not allow us to discover facts anymore, that job shifted to science, which it’s a subset of philosophy (you could call it natural philosophy).
Philosophy’s today job is to derive meaning from science, and that has as much importance as actual science, because otherwise, we would not care about it.

>> No.9515023

>reason your way to enlightenment
>Enlightenment literally brought on hundreds of years ago by people sitting on their asses and intellectually shitting on the churches and monarchies.

>> No.9515629

Philosophy was ended by Hume

>> No.9515632

How do i learn about philosophy

>> No.9515697

Philosophy is ok as a Hobby or something.
Philosophy "degree" is a joke.

>> No.9515754

Philosophy exposes the limits of scientific method.

>> No.9515762

the scientific method exposes the limits of philosophy

>> No.9515765
File: 41 KB, 498x385, internet-memes-only-math-teachers-use-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is ok as a Hobby or something.
Math "degree" is a joke.

>> No.9516267
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>> No.9516932

What about Wittgenstein?

>> No.9516935

You retarded?

>> No.9516942
File: 667 KB, 1424x1480, Is it gay to love traps?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gay to love traps?

>> No.9516949


>> No.9516953

That's where modern philosophy went wrong

>> No.9517578

philosophylets are so pathetic

>> No.9517682

Popperite detected.

>> No.9517752

Because most of philosophy about science is made by people who are illiterate about science. They don't have any skill. And in math isis the worst.
In fact math is philosophy. It is real philosophy, where you put your hands into the engine for real instead of talking about it abstractly while discarding the operational details.

If you want to understand better the philosophy of math you'd better educate yourself in formal logic, computer science, the Curry -Howard correspondence.

>> No.9517759

It's clear you miss the point of philosophy, however metaphysics specifically try to use things like qm as an excuse to derail into mysticism.

>> No.9517771

>Turns out you can't just sit and reason your way to enlightenment

Imagine being this much of an idiot. This is literally what the people who we consider to be all time great luminaries did thousands of years ago, additionally this is also how humans constructed the entirety of mathematics.

>> No.9518686

Math is all about making up rules and definitions, then following them to their logical conclusions.
Math is an extremely simple language, so being rigorous about it is also very simple.
Spoken language is extremely complex, so being as rigorous with it as with math is incredibly difficult.
Philosophy as it is right now is equivalent in complexity to simple sums in math. Anything more complex that this is probably above human intelligence.

>> No.9518697

Also math does not really tell us anything about the word. Math gives us logically sound tautologies, and then we brute force our intuitive (symbolic) understanding of the world into its models, hoping it has some utility. Most of the time it doesn’t.

>> No.9518726

So in this sense you can see mathematics as metaphorical. For example math formulas would be some kind of equivalent to proverbs, but more universal, better defined and less ambiguous.

>> No.9518764

To be fair his take isn't that unreasonable if your exposure to philosophy is from the kinds of idiots on /lit/ who talk about Kant and Hegel all day like it means something.

I can totally empathize with what Hawking, NDT, Lawrence Krauss and others are talking about when they criticize philosophy. I don't completely agree with them but their positions aren't entirely illegitimate either.

>> No.9518779

In my experience the best kind of philosophy you can read is stuff that isn't really even philosophy in the normal sense. Nassim Taleb talking about complex systems and uncertainty is way more interesting and useful than listening to people arguing about Derrida and John Rawls and other inane crap.

For pure philosophy you can't go wrong with Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas. If you want some good literary philosophy Umberto Eco is pretty fun.

>> No.9518804

For example, take 1+1=2. This statement is true because it follows the axioms math gives itself. But per se it is a void statement, it doesn’t mean anything in a vacuum and it doesn’t tell us anything about the world.
Until we consolidate it with other “knowledge”, like the Platonist concept of forms. Take for example an apple. Why do we know that apple A is the same thing as apple B? (Which is something necessary if we want to count them and to apply 1+1=2 in the real world). They are just similar, but not the same. We think of them as both apples because of a mental image of the prototypical apple we have in our minds. In reality they are part of a universal soup of matter without boundaries, the discrimination of “apple” as different from its surrounding is a mental construct.
So math needs other make up “truths” apart of itself to have some utility in reality. If you consider it in isolation (1+1=2) is just a true as (^+#&mmm).

>> No.9518811

For anyone interested, this is why I suggested Umberto Eco as a good read. His book The Name of the Rose is posits the opposite position of Shakespeare's a rose by any other name is still a rose. It's a good introduction to realism vs nominalism in a way that isn't dry and academic.

>> No.9519144

Butthurt philosophags detected. Keep telling yourself this while modern physics, biology etc. is light years ahead of you lmao.

>> No.9519296


Philosophers Useless Contributions:

>You cannot know nothing, Annoying Rhetorical Questions.
>Criticizes Reason saying that You cannot know nothing
>Internal Feelings, Emotions, Intuition and Illusions are superior to Scientific Observation of Reality.
>Pseudoscience bullshit like Flat Earth Theory and 4 elements.
>Karl Marx's Senpai. Conflict generates Progress (instead of Chaos).

Now compare it with Science:

>Creates Calculus & Classical Mechanics. Allowing UK becoming center of Industrial Revolution, then turning UK into a Super powerful Empire.
>Origin of Species. Father of modern Biology
Maxwell, Volta, Ampere, Tesla, Edison, Turing, Marconi, Graham Bell.
>Allowed Modern Electronic Gadgets
Einstein, Schrodinger, Dirac, Bohr etc.
>Modern Physics a step for Modern Technology.

>> No.9519336

Philosophy is the basis of all knowledge, the baseline of reasoning. As it progresses it splits and specializes, all the sciences being branches of it. So “pure philosophy” becomes obsolete pretty fast in most cases. But when a problem is too complex to be reduced to a single or a group of branches, or when you discuss the basic foundations of any of them, you need to return to pure philosophy.

>> No.9519350

fuck off back to >>/lit/ humanities soyboy

>> No.9519353
File: 84 KB, 500x663, Anal Sex Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9507616 >>9519336 >>9517771 >>9515629


>> No.9520254

>you now realize that science, maths, economics, psychology, history, english, and every other subject ever is simply applied philosophy

>> No.9520266

I guarantee you all of those scientists you listed read Plato and Socrates. They pioneered the process that people like Newton used

>> No.9520271

Well, if philosophy is "love of wisdom", then any pursuit which requires any thought or intelligence is applied philosophy. So... yeah, no shit

>> No.9520301

I came to check out sci after almost 7 years of inactivity and literally nothing has changed, amazing

>> No.9520305

>getting a philosophy degree
>not getting appointed a professor with no formal training like Wittgenstein did
spotted the loser

>> No.9520308

how do you tell if a philosopher is even doing anything ? they could just be tripping fat balls

>> No.9520422

Literally the same argument holds for any sufficiently-differentiated area of science. Only experts can tell and it's largely consensus based.

Just as in philosophy

Something tells me that people here not only don't know shit about philosophy (understandable I guess), but are also probably just STEM undergrads with little understanding of actual science either

>> No.9520767
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 24p2rm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9521115

>no formal training
>was going towards phd in mechanical engineering

>> No.9521119

>learning to play instruments is philosophy
>learning to sing is philosophy
>bodybuilding is philosophy

>> No.9522666

If you want to be good at any of these, it requires foundational thought. The methods are dictated by knowledge of what is the best.

>> No.9522766

None of it is philosophy until it becomes judged, either by yourself or others

>> No.9522771

no u
what now? you literally never been inside a lab or read a real paper bitch

>> No.9522785

wrong you forget about kazinsky >:(

>> No.9523127

>Free Will is an illusion
Since when?