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9506961 No.9506961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we cure science form racism?

>> No.9506964

>Fox News
Literally no one denies the statistical correlation between race and IQ, so I'm going to assume this is fake news.

>> No.9506965

>Nobody denies it
that's not the argument, the argument is weather the IQ test, or any test, like the SAT or ACT are racist because of the differential in scored, and how we need to fix the grounds to "even up the playing field" (the fact that black people under perform isn't the issue, liberals just want them to give blacks and Mexicans easier questions to inflate their scores, or score on a curve, so black people automatically get more points to match white people and Asians)

>> No.9507009

reality is racist, deal with it.
i hate how every race denier denies possible subdivision of humans into subspecies because "everyone will turn Hitler".

>> No.9507011
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How do we enlighten OP as to the difference between form and from?

>> No.9507034
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Can inanimate objects be racist?

>> No.9507055

Fun fact, on tests like the SAT and ACT on questions that have high cultural bias blacks score roughly equal to whites on them. It's questions that are highly G loaded that more blacks get wrong than whites.

>> No.9507060

what' up with this kind of rhetoric flowing out of /pol/ recently? it's very flat earth, 911 ''truther'' esque. like calling yourself a race ''realist''

>heh, deny it all you want, SHEEPLE, you're just denying the TRUTH and the REALITY that is REAL, go ahead and call me racist.

>> No.9507064

The kid who made the science fair project was a retard and it deserved to be taken down.

School policy isn't Science and the fact he included it in the project itself along with using a IQ test from the internet (they didn't even bother trying to go to a legit psychologist or college with psychology program to provide a official sample test) invalidates his project.

As someone who use to do teaching I would have given him a F and force them to redo it over again. Forget the blatant racism bait the student tried to pull. The two issues I stated above alone would be enough to flunk them for the project.

>> No.9507069

I find it difficult to believe you can produce a useful measure of "cultural bias" that isn't empirical. (and any empirical measure would by definition be correlated with black scores)

>> No.9507076

Let's suppose he hadn't tried to blend his project with opinions on school policy, and had used hard scientific evidence to support his argument. Do you think his project would have been left up in that case? I think that's the point OP is trying to get at.

>> No.9507078

Simple; end censorship.

>> No.9507079

I know this is bait, but if there is a real measured correlation, it is mere truth and incapable of racism. I know there are vested interests in keeping racial research locked up but it's ideologically motivated. Science is science.

>> No.9507081

We actually have a good amount of evidence in support of our statements. Much more than the other two examples you gave.

>> No.9507082

I wonder if these people believe what they say. Like okay the idea that the SAT's are going to have a grading scheme that includes bonus points to African Americans is just so retarded that not even the unironic /pol/ crowd believe it.

Fuck man this whole site was killed by the unironic racists moving in. It's kinda sad.

>> No.9507085

Not him, but don't suppose what other people are trying to get at. Don't assume more than what people do or say. Take it at face value. The face value of this being that OP is making another fucking race bait thread on /sci/ so he needs to fuck off

>> No.9507087

>this whole site was killed by the unironic racists moving in
I think the broader issue is most of the intelligent people from the founding generation moved on, now we're just left with the trash

>> No.9507090

Yeah that's true, OP definitely is shitposting. Nevertheless it is what his post is trying to get at.

>> No.9507093

can you provide evidence without actually just saying the word ''evidence'' and every synonyms of it?

>> No.9507094

There are black people who believe that Melanin grants intelligence and untold benefits. Those lacking it are therefore inferior.

Of course it just sounds silly when you say it the other way around right.

I know you're probly either a troll or a racist. But if by chance you're one of those people who thinks that believing this stuff is a commitment to truth then please do a little research. It's not hard to see why skin colour (which is 90% of what people usually mean by race) just cannot be in any way related to intelligence.

>> No.9507103

While you are right, and including those samples in his project was not scientific, that is common practice in High School stats classes. I am not joking. Even some colleges have kids do the exact same type of surveys and put them in projects.

That said, you are missing an even more important point. If you fail this kid, what are you doing to all the kids who put together even worse projects (probably 99% of kids at an inner city public school)? You may think you are standing on some scientific and rational high ground, but you are literally advocating to fail almost all students in almost all public schools without realizing it. Reality is a bitch.

>> No.9507104


If the kid had actually gone to a trained psychologist or psychology program to get an official sample test. Then properly created a sample group from voluntary students who had received parental approval (remember these are minors we're talking about here). Then put them into demographics by sex and race/ ethnic group. Provided the results and notate the results within a statistical basis and pointed out all the elements that influence IQ both environmental and genetic. They would have a hard time trying to justify taking his project down (assuming of course the school in question is public, if it's private they can do whatever they want).

Had the student done everything properly the only reason they could then justify it taking it down would be a question of if it's an attempt of a medical diagnosis by a non-certified/ trained individual.

>> No.9507108

You are basically wrong. This is what AA was before the supreme court stepped in in the early 90s. Colleges would literally have an objective point system based on SATs and grades. Blacks and hispanics would get bonus points for being blacks and hispanics. This is literally what AA was and what liberals want university admissions to work like. Blacks and hispanics get bonus points.

>> No.9507109

nice try lumping me in with flat earthers man, keep on fighting a good fight!

>> No.9507111

no because the other kids probably aren't making a false statement on an ongoing sensitive issue that has social implications about how people should be treated.

>> No.9507112


>If you fail this kid, what are you doing to all the kids who put together even worse projects (probably 99% of kids at an inner city public school)?

I telling all students to not include school policy in the science fair projects as the main focus of the subject matter they are demonstrating. No amount of mental gymnastics you could perform will be able to avoid that central fact. Using an IQ test from the internet I could let slide but to using school policy regardless of the subject matter you're doing isn't going to fly.

>> No.9507113

>no because the other kids probably aren't making a false statement on an ongoing sensitive issue that has social implications about how people should be treated.
So you have switched to just being an SJW hack. Cool. Just drop the BS about "science". You don't know anything about HS science education. That looks like an A project in an inner city school easily.

>taught in inner city schools

>> No.9507116

>I telling all students to not include school policy in the science fair projects as the main focus of the subject matter they are demonstrating. No amount of mental gymnastics you could perform will be able to avoid that central fact. Using an IQ test from the internet I could let slide but to using school policy regardless of the subject matter you're doing isn't going to fly.
So 99% of kids fail. Gotcha.

>> No.9507118


>> No.9507119

I actually don't have evidence saved on my phone, and I realize that puts me in a weak position. If you're interested, why not go ask that question on /pol/? Many Anons there can give good supported arguments for their positions.
I don't think sub-saharan Africans are a different subhuman species if thats what you mean by racist. Im in medical school and theres a black dude in some of my classes, so I know there are some smart black people out there, smart as me at least. However, I believe there's a significant genetically-linked difference in intelligence between black people and white people. Why does this matter... i.e. why do I care enough to post about it? Well, simply put, im a conspiracy theorist who believes mass migration from third-world countries is a way to weaken the more powerful countries allowing them to be taken over, or further taken-over then they already are anyway.

>> No.9507125


Yes, they will fail and they will redo their projects over again the right way.

>> No.9507129

To put things in perspective, this kid did actual background reading on the topic, formed an actual hypothesis, and actually pointed to other questions and research avenues. That is spectacular. Lower your "standards". They are not realistic at all.

>> No.9507144

yeah this pretty much has all the problems I thought it would, "cultural bias" is taken as the opinion of a bunch of psychologists rather than an empirical measure of how well people from black culture do on IQ tests. Cultural bias is not just about questions that require knowledge of Kwanzaa or are written in ebonics or something, there is a serious cultural influence on basic cognition because of education and cultural values. But maybe I'm redefining accepted terms here, the only point I'm trying to make is there are obvious environmental factors that are probably impossible to control for.

>> No.9507155


If the kid did all that then why did he not get an official sample test from a local hospital or college with a psychology program? Any background reading would have pointed out that a internet IQ test is not valid.

You're pointing out my standards aren't realistic but there are kids in this same country and age group doing science HS projects that can be compared to college thesis and being noticed by tech and industrial companies. Meanwhile all this kid would have had to done was call some medical practices and colleges and have their parent/ guardian drive them to pick it up. This is not hard and certainly grounded in realism compared to the outliers I brought up.

>> No.9507157

then again, if IQ tests were written by a guy who is used to western European environment, how come Koreans have higher scores on it on average?

>> No.9507160

because Koreans place a higher cultural value on education, they are culturally expected to be smart (and analytical)
not that genetics couldn't play a role, but you see how it is very difficult to separate

>> No.9507170

Don't forget that culture is usually heavily-related to the genetics of the people that have chosen it.

>> No.9507172

education doesn't matter when it comes to IQ tests, but i see where you are getting.
even so, people create culture, it's not something that came to being parallel with genetical influence. those two are heavily associated.

>> No.9507180

>education doesn't matter when it comes to IQ tests
this is easily disproven. take as an example the feral child Genie.
and sure culture may be related to geetics but it is a real stretch to push that correlation. just look at the disparate cultures that exist within Western Europe, I'd wager that most of culture is just chaotic (high dependence on initial conditions)

>> No.9507203

on an education largely based on standards of Western origin, you forgot to add.

>> No.9507320


Education has zero relevance in the IQ test they used for the official numbers.


You can give it to kids with autism, and it has no cultural bias.

>> No.9507455

>this is easily disproven.
IQ tests measure ability to abstractly analyze information. There is no cultural or educational bias to such ability - if you´re an airhead, you´re an airhead, no matter your cultural background.

>> No.9507463
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>> No.9507476

If we want to maximize the IQ of future generations shouldn't we exterminate everyone that is not Asian, whites included?

Whites are, on average, an entire standard deviation below Asians in intelligence. The gap between Asians and whites is about as larger or larger than the gap between whites and blacks.

The niggers need to go, but you have to go with them whitey.

>> No.9507548

We need to devise an intelligence test where Down syndrome sufferers score the same too! Its only fair!

>> No.9507551
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Spare High IQ Whites, Asians, Jews & Mutts.

Kill Low IQ Humans from all Human races.

>> No.9507560
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>>9506961 >>9507476
Daily reminder that Ashkenazi Jews have the Highest average IQ.

Which is correlated with the Brain Size

>> No.9507563

make it so only high iq humans have the right to breed while staying within the country
when you're low iq and you decide to breed you're forced to leave to africa or some other shithole

>> No.9507574

>this brain damaged kid is evidence that IQ and education are correlated

IQ always decreases with age after the brain has matured. Look it up, its a well documented fact. By your logic people become less educated after the age of 20. Education can help preserve brain function and will make your test score drop less, but not by much.

>> No.9507662

>literally no one denies it
what? yes they do. a significant portion of people think were all completely identical except for pigment

>> No.9507669

this, downies are equal>>they have the same IQ>>get them in medicine now!!11!!

>> No.9507706

s t _ a w - m _ n