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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9503966 No.9503966 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna be honest, I'm a legitimate scientist, but I almost wish the science community was more of a social community than a scientific one.

This will sound bizarre and garner a lot of hate, but one of my main reasons is that I think most peoples scientific work is awful and I would find it more interesting if we had a TMZ for Scientists and scientists kids.

Also more interactions between scientists and celebrities like this video.


What do you think about this and how would you feel if for example Neil Degrasse Tyson's son was made into a celebrity regularly appearing on TMZ?

>> No.9503971

>inb4 people will only care about looks instead of mathematical and scientific ability and it would ruin science.

I believe science is already in a fairly shitty state and would find a TMZ for scientists more interesting. Discrimination based on looks isn't fair though.

>> No.9503980

Most Good Scientists will be livid and quit science.

>> No.9503982

that sounds extremely difficult and fraught with pop sci danger
i think the problem is once you're deep enough into true science it becomes really hard to communicate what you do and why it's important to "normal people", who have more then enough intellectual capacity to get to the same point as that scientist but no interest to drop who knows how many years into EXTREMELY specialized research.

this is just a consequence of hyper specialization and limited memory capacity and limited time by the general populace. people got stuff to do

>that said if there was a general undercurrent of "if this guy went to school for this subject for 10 years he probably knows more than me on it", and stuff like climate change denial and anti vaxxers didn't exist, things would be a shitload better

>> No.9503990

Absolutely not

>> No.9503991

this is super lame man

>> No.9503995

Its better scientists aren't famous, everyone is going to think they understand quantum physics and if people like Neil Degrasse Tyson's son was famous, can you imagine how much further the non-sense would stretch further? People would say "Yeah, my dad is a university assistant, I'm pretty much an expert in quantum field theory". It would be the worst thing anyone ever saw.

>> No.9504003

then they're not good scientist if they're willing to quite science over some trivial bs

>> No.9504008

I will however say, I know another scientist who believes 99% of mainstream science research (even at MIT) is so trash that if this was done, nothing of value would be lost, but its a bit similar to when people say /sci/ is worthless trash, Go to /b/ for 2 days or go to /pol/ for 2 days and tell me that /sci/ is worthless trash. You will admit it was better than nothing and damn sure better than those 2 shit holes.

>> No.9504018

who cares if normal people think they know science, it doesn't bother me the slightest to correct people. I actually enjoy having someone to talk to about the things I'm doing and whats goes on in my head, even if they think they know stuff my opinion is more important cause I actually have a degree in science

>> No.9504019

You don't know what you have until its gone, however 4chan is generally terrible.

>> No.9504156

I see what you mean OP, but at the same time, as soon as this actually happened and idiots who were just interested in the fame and status began laughing at actual scientists because they weren't attractive or good socially enough, You would be very upset. I would be and anyone should be.

>> No.9504238

You're the type of retard that thinks psychology is a science

>> No.9504272


I agree that its important to brainstorm and bounce ideas off of other people now and then. Even if some of it is ridiculous or stupid sometimes, and its true that you learn more by teaching others and if you cant explain it you dont understand it.

A lot of subjects can be explained in laymens terms for the actual practical application of the subject I think. A lot of subjects are needlessly overcomplicated and I suppose its necessary that people understand those details... Just not everybody.

Id apreciate the overview, and I have from the scientists able to explain things and interact in the public eye. Thats definitely something to encourage.

How much more are kids going to need to have an understanding of in coming decades...

Should it be the primary goal of scientists, or should they be forced into it fuck no. Let the aspies and antisocials do their thing, and let those who are mildly narcissistic do theirs.

>> No.9504612

It is a social community. Petty rivalries and cronyism play out in editorial review and even extend to a scientist's research assistants, like treating a graduate student like shit just because you don't like their advisor.

Any increased coverage would focus on these rivalries or whatever shitty ideas (intelligent design, politics, climate science) they have about things they have no expertise in, since controversy generates more clickbait than anything. I don't know what you hope to gain by giving a bunch of maladapted nerds a spotlight.

>> No.9504623

>tfw you trolled sci with this same bitch months ago

>> No.9504635
File: 20 KB, 711x450, brillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should all watch her speeches. They are excellent, and she has given several. What an amazing invention!