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9498887 No.9498887 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people triggered if you don't vaccinate your kids? Shouldn't it be a free market. If you believe in vaccination, then by definition you and your kids are immune to the disease. Why bother nosing into other people's business, I don't understand

>> No.9498923

Herd Immunity.

Look it up.

>> No.9498944
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But if you're vaccinated you should be like almsot immune pretty much right?
I smell jew.

>> No.9498955

I always forget every year

>> No.9498962

Because viruses change over time. They evolve.

Lets say there are 10,000 people in a town. If all 10,000 get immunized, the disease can't infect anybody that year and is gone forever. Next year, nobody gets the disease.

Now, lets imagine 100 people in that town are "antivaxers". Some small number of the people that didn't get vaccines will get the disease, so you end up with ~10 people that are infected. The disease grows and changes randomly inside their bodies, evolving with random mutations. In one of their bodies, the disease mutates so that it is not blocked by the vaccine any more. Next year, thousands of people are infected by the disease that evolved to avoid the vaccine.

This is the reason why EVERYBODY getting the vaccine is important. If you're not immune, you are a stage for disease to mutate.

>> No.9498963
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Wow you guys are retarded you want people vaccinated because single celled organisms like bacteria and viruses evolve rapidly and every non-vaccinated person is a testing ground for new breeds of these organisms to make the jump. Every person walking around not vaccinated is basically helping bacteria beta test the next pathogen.

>> No.9498967

But vaccines aren't perfect
IRL if all 10000 people got vaccinated some would still get sick anyway

>> No.9498974

>Implying it leaves forever.
>Implying that people aren't forcefully mutating these viruses.
Next time I'd advise you to sniff a vaccine lets see how that works out for you.

>> No.9498975

Or what about humans keep evolving too just like we already did for millons of years without the need of vaccines?

>> No.9498976

Gotta____fast. Sanjew.

>> No.9498979

viruses evolve faster and for those millions of years there were relatively few humans all spaced out, transmission rates were lower

>> No.9498983

The point is that modern medicine put us in a extremely fragile position. Antibiotics,vaccines,etc will make our inmune system weaker by lack of natural selection, making us entirely dependent of medicine and therefore the medical industry.

>> No.9498985
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>Implying that they want the population to steadily increase rather than steadily decrease.

>> No.9498991
File: 84 KB, 700x529, Приседание водки.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all cons in the long term.
>Pros for them

>> No.9498993

please be bait

>> No.9499018

Because most people think kids shouldn't die just because their parents are fucking morons.

>> No.9499020

This is probably a ruse, but some people can't get vaccinated, like infants.

>> No.9499022

>Antibiotics,vaccines,etc will make our inmune system weaker by lack of natural selection, making us entirely dependent of medicine and therefore the medical industry.

>> No.9499028

>Why bother nosing into other people's business, I don't understand
A lot of people can't get the vaccine. Infants, or people who are allergic to it's ingredients. Everyone who is able to be vaccinated but chooses not to puts them at risk.

>> No.9499029

Yeah and for millions of years millions of people died steadily.

>> No.9499030

>If you believe in vaccination,
Not "beveling" in vaccination is like not beveling in algebra.
>please be bait
I'm hoping it's a new style of /pol/ containment thread.

>> No.9499031

Every individual not vaccinated represents a risk and cost to the majority. Your personal liberty is not greater than public safety generally speaking.

>> No.9499037
File: 57 KB, 524x772, CLMVEuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people triggered if you don't vaccinate your kids?
For the same reason they don't want to see you beating them.
Just because you're responsible for the little rug monkeys doesn't mean you're allowed to harm them.
What if you decide to stop feeding them?
"I don't believe in food"

>> No.9499120

maybe we'll lose some potential benefits of selection pressure on our genes but our immune systems will be better trained by vaccines
idk if that's passed on epigenetically

>> No.9499128
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>Implying that beating your kid is bad.
>You're literally implying that you shouldn't be allowed to raise your kids however you want.
"I don't believe in a bad diet"
"I don't believe mind control"
"I don't believe in bad people"

>"I believe others want the best benefits for me and my family"

>> No.9499131

Yeah dude, kids aren't property

>> No.9499135
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>They're parents property
>pretty much the moms property

>> No.9499137


But how do you exactly whats in the vaccine they are injecting you? What if they want to test something? What about nanotechnology? How do you scientifically prove me that im just getting the vaccine and nothing else.

>> No.9499142
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Becuase you "can't" manipulate data.

>> No.9499152

Because they would have to follow up with you if they're doing an experiment
Unless the vaccine people are watching you all the time

>> No.9499159

If you vaccinate a whole population you could make statistics before and after to whatever effect you want to test

>> No.9499167

how do you know what effect there is?
you would have to actively survey a sample of the people you vaccinated
then it would be consentual

>> No.9499183

Because without adequate vaccination you are actively making the living space of the healthy and vaccinated, dirtier and diseased.

>> No.9499194

Herd Immunity.Look it up.

You didn't fucking look it up.

>> No.9499262

>Hey if you dont get vaccined you will infect those vaccined

Whats the point of vaccines if they dont help you against non vaccined people? Sounds like a jew trick. Make better vaccines then