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/sci/ - Science & Math

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949314 No.949314 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning, and welcome to the 4chan space agency! Thanks to an enormous mistake, we've been given a huge amount of funding from the government originally intended to help starving orphans in far-off countries. Instead, we're going to put that money to good use.

So, what in space are we going to explore? Are we just sticking satellites up, or are we looking to the long-haul trips to Mars, Venus, Jupiter or even Alpha Centauri?

We'll also need to buy a spaceship or several too. And a launch site. Isn't misappropriation of funds *exciting*?

>> No.949337
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How about a missile silo for a base? They're dead cheap, only about $40,000.

>> No.949336

Can i have 700bil?

>> No.949341

First of all we need a cheap way to get into space.

Start perfecting the design of the Sea Dragon (See: Wikipedia) and the Super Nexus (Fuck Greenpeace). Also make a commite (lolol) to see how feasible the Lofstrom Loop is. If it can be done, get the funding, start building.

Also fund a nanotech department, start working on Carbon Nanotubes to perfect the Space Elevator project.

>> No.949352

I think we should use a railgun space ship set up, like the nazis had.

>> No.949362

We need to put all our money in REAL physics and REAL science.

Only by using our money in useful reasearch we will be able to gain useful technology.

Fusion technology is PRIO #1. Without doubt.

Anyone not agreeing with me on this, deserves to get split vertically with a katana from the head trough the torso.

>> No.949366

ITT: Loaded satire samefagged repeatedly.

>> No.949368

Everything takes energy.

Fusion will solve all our energy problems.

>> No.949371
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Hell's bells, that's a big rocket.

I'm putting my vote in for one of these, though. Don't you just love the Deltaglider?

>> No.949372



>> No.949374

failtroll fails, this is my second post in this thread.

>> No.949381
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>> No.949407


Everyone loves the deltaglider, if only you could make it bigger... Oh wait, the X-33

>> No.949424

How about a Sea Dragon, with a Deltaglider on top?

>> No.949430

How the fuck much money do we have!?!?!?!

>> No.949445
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>> No.949463
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Oh look the Dynasoar.

>> No.949472
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Another one.

>> No.949474
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And a picture of me playing Orbiter to break up the tension :3

>> No.949482
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Bussard Ramjet

Alien felinoids, here I come.

>> No.949500
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>> No.949504

I saw a nice-ass grain silo on craigslist for free, all you have to do is dismantle it and transport it

>> No.949514

Also we're gonna need some probes sent to the Heliopause, to get the interstellar weather report. And see how many brown dwarves are actually out there. Who knows, a ship might hit one.

>> No.949517

Well that answers that.

>> No.949525
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An intersting alternative to Vernier: A gyro ship

>> No.949539
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As much as we need, as long as we lie that it's going towards orphans. Sod the orphans, I want Bussard ramjets.

<------- The low-budget option.

>> No.949594


I think winged designs are sort of stupid, unless they're shuttles. Other than that, anything LEO or higher shouldn't have wings.
Also, lets annex the moon.

>> No.949621

X-33 was abandoned.

>> No.949625

I say we buy the tallest mountain we can find on the equator and build a maglev launch rail up the side of it so we can save in fuel costs, maybe even be competitive commercially. Then we proceed to launch a massive network of free, uncensored internet satellites, a few kinetic kill weapons in case someone starts getting trigger happy, and as many hubble/webb clones as we can have built. In like 20 years I expect a deepfield view of 100% of the night sky, total worldwide freedom of information, and global peace enforced by the threat of orbital bombardment.

>> No.949629


>but Lockheed Martin has continued further testing, and has had successes as recently as 2009.[citation needed]

>> No.949643
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I tihnk we could do with a few shuttles at least. How about some retro-stylings?

>> No.949657

Like it said citation needed. Even if they continue to further research it, it will take a huge amount of time especially with the tests it has to go through and inspection from NASA to deem if it is flight ready. And finally governmental funds from the U.S. to whether or not support the project.

>> No.949821


>> No.949848
File: 40 KB, 500x279, tumblr_kvp2ocQCFS1qa8nfxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all thinking too small scale - we need the Venture Star

>> No.949854

We are going to need a set of wheels to get to Pandora before we can build the Venture Star.

>> No.949869


Resident expert on the Venturestar here.

You need an Asimov Array to get that much antimatter, we can either wait 10 or 20 years for the self-replicating nanorobots to become avilable, or simply send slaves to the Moon!

>> No.949870


Forgot my tripcode-.

>> No.949895

even thats too small i want a massive ship larger than the solar system with space bent into a hull, powered by black holes and fueld by stars, its life support system will be entire planets orbiting a star in this we can confidently sail the cosmos

>> No.949926
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i see what you did there

>> No.949937
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i see you seeing what he did there

>> No.949963

someone should shoop a drumstick into his hand

>> No.949970

That would be tough. Perhaps a KFC bucket would be better, or a piece of watermelon.

>> No.950266

I'm confused - why do we need to send slaves to the moon to make antimatter?

>> No.950474

Its not going to mine itself.

>> No.950505

please tell me

>> No.951991

Bump for justice.

>> No.952021
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We should build something like this.

But instead of remass every tank carries space marines.


>> No.952063

This. also send billionaires into space for millions. Commercial spaceflight is ftw.

Also, annex the moon. Install a missile system

>> No.952477

I do beleive we should probably get some spaceships to establish a perimeter around jupiter. Dont want any monoliths making my jupiter into the second sun for the europans...

>> No.952630

would someone be so kind as to explain?

>> No.952647

we can't launch a rocket on miracles

>> No.952727



>> No.954684

Bump for justice II: The Revenge