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9488116 No.9488116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>IQ only 126
>will never discover something amazing and revolutionary
>will never make the world better with amazing new ideas
>will never write a great masterwork of art
why even live my dude

>> No.9488120

>why even live my dude
you dont have to

>> No.9488132

i know i am suicidal and have attempted before

>> No.9488151

it's not that you're stupid, it's that you're lazy. most nobel laureates aren't earth-shattering geniuses, they're just disciplined smart guys who get maybe one good idea in their whole life

>> No.9488161

Yeah, stop using a relatively low IQ as an excuse to slack off. Stop being a lazy pos and push yourslef.
Easy as that.
remember that practice doesn't make perfect,
practice makes habit. This means that you can form bad habits just as easily as you can form good habits.
Get your shit together and your work will reflect it

>> No.9488162

you really think i have a shot i thought i never really had a chance

>> No.9488166

I apologize for that brainlet tier spelling. I just got a new keyboard

>> No.9488169

well it's pretty fucking difficult to not be lazy, but you're sure as shit not gonna accomplish it by spending all your time jerking off and yapping about offing yourself

>> No.9488187

well you know why set yourself up for failure. if there is a cap why try. like if a job requires a degree and i don't have one why sign up

>> No.9488214

oh for fuck sakes just kill yourself if you're going to be that defeatist. I fucking hate my life but I still chug through it because maybe MAYBE there's a fucking chance that I'll end up happy after all this shit. If you think that's inevitable then you're right about not trying. So off yourself or try those are your choices. Complaining and doing nothing about it is just fucking annoying no one wants to hear it.

>> No.9488247

>who get maybe one good idea in their whole life
the trick is you don't even need a good idea
mostly, people don't publish "ideas", they just talk about them in conferences or between colleagues
most of the time, when a research program starts, it's to study an idea that has already been floating around for a long time, and now the time/technology is right to test that idea

so really it's mostly about having flair as to what to pick as your research, abundant social contacts in the scientific community to hear of those ideas, and then actually doing the work

And yeah you're probably right. I've met Peter Grünberg, and he didn't strike me as a Hawking-type superhuman being, just a good scientist who worked hard.

>> No.9488296

First of all, don’t relate creative intelligence to some iq score you probably got off the internet. Art is subjective, so anyone has the potential to make a great piece of work because anything can be art. Think of all the great artists and geniuses of their times who were shunned away because people asserted they were insane or stupid. Second, high iq doesn’t mean that you’re going to necessarily do something with that intelligence. It’s all about putting what you have into practice and not judging your abilities on a number. Do you think people with high intelligence go “Oh I’m not (blank) iq so that means I’ll never do this.” They don’t, it’s not productive and it leads them into depressive states. Thirdly, live because you can. There’s no point in hastening death, and if you do that just means less experiences on your part. As someone who used to be suicidal, I reasoned that I might as well live if I’m just going to end up in the same position anyways. Plus, it’s much nicer to picture being old and dying than being some young kid leaving the burden of their death on their parents.

That’s my two cents. Take it or leave it.

>> No.9488308 [DELETED] 

>leaving the burden of their death on their parents.
Parents burden their offspring with life though, which is frequently an unforgivable crime

>> No.9488316
File: 37 KB, 703x376, bellcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

126 is really high
most people who are actually remembered are probably lower

>> No.9488350

considering sports athletes are more well known and remembered that geniuses the level of archimedes or grothendieck are, yep you are correct.

>> No.9488365

A lot of scientists are just above 120.
IQ is quite overrated, especially in english speaking countries.

>> No.9488378

Iktf, that's why I'm studying CS now

>> No.9488398

>>IQ only 126
It's probably much lower if you are serious

>> No.9488672
File: 186 KB, 1239x795, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, it's time to kill yourself. You can do it for a little over $100. You know it's the right thing to do. You won't be a burden on your family anymore, and you won't be taking up valuable resources that could go to others who will contribute much more than you ever could. Human life has no inherent value, one creates value through their actions and you know you won't do or create anything of value. The world will go on and you won't even register, in a few years, fewer than you might think, it will be as if you had never existed. And on a personal level, what have you got to live for anyway? Your life ended before it even begun. You will never be happy except for fleeting rushes of dopamine which might momentarily convince your little monkey-brain there is a point in carrying on. The only true bliss exists in the long sleep of death. Doesn't that sound nice? No more worries or stress, just darkness. Aren't you happiest when you're sleeping anyway? You know that any argument you could generate against your inevitable suicide is a sick rationalization by your feeble biology attempting to cling to its fleshy prison. But I believe in you, OP. I know that you can do the right thing.

>> No.9488688

Ive got a pretty good brain, 4chan.

What should I be using it on?

I just don't see any endeavor being worth it

>> No.9488706

You should be using it on plotting your suicide.

>> No.9488719

i decide its not worth it either

>> No.9488765

>be Feynman
>IQ 125

>> No.9488772

The average IQ of a president is 130 so you are still up there so congrats!
I don't know my IQ but I honestly dont care about it