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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9487588 No.9487588 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here you imbeciles. Now tell me what you know. I request the best only. Trash will get burned because it burns my soul from inside and out. Most of you are fucking inbreed cavemen.

Ill tell what i know. I tought this. We have somehow stagnated. We have filled every hole soon. We have fucking been to the moon and then back. And thats seventy year ago ffs. And what have happend. We became more. In stupid numbers too. And we have done fucking everything since. And it's just rediculous many more morons now than then. Stupid breeds with stupid and create even stupider and so on. Intelligent stopped breeding. Wich in return turns society into a really annoying place for the intelligent. It's unliveable lenghts. Society is trash. We got stupid in every authority even presidents. That's crazy. Fucks the system top to down and vica versa. Theres soon no one smart enough that got a plan to save us.

Democracy is a bad system, but it is the best we have. It's pure based on coincidents wich can and cannot be predictable. Theres just no straight line. And someone once said the highest level of communism is democracy. Im not saying go back to anarchy and hierarcy. But jeeze it's messed up now. Fucking niggers everywhere breeding and fucking around like wackoo wack germ attack. Im not saying rap is shit and tupac weren't brilliant either. Im not over seventy and mad as shit for kids playing outside my window either saying trick or treat once year while i scare the living hell out of them with a shotgun either. Im down to two choises to make the world better. Trying to be holistic. Be a scientist and invent and create ideas. Or be a politician and rule us back to when Africa were Utopia. Like the lion king.

>> No.9487600
File: 431 KB, 640x640, OfPolymaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sincerly west is the best. Keep it real!

>> No.9487627
File: 281 KB, 600x437, HappyDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And thats seventy year ago ffs. And what have happend.
waiting for the son

>And someone once said the highest level of communism is democracy
The highest level of everything is a dictatorship. Should there be a public dictatorship or a secret one?

>> No.9487639

As long as i could fap on my own premisis and don't have to work i would say ok to that. Or we may aswell live in idiocracy like we do.

>> No.9489767

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