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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9484028 No.9484028 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9484037

Everyone here already knows about him. You don't have to link his wiki page.

>> No.9484039

1. be mega autistic
2. solve millennium prize problem
3. decline fields and the prize money
4. sever ties with all your colleagues
5. go live with your sick mother
6. have the state give you an offer to treat your sick mother
7. decline because you need to prove some autistic point about ultra asceticism

>> No.9484048

>>9484039 I wanna be mega autistic. How hard is it to get to make a living doing research in mathematics/physics ? And is it truly fun ?

>> No.9484080


find me a picture of someone in academia that doesn't look like an agonized soul and can hold a passable smile

>> No.9484085

I don't know, thinking about problems that have real life application seems pretty fun especially in comparison with other jobs.

>> No.9484169

go do those real life applications directly

>> No.9484340

His mother believed that being a mathematician was an extremely honourable title to have in society and she was a research mathematician herself, his sister was also pushed to study mathematics and is a mathematician too.

So basically he was going to be a successful mathematician from the day he was conceived.

>> No.9484381

I'd rather be Richard Hamilton, no offense to Mr. Perelman.

>> No.9484390
File: 154 KB, 1012x768, Misha_Verbitsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verbitsky > Perelman

>> No.9485245

But the hours dedicated required...

>> No.9485250
File: 91 KB, 800x568, Richard_Hamilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously, he's the chad mathematician

>> No.9485283

Is that Bruce Springsteen?

>> No.9485427

>Step One
Leave 4chan Forever
>Step Two
Work on math really hard every day for years
>Step Three
>Step 4

>> No.9486890

1.dedicate your entire life to one specific topic of a field.
2.think about nothing but that topic, consider yourself a monk, and any other thoughts are heresy
3.do that every day 15 hours a day with zero social contact or other obligations for 15-20 years