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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 800x400, iq-chart-10-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9482868 No.9482868 [Reply] [Original]

Long time lurker, have only posted a few times over the last 10ish years.

One thing I've noticed about /sci/ is that IQ gets mentioned quite frequently (going through most of the threads right now almost all of them mention it) yet no one really seems to have a working definition for it, eg. if its genetic or not, how to actually increase it, if its even possible to increase it, ect.

My question is fairly specific. My mom has a tested IQ of 162 and gravitated towards music rather than any of the sciences. Her brother is a government contracted chemist and also seems insanely smart, though has never taken an IQ test. They both are high IQ, yet one expressed it very differently than the other.

Now, my mom is also emotionally dysfunctional and was abused most of her life, causing her to become white trash in her later stages of life.

What this means is she didn't push education on my brothers or I, and I grew up in poverty for most of my life until I was able to escape it by working construction at the tender age of 15. I dropped out of highschool and got my GED and enrolled in a community college when I was 20 and am now 30 with a philosophy degree ( I am aware this is a meme degree, but it helped me understand the world and not be such an angry individual) and am back in school working on my BS in biochem so I can go to med school. My GPA has steadily risen since I first started attending school and there is a positive linear relationship correlating to the amount of time I've spent there. I ended my associates degree with a 2.3, my philosophy degree with a 2.9, and now have a 3.6 working towards biochem. What is the likely hood that my mom's IQ was passed down to me and would my success in school indicate that?

tl;dr my mom has a very high iq but was a lazy drug addict later in her life, did that fuck my iq or did genetics save me?

random pic from google images

>> No.9482884

Well first off, you're posting on /sci/ sounding extremely nervous and uncertain
That's always a reassuring indicator of your well being

You should just go take an IQ test. Yes, IQ is passed down often, but this is irrelevant. All that's relevant now is that you just take the test and see where you stand. The rest of this information you've given is completely unnecessary.

>> No.9482892

I'm scared to take one because if I score less than my mom who I don't respect due to her shitty life choices it would probably devastate me. You're probably right though, I'm definitely being a pussy.

>> No.9482905

Past 100 iq, I think emotional stability matters far more.

>> No.9482911

your mom sounds like a regular white trash nutter who found her iq in a facebook quiz that has like 5 questions.
also, turning coke and baking soda into crack does not make you a chemist

>> No.9482913

You are a fool. Unless your IQ is .5% it is irrelevant anyway. Yes, you will do a bit better in school. Yes you may do better in business.

But if your IQ isn't in the .5%, you know what matters even more? Temperment. So why don't you just grow a pair, take the test, see where you stand, and just go about your life okay? Health is everything. When you're in a hospital not sure if you'll live or die, you'll realize all you really want out of life is to keep living and seeing tomorrow.

>> No.9482921

She went to Juliard on a full scholarship as a flutest and I've seen the IQ test results. It would be easier to stomach if you were right though and would explain things better.

>> No.9482927

Calculate your average reaction time after 20 tries and I will give you your IQ.


>> No.9482934

.157 seconds

>> No.9482938

Stop caring about IQ anon
You aren't one of the people working the front field anyway and that's fine. It just means you can stop worrying and live your life.

>> No.9482940


>> No.9483051

According to that metric, I would have an IQ of 60. Time to drop that masters program and pursue my dreams at McUniversity.

>> No.9483073

>simple reaction time = IQ

>> No.9483092

You doing it on your phone? if not then yes it's perhaps time for you to drop the masters in pajeet studies.

>> No.9483159

Several studies have found differences between races in average reaction times. These studies have generally found that reaction times among black, Asian and white children follow the same pattern as IQ scores


>> No.9483185

>Now, my mom is also emotionally dysfunctional and was abused most of her life, causing her to become white trash

Please don't say this about anyone of any race especially not because they were abused. How the hell would you feel if you were abused and I called you trash because of it.

>> No.9483225

> proposed r=.4 under ideal conditions, lessened to .2 for certain studies and occasionally is 0.

Seems like there is a problem with consistency compared to more colloquial methods.

>> No.9483348
File: 56 KB, 800x450, redneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iq is a meme. forget about it, as long as you arent a knuckledragging trump voter youre capable to do about anything if you work at it diligently. dont let the retards on this board psych you out over this bullshit

>> No.9483386

>race iq
Not science

>> No.9483395


>> No.9483401

>data confirms it but it doesn't fit in my ideology
if you see a nigger and a white guy, chances are the white guy is gonna be smarter

masturbate over semantics all day if you wish, that's just the facts

>> No.9483404

>youre capable to do about anything if you work at it diligently
Wrong, but the things you're not capable of likely won't interest you anyway if you have a average IQ

>> No.9483866

t. Low IQ

>> No.9483945

How does someone measure an IQ if they are mentally ill.

Specifically Schizo-effective disorder with a bipolar sub-type. Also I took it and never got a score, because of that reason. I'm assuming I got a low score but, could Miclonic Epilepsy screw the results of the test as well?

>> No.9484111
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well, the same way a person with a regular brain would take the test. I would like to say that the test is bull shit. I have Aspergers also but I don't have records of it because it wasn't given to me by my current medical provider (so you'll have to take my word for it. I scored a 160 on the WAIS (max score on an SD of 15) and I'll go ever how I did it.

>be me
>be a smart ass
>be asked to do stupid tasks and be clever about it
>block design (look it up) focus on one block at a time don't look at the big picture and you'll get a perfect score
>be asked how two objects are the same and just list how the two things are both not green or they both aren't blue they both haven't been in space or they both take up mass in the universe or they are both made of matter (answer the questions like a cunt).
>be asked to repeat large number strands use a phonetic system or associate numbers with certain things like area codes your gf's number or other shit. you should also use your fingers to remember the first few digits. like, make a spoc sign on your first sign to remember two repeating twos. these are all pretty much allowed.

As I have pretty much said be a smart ass little cunt like me and you'll be accepted into Mensa in no time. BTW from my experience, Mensa is an assembly of faggots who like to blow their own cocks. there are other tasks you have to do in the test but they all have an ability to be manipulated.

>> No.9484201
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Which websites can allow me to take a legitimate IQ test? I'm interested in taking one but there are so many fraud sites out there.

>> No.9484268

The circuits that come up with ideas are different from the circuits that act out ideas.

For instance, you can *think* about the idea of running without your whole body suddenly trying to run.

And because these circuits are separate from each other, sometimes they can be too separate from each other. You are able to think and come up with great ideas and great ways of improving your life. But when it comes to firing the actual motor neurons that move your body and act out your ideas, you're unable to connect the two circuits. So it's not the same, and the ability to have intellectual and creative ideas is completely different from living a good life.

I know someone with Schizo-effective disorder, and they got a 168 on an IQ test. Interestingly though, the dude is a total NEET loser with no life.

>> No.9484275

It was a worthless placement test developed by the French for kindergarten students. Why anybody takes it seriously is beyond me

>> No.9484282

"Indeed, much of the opposition to IQ testing and heritability would probably disappear if it were not for the stubborn and unwelcome fact
that, despite extensive well-funded programs of intervention, the Black-White difference refuses to go quietly into the night."

CITATION: http://philipperushton.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Review-of-Arthur-Robert-Jensens-The-g-Factor-The-Science-of-Mental-Ability-1998-by-John-Philippe-Rushton.pdf
Number of times cited: 3,056

>now kys

>> No.9484294

IQ is 75% heritable. If the man she fucked is also of high-IQ, chances are you will be very high IQ as well. If he's of average IQ, you've still got a reasonable chance of having a high IQ.

>> No.9484296

I'd easily agree if you said "past 120 IQ", but it seems more up in the air around there. They're both important for normal people.

>> No.9484301

210. Way closer to the mean than my IQ.
Some Correlation != Accurate Correlation != Causation. Someone who plays videogames for 8 hours a day is going to do better than someone who spends their free time fucking and playing sports.

>> No.9484308

Your IQ would be 127 with 210ms

>> No.9484313

Are you just converting percentiles or do you have some sensible methodology for this?
WAIS gives me 150.

>> No.9484322


Could be your computer though and the correlation is only moderate.

>> No.9484593

I have a tested IQ of 79...
They wanted to check if I was eligible for government bux (Netherlands) but I wasn't.

>> No.9484649

GPA is no indication of IQ. Any moron can get straight As if they are willing to put in the necessary effort. A high IQ(150+) individual will get straight As with little to no effort.

>> No.9484950

This. Aced every test, got B's because I didn't do homework.

>> No.9484959

Zero likelyhood, IQ is not genetic, it's a meaningless statistic. Like a meyer's-briggs test. There is no genetic basis for IQ. That's like asking which genes control your horoscope.

It's a test people put way too much confidence in. It's completely meaningless.

>> No.9485012
File: 9 KB, 241x197, 1509007213688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> IQ is not genetic, it's a meaningless statistic.

>> No.9485442

>make test with hard math problems
>smart people, by definition, are smart enough to figure them out
>dumb people aren't smart enough to figure them out
Anon, I think you threw all common sense out the window

>> No.9485560

>IQ is 75% heritable.
It's not. It's 50%. Fuck off with this meme.

>> No.9486441

>iq 115
>seriously and honestly considering suicide because unable to create, contribute or learn in any meaningful capacity

>> No.9486447


>> No.9486456

an IQ of 80 then. i will wear it as a badge of honor.

>> No.9486477
File: 29 KB, 674x210, heritability of iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These results have been replicated many times.

>> No.9486497

>IQ of 155
>Smart enough to know IQ is a dick measuring stick for people with small dicks.
Your failures are the product of your own complacency, not your IQ.

>> No.9487147

Sauce please.

>> No.9487268

How do you measure this?
No such thing.

>> No.9487269

Yet, iq is still not science.

>> No.9489034
File: 88 KB, 1496x638, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 7.25.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you're a genius in verbal memory

>> No.9489610

>Several studies
Made at the Flat Earth Academy, the finest source about science.

>> No.9489674

Even though there are variations between races there is even higher variation within a given race, so what you said is patently false you scientifically illiterate moron.

>> No.9489745

it's funny how we all have our short coming in visual memory.

I scored
14 digits
206 ms
96 points (can't believe u got +150 holy fuck)

I always believed myself to be bad at memory vision, but I scored quite high back in the days, where "ninentdo DS brain training" was at thing. Always the highest or second highest, had a brilliant mate as well. Now albeit I have stopped training this ability, I think generally people don't train this, so I must indeed I must be by nature worse off, in this spectrum.

Maybe /sci/ in general has this common lack. That would be quite interesting.

>> No.9490233
File: 31 KB, 837x347, hb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this is fun

>> No.9490739
File: 24 KB, 729x301, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I should have been a lawyer instead...

t. non-native speaker

>> No.9496330

Easy fix faggot, increase the intelligence of the people around you.

>> No.9496659

You're clearly in living denial. At this point there are just too many studies showing the correlation between IQ and success.
Believeing IQ is meaningless is on the same level as believing the earth is flat.

>> No.9496675

>t. non-native speaker
Well, I scored 213 last time on this verbal test as a non-native speaker. There was an overwhelming number of words I saw for the first time (at least in English) so I just had to recall whether I had seen this word before

>> No.9496718


Wouldn't that be below average? Or does that just sound bad?

>> No.9496817

Yeah the language should't have that big of an impact, but had the test been in say, German, which I don't speak, my score would likely have been lower.

>> No.9496891

Genetics give you potential but you have to learn to use it. Seems you've done that. Good job.

>> No.9496970

Please be a troll, and please go back to plebbit. We really don't want that level of stupidity on /sci/

>> No.9496988

You're the scientifically illiterate moron, I'm afraid. If you have two convex sets, a random point from their union will always be closer to the center of its own set on expectation, i.e., the average similarity between two random whites will be greater than that of between a random black and a random white.

They actually teach you this stuff in places where real science is still taught.

>> No.9497041

Dont worry about it, your mom proves that education is only something brainlets consider meaningful.

Ive got a 140 IQ friend who just works tech support (for a software company with huge clients), its comfy, he answers the phone a few times a day and watches movies.

Academia is really more for the mid range IQ people, to make them useful. Conformity and teamwork are important in academia and the truly intelligent are often not able to function this way because compared to them almost everyone else is painfully retarded.

Imagine the frustration of just trying to explain things but your peers have no ability to infer or understand the references you are making, and you are constantly wondering if you should explain certain obvious concepts better?

Its better to let people of similar intelligence work together, this means the truly genius are almost always loners.

If we didnt push education like we did and let people just kind of wander in out of their own interest rather than because we said they had to there would be more smarter people in academia. By pushing the idea that everyone who can, should, we just make it impossible.

In the end it probably works out for the better in the long run. Anyone with an IQ over 120 is smart enough. Let people like your mom play music, music is very important anon, if you do not understand music you really dont understand anything. Its part of the quadrivium after all.

>> No.9497077
File: 44 KB, 779x335, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 8.18.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always suspected myself to be on the lower end of the IQ distributions spectrum. Looks like with good reason.

>> No.9497082

>373 ms reaction time
Jesus. Are you allowed to drive?

>> No.9497100
File: 63 KB, 686x350, kentucky-go-kart-racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to drive and have only ever done it on one of those kids driving corses. My excuse is i've been inactive for so long that i've developed psychomotor retardation, i hear depression plays a part in that or i'm autistic and thus have psychomotor retardation, although i don't believe i've always had it.

>> No.9497166

computer setup can have a big impact on your reaction time. I wouldnt trust this reaction test, since im averaging about 225 on a high end desktop when i averaged ~190 few years back on a real world setup. My friend had even lower

>> No.9497215
File: 20 KB, 396x368, Photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My IQ is was rated 87, But guess WHAT it doesnt matter, i read this thread and see how much smarter I am than most of you. Science is a meme, trades is where the money is dumbos

hahahahhhaa , you guys are so stupid. Im laughing tight now. Get a job losers

>> No.9497337

Your reflexes worsen as you age. That could also be a factor.

>> No.9498922
File: 390 KB, 1132x454, acac2f413a80be75fef06d24aca5b97e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best podcast I've ever listened to on IQ

>> No.9498973

People who use the word "lazy" to describe themselves or others are typically morons, so I don't have high hopes for you OP. You mentioned that your mom was abused most of her life but then still went on to deride her for so-called "laziness" and drug addiction, as though her """"choices"""" aren't perfectly in line with her experiences as a person.

There's no such thing as laziness. It's a term beloved by lucky people because it allows them to pretend they've earned their "accomplishments" relative to unlucky people.

>> No.9499179

It's dumb to do it via computer tho, the refresh rate of your monitor affects the test

>> No.9499432
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