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9479818 No.9479818 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans hate academics and the government so much, when they're both responsible for some of the greatest advancements in technology?

>> No.9479960
File: 56 KB, 800x450, redneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short answer: egoism.

Less short answer:
Americans are conditioned to think they are special and superior. They take any intellectual challenge as a personal attack that they must crush instead of opportunity to learn and improve. American culture is heavily conservative and religious (directly and indirectly). College teaches students to think beyond "do what I say otherwise this god I have no evidence for will smite you." The Americans who think they are super special and that "their way of life" is above challenge take offense to that and turn to hating everyone they believe is responsible for it. When their "way of life" is challenged, its a blow to their egos.

>you thank ur better 'an me just bcuz u gots der librul emucashun?

>> No.9479963

Are you actually retarded? Very few colleges in the US teaches any form of religion in a strongly conservative way. Know what you're talking about before you puke your fallacies all over the internet.

>> No.9479979

That's literally what he said:
>College teaches students to think beyond "do what I say otherwise this god I have no evidence for will smite you."

Maybe you are the retarded one?

>> No.9480874

Maybe the public's unwillingness to take what they say as immediately true is exactly the sort of adversarial challenge that make some good scientists willing to go that one step deeper for the discovery that makes them truly great? Perhaps a culture too willing to believe what is widely held as true doesn't generate as many people willing to intelligently contest unfounded preconceptions?
It seems unlikely to be a coincidence the fact that the most anti-institutionalist culture in the world is also the world's most truth-seeking.

>> No.9480881

lol is this what brainwashed eurotards believe?

>> No.9480953

>College teaches students to think beyond "do what I say otherwise this god I have no evidence for will smite you."

Only if you are on STEM. In the Humanities you will be indoctrinated with liberal creationism, postmodernism and all sorts of superstitions.

>> No.9480961

Not really. That's almost entirely far right propaganda.

>> No.9481077

if it is true in highschool, why would it stop in college?

>> No.9481080

Cuz they're the biggest and baddest, they can get all the best shit and the best people
they don't call it the greatest country in the world for nothing

>> No.9481103

>/sci/ - Inane Frogposts

>> No.9481115

They come up with shit like communism

>inb4 hurr durr American commiephobia

Responsible for 200 million+ deaths on its own merit and counting. It's the epitome of human arrogance to think they can control such a system.

>> No.9481134

Maybe college teachers are less retarded and more independent from the government than highschool teachers. I wouldnt be sure why, but from my personal experience humanities' college teschers arent like that

>> No.9481172

why are you on this board?

>> No.9481303

Doubt is healthy. Rejection can be useful. Denial is neither.
Those two groups you mentioned only overlap when the latter needs guinea pigs.

>> No.9482196

Basically this. Political science and economics type departments usually have a pretty thorough mix, especially with regards to things like foreign policy or trade.

Maybe not everyone went to the same shit high school you did?

>> No.9482260

>anti government
Thats a smart person thing(not exclusively mind you), not an American thing.

>anti acedemic
Thats a stupid person thing(exclusively), not an American thing.

Sick b8 thread I r8 it 8/8 m8.

>> No.9482271

>t. trailor park resident who is a republican

>> No.9482307

The people who hate academia are generally the ones who barely made it through high school and possibly a shit tier university. They generally are not capable of critcal thinking or long term planning, which makes them become poorer due to the fact that they got knocked up/knocked someone up cuz "muh dick". If you meet an American who says that they like to "live in the moment", there is a high probability that they don't give a shit about academia.

Many of these people are borderline unemployable, which is why they work for the government. Smarter/more skilled people hate the government because these fuckers take forever to get anything done, i.e. the DMV, as well as the fact that our taxes are paying their salary.

Of course this doesn't apply to all government jobs, just the lower level ones.

>> No.9482331

Americans have long held a culture of labor and wealth gained through "honest labor" as the pinnacle of accomplishment. To gain wealth by ingenuity such as Bill Gates, or through continually grinding away at a job such as the old middle class factory worker was and is still seen as the American way. To gain wealth through credentials, that is to have wealth gated through training acquired only through the wealth of others is considered Unamerican. A government worker unless a common laborer is seen as a desk man who produces no value merely soaking up benefits due to his position and ability to gain paper accreditation. This can be further extrapolated to American distate of Middle management and a variety of other white collar jobs such as lawyers or bankers. Even doctors, particularly those graduated from university have long been viewed with disdain by many. Basically, in American culture if you get your money or status from paper or credentials/title you are afforded scorn or ambivalence. If you get your money/status from hard work or risking yourself you are in an elevated position. People will look more kindly on a man with only a GED who went bankrupt trying to start a restraunt, then a college educated civil servant.

>> No.9482336

>Political science and economics type departments usually have a pretty thorough mix
Actually they systematically exclude radical politics.

>> No.9482342

Work on your reading comprehension please.

>> No.9482345

Not in philosophy, in my experience.

>> No.9482356

Are you actually retarded? Know how to read before puking your idiocy all over the internet.

>> No.9482359

but also because americans fucking hate taxes, have no concept of social contract, and no compassion for fellow citizens if they dont fall into their personal criteria

>> No.9482362

Like what? Incoherent theories that show the people espousing them aren't up to the rigors of academia? That's not a vetting of politics so much as wanting to hire people that can actually cut it. Doesn't mean academic humanities are an echo chamber though, you just have to be able to make a decent argument to be taken seriously. See Jeffrey Sachs vs William Easterly if you want a good example of two politically opposed researchers both being very well respected in political science.

>> No.9482363

There are good things in Analytic Philosophy, i agree.

>> No.9482365

>system created entirely by humans
>epitome of arrogance to think it can be controlled
You better get off that computer youre using because its the height of arrogance to think it can be controlled. Additionally if you want to be taken seriously, dont define economics as a supernatural force. Finally, aggressive imperialism for the purpose of profit seeking (re capitalism) has killed far more people than communism has simply because the policy has existed for far longer.

>> No.9482369

most people have no idea how technological progress works and are unaware of 90% of things the government does for them

>> No.9482473

Well first of all the US Government is horrible. Second I don't think Americans really hate academics, just the politically correct college campuses which are utterly unscientific and overzealously regulated by the PC police--remember when a Harvard pres was kicked out for merely suggesting that it was possible biological differences accounted for the low female presence in engineering and hard science departments?

hey libtard, if Americans were egotistical, wouldn't they actually chauvinistically love their government? Americans are smart to distrust their government, unless you are literally a neocon interventionist CIA-loving bureacratic nanny statist. The American constitution was and remains one of the greatest protectors of civil liberties, and the fact that you would criticize people for being stupid for being proud or defensive of such a thing shows how out of touch you are with the other side of the political spectrum.

Americans, by the way, don't generally hate academics--of course, I haven't seen a poll, but literally everyone respects me (I live in a conservative area) when I tell them I'm a TA for computer science.

>> No.9482482

Not true. Humanities are littered with utterly political, neomarxist teachers, though this is mostly true in the history, anthropology, art, and ___'s studies faculty.

How can you deny this?

>> No.9482488

>TA for computer science.

>> No.9482491

In general Americans don't learn in school. Most Americans are more experience driven learners, school is just a hurdle put in place for people trying to scrape by. Real Americans get done quick, and do something worthwhile.

Teaching is respectable, but at this point research positions are essentially sales positions. Especially in America, just get a company to pay you for a result and the do what you can to find it.

That's "research" in the u.s. that's probably why they aren't respected in the first place.

>> No.9482492

>gain wealth through credentials, that is to have wealth gated through training acquired only through the wealth of others is considered Unamerican
>Even doctors, particularly those graduated from university have long been viewed with disdain by many. Basically, in American culture if you get your money or status from paper or credentials/title you are afforded scorn or ambivalence.
patently false and untrue. Doctors are the most respected of any profession.

Do you even live in America? Do you even believe what you're saying is true where you live? Or are you just trying to demonize your countrymates?

>> No.9482494

The government is responsible? Woah I totally forget Tesla was a scholar and a Senator!

>> No.9482496

this they could just go 100% online

>> No.9482498


Part time job, I'm in grad school, and am looking forward to one of the highest paying fields there are

What's your excuse?

>> No.9482500

because america is a rich shithole

>> No.9482506

>That's "research" in the u.s. that's probably why they aren't respected in the first place.
>research capital of the world
>most top colleges are in the US
what are you on about?

>> No.9482541


>> No.9482544

>t. starbucks barista

>> No.9482555

lol. i have phd in ece. enjoy grading java assignments

>> No.9482557
File: 71 KB, 523x768, shadilay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the average White IQ is 100. This means hundreds of millions of conservative Americans are double digit retards. They are easily confused by talk radio hosts.
They believe it is their moral imperative to give their money to the rich.
They don't study history, so they don't understand that government regulations are the only reason they didn't start working full time at age 12, in dangerous mines and factories with no safety equipment, then going home to drink lead-water and eat parasite-ridden food grown in night soil.
They blame government and regulations for their "first-world problems" never realizing the severity of problems that they don't have to deal with.
Academics try to inform the people about these issues, so they are the de facto enemies of the conservative State which seeks to revert America to a third-world nation with a small, wealthy elite and masses of oppressed poor.

>> No.9482563

enjoy making less money than me

>> No.9482569

even if that was true at least i'm not a pleb

>> No.9482585

>blaming it all on poor whites
liberal anti white hatred, everyone.

Reminder that the average IQ of blacks (vote 93% democrat) is 85, and hispanics (also vote overwhelmingly D) 90. While I will concede most low IQ whites are Republican (most whites are republican), it must be pointed out that Republicans are smarter than Democrats (Carl 2014 and 2015) and earn more (see:CNN exit polls by income).

>> No.9482609

this. i hate whites too.

>> No.9482613

>t. ugly brown midget

>> No.9482630

Why is /sci/ filled with leftists/statists/communists/marxists/europeans?

>> No.9482634
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>> No.9482636

this is a leftist website now

>> No.9482650
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>4chan is for communists meme

>> No.9482662
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>not knowing what egoism means
egocentric could be a better term

>> No.9482664
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In the end /pol/ shall prevail.

>> No.9482708

Alphabet agencies, banks, ad companies, telecom companies run our government. All of which give no fucks about the middle class. Poor get govt money and the rich don't pay taxes. Also job outsourcing

>> No.9482714

so everyone is evil and there are no good people
I've been trying to tell people this for years

>> No.9482745

You don't need to be a leftist to realize that government and academia are both responsible for the biggest breakthroughs in technology. You just need to be a realist.

If you look at huge breakthroughs like the internet, GPS, transistor and the integrated circuit, which we pretty much use everyday, they were either funded by government projects or researched by academics who received their education in publicly funded institutions.

>> No.9482767

>You don't need to be a leftist to realize that government and academia are both responsible for the biggest breakthroughs in technology. You just need to be a realist.

All in STEM fields.

>> No.9482773

And? I'm not sure what your point is. I'd rather have government dollars funding STEM degrees rather than art degrees. Art is something you could easily teach yourself without any academic help.

>> No.9482791

>I'd rather have government dollars funding STEM degrees rather than art degrees.

Ok, we agree then.

>> No.9482873

It isn't just an American thing. I don't give a fuck about rapid advancement if it means that the government can't leave me alone and let me keep a good portion of the money I make

>> No.9483074

>advancements in technology
>an objective moral good we must all strive towards

Boy i sure am glad weve all learned to kill each other in increasing orders of magnitude and destroy the environment!

>> No.9483139

>objective morals

no such thing.

>> No.9483149

It’s inevitable. Unless there is a huge tech innovation to save the environment. Which I can guarantee you will come from the United States.

>> No.9483150

That's sort of what he implied

>> No.9483168
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>Boy i sure am glad weve all learned to kill each other in increasing orders of magnitude and destroy the environment!

Third world niggers are the main cause of environmental degradation.

>> No.9483171

>Which I can guarantee you will come from the United States.
citation needed

>> No.9483178

Why should we care about the middle class? Mediocrity shouldn't be something to be proud of.

>> No.9483183

I care.

>> No.9483195
File: 97 KB, 881x816, muh low iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman, but I don't hate whites. It's just a fact that whites are the majority of convseravtives in America.
The 85 black IQ and 90 hispanic IQ figures are fraudulently-generated averages by social "scientists" pushing eugenicist agendas.
Jelte M. Wicherts, Conor V. Dolan, Han L.J. van der Maas, The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers, Intelligence, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 30-37, ISSN 0160-2896, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2009.11.003
Anyways, there is a tendency on these boards to characterize "whites" with images of philosophers and scientists, but it's a simple FACT (which you equate with racism, of course) that ~50% of whites have a double-digit IQ.
I notice that your white harpy rage blinded you completely ignored the meat of my post, i.e. enforced government regulations are directly responsible for the quality of our lives.

>it must be pointed out that Republicans are smarter than Democrats (Carl 2014 and 2015)
There exist studies that contradict this claim. Which should be believed? Why don't we just ignore the political agenda-pushing fake social """science"""?

>> No.9483206

Part of it is because the vast majority of modern "academics" are barely above average intelligence.

>> No.9483213

>The 85 black IQ and 90 hispanic IQ figures are fraudulently-generated averages by social "scientists"

I agree, since an IQ of 85 seems too high for niggers.

>> No.9483215

because academics are responsible for some of the worst governments and policies, and governments are responsible for every terrible tragedy in history

>> No.9483229

>your pic
that explains why the browner races are so openly hostile towards whites

>> No.9483237

I'm not american but at least here in my country the academia is an overrated institution controlled by marxists that hand out undeserved titles, positions and wealth to people whose only "contribution" is conforming and pushing the narrative of the status quo further.

>> No.9483261

I'm an America and at least here in my country the academia is an overrated institution controlled by marxists that hand out undeserved titles, positions and wealth to people whose only "contribution" is conforming and pushing the narrative of the status quo further.

>> No.9483458

DMV gets a bad rap. Try dealing with comcast

>> No.9483475

>Very few colleges in the US teaches any form of religion in a strongly conservative way.
Totally untrue.

>> No.9483527

>hurr durr big nation have lot of thing with very low concentration
Fuck off niggerfaggot. You've got to be doing this on purpose.

>> No.9483593

Americans are naturally individualistic, whereas europeans are collectivistic. Distrust in academia and government is a reaction to the cultural marxist takeover of these institutions since the 1960s. In Europe this takeover happened too but europeans are sheeplike so they don't voice their discontent as americans do.
>t. European who moved to America.

>> No.9483645


>> No.9483648

"governments" killed 200 million people in the 20th century

>> No.9484014

>Of any profession
Is the key. They are more well liked than lawyers but is a strong undercurrent of of distaste among the blue collared of doctors. There is a reason why many people on this board hold the opinion that doctors are overpayed plumbers. Regardless, the rest of my post still stands. Intellectualism in America is seen not as an achievement but paper waving. What good is saying you are smart when you've done nothing special?

>> No.9484894

>What good is saying you are smart when you've done nothing special?
This. I have more respect for the employees of the R&D departments of pepsico and lockheed than I do for anyone doing research in academia for anything other than material science or process controls/refinement.

If private institutions want to defraud their students and donators in order to fund money fires, then so be it.

>There is a reason why many people on this board hold the opinion that doctors are overpayed plumbers.
They're more of overpayed non-kike lawyers. (Most of the) Modern doctors didn't create the system and medical culture that we currently have, but they benefit from it. Many doctors ignore the principles of charity and advocate for state enforced unionization. I mean nurses, an essential role in the medical system, are unionized at twice the national average.
You don't see this type of shit from firefighters, they unionized to remove the influence of leftism from their occupation, once that was achieved they basically said "hey, respirators and fire resistant suits would be cool" and did their job/public service. You don't see them demanding licensing.

>> No.9484915
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Are you trying to promote anarchy

>> No.9484930
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yeah sure, why not?

>> No.9485182

>Academic: not of practical relevance; of only theoretical interest.
Brainlets confuse "academics" with intelligence when it can just refer to someone that's living off grants and has no real world experience.
My college (which focused on engineering) required professors to have worked in the private sector a number of years before being hired. Obviously they saw applicants who only lived in academia to be subpar.

>> No.9485249

Americans don't hate government, they hate politicians because our campaign finance and lobbying laws are all bullshit. They have no principles and have no concern for the public good.

They hate academics because wealthy interests are REALLY good at marketing, and can frame scientists and professors as being stuffy, faggy know-nothings who are sucking cock for grant money. Pit an honest scientist's findings in regard to public health or something else that affects policy, against the interests of a well-oiled business machine, and you will find the latter outclasses the former in presentation of the argument every time. Public opinion of the findings will be poor for decades, and Politicians who want to actually get elected will refrain from adopting the correct message out of fear of never having any chance of implementing any of the policies they believe in.

Basically everything is the fault of the S-Class super-rich.

>> No.9485380

A significant minority of the american public hates federal funding of scientific research, however, in congress, gov. funded scientific research is pretty much a bipartisan thing and only fridge idiots go against it.

Which is why congress basically gave Trump the middle finger and increased the NIH budget when Trump suggested a 20% decrease.

>> No.9485623
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Yeah, I wonder where all those random hostile feelings came from?

>> No.9485815

Are right wingers really this oblivious?

The person you think youre agreeing with said
>what good is saying youre smart when youve done nothing special
in order to mock retards who say it unironically. Like you.

Nurses arent govt employees, fucktard. Firefighters are. ie Firefighters dont have capitalists trying to rape the value of their labor. They get great pay and benefits from their employer, the govt.

Remove the influence of leftism. Im sure you dont have any idea what leftism is and probably say "cultural marxism" unironically.

Idk whether firefighters need licensing or not so I cant speak to the accuracy of that statement. Assuming its true, you already pointed out that nurses are crucial to medical care. No one is going to want an unlicensed nurse fucking with their body. Firefighters very rarely are in situations to prevent harm/death. In addition, nursing is a saturated field, the only ones who apply to be firefighters are with the ability to do the job. The retard nurses need to be separated out.

>> No.9485834

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." Isaac Asimov, Column in Newsweek (21 January 1980)

Anti-intellectualism … has been present in some form and degree in most societies; in one it takes the form of the administering of hemlock, in another of town-and-gown riots, in another of censorship and regimentation, in still another of Congressional investigations. Richard Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1974), p. 20

Anti-intellectualism … first got its strong grip on our ways of thinking because it was fostered by an evangelical religion that also purveyed many humane and democratic sentiments. It made its way into our politics because it became associated with our passion for equality. It has become formidable in our education partly because our educational beliefs are evangelically egalitarian. Hence, as far as possible, our anti-intellectualism must be excised from the benevolent impulses upon which it lives by constant and delicate acts of intellectual surgery which spare these impulses themselves. Richard Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (1974), pp. 22-23

Unreason and anti-intellectualism abominate thought. Thinking implies disagreement; and disagreement implies nonconformity; and nonconformity implies heresy; and heresy implies disloyalty — so, obviously, thinking must be stopped. But shouting is not a substitute for thinking and reason is not the subversion but the salvation of freedom. Adlai Stevenson, A Call to Greatness (1954), p. 99

>> No.9485931

>Nurses arent govt employees, fucktard.
>He lives in a third world marxist shithole where he is the property of the state, and the state owns all healthcare.
Do you think everyone in America exclusively uses the VA hospitals or something?

>Firefighters are
They can be.

>Firefighters dont have capitalists trying to rape the value of their labor.
There is no value to labor without capitalism and capitalists.

>They get great pay and benefits from their employer, the govt.
Fun fact, private cities can exist.

>Im sure you dont have any idea what leftism is and probably say "cultural marxism" unironically.
I do on both parts.

>Idk whether firefighters need licensing or not so I cant speak to the accuracy of that statement.
It was in respect to doctors and nurses.

>No one is going to want an unlicensed nurse fucking with their body.
Do you know that there are private entities which, unlike licensing, accomplish all the alleged benefits of licensing. In fact, to a non-leftist, they are better in every possible way. These magical entities do things called certifications, and have an inherent incentive to ensure that their certifications are deserved and meaningful.

>No one is going to want an unlicensed nurse fucking with their body
And yet millions of people donate blood.

>the only ones who apply to be firefighters are with the ability to do the job
And yet there are women.

>The retard nurses need to be separated out.
>"the liscensing system doesn't do what it says it does. We need the liscensing system anyway"

You are a faggot.

>> No.9485936

Having their friends commit suicide while committing crimes?

>> No.9486013

>I have more respect for the employees of the R&D departments of pepsico and lockheed than I do for anyone doing research in academia for anything other than material science or process controls/refinement.
People with advanced degrees deserve respect because of their tangible pursuit of personal and social utility, they dont need to do something according to your specific criteria of output to deserve it.
>they unionized to remove the influence of leftism from their occupation
Read a book so you can realize how this statement is impossible. I recommend starting with basic political theory in particular the political spectrum and its evolution, then move on to the history of unions including case examples ideally not limited to the US.

>> No.9486021

The fact that you dont know how to spell licensing combined with your non sequitur arguments doesnt bode well for you. Id even go so far as to say you are an outright idiot based solely on >private cities can exist. You need to get an education instead of posting on sci.

>> No.9486024

>This means hundreds of millions of conservative Americans are double digit retards.

It could mean that, but you have no scientific proof.

>> No.9486063
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Nice over generalization there friendo. I reckon you might have some sort of evidence, studies, facts, and similar sorts to venerate your position. Surely you wouldn't be prejudice and discriminatory to such a large and diverse population, would you?

In regards to feeling superior, America is a large innovator and economic power house for much of the 20th century and 21st, and still is. Furthermore, many nations call upon America technology to add into their own collection, as well as being heavily effected by any sort of economic shift in the US o A.

In addition, "College teaches students to think beyond "do what I say otherwise this god I have no evidence for will smite you.". Evidence by what? Let's take a religious college for example, Seton Hall University in this case. Despite being a catholic college, liberal politics and being openly gay is accepted there, despite the heavily conservative and religious nature of the college. Though being in NJ is may affect these results, my point still stands. Now you must prove yours.

Finally, for the "way of life" comment. Intellectual challenges have arose and left. Some may become movements, such as communism, which resulted in a devastating affect. Others just happen. However most go nowhere. In many case, Americans don't blink an eye to it, whom are generally preoccupied with more attention grabbing tasks at hand, such as a job or just sitting around watching football.

>you thank ur better 'an me just bcuz u gots der librul emucashun?
What a grandiose and well-executed comment that surely doesn't lower your position to that of using strawmen and insults as an argument! By heaven, that'd be way too low for you, would it?

>> No.9486260
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Because he probably knows what he's talking about.

>> No.9486269

Not only that, even when we're not in a recession, every time conservatives are in power, they pretty much try to make the government borrow as much money as possible and blow up the debt just so that they could give massive tax cuts to the rich, leaving only table scrapes for the Fox news watching retards so they could keep voting them in power. This really just shows that they don't really give a shit about the debt, and that it's really only a talking point.

This is essentially what Trump is doing right now when he enacted his first budget. He's borrowed 1 trillion dollars, which is more than the what Clinton, Obama, and Bush borrowed in their non-recession periods. Of course, when the next president takes over, they end up blaming the massive increase in debt on him.

To them. Deficit spending to get us out of the recession through middle class tax cuts, funding infrastructure jobs and scientific research? bad. Deficit spending just to give more tax cuts to their rich donors? good. Republicans do this every time when they're in power.


>> No.9486537

>People with advanced degrees deserve respect because of their tangible pursuit of personal and social utility
If they had social utility, then they wouldn't have to steal for income.

>they dont need to do something according to your specific criteria of output to deserve it.
But they do need to do something according to your specific criteria of output to deserve it?

>I recommend starting with basic political theory in particular the political spectrum and its evolution, then move on to the history of unions including case examples ideally not limited to the US.
Unions are not inherently leftist. Apolitical voluntary unions are about as far as you can get from leftism. Firefighters unionized to remove the influence of leftists political bosses from their occupation.
Stop acting like a smug cunt.

>hurr misspelled a word, therefore argument invalid
You're a niggerfaggot.

>your non sequitur arguments
Just because you don't have a way to respond without increasing your mental gymnastics doesn't make it a non sequitur

>>private cities can exist
They can and have.....

>You need to get an education instead of posting on sci.
[Holds up mirror]

>> No.9486803

>There is no value to labor without capitalism and capitalists.
>not realizing that most of that value is fiat currency
>not realizing that businesses rely on government created laws defining private and intellectual property
>not realizing that without these protections, privately conducted research and development would basically grind to a halt
>any company trying to research and make a better product would go bankrupt when someone else steals their product

Unfortunately, government regulations and protections of private property and intellectual property is what makes companies do labor of any value what so ever.

>> No.9486852

>letting chinese live
I see the problem, you are operating under the wrong assumption. You also assume that every product research team is incompetent and operating like they are government funded.

You also overestimate the role of government in terms of stability. The only legitimate role of government is preventing other governments from invading and making things worse.