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File: 92 KB, 700x489, Alcubierre-warp-drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9476963 No.9476963 [Reply] [Original]

are we wasting time with this form of "faster than light" travel if gravitational waves don't go faster than the speed of light? Let alone a spaceship.

>> No.9476980

Tis whole time travel, wormhole and gravitational wave surfing is a hoax. There's nothing, not even on paper that makes it even remotely possible

>> No.9476985

nobody is wasting time on it but people whose time is utterly worthless

>> No.9476993

Valid point

>> No.9477003
File: 525 KB, 685x382, galactic _lawnjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see someone do a lawn-job on some asshole system's space-time

>> No.9477061
File: 77 KB, 595x842, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never go spacetime muddin' through less developed solar systems
it's a cosmic kind of feel

>> No.9477087

iirc it is supposed to be faster than light, but either way it's reactionless which is a big deal by itself

but yea there's not really anyone actually working on it, just some theoretical physicist playing with ideas, which they would be doing regardless

>> No.9477178
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100% pop-sci pandering to normies for funding and lulz, because they think "Star Trek" is the future and not just some charmingly optimistic 1960s space opera show that was mildly updated in the '80s and '00s.

>> No.9477192
File: 134 KB, 544x172, 14351884672220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's imagine an analogy, where space is even pressurased gas (Like air. Omg still butthurting about meanings of word GAS. It is evaporised material and it is FUEL also), and spaceship in it. If we will form a sphere around a spaceship, where air is motionless, and will de-pressuarise air infront of it, and pressuarize behind, so this sphere will move towards lower pressure zone. Isn't it?

>> No.9477234

That was the most unnecessary analogy ever since we all know what gravitational wave "surfing" means.

there's a speed limit. Einstein calculated it to be the speed of light. Thus it's not c nor g waves that are speed limited themselves but the "fabric" of the universe itself that's somehow limiting it.

>> No.9477241

Special relativeity dictates that gravity appears to move instantly for objects at a distance. It is why, as the sun hurtles through the galaxy, the planets maintain a flat disc around the sun, as opposed to lagging behind it in a cone shape.

>> No.9477245

Can you source that? It's just preservation of momentum mate.

>> No.9477249

You're an imbecile. Spacetime is a meduim. Nothing moves faster than light through a patch of spacetime, but patches of space time can move as fast as thy like, relative to each other. A warp drive is essentially a ship farting out space behind itself to make it go forwards.

>> No.9477256

I'll need some source on that. Nothing says that's viable

>> No.9477258

Does the Earth orbit the Sun's current location, or its location from 8 minutes ago?

Let us examine the terms in this statement and take the simple case where only the sun and the earth exists "rotating" around it:

Orbit is a path defined in newtonian gravitation where the gravitational potential goes like 1/r and the classical mechanics solutions are conic sections, and closed orbits can be circles or elipses. Light travels instantaneously. The system of reference is well defined, for the sun and earth, as the much greater mass of the sun makes it also practicallythe center of mass of the system.

8 minutes ago introduces special relativity and current location forces general relativity GR) into the problem, if one considers that gravity's effect comes through velocity of light limited gravitational forces.

To get a correct estimate one has to start with general relativity, which does not have orbits, but 4D space contours.Your concerns appear in the discussion of the two body problem in general relativity and are part of the need that made the developement of GR inevitable:

If gravitational influence propagates at a finite speed, then at all points in time a planet is attracted to a point where the Sun was some time before, and not towards the instantaneous position of the Sun. On the assumption of the classical fundamentals, Laplace had shown that if gravity would propagate at a velocity on the order of the speed of light then the solar system would be unstable, and would not exist for a long time.

The simplistic answer , if one looks at the GR equations , is that the intuitive 'orbit' of a Newtonian world is corrected by the space time geometry of general relativity, and if one could get an instantaneous measure ( not possible in reality) the Newtonian orbit prediction would be the one that led to the conundrum of unstable orbits. They are stable because of General Relativity.

Is this realistically testable? General relativity is never wrong.

>> No.9477265

Any warp drive page says how it's viable. Hell, universal expansion shows it's viable.


Knock yourself out, kiddo.

>> No.9477266

>Does the Earth orbit the Sun's current location, or its location from 8 minutes ago?

It's location from 8 minutes ago mate

>> No.9477269

Don't you think I've read that "kiddo"? Please explain how it's viable? We've done nothing that comes even CLOSE to making that happen and even on paper it's dodgy as fuck

>> No.9477273

Dead wrong. Gravity propagates at cee. Someone referenced the stupid "cone" video about a week ago.

Incidentally, Special Relativity says NOTHING whatsoever about gravity. The "Special" means it only covers the restricted cases wherein gravity can be ignored. General Relativity included gravity and explicitly gave it the velocity of light.
If you're going to make up stuff, at least do us the courtesy of sounding plausible and using the right words.

>> No.9477276

8 minutes ago... lmao

>> No.9477278

No, it orbits the sun's exact position and you can prove that by observing all the planets orbits, which are on the same plane. Neptune certainly doesn't lag below mercury. All planets orbit the same point.

I did explain it.

>> No.9477283

The principle is just fine. Finding ways to bend space without mass is the conundrum. If it could be done, all science says that you would have a bubble which moves faster than light on a parallel path, but not faster than light within its own path. It violates no laws.

>> No.9477290

Good explanation. I usually tell brainlets that the lightspeed lag is exactly countered by aberration. Energy is conserved (except for the tiny amount radiated away as gravitational radiation.)
I hope you convince more people than I usually manage.

Alcubierre found a valid solution to the Einstein equations. It would work -- IF you could produce that space-time geometry.
However, there are a number of engineering "difficulties" which need to be addressed before it becomes practical. Number one would be finding some negative mass. (Which is not antimatter and not what the University of Rochester announced last month.)

>> No.9477294

You did not explain it. And all planets do not orbit in the same plane -- merely close to it because they inherited the angular momentum for the pre-stellar nebula.

>> No.9477336

Literally this, it's impossible on fucking paper let alone in engineering, it's nothing more that pop-sci believing losers with IQ's too low to actually study STEM that think this fucking shit is possible. It's really annoying.

>> No.9477340

>are we wasting time with this form of "faster than light" travel
implying this is something that a lot of time and resources are dedicated to

I think journalists spend more time writing about than physicists spend working on it

>> No.9477341

We just hang your mama on a stick in front of spaceship and gravity will move the ship and your moma forward.

>> No.9477352

>citing wiki
Search culture Marxism

>> No.9477502
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1517334025151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the image of the sun that we see propagated to us at c as well.

>> No.9477541

The speed of light c is a restriction only for things moving though space, but not for moving space itself. Hence, the universe itself is expanding faster than light as well.

Think about it this way: the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s, but the waves can actually travel faster than that, by putting a glass of water on a rocket for example. We are moving the medium and so we are not bound the speeds in the medium itself.

>> No.9477558

Yeah this does make sense and I've read a lot on it, but there's nothing significant to back it up. And I don't see it happening anytime soon, or ever.

>> No.9478408

General relativity tells us that space is curved. Earth follows the curve that the sun creates.

>> No.9478449

GR doesn't tell us anything but math.

>> No.9478470
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You seem lost, fucking retarded piece of shit

>> No.9478478
File: 77 KB, 600x384, OortCloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

business idea: use a solar system as a space ship

>> No.9478482

Did you read the PDF?
Mathematics is only a model of the real world. That is correct.
If the math doesn't agree with the real world, it's wrong. At least, some assumption is wrong.
So you test it against reality by running experiments. Every time the real world matches the theory, you gain more confidence.
That doesn't guarantee the theory is right.
People had a great deal of confidence in Newton.
Eventually, there were observations which didn't agree with Newton. Newton is fine -- under certain circumstances -- but he's only an approximation to a better theory. Which theory has not been contradicted by any experiment or observation to date.

GR tells you what will happen under such-and-such circumstances. It could be wrong. We know there are conditions under which it breaks down.
But unless you have a better idea it's stupid to dismiss it as "just math".

>> No.9478493

lmao dipshit