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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9471352 No.9471352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i think i am too much of a brainlet to get my physics degree lads
i can't understand anything my teachers are saying, and i have no idea how to do the homework

>> No.9471564

My condolences anon, you got this bro

>> No.9471577
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listen to music

>> No.9471579

Bruh, I can't even do my homework. On a test, I would get a 0. I don't have a chance of finishing my degree.
Legit contemplating suicide right now.

>> No.9471583
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haha what the FUCK is this shit
I'm glad we™ didn't fall for the psychology is a science meme.

>> No.9471591

Maybe you sorted your life out and think this shit is gay as fuck.

>> No.9471598

Just make honest attempts and keep fiddling around until you get somewhere with the homework. There're always similar worked example out there to go off if you're really stumped. Struggle with the homework to be ready for a test

>> No.9471603

Go to your Prof's office hours, keep your composure and name specific concepts that you don't understand.

If you've reached the point of contemplating suicide instead of switching degrees you've made it through some tough material and aren't hopeless. Just keep going at it Anon.

>> No.9471617

>you've made it through some tough material and aren't hopeless.
Currently taking theoretical physics, thermodynamics + stat mech, and classical mechanics 1 (which I'm not even sure how I got in to, since theoretical physics is a pre-req).
I've gone to their office hours a couple of times, but they've only been able to help me with specific problems. I still have trouble understanding the actual concepts. I don't even know why I show up during lectures; they may as well be speaking Chinese.
I just wanna be done with college. I've dropped out and switched majors once, so I'm way behind. I've been in college since 2012, and I'm still a couple years away from finishing. I'm just so sick of it all, and I want to be done.

>> No.9471722

Drop the courses and take a term off if you can't push yourself to do it. Better than going ahead, stressing the fuck out and failing everything, potentially getting you into shit-waters with your GPA.

A lot of people just get burnt out and should really take a breather. Gives you time to think about what you're really after as well. Jump back in with a clearer head and hopefully be reinvigorated afterwards.

>> No.9471787

how many years into the degree are you?

>> No.9471815

classical mechanics is a REALLY hard course for most people
so is stat thermodynamics, especially because the formalisms are so old-fashioned and idiomatic
looking back at my college education I wish 1) I hadn't taken so many courses at a time 2) I'd spent more time in group study sessions and office hours. many people who did better than me weren't smarter than me (the superstars were), they just got lots of help from the people around them to reinforce concepts
that said, why are you in this degree program? what is motivating you to spend 5 years working for something you don't understand?

>> No.9472088
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Dude talk to your classmates, I'm sure they'll help you if you aren't a total brainlet...

I just graduated in physics and I'm starting my master degree in condensed matter. Let me tell you that there is only a small minority of genius that can go through a subject this difficult without reaching out for help once in a while. You need to form a sens of community with your peer.

>> No.9472095

How well can you do on this test?

>> No.9472201

What year?

If it hasn't been long, better to quit now then struggle to finish your major and then find out you can't get a job. That would be worse OP. Major in something more useful like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering or computer science. All three I'd say are easier then physics but still pretty difficult in their own ways. Either way at least you'll get a job after you graduate. That way the time you spent won't feel wasted.
That is of course unless you're already near the end of your physics degree. If you are then just push through.

What was your major before? Did you have any personal issues that prevented you from learning or are just incapable of grasping the material? Have you tried joining a study group? Reach out to people OP, don't be ashamed to ask for help no matter how stupid you may look. Better to look like a fool for a minute then to remain for a lifetime. You spent so much time on it already. Might as well finish otherwise all that time has just gone to waste. If you feel you can't do it then there's nothing wrong with switching majors as long as it won't take you much longer than what it would take to finish your physics degree.

>> No.9472235

1st, take care with course loading. Taking a couple rough classes together makes the difficulty multiply. It takes worry for your brain to incorporate new concepts, and bombarding it with intense concept-based courses will tax you too your limit.

2nd- physics and mathematics professors who have backgrounds tired in academia tend to make the subject harder than it needs to be. They are typically thinking in a way that is hard to follow for most people and it bleeds into the way they teach. Ask questions no matter how did they may seem. Talk to them during office hours to get more in depth explanations. Utilize any tutoring resources your campus has. Talk to other students that are doing well- they might understand the material in a way that, when they explain it, makes more sense.

>> No.9472237

*Takes work.
Please excuse my phones need to try to correct my sentences. It's a bit special.

>> No.9472619

>What was your major before?
Computer science. I quit because it was WAY too easy, I didn't feel like I was learning anything.

>Did you have any personal issues that prevented you from learning
I'm an actual, honest to goodness autist.

>> No.9472627

Holy fucking shit get a hold of yourself you melodramatic self indulgent idiot. Oh noes I have come across something I might have to actually put effort into, better quit because my life is so hard.

>> No.9472643

>I'm an actual, honest to goodness autist.
The same happened to me. It completely ruined my studies and my life. Give it up. If you're not jewish, no one will help you and the dirty kikes will be more than glad to see you fail while they help each other. They're a bunch of pieces of shit.

>> No.9472649

h4h4 patterning test, nice meme

>> No.9472692

93% half-assing it
(not OP)