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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 550x367, warpdrivediagramedited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9469361 No.9469361 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys do you think that warp drive is the future of space travel because i do it just make sense i mean if you can travel faster that the speed of light than why not make a short cut.

>> No.9469366


because its not possible

>> No.9469385

hey guys do you think that jay-walking is the future of foot travel because i do it just make sense i mean if you can travel faster on the sidewalk than why not make a short cut.

>> No.9469386

maybe in a gorillion years

>> No.9469406

I have two questions about OP's pic:

1. What sort of power would doing something like that take?
2. What's stopping it from ripping the universe a new one?

>> No.9469416

> What sort of power would doing something like that take?
it would use anti matter generators
>What's stopping it from ripping the universe a new one?
it doesn't rip the the universe it bends it around the space craft by creating a bubble around it

>> No.9469417

>it would use anti matter generators
That doesn't answer the question.

>> No.9469420
File: 82 KB, 640x640, 3be3af7267647f29d2d4930d50480e17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would use anti matter generators
Kid, you realize what you're saying right.

>mfw antimater can't be reasonably contained

>> No.9469435

it could be contained in a magnetic field

>> No.9469445

>using a Mexican intellectual's design for space travel

>> No.9469678

>Cynical 12 year old with a huge ego tries to call others "kid"
Hurr durr the second strongest fundamental force no longer exists durrrr

>> No.9469690

No, it's more likely we will either use ion drives or solar sails as both are viable with today's technology and do not rely on untested physics.

>> No.9469726

I am not fond of the warp drive meme paper, but Mr. Alcubierre has produced more work in theoretical physics than your sorry arse ever will.

>> No.9469750

>the virgin warp drive
>the chad gamma ray spewing antimatter rocket

>> No.9469846

it doesn't use antimatter it uses exotic matter, which hasn't even been confirmed to exist

>> No.9469850

Literally everything that is predicted by math actually exists

>> No.9469873


>> No.9470006

>warp drive is not a 'shortcut'
>energy requirements mean exotic matter
>warp field energy transfer needs to be faster than local light speed

I'm pessimistic...

>> No.9470415

>t. mexican

>> No.9470547

Let's start it and get earth out of orbit.

Earth-chan for redhead.

>> No.9470877

>warp drive
Nah, too slow

Warps and similar basic translation trough space is the future for local area transportation.

Also i think we've focused too much on theoretical aspect of interstellar travel.
IMHO we'd just have to try breaking higher and higher speeds while battling and researching any new obstacles we encounter and this we will practically discover methods and physics for FTL travel.

I accelerating macroscopic mass we'd see a lot more new physics to deal with before we'd even get to relativistic shit.

But to function at cosmic scale instant travel of enormous vessels is required.

>> No.9471387

You can contain antimatter in a magnetic field in a vacuum chamber. We do this now. It would have been smarter to mention the retarded energy required to make antimatter, and how its not going to get much more energy efficient. This makes antimatter a poor fuel source(more akin to energy storage than energy generation) unless you stumble upon a pile of it, which doesnt happen. That would have been the smart thing to say, but clearly you aren’t very smart.

>> No.9471649
File: 197 KB, 1200x750, 1200-602590-dyson-sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll make a small local dyson sphere that beams the energy to earth

>> No.9471670

It would still take years upon years, since we have to build the shit atom by atom. Even then, that energy is better spent elsewhere. You would be better off using your dyson sphere to form a kugelblitz and having a black hole drive that runs on whatever the fuck matter you want to throw in. Antimatter is shit fuel.

>> No.9471683

when will this meme die?
when will eagleworks kill themselves?

>> No.9471693

hehe xd

>> No.9471702
File: 1.08 MB, 276x260, spideySense.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up brainlet, I will be traveling to other galaxies and exploring the universe while you are stuck in permanent cryosleep LOL


>> No.9471729
File: 539 KB, 1200x600, alcuberriewarpdrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay you make your point ,but what if we make an alcubierre drive around the sun and move the solar system, and the thing is power by the dyson sphere

>> No.9471747

Why, exactly?
From what I've read it's all very legal - physically speaking. Of course there is an obvious limitation in that it requires a constant distribution of negative energy in front of the drive. I have never seen a formal debunking of negative energy "tachyon" particles though I know they are fringe science. What is more important to the legality of the drive is if there is any reason why you can't simply distribute the negative energy at classical speeds to be used for superluminal travel thereafter

>> No.9472182

>requires negative mass-energy to work
>never detected

You got your work cut out for you, OP. Go find some negative mass/energy and we can go from there.

>> No.9472217

Why would you need that kind of energy for?

>> No.9472311
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1516942111996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get close to planet
>still takes forever to cross the compacted space

you cant even see it bc photons r slow in compacted zone reee

>> No.9472313
File: 997 KB, 286x225, 1516849554914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant "jump" the compacted space in mere 3d
you need 4d at least

>> No.9472325

First thing is first you can’t travel faster than light
Next if you are talking about what I think you are then you want to create a Bose-Einstein Bridge
The problem is that it requires dark matter to keep open and stable
I understand the idea of anti-matter for fuel and storing in a “bathtub” of electromagnetic energy also it would be a fuel source because it has a 100% matter to energy conversion when it is paired with normal matter
So yeah

>> No.9472453

>hurrrrrrr antimatter is negative energy
The ABSOLUTE STATE of /sci/tards

>> No.9472486

Alcubierre found a legitimate solution to the Einstein equations. The warp bubble, if you could produce it, would move FTL. It has a couple of problems though.
1) Requires NEGATIVE mass/energy (as do most of the FTL schemes I know of) Negative energy (which is not antimatter) has never been produced in more than infinitesimal quantities (Casimir effect) and (according to QM) must always be outmassed by the positive energy produced at the same time. (No net negative energy condition.)
2) Objects within the warp bubble are "causally disconnected" from the external universe. This is good because running into even a single atom at superlight velocities would wreck you. This is bad because there is no way to steer or even turn off the drive.
3) FTL leads, inevitably, to the ability to time travel into the past. Even FTL radio would allow messages to be sent backwards in time and that leads to causality paradoxes. If you need a better explanation of this, look up Minkowski Diagrams. It's just Special (no gravitation) Relativity and understanding it requires no more than simple geometry.

The Time Travel aspect applies to ANY form of FTL; hyperspace, quantum jumping, Kalashnikov tubes. wormholes, etc.

>> No.9472499

Casimir effect is not related to negative energy.

>> No.9472519

>3) FTL leads, inevitably, to the ability to time travel into the past. Even FTL radio would allow messages to be sent backwards in time and that leads to causality paradoxes. If you need a better explanation of this, look up Minkowski Diagrams. It's just Special (no gravitation) Relativity and understanding it requires no more than simple geometry.

Isn't there a large portion of the universe where space-time is expanding at faster than light relative to us? How does time travel factor into that?

>> No.9472564

Wow, someone on here actually knows what they're talking about

>> No.9472585

Probes accelerated by a big ass laser will be how we explore interstellar space.

>> No.9472612

I'm familiar with all three points you raise, I've actually studied Alcubierre's drive as part of a lax case study in the potential future of propulsion engineering (albiet the warp drive was merely a footnote)
My question is, through I'm far from an expert, I am familiar with General Relativity and the Minkowski Space required after solving the field equations in reverse, and it all seems very legal, but impossibly improbable.

Negative energy is always the first limitation brought up and for good reason, exotic matter is hundreds of years away at best for us - but my question is of legality, and although severely limited in its production, I am not familiar yet for a reason why such negative energy couldn't by law be amassed given generous time and resources.
The time travel aspect is interesting as well, which seems like a valid counterpoint. If x means time travel then x can't work because time travel doesn't work. However this is not a rigorous proof.
Don't get me wrong I am nothing but a sceptic when it comes to the limits of science, but part of being a sceptic is questioning the things you want to be true.

>> No.9472620

I've read a slight few papers which claim to be able to produce negative energy using a modification of the Casimir effect along with a few other techniques.
I'd love to link the papers here but I'm not sure if I have the right or ability to - and a quick search on Google shows any secondhand evidence might hurt my cause more than help it....

Take it as you will :)

>> No.9472623

Except the Casimir effect has nothing to do with negative energy. The linked papers are correct and your papers are wrong

>> No.9472625

Ok so as I understand it the Alcubierre drive entails compressing spacetime in front of the vehicle and then expanding it behind.


Ok here's my problem with this: Ever see a cat or a dog spin their appendages on a loose rug or carpet to try and get away when they've had a fright? Think of how that rug looks afterwards.

Now imagine your spacecraft is doggo and your loose rug is spacetime.
You will break spacetime as far as you're traveling or spacetime can travel around you.
Its going to be contorted and bent and unusable, and all the matter around it will be broken too according to some inverse square law on distance, methinks.


What if we(humans) are actually destined to be localized to our own solar system?
The only visits we may be making to distant stars is through AI machines.

>> No.9472633

Whenever someone mentions "Casimir effect" and "space travel" in the same sentence, you should ignore them

>> No.9472634

This board is like Nazi-tier racist. Not even memeing like this is exactly what they did, dismiss someone's research purely because of their race.

>> No.9472658

i have solved the issues with our current time travel technology. in all honesty we can not truely time travel but more like extra denominational travel. My travelling techniques uses a gravitational matrix generator which isolate the occupants and the ship it self out side the flow of graviton string continuum. this process removes you from the multiverse as you float ontop the multiverse like a boat in the ocean. the AI operator and navigator makes shore we enter into the designated universe at the pre designated time

>> No.9472673

please seek counseling

>> No.9472689
File: 249 KB, 1536x2048, 1513120870813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GMG works by re directing the flow of gravitons.. creating a isolated closed graviton current. sort of like a electro magnetic field. when the machine is operrational. it creates a a vibrational influx in time and space by creating the same gravitaional energy that holds electrons to there atomic orbit...in a since we are consolidating the atomic weight of the craft into the GMG separating the inter unit from the natural flow of sub atomic gravitational influxes. rendering us lighter than a single graviton.

>> No.9472700

>the GMG works
the GMG doesn't exist and it never will

Honest question: where do you get these ideas? Did you ever seriously study any of the things you talk about, or did you just read a bunch of websites? What's your day job?

>> No.9472711
File: 50 KB, 588x236, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far as I can tell, the Casimir effect DOES entail negative energy. That is, an energy density less than that existing in a chunk of "empty space" not so confined. Yes, I'm aware that there are explanations for the effect which differ. I mentioned the Casimir effect because I was trying to be honest. Negative energy is not ABSOLUTELY ruled out.

In either case, it's also my understanding that it's no good for building a warp drive because the negative must always be less than the positive energy of the matter used to create the configuration. Google "space time averaged null energy condition" for citations such as

I think I understand the physics -- but know nothing about tax law. I'd love to hear something about your case study.
Closest thing I've ever seen is https://www.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/interstellar.pdf
Another economic "proof" in the image. :)

>> No.9472714

It does not entail negative energy any more than two objects with mass have "negative energy" from a gravitational potential.

>there are explanations for the effect that differ
Casimir's original derivation was wrong. See >>9472499
especially the second link. Casimir arrived at the "correct" answer by chance. Lifshitz derived the force correctly:
If you read his paper, you'll see that no reference to "negative energy" at all.

>> No.9472727

the Gravitatioal Matrix Genorator, is comprised 23 chimerical rotating magnetic orbs floating freely in a electromagnetic induced field the magnets inside the field will change there north and south poles very rapidly and in perfect relation with each other. this is the genorator.. feed it a stronger current and your gravity fields change.

>> No.9472731

If it's true then time travel is possible, too.

>> No.9472760

I see that Lifshitz improved on Casimir's simplified model. And the section you cite does not reference negative energy. But neither does it say that's not the cause.
The previous paragraphs state that it's understood in terms of the zero-point energy of a quantized field. Like gravitational potential energy, the "zero" is defined at infinite separation and any lower state is considered negative.

Forward's work showed how useful energy (albeit only a tiny amount) could be extracted from a "leaf spring" configuration.
If energy is conserved, the work done must have been extracted from the vacuum. It's not a source of unlimited "free energy" as the Tesla/UFO nuts would have it. It takes energy to restore the original configuration, so Forward's device is more like a battery.

>> No.9472767

The research is literally about warp drives, it's not real.

>> No.9472771

Face reality. There will never be faster than light travel. Space exploration will be done in generation ships.

>> No.9472776

Tachyon particles don't have negative energy.
They have imaginary (square root minus one) mass and energy. The imaginaries multiply out when you plug superlight velocities into the mass-velocity relationships.

I also understand that physicists immediately discard any version of string theory which includes tachyons, not because of inverted causality, but because the calculations always lead to event-probabilities which don't add to "1".

>> No.9472782

You must seporate your self from the inflonce of atomic gravity and then traveling faster then the speed of light is possible

>> No.9472790

Lifshitz didn't improve Casimir's model, Casimir's model is incorrect. Again, see the paper by Jaffe and Nikolic.
The title first sentence of the abstract of the paper you cited is incorrect, but otherwise the idea works fine. It still has absolutely nothing to do with the "negative energy" that the Alcubierre drive would require. His battery identical to the hydroelectric dam that he mentions, except there are no morons running around saying that you can power a warp drive with a dam.
This device doesn't extract energy from the vacuum any more than a literal battery does. The energy is stored in the electromagnetic potential between charges on the surfaces.

>> No.9472799

Face reality, there will never be space exploration at all. Our only bet is to make an AI that scans space and stops asteroids from hitting Earth and us as humans figuring out the optimal sustainable way to make this planet last for as long as possible.

>> No.9472816

Humans are not from earth

>> No.9472821

The solar system moved to the Orion belt

>> No.9472824

Our solar system is traveling to the center of the universes

>> No.9475084

>because its not possible


>> No.9475260
File: 28 KB, 980x490, antimatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to create the anti matter

>> No.9475271

i never said anything about tachyons or negative energy

>> No.9475286

My bad. That was supposed to be a reply to >>9471747

>> No.9475319

You can control antimatters with magnets

>> No.9476170 [DELETED] 

>Face reality, there will never be space exploration at all.

>> No.9476174
File: 66 KB, 738x603, As11-40-5886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Face reality, there will never be space exploration at all.

>> No.9477617


>> No.9477629
File: 1.58 MB, 360x202, 1494823259952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viable if cops can't see you.