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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9468064 No.9468064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, is miscegenation overall good or bad? From a genetic, health, aesthetic, etc, point of view.

>> No.9468071

not really a science issue

>> No.9468082
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>biology isn't science

>> No.9468085

Genetic diversity is generally seen as a good thing.

>> No.9468086

What a retarded post and poor attempt at couching a /pol/ issue in /sci/.
I mean, how is aesthetics scientifically applicable?
Also the genetics and health are variable, as some populations (even within the same ethnicity) have more beneficial genetics than other populations.
Something like this cannot be oversimplified into a /sci/ post for some /pol/ack retard, because it has too many variables.

>> No.9468087

But as >>9468085 said, generally avoiding genetic bottlenecking is a good idea.

>> No.9468095

Just go to /pol/ They are constantly arguing over who is "really white." Even they can't get their own ideas of race straight. A mixed race baby is genetically 50% of each parent, but /pol/ thinks mixed raced babies are someone just as bad as ones from a single race they don't like, as if the idea of genetics has some kind of purity.

>> No.9468100
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I always though that aesthetics (what humans find beautiful on average) is generally an indication of good genes and even health, no?


>> No.9468123

The problem with your thoughts on aesthetics being used that way is that aesthetic preferences appear to be driven much more by social norms than genetic ones. Look at the kinds of things that were considered beautiful in different regions throughout history. In the middle-ages, fat men were considered attractive because it implied wealth and stability. Those aren't genetic traits, those are socio-economic traits

>> No.9468135

considered attractive by fucking who? how many women in the middle ages could even read much less write what they thought was attractive

>> No.9468146
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I don't believe that. We're attracted to what we're attracted to (duh). If Victoria's Secret & Chanel says that fat chicks are beautiful, they're not gonna change any man's opinion on the matter. Doesn't work like that.

>> No.9468158

>lowering your childs IQ by fucking with a negro

>> No.9468159

>lowering your child's IQ by telling them they don't need to go school, college is liberal brainwashing, and all science is a conspiracy

>> No.9468169

i wonder (((who))) is behind this general view?

>> No.9468172

What makes you think that it'll lower their IQ?

>> No.9468178

These idiots believe IQ is 100% deterministic and is determined by skin color.

>> No.9468184
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Whilst I don't care greatly about race, I will not allow this retarded "IQ has nothing to do with genetics" bullshit, it does, a lot, more than enviroment.
Read this book:
>Pic related
I can provide you with a PDF if you want.

>> No.9468196

Genetics doesn't mean something is deterministic. Also, differences in traits between populations do not imply differences in heritability.

>> No.9468202

What do you think is it good to dilute the vine with water?

>> No.9468203

>Also, differences in traits between populations do not imply differences in heritability.
>Whilst I don't care greatly about race
Please read.
>Genetics doesn't mean something is deterministic.
I know, I just checking you weren't implying that genetics didn't matter, because it does.

>> No.9468204

>Mom am I adopted?
>No, why would you think that, honey?

>> No.9468228

>read muh pop-sci trash book i beg you!!1

>> No.9468240

Mixing everything is not diversity.

>> No.9468241
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Are you really that retarded? Go and research the book, it isn't popsci.
Neo/sci/ really need to fucking leave, I've had it with you brainlets.

>> No.9468245

Not him but it's actually a pretty good read desu. It changed my perspective on a few things.

>> No.9468252
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All of them more qualified than you with your HS diploma. :)

>> No.9468286

anyone who stated that intelligence can taken out of social context and studied genetically is a pseudoscientist.

>> No.9468291

>Being this intellectually dishonest and still honestly thinking your argument has any merit.
Nice strawman, maybe actually read the book.

>> No.9468293

Except iq is not science, anon. Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.9468299

Whereas in the real world, it is actually a fairly accurate predictor of academic success.

>> No.9468305

>r values below 0.7 are significant

>> No.9468307
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I mean if you want to go the dumb route path, yeah race mixing is good. But you were to say, have decades of evidence and statistics, a means of genetic sequencing, and a minimum of logic, you would conclude that all race mixing other than white-asian doesn't produce a beneficial result.

Blacks and spics/indians have poor genetic health. They're generally bad stock from a medical standpoint.

Caucasoids have the best skull, mongoloid-caucasoid hybrids have the best face. See pic related as to why "that's just racism" meme response is nonsense.

>> No.9468308
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>> No.9468315

That's albinism, not miscegenation.
/Sci/ really is nothing but posers and /pol/sters nowadays, isn't it?

>> No.9468314

If you studied basic statistics, you'd know r values below 0.8 are laughable. Not my opinion.

>> No.9468323

>That's albinism
That's the point. Negroids have shit facial structures, and it isn't about skin color that influences that determination.

>> No.9468325

Look, either read the book or don't. I've given you a source to be able to understand the relationship between genetics and intelligence from a neuropsychological (which is as much a school of neuroscience, as psychology, so not just memes) standpoint. If you aren't even going to read the basis of it, then this conversation is pointless because you will not understand my standpoint as you will be in a place of ignorance. And no, I'm not going to sit here and distill the entire book for you. Either read it or don't, but just remember, a strawman and intellectual dishonestly aren't a substitute for an argument.

>> No.9468329

To clarify, albino indians, from india, basically look irish. It's the skin color and hair that makes indians look bad, not their facial structure.

>> No.9468334

I think Indian women from Brahmin or Kshatriya castes look attractive, on the whole.

>> No.9468342

I'm specifically referring to your statement about the correlation between IQ and 'life success'. You don't understand basic statistics. This is a general problem with /pol/tards, you run with things without understanding them, leading you to incorrect or overinflated conclusions.

>> No.9468346

> I'm not racist
> Look at me talking all science like
> spics

>> No.9468347

>mixing with sickle cell ridden apes
people dont actually do this, right?

>> No.9468351

Oh and strawman again. That wasn't my entire argument, that was a part of it and I wasn't calling it statistically significant, but it is certainly something to consider. Also, it wasn't 'life success', reread my post, it is ACADEMIC SUCCESS, which probably has a higher correlation.

>> No.9468352


>> No.9468362

>because you didn't want to specify both hispanics and latinos, skull structures magically don't fall into three general racial categories.
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.9468368

On average it will. I forgotten the figures, but on average if you are a white person fucking a black person your child will be around 20 points lower IQ. Conversely from the black person's perspective their child will on average have a higher in IQ. Overall though it lowers population IQ meaning that it isn't good news for anyone. Think Idiocracy and you'll get a good idea of where we are headed with this 'diversity is our strength' Orwellian bullshit.

>> No.9468371

Reality can be a bitch.

>> No.9468373

I mean, short of malaria, that claim doesn't bear out. We don't know if there was any genetic component to the spanish flu, black death, etc.
From a recent history/geo-political standpoint, your claim is verifiably false.

>> No.9468376
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IQ and academic success:
These also include non-STEM:
>High school dropouts: IQ 85 (U.S. white norms)
>University grads: IQ 108 (U.S. white norms)
>PhDs: IQ 119 (U.S. white norms)
>Harvard students: IQ 125 (U.S. white norms)
>Tenured professors: IQ 127 (U.S. white norms)
>Academic Nobel Prize winners: IQ 148 (U.S. white norms)
For just STEM alone, I imagine it would be higher and more in-line with:
>Pic related

>> No.9468378

1) you said it was significant
2) I told you it wasn't
3) you implied low r values like 0.7 bring insignificant was just my opinion
4) now you're claiming it's not significant
Make up your mind.
Your larger argiment about IQ being genetic is simply irrelevant if you fail to show the usefulness of IQ, no psychology study has ever shown IQ to have a significant r value. IQ r values with various things are so insignificant that such studies would be laughed at in the hard sciences.
The only reason it's promoted is simply because there's nothing else, psychology is abysmal, but psychologists still need funding. And they get it by promoting meme shit like this.

>> No.9468384

>>9468378 see >>9468376 and shove it up your arse.

>> No.9468385

>From gre
So estimates of estimates. Wow, what quality science. Take this junk and use it as toilet paper. Only usefulness it has.

>> No.9468388

>Only looking at the OP picture and not the whole meaty source that the post highlights, but acting like you're not strawmanning.
Whoa, you're so complex.

>> No.9468390

Show me the r value faggot.

>> No.9468392

You're getting desperate now IQ brainlet

>> No.9468397
File: 46 KB, 680x675, mhm_i_wonder_who_i_should_believe_the_phds_or_this_sci_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the article, it has sources attached, faggot.

I'm not the one asking for evidence and then proceeding to NOT read it. :'D

>> No.9468402
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Doesn't it make a lot of sense for black men to impregnate white women? And vise versa.

>> No.9468404

IQ is like alchemy to chemistry. Meme science with a few marginal uses (yes alchemists actuslly discovered useful things used in real chemistry).
Eventually this IQ faggotry will be superseded by actual science.

>> No.9468405

>citation needed
It's up to iq supporters to demonstrate iq is science, which it isn't. Iq is not science. Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.9468406

His beard is as worse as mine, that makes me feel a lot better.