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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 500x666, 1513097086322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9465125 No.9465125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the science behind racism? ''Everyone'' says it's culture but 95% of women in porn are white. There is too much money at stake for it to be ''muh white women'' so it means that the vast vast majority of men are attracted towards the white. Now why the fuck is that?

In all seriousness, folks.

>> No.9465132

>95% of women in porn are white
[citation needed]

>> No.9465135

I don't think so. African men are overwhelming "white" culture in every single way, even though they are so few, that demonstrates their ominous presence and how other people appreciate their presence. They had influenced western culture in a way nobody can measure other possibilities.

>> No.9465141

This. We used jazz to beat the commies in the 60's.

>> No.9465148

Idk about racism but I think it's more about skull structure than skin colour. Have you seen black and asian women with white european facial features? Looks amazing. There is also some tribes in East-Africa where the black men have strong bone structure which makes the average guy there, Chad. srs

So I think we're attracted to facial features and not so much skin colour, eye colour, hair colour, etc.

>> No.9465150

White standards of beauty are prevalent in society over black or other races. For example I'm sure you can name or recognize 5 beautiful white actresses but can you do the same for black actresses?

>> No.9465152

>''Everyone'' says it's culture but 95% of women in porn are white. There is too much money at stake for it to be ''muh white women'' so it means that the vast vast majority of men are attracted towards the white. Now why the fuck is that?
People are attracted to potential partners similar to themselves, and the people with money to spend on porn tend to be white.

>> No.9465153

This doesn't prove nor disprove what he says. Why did you post it?

>> No.9465169

there's more white women in America than not
it's not a question of demand but of supply

>> No.9465179
File: 138 KB, 620x796, 1-pornhub-insights-2017-year-review-most-searched-terms-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Statistics exist you know

>> No.9465184

Because you don't need a category for white. This is also how I know that you're a woman. Any guy would have known this.

>> No.9465206

Perceiving somebody on behalf of color of their skin is statistically correct approach.

I do not want to state that is right, but we won't solve racism from the point of perspective that declares junkie unintelligent retard and thiev,.

>> No.9465208
File: 309 KB, 1000x716, pornhub-insights-bbw-united-states-heatmap1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down a rabbit hole now guys holy shit pornhub insights is actually doing some real quality research.

>> No.9465234

No coincidence that the best college football teams are from Alabama and Georgia.

>> No.9465238
File: 462 KB, 620x742, pornhub-insights-halloween-hourly-traffic-age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have even detailed the trick or treat cock-block effect.

>> No.9465252

It's because the actual act of commerce doesn't lie or mislead for political gain - you bullshit, you go under.

>> No.9465254

>no bbc
Fake stats. Everybody knows porn addicts are master cucks.

>> No.9465258

(Implying this is true)
That people generally find white women to be more sexual attractive than other races is not racism.

>> No.9465263
File: 90 KB, 620x766, pornhub-insights-big-dick-states-popularity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the perfect article for ye


>> No.9465264

>You have to manually specify that you don't want white women

So OP is right?

>> No.9465268

Sure, but that is a half swedish/half norwegian VS model and has nothing to do with porn.

>> No.9465271
File: 93 KB, 620x806, 1-pornhub-insights-2017-year-review-top-20-countries-by-traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they aren't called minorities for no reason. You probably would get a different result if pornhub were based anywhere else.

>> No.9465279


I don't think they are minorities.
Pretty sure there a way few whites.

But I guess americans have a hard time thinking outside their country.

>> No.9465284

why is incest so high?

>> No.9465292

Hominids dominate to the point where their number one enemy is other hominids so hominids formed tribalistic behaviors to ensure their tribe stayed alive. Racism is a biological mental self defense against genetic destruction as such all humans are racist by default.

>> No.9465297

Freud was right.

>> No.9465298

>Pretty sure there a way few whites.
You are pretty wrong then.

Taboo things are hot.

>> No.9465304
File: 176 KB, 1000x695, pornhub-insights-misspellings-state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't keep getting away with producing this much gold. Pornhub statistics are too good.

>> No.9465306

>You are pretty wrong then.

Are whites a majority?

>> No.9465312
File: 63 KB, 750x703, race14n-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9465318

Hmm, what part of "thinking outside of america" did you not understand?

I'ts most searched terms
Not most searched terms in the US

>> No.9465319

>porn is dictated by what men are attracted to
lofty statement
who knows why there's so many white people in porn

>> No.9465322

Wat is porm (with m)?

>> No.9465323

Did you not notice >>9465271 ?

>> No.9465344


>> No.9465360

Then why did you say that whites were minorities and posted us stats?
Why even call non-whites minorities when it's ww data...

And with those graphs, you can't really know the race composition of the searchers.

Anyway, the question is if white women is more sexual desirable.
Not super scientific but:

>> No.9465388

>hentai that high
Looks like people are getting taste

>> No.9465402
File: 163 KB, 600x971, pornhub-insights-millennials-search-differences1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the demographics.

>> No.9465412

>tfw having a carton fetish and the search engine thinks I mean cartoon.

>> No.9465441
File: 80 KB, 620x623, pornhub-insights-super-bowl-2017-united-states-traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More statistics.

>> No.9465511

but that’s more to do with the amount of black actors/actresses getting publicity

>> No.9465527

Racism is an emotion. There is no science. Since 1970, intelligent people are not racist.

>> No.9465531

>Long nipples -75%
Based millenials

>> No.9465532

Considering how important attractiveness is for reproduction, and ultimate survival blah and blah, it’s pretty fair to say that saying someone is a better option for reproduction is better than the rest based on skin color is pretty racist my guy

>> No.9465548

whites are a majority in America, but they only make up like 5% of the world; America’s a bully and the bully always gets it in the end (pun intended)

>> No.9465744

So jews are not intelligent?

>> No.9465757
File: 72 KB, 1000x667, 1516295382628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> racial prejudice
> not species prejudice

You even into evolution, m9?

> Existence is Universal, Life is Relative.

>> No.9465758

>image size
getbehind me satan and take your niggers with you

>> No.9465969

Because they're almost all ugly. If they aren't ugly there's a litany of whites that are far more attractive. Either way, nobody wants them shitting up their aspirational reality-escape movie hour.

>> No.9465974


you know pronhub fakes all these stats ?

>> No.9465993

So some sjweeb told me that Racism=Power+Prejudice.

McNo bitch! Racism is prejudice and/or the belief that one race is superior to others.

The world becomes a lot simpler when you look at it as Racism=Prejudice + Gender=Sex.

>> No.9465999

Did (you) know (you) have supplied no evidence to back up your claim?

>> No.9466014
File: 1.15 MB, 1415x770, qsm894ch0arz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so naive

>> No.9466057

Based on traits that usually come with lighter skin.

And no, look up the definition of "racism".

>> No.9466235

(You) are right I forgot to capitalize (You) in my last post. I apologize for bringing shame on my family and will commit sep(You)ku.

>> No.9466682

Minorities are trained from birth to idolize whites and adopt their standard of beauty.

>> No.9466841

>niggers are loud, therefore people like loud niggers
Really activated my almonds there.

>> No.9466844


Best girl as usual

>> No.9466846

>the Hentai Belt if the Midwest can now be classified as a definable geographic region

fucking kek

>> No.9466886

>tickling porn

>> No.9467240

>in a white majority country most porn stars are white
what exactly seems off about this?

>> No.9467251

Never thought about this, but I agree.

>> No.9467395
File: 74 KB, 559x575, Smug asuka patriots 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck man.

>> No.9467397

>Since 1970, intelligent people are not racist.
And since 2008, intelligent people are racist against non-whites and non-(non-chinese) asians.
Data driven thought >> feels driven 'thought'

>> No.9467399
File: 2.39 MB, 2552x5560, evolution of the USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic rel

>> No.9467438

that is just a meme though the vast majority of Americans are white

>> No.9469077

>the vast majority of Americans are white
get out of the north and you'll find out. The south is like 10% white

>> No.9469098


>> No.9469105

/pol/ dribbles into every board.
seriously kys

>> No.9469117

if you think about it only black guys with huge dongs do porn, because no one wants to see the average black guys in porn, yet there are hundreds of average and small sized white guys in the industry

>> No.9469118

This is absolutely retarded. If you are an American or Western European, then all the porn is going to be with white women, because that is the pool of women that western porn companies are drawing from. Try moving to japan. Are all the porn actresses from the japanese porn industry white? No, they aren't. They are almost all japanese because they are selecting from a pool of women that is practically 100% japanese. I swear to god, it's like we forget that the websites we use to browse porn are all in ENGLISH and thus it appeals mainly to a western audience, and is made by a western business. Try going on a foreign language porn site. Chances are you will not see so many white women.
Anyways op, the subject of racism is an interesting one to debate, but your example only highlights your ignorance on the subject.

>> No.9469141
File: 370 KB, 560x725, Madame-Figaro-April-2017-Elsa-Hosk-by-David-Roemer-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elsa is cool.

>> No.9469147

>>>9465125 (OP)
>Hominids dominate to the point where their number one enemy is other hominids so hominids formed tribalistic behaviors to ensure their tribe stayed alive. Racism is a biological mental self defense against genetic destruction as such all humans are racist by default.

this. its no wonder that anti-racists end up just hating and relentlessly cucking themselves

>I don't think so. African men are overwhelming "white" culture in every single way, even though they are so few, that demonstrates their ominous presence and how other people appreciate their presence. They had influenced western culture in a way nobody can measure other possibilities.

blacks are a western european cargo cult just as much as the rest of the world is.

nobody moves towards black people, not even black people

>> No.9469190

whites are a majority in the western world.plus,as stated elsewhere in the thread,the facial features are considered the most beautiful in white women.many many many studies have been done on this,its tribal and goes back to neanderthal shit.facial recognition causes fear response or comfort response.a white face,small nose,etc says,"my tribe",wife her up.
large nose,wiry hair,etc says "their tribe",kill her.
basic and as old as it gets,newthink tries to cultrally break those human responses down into cultral bridges and say now,oh ok its safe to mate with that tribe.mass immigration is a political ploy to play on that cultral bridge and create false responses such as white women bad,kill them.human nature will right this,its happened before but racism is inheirent in all races.alw ays will be,politics is now just trying to create false responses to benefit one group(S) over the long term winner of evolution.basically a step stool for dwarfs.

>> No.9469192

I've seen you do this before with the (OP) outside of the tag. You know you can click the post number to reply w/o typing/copy pasting right?

>> No.9469197

no way california is porn.its lesbian,freek,midgets,the whole circus act.

>> No.9469198

>>>9469147 (You)
>I've seen you do this before with the (OP) outside of the tag. You know you can click the post number to reply w/o typing/copy pasting right?

you can't if you're a phonepoasting bitch like me atm

>> No.9469210

What phone are you using lol Im using a tablet and on my android it works fine

>> No.9469237

>What phone are you using lol Im using a tablet and on my android it works fine

its just omnichan. the ids aren't clickable and it doesn't have tooltips to see the number of posts by user either. that's even more annoying.

>> No.9469468

Many of those white porn stars, from Ava Addams to Zoe Voss, have all ridden huge black muscular mandingo cock.

It's all in what turns you on. Some people like lesbian porn. Some like interracial. Some like pee play and 2 Girls 1 cup. It's all what you search for / are willing to buy.

>> No.9469780
File: 61 KB, 600x434, pupil-background-cat-scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For information, here's an IQ table categorized by race. The CAT is an IQ test taken by 12 year olds in the UK.

By this table, we can calculate there are going to be 2x as many blacks (including pakistanis and bangladeshis) with an IQ under 85 than whites as a ratio of that population's race- in other words, criminals. Ask yourself this: would you avoid a Chinese person walking across the street? Of course not. Because you know he's far less likely to rob or rape you than a black or even white person.

Now let me get to the point: we can quite accurately determine a person's intelligence solely from their facial features.

We don't discriminate solely based on race, as you can see. We discriminate and rank societal value based on facial features and behavioral estimates on such facial features. It is completely natural, and very accurate. Racism is just a natural consequence of that.

>> No.9469782

Whites dominate the world. Everybody wants to be or "consume" one. Not really rocket science.

>> No.9469862

Why do whites dominate the world?