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9456099 No.9456099 [Reply] [Original]

>go to college
>taking business statistics
>first test out
>109 students
>39% of that 109 had a 69% or below
>15 students had a percentage between 20% and 39%
>open notes
>open book
>can use excel

How is this possible?

>> No.9456105

because colleges have to produce dumb drones, intelligent enough to work but too stupid to actually realize (((whats))) going on

>> No.9456110

The average person literally doesn't do any studying or reading outside of taking notes in lecture and doing their homework. There have been plenty exams which I thought were easy and the average ended up being 40%. But I study some 40 hours a week because I have no friends

>> No.9456114

>can use Excel
Why would you want to?

>> No.9456125

Literally I’ve never seen a bigger group of retards than undergrads in a GE class

>> No.9456137
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Every single one of those dumb drones is smarter than you are

>> No.9456143
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>test has exact same problem as one given as homework/excercise sheet
>80% of students get it wrong

>> No.9456145


How do you study? I do my homework, read lecture notes, and read the book.

>> No.9456147

Sounds like you're the one who's retarded, since you can't figure out that means they didn't do the homework/exercise sheet or didn't verify they answers.

>> No.9456154

Basically read the book and do past exams. I redo homework if I struggled with that section. What makes a big difference for me is making sure I read the section in the book BEFORE the material is lectured. Then, I don't need to take notes and I can focus on what the professor is saying. You learn a lot more that way, I think

>> No.9456158

If that's true then they're still retarded

>> No.9456164 [DELETED] 

I'd say the reverse is true, if anything. You'd have to be pretty stupid and obedient to put effort into school. School is extremely boring, with very few exceptions. Wasting time doing homework would be something only appealing to a mental midget.

>> No.9456321

Welcome to your first semester of college. It gets better.

>> No.9456332


Managerial Statistics is a core class for the major. It's a class above Intro to Statistics.

>> No.9456334

Eh, sometimes this happens to me. Sometimes the professor is a dick and assigns an absurdly difficult homework question that I bullshit because I figure it won't be on the test, and then it is. And then 90% of the class misses it because none of them bothered to waste their time on such a question on the HW.

>> No.9456347

This. I'm an engineering student and I swear to you engineering is too damn easy if you take this approach, and I'm going to what's considered a "really good" school for engineering. Just use the fucking textbook for notes Jesus Christ. Why even go to lecture if you're not going to give the professor your undivided attention?

>> No.9456388

You must be going to a brainlet college because this is on the edge of plausibility. I don't think even business majors would stoop that low.

>> No.9456461
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>Take-home test is literally identical to the previous homework assignment which was gone over thoroughly in class
>Weekend given to do it, the professor personally confirmed it was deliberate
>Some student sends out a mass email to the rest of the class asking if they want to study

>> No.9456491

This always happens at my uni. the professors have to end up curving the grade.

>> No.9456705

>>taking business statistics
Why the fuck would you do that? Take the calculus-based statistics course and learn something useful.