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9450608 No.9450608 [Reply] [Original]

If you fart in space can you smell it?

>> No.9450620

if you don't let it scatter yes you can smell it

>> No.9450621


>> No.9450637

if we're dismissing the fact that you'd die exposed to the vacuum of space then yes, you could fart and sniff up all the particles

>> No.9450638

also if you're wearing a space suit then absolutely

>> No.9450644
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>> No.9450647

How could you sniff them when there’s no air?

>> No.9450649


>> No.9450652

m8 the air is particles, whenever you fart you release particles you can then inhale through your nose

>> No.9450659

But sniffing relies on there being air for u to sniff

>> No.9450664

>you'd die exposed to the vacuum of space
Will you guys stop perpetuating this? You can live in a vacuum, you don't just take off your helmet and die. You live as long as you can hold your breath (which isn't very long because the depressurisation force the air from your lungs).

>> No.9450667

BRRAAAAP threads are getting more sophisticated, I see...

>> No.9450672

True. Guess im a faggy brainlet. Sorry.

>> No.9450840

Possibly not, even if you're in an enclosed cabin.
Body fluids redistribute upwards in zero-gee. Everyone's face looks puffy and their sense of smell is much reduced. Since taste is largely smell, all foods are bland. The ISS goes through tons of hot sauce, chili peppers, etc. in an attempt to make meals interesting.

>> No.9451049
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ah you see but that's mechanical waves you're talking about, farts are electromagnetic waves, they don't need air to spread around

>> No.9451066

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9451557
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>> No.9451585
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the "air" you're referring to is simply a gas

were you to inhale air, expose yourself to space, exhale, fart, and then place your face in the fart cloud you could then inhale the gas you just farted out

in fact, it may keep you alive that much longer

>> No.9451600

>You can live in a vacuum, you'd just die immediately

>> No.9451627

The nose is exceptionally good at smelling the chemicals in farts even at extremely low ppm due to them being quite toxic

>> No.9451659

I don't get this shit. As I understand it, inhaling any kind of gas relies on there being a difference between the inside of the body's air pressure and the surroundings'. You can breathe because you can expand your lungs and this creates a difference in air pressure which makes the gases move inwards. If you were in outer space, the lower air pressure of the surroundings would make the air in your lungs leave your body as >>9450664
said, and no matter how much you tried you could not get the air pressure in your lungs to be lower than the outer space's, so you could never inhale your farts or anything for that matter.
But I'm no physicist and I'm relying on my high school science classes, so what would I know.

>> No.9451692

In a vacuum you can't inhale (you are correct) and you can't even hold your breath. You'll just rupture something if you try.
Nonetheless, you don't explode (your body's tougher than that) and you don't die instantly. You've still got oxygen in your bloodstream and you won't pass out instantly. You could retain consciousness for fifteen seconds or so and you might survive the experience if someone else repressurized you within a minute.

Hard numbers and the results of (mostly) animal experiments at

It wouldn't be pleasant. Shut your eyes to avoid them freezing, try to stay out of direct unshielded sunlight, and you might suffer from the bends if you'd been breathing a nitrox mixture.

I like to think the OP meant "inside a pressurized cabin" even if he didn't say so explicitly.

>> No.9451715

>quite toxic

how so?

>> No.9451841

space has a smell

>> No.9451954

Is it true that if you take off your helmet in space you instantly shit yourself?

>> No.9451994

That's not what I said. You're just dumb. Exhale and then hold your breath. Do you die immediately? Fucking idiot.