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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9445268 No.9445268 [Reply] [Original]

Is willfully Listening to music ultimately meant for dumb people? I know Von Neumann played March music on his gramophone, but "which distracted those in neighboring offices, including Albert Einstein". Neumann "being a notoriously bad driver", seems to be naturally inattentive enough to use music as some form of stimulant for his brain. "As a 6 year old, he could divide two 8-digit numbers in his head" so music doesn't interfere with his thought as much, that is, he can get the pleasure(dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine hit) without sacrificing a big percentage of his mental computer power. However, through medication that increases these cathecolamines, specially dopamine, like Paul Erdo's amphetamines and ritalin, Neumann would be able to study in a silent environment saving most of his brain power for the goal in front of him.

>> No.9445281

I'm going deaf man

>> No.9445467

Plenty of contradictions in your shit paragraph OP

>> No.9445494

faggot OP

>> No.9445530

I hate to reply to a thread as pretentious as this, but I stopped listening to music because I hate getting music stuck in my head since it occupies my thoughts with useless ones.

>> No.9445570

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9445599

>worrying about "useless" thoughts

Someday you'll realize that all thoughts are useless

>> No.9445609

Hm nice, that is a simple reason to stop with music.

>> No.9445616

I have to listen to noisy music and pace to focus without amphetamine which I have been taking since I was a child. I was also a very gifted kiddo.
It feels like the sensory overload gives me order parameters for focus. music and walking around puts me in a cage, that way my attention doesn't have any empty space to saunter off to.
I wonder if this is why kids with ADHD fidget.

>> No.9445627
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>As a 6 year old, he could divide two 8-digit numbers in his head
>By the age of four, given a person’s age, he could calculate in his head, how many seconds they had lived.

>keep trying to prove intelligence is not genetic

>> No.9445630
File: 32 KB, 258x544, 1505629195386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magnus Carlsen can beat 5 ELO 1800+ players simultaneously blindfolded
>Brainlets who can barely visualize a 10 atom molecule think they will contribute anything to the field

>> No.9445747

Thanks for the input, anon. This proves my theory, don't you think?

>> No.9445752


Homosexuality is a detriment to the species, but that anon is a faggot himself for bringing it up.

>> No.9446354

Is this every /sci/ meme you could think of rolled into one? Well done

>> No.9446378

You all are fuckin toxic ass shit bags. Or disinformation agents or some shit because op made a good point. Like, who calls someone a faggot nowadays? How ignorant are you?

>> No.9446415

>>Implies Anon has
>>not always been one himself

Probably the generation that was
indoctrinated before yours, the
"accept muh feefees" movement
is a fairly recent phenomenon..

>> No.9446430

Stop talking, please. You're an autistic moron.