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File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, Cook_et_al._(2016)_Studies_consensus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9443338 No.9443338 [Reply] [Original]

What's the current state of the art knowledge regarding climate change?

>> No.9443353

we're now getting to the point where we can estimate how fucked individual regions are. Used to be we could only estimate how fucked the whole earth was.

>> No.9443357

there is so much murky shit involved that it's really hard to know anything

>> No.9443529

>What's the current state of the art knowledge regarding climate change?
The Paris 2C target was both way too high to be safe and way too low to be attained.
Short of someone finding a magic lantern, things are going to get ugly over the next fifty years.

>> No.9443711

>Global warming causes colder winters guys!
>Global warming causes increased rainfall guys!
>Global warming causes increased draughts guys!
>Global warming causes more weather guys!
>Global warming causes less rain guys!
>Global warming causes higher temperature guys!

>> No.9443841

You could try looking into what global warming actually causes, rather than reciting crap from blogs.

>> No.9444011

Actually, it will likely only increase the severity of weather events and not the frequency. That's just a stochastic model characteristic, i.e. stretching a system further out of balance causes greater rebound.

>> No.9444043

What is the optimal temperature of earth?

>> No.9444044

like 1.5°C cooler

>> No.9444067

approximately 200C hotter, which would cause all the humans to die and stop fucking everything up with their rapid-growth-no-natural-predators-high-resource-consumption bullshit

>> No.9444299
File: 2.04 MB, 5100x6600, Honest Reality .jpg-0 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9444304

What is that even attempting to show?

>> No.9445066
File: 227 KB, 2953x1181, Global_greening_map1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after careful deliberation and decades of study we have concluded that CO2 makes plants grow better.

>> No.9445456
File: 167 KB, 464x372, ul53a6d48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it looks like coastal cities are going to be flooded, I fully expect China or India to say "fuck it" and start spraying sulfur aerosols into the upper atmosphere. This fixes the entire warming issue for $20 billion a year or so. Granted it has some other side effects, but is much more manageable than trying to move hundreds of millions inland.

>> No.9445918

What assumptions is that map based on? It's showing "greening" in areas that are rapidly becoming arid deserts.

>after careful deliberation and decades of study we have concluded that CO2 makes plants grow better.
Only under otherwise-ideal conditions. Which are rare.

As far as I understand, sulphur dioxide cooling is very much a "last resort" kind of thing.