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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9438595 No.9438595 [Reply] [Original]

>im a physicist
>oh cool, anon. what field?

>> No.9438604

fucking NO

>> No.9438610
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>I do research for a living

>> No.9438614

>Itt stupid piece of shit criticizes literally the coolest, most profound field of science
you can suck a large one

>> No.9438641

anon, I think the point was that astrophysics isn't subordinate to physics, it's subordinate to astronomy.

>> No.9438648

>not subordinate to physics
which dimension do you live in?

>> No.9438658

Oh cool, tell me my horoscope! I'm an Aquarius.

>> No.9438666

i dont get this meme

>> No.9438668

I'm a cancer

>> No.9438675

I'm a Pisces.

>> No.9438684

I'm gay

>> No.9438688
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>Medicine is a science

>> No.9438690


Sadly, you can't be rich and a researcher

>> No.9438693

It is.

>> No.9438701

Unless you're in Switzerland.

>> No.9438703

It's an art, not a science

>> No.9438744

define rich. i want to be able to live comfortably and raise a family with my gf in a few years, i think i'll be able to do that on 2 researcher-tier salaries. what more would i possibly want?

>> No.9438750

Only if your gf has a job too
You better be getting married you degenerates

>> No.9438758

>only if your gf has a job too

well ye, that's the plan. but I think OP was referring to a single guy and not someone with kids to feed, a researcher salary for a single guy is more than enough to live a comfy life

>> No.9438761

Ye I would kill for 45k lmao
Getting there, thank God I'm good looking
I'll get a female once my career really starts rolling

>> No.9438764

im an undergrad doing an integrated master's, finishing this year. atm i live on welfare in the student dormitory and looking up the phd salaries (not even postdoc) makes me drool. a decent salary to do what's probably the best job in the world is literally the best thing one could ask for

what's your field btw?

>> No.9438766

>define rich
Rich enough to never try to save money to avoid starving to death.

>> No.9438767

what research position pays so low you can't even afford food nigga? unless you're in zimbabwe or some shit

>> No.9438770

envirosci yeah yeah smd
It's science, specializing in GIS

>> No.9438775


elaborate, cause that could mean a lot of things

>> No.9438777

Environmental Science

>> No.9438781

so what, applied ecology? geology? environ. chem? food chem?

>> No.9438783

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Maps basically

>> No.9438787

so you code the systems? you gather data? i still don't get what you do

>> No.9438790

Don't busy my balls I'm still in a Science degree
I learned Science the way you'd expect

>> No.9438793

K someone gives me a big fucking dataset and then tells me they want something out of it (say sea surface temperature for the entire Atlantic ocean)
I fucking do that

>> No.9438794

nigga explain to me what you do like you'd explain it to your gramma

wtf you've made 6 posts and i still don't get what you do. do you code some system that maps geographical data? do you do some data analysis of the data acquired? wtf do you do? lel

>> No.9438799

I make maps

>> No.9438800

took you 7 posts to answer. so you what, organize excel spreadsheets? lmao

im not mocking you btw so dont get defensive.

>> No.9438811

I used Excel for genetics

>> No.9438866

All I want is 40k/yr for the rest of my life and to be able to have a career in research or teaching uni level.
Fuck luxuries, vacations or any of that shit. Fuck having kids.

If I can afford food, rent, transport, heating cooling, healthcare, new books whenever I want, a new laptop every 3 years and subscriptions to science journals, im set.

Ill live in a fucking van if i have to. just no way in hell am i going to spend my life doing anything other than something enjoyable in my field

>> No.9438878

is this a new meme? since when cant you afford vacations with 40k a year? where do you people go for vacations, the moon?

>> No.9438888
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>I spam frogs on the science board

>> No.9438893

what kind of shit vacations do you go on with 40k a year?

>> No.9438894

hes a burger. it costs him 30k/yr just in health costs

>> No.9438900
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What's the vagina scientist job title? I would like to go to take classes for that

>> No.9438902

i can go anywhere in europe for a week for like 500 euros or something, i can go to an expensive hotel on some greek island for 2 weeks for like 1000 euros

>> No.9438907
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>tfw[spoiler] my wife is an astrophysicist

>> No.9438931
File: 66 KB, 778x499, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 2.03.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an expensive hotel and that's also 2.5% of your salary on vacation

>> No.9438942

it's a 4star hotel and 2.5% of your salary for vacation sounds about right since ud spend that much money at home too...

>> No.9438955

how much does she weigh?

>> No.9438995

>euros to regular money

>> No.9439003

It utilises it, just as it does chemistry, it's not subordinate to it.

>> No.9439006


>> No.9439008

It's a technique, you brainlets

>> No.9439016
