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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 443x244, 4325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9437243 No.9437243 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be an engineer but i havent even taken algebra yet. Obviously i have a long ways to go but im starting out on times tables. Anyone have some good resources to perfect my multiplication. I can do single digits on paper but as soon as theres a number with double digits i cant do it. help me out plz

>> No.9437252

That's why there's calculators.
You're going to be working with variables anyway.

For instance you don't need to know what (10a)(pi)^2 + a(pi) is you just have to know how to do algebra.

>> No.9437280
File: 548 KB, 700x4180, 1st algebra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously [I] have a long ways to go

Nah, just a year or so to get to calculus.


>> No.9437293

times table is memorization, there is no trick to it

spotted the brainlet

>> No.9437300

>admitting that its simply memorization
>calls me a brainlet anyway

>> No.9437321

do americans really learn multiplication this way?

>> No.9437366

How's 4th grade going.

>> No.9437372

im 20

>> No.9437431

How's 4th grade going.

>> No.9437434

This is so fucking sad...lmao :/

>> No.9437439

we all have to start somewhere. Still no one linked me to any resources to learn multiplication

>> No.9437446

Search for some Mental Math book. For learning multiplication tables try using Anki, and if you still find this hard - maybe this is the time to learn using some mnemotechnics like Mnemonic Major System

>> No.9437465

>your pic
sigh, there's just one catch - almost no kid gets an exclusive daily one-on-one tutoring. Those that do often end up in math olympics.
>times table is memorization, there is no trick to it
Of course there is:
Give a kid that can do basic addition (or even subtraction) an empty grid. Number the columns and rows in the grid with numbers from 1 to 10 (or more).
Fill the first row and column with numbers from 1 to 10 and tell him it's a game in which he has to fill the rest of the table, according to one simple rule: the value to fill in a cell is the value of an adjacent cell +/- its row/column number.
After that you can give him a grid with random cells filled and make him fill the rest, or given the same grid make him calculate some arbitrary cells the fastest way possible (he has to find the shortest path between known number and the one he wants to calculate). Or make him fill the diagonal this way (consecutive squares).
Or just leave him be with some blank grids and a box of crayons and play by himself, maybe he'll find some other interesting patterns of his own.
You can also wrap it in some nice story, eg. those "move" he can do on the grids are bunny hops and a bunny hops in a particular way of adding a row/cell numbers etc., something that'll make it more interesting.

>> No.9437521

Oh man I hope for your sake OP this is bait