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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9430438 No.9430438 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favorite pop sci book, /sci/?

>> No.9430444

How much "believable sci" does it have to be?

>> No.9430453
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>> No.9430454
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Not at all. As long as it's based on science in some way

>> No.9430456
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Any popsci that skips over the basics is garbage not worth the paper it's printed on.

>> No.9430472
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Those aren't pop sci books. Pop sci are meta books about science, they don't actually teach you anything

>> No.9430474
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If you want hard sci-fi:

Greg Egan - The first 3/4 of "Diaspora"
and also the first 3/4 of "Schild's Ladder")

All of Egans work I have read so far is very hard scifi until the 3/4 point where it then becomes speculative scifi. But very interesting!

Ted Chiang - Stories of your life and others (which is an anthology, but I really like "Understand", "Divide by Zero" and "Story of Your Life")

Poul Anderson - Tau Zero

Joe Haldeman - The Forever War

>> No.9430675
File: 99 KB, 417x600, 4B253C50-6614-44D4-B3B2-8CD15AF6EB0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this

>> No.9430719

This any good? (I'm in particle physics)

>> No.9430729
File: 525 KB, 1047x1572, spin_robert_charles_wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Joe Haldeman - The Forever War

I know you are asking for pop sci, but if you haven't read this book, you've really missed an important work of real art. Not just Ï go to an expensive college""kind of art, but real art. Seriously, read this.

For pop sci (as I understand it you want "light"reading material, right? Like Star Wars or Star Trek?), the nicest pop sci book I had read was either pic related or ... Fuck, I remembered a minute ago but was distracted for a second and now I can't remember the second book.

>> No.9430779
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You want mathematics and particle physics that is almost realistic? You want __REAL__ mathematics references in your scifi story? Like real university level, real scientific maths

Seriously, read Greg Egan.First "Schild's Ladder".

You want to read something that only mathematic or physic students can really appreciate? Then if you want to dive into the direction of computers or AI more, read "Disapora".

After that, if you want more mindfuck, read "Axiomatic" (it's an anthology) it's not math centered though. But each story is worth it!

Then I think for a hard scifi math adoring student it is a good time to read Ted Chiangs "Story of your life and others". It's also an anthology, but Greg Egan uses "real life math" differently to Ted Chiang and Chiang's "Division by Zero" is a genuinely scary, REAL math crime novel.

Then, after you've read those, please allow yourself the pleasure to read "Exhalation" by Chiang. It's only like 20 pages but it is sooooo good!

>> No.9430795
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And if you liked those, please there's two more stories you must read:

"Understand" by Chiang (which fucked with MY head a lot)
"Learning to Be Me" by Chiang which fucked with my brother's head a lot)

>> No.9430798
File: 1.04 MB, 809x714, NSPmangaguides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This collection.

(This teaches more about Real Science than any of those meme Pop-Sci Books)

>> No.9430814
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I just re-remembred the second book, it was "Flashforward".

It's not that good of a book though. I have read it and it's OK but not special. There's some forced "Religiousity" at the end of the book which comes out of nowhere.A Deus Ex Machina.

>> No.9430826

Geez I hope the motherfucker who originally opened this thread is still there.

>> No.9430861
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I also enjoyed Zukov's book: "The Dancing Wu Li Masters."

Also, you may enjoy my book which is more tyechnical than pop-sci but so technical that it could never become popular.

The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9431465
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I enjoyed this one.

>> No.9431479
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Does this count?