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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9425822 No.9425822 [Reply] [Original]

>do bad on an exam
>feel like a worthless brainlet for at least a week
How do I cope with this feel

>> No.9425835

Stop basing your self worth on imaginary things like academin grades. Base your self worth on something useful like money or attractiveness.

>> No.9425854

Sometimes school just shits on you, from bad teachers to unfair tests or just plain bad luck, try to think of good grades as a result of your study, focus on learning not on getting a good grade and wish for the best.

>> No.9425869

what was the subject?

>> No.9425879
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>study hard for an exam, tackling all the really important parts
>half of it revolves around meme nomenclature/memorization bullshit you gain absolutely nothing for knowing

>> No.9425882

If you really git gud you should be able to ace anything

>> No.9425883

>professor only does practical examples in class
>homework is purely practical
>test is 90% theory

>> No.9425889

>fail two exams

>> No.9425892

I know that feel, specially if you're doing a CS degree and some meme subjects come like software engineering and human-computer interaction.

>> No.9425898

I did this in my Theory of Computing class, it was 2 exams, i fcked up the first (rly odd, because it was mostly automatas and turing machines) and fucking aced the last exam (proofs with cantor diagonalization, halting problem and some meme proofs involving meme machines like Pushdown automatas)

>> No.9425907

I took a biochem meme class
>20% of the test consists of naming proteins and database bullshit

seriously that's got to be the biggest fuck you to people who actually study, how is knowing conventions and names even important

>> No.9425913

yeah, but knowing all the metabolism reactions is important for understanding biochem. and if you dont know the names of the enzymes and of the products in e.g. the krebs cycle you cannot understand whats goind on in a cell or in an organism. how else would you do it? how else to teach it then?

>> No.9425915

How hard is it to look at a definition 2-3 times and memorize, you lazy fuck? How else would you symbolize objects? Thank God retards like you aren't taking classes like anatomy

>> No.9425920

Depends on dificulity. My Matlab course was pretty comfy, and got a pretty good grade (but 20% failrate so it doesnt matter that much desu)

>> No.9426003

dwelling on past poor performance isnt healthy, correct negative behaviours and do better next time

>> No.9426115

I know that feel

>> No.9427275

>imaginary things
>fiat currency

>> No.9427285

revise harder next time

>> No.9427502

Fuck that shit with a rake.

>> No.9427643
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>waah theory is le hard

>> No.9427707

This but backwards and in high school. I had an assignment in physics where I had to build a DC motor, however I have a pacemaker so I can't be near to electromagnets so I had to hand it in with out ever turning it on or knowing that it worked. It didn't in the end and I was not given any bonus points

>> No.9427728

Identify what you did wrong in preparing for the exam. Did you review enough, did you do enough practice problems, etc. Whatever the topic, don't focus on a moment of shame. Focus on your goals and desire to succeed. If you get deep enough into it, you'll forget the feels, and it might just something you look back and laugh at.

In second semester of ochem I once got like a 70something because I was overconfident, didn't study too hard, and didn't even have a good method for learning the material. I improved and went on to ace the final. Now I can joke to people that my ochem exam experience is basically a parabola.

>> No.9427748

i would go full hero on the magnet after this one.

>> No.9427755

t. IQ signaling role-player

>> No.9427778
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>study all day
>solve 30 exercises per Chapter
>learn the hard ones by heart
>go through all the variations
>exam is full of 2-page proofs, out-of-curriculum theorems and meme-exercises that you passed over
>fail the exam
Oh bros... Hold me...


>> No.9427805

This shit only happens to autists who fall for the self-study meme instead of going to class and seeing what the professor wants you to learn.

>> No.9428494

Forgive yourself. What's past is past. Focus on why you did badly, and what you could do differently next time. Ruminating on things you have no control over (like an exam you've already done) is absolutely pointless.

>> No.9428499

This is me on the fucking DFQ second exam, the most stupid basic shit like change of variables, e^x shit etc and I spilled spaghetti everywhere and got a 50% because I couldnt figure out what method to solve the 10 problems before time ran out ffs

>> No.9428552
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Same. Junior EE. Had a horrible prof for microelectronics who was a diversity hire. I had a surgical infection and ended up turning things in late and still got points off despite documentation. I understood the material on midterms and solved 95℅of the problems correctly but still got a 75 because I didn't notice it said explain at the top of the page. I lost interest in the class and chegged the last 4 assignments. The final only covered the last few weeks of the class and was time based since any moron with an equation sheet could solve the problems. I stayed up all night making a gigantic study sheet and probably left 1/3 of the test blank. Haven't checked grades yet, never will. Fuck that shit class

>> No.9428567

I hate when people complain about this when the course is animal based or specifically mentions family relationships. It's like a pharmacist deciding to not memorize drug names because they understand the concepts.

OP realize that your value is not tied to your grades.

>> No.9429084

speak to the department head about it

>> No.9429089

Damn, you should share that wisdom with >>>/adv/

>> No.9429100

I know that feel OP. I used to be le smart kid in first two years of undergrad, now in my third year I overcooked it and took on too many courses, while also being TA for about 10 hours a week. I'm getting shit grades, barely passing and I started fucking hating math where I used to love it.

>> No.9429113

Redouble your efforts and refrain from making lame excuses.

>> No.9429173

Study more

>> No.9429305

>haven't turned up to a lab the whole term due to partying
>Steal some nerds code
>Hand it in and get 80%
>Change the code to gibberish so when the lecturer runs it through some program to see if I've copied it nothing will come up

>> No.9429432

Too late now, already got my grade. Although I don't know what it is, I suspect it's a c minus or worse. Fug

>> No.9429472

Try vaping, drinking, throwing it out idk

>> No.9429477

Ur professor is a scumbag

>> No.9429479
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>do bad on a university entrance exam
>have to wait a year to try again

Just fucking kill me.