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9424430 No.9424430 [Reply] [Original]

>I think CS has a viable career path

>> No.9424438

t. insecure math freshman

>> No.9424444

Maybe not right after Undergraduate studies,
but most likely after graduate school...

>> No.9424453

t. super senior CS major

>> No.9424459

Well, post the employment stats from some CS departments. How much money do they make, employment rate, etc. Then we can all understand what you mean

>> No.9424582
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I go into work at 10am and made over $175,000 last year. KYS brainlet

>> No.9424633

It's the highest-earning major at my engineering school, so do with that information what you will.

>> No.9424688

Lol hahaha

>> No.9424761

ITT people think you need a CS degree to get a programming job

>> No.9425066

ITT people think you need a degree in something that isn't CS to get a programming job

>> No.9425087

> faggot
Why the homophobia?

>> No.9425093

Just how new you are?

>> No.9425098

You're even more new.

>> No.9425107

I saw people posting this and thought it must be the new meme

>> No.9425125

its called coding boot camp and outsourcing to india and eastern europe.
Look it up.

>> No.9426108
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>> No.9426112

I have a dev job, going to start a degree this or next year.

>> No.9426149

I used to be a scared CS student too. Anyone here studying CS do these things:

Go buy "cracking the coding interview" and "elements of programming interviews". Learn python. Practice leetcode.com problems on actual whiteboards.

Do this your whole summer and you'll get a job no problem over 6figures. Don't even need school I dropped out. You just need to be able to solve ~10 coding questions on a whiteboard and boom. 150k at least.

>> No.9427202

someone pls tell me what I should major in

>> No.9427249

EE, you can do anything with that degree. It's the most work intensive though in uni.

>> No.9427634

>It's the most work intensive though in uni.
after physics

>> No.9427733

You're more new than him if you don't get it

>> No.9428127

You're even newer if you don't get that

>> No.9428159

How much time do they typically give you per problem?

>> No.9428161

Usually it's 2 problems in 45-50 minutes with a 5-10 minute introduction at the beginning. So roughly 20 minutes per problem. If a problem is particularly difficult or has several parts, it'll take 50 minutes.

>> No.9428169

They give you that much time for leetcode problems?? I thought I was supposed to solve each one in 5mins, FFS. Fuck mechanical engineering, I'm going to get a software job.

>> No.9428188

Oh no, I was talking about the Google and Facebook interviews. You know, the actually difficult ones that are basically on par with an algorithm design course to a lesser extent. The ones where you actually have to be a logical thinker instead of just memorizing sorting functions and spitting them back out. Also, you have to code everything efficiently with clean code that is both documented and precise. If you can ALL of that, you MIGHT get into Google.

t. got to 2nd round of Google interviews, got to 3rd round of Google interviews, interviewed with Facebook past 2 years

>> No.9428199

pls post example problem

>> No.9428211

Unfortunately, I didn't take screenshots of my Facebook interviews. And I only have my Google interviews from this year, but I signed an NDA. Sorry lad :/

>> No.9428220

How many "hard" leetcode problems are equal to one interview question?

>> No.9428238

1.5? I don't really do hard leetcode to practice. I do easy/medium because there are few companies that truly ask hard leetcode problems (btw Palantir is another one of them, went through their process twice, still going through it at the moment).

>> No.9428252

look them up

>Explain the significance of "dead beef"

>A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?

>You need to check that your friend Bob has your correct phone number, but you cannot ask him directly. You must write the question on a card which and give it to Eve who will take the card to Bob and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure Bob can encode the message so that Eve cannot read your phone number?

>> No.9428291

-it's a hex memory address

-he was late to a meeting?

-add the first digit to the second digit, add the second digit to the third digit, etc. to implement a simple checksum

>> No.9428306

I was thinking RSA for the last one.

>> No.9428309

And the first one that he killed people in the crash, the hotel sued him, and he got sent to prison because he was drunk driving.

>> No.9428310

Yeah, it depends how far you want to take it. You could also just do diffie-helman and give it to him again to make absolutely sure he has it.

>> No.9428319

I feel like the question is a lot of ambiguity. For example can eve, if she looks at the card, understand or figure out the code? Because wouldn’t RSA not work since eve can know the keys?

>> No.9428336

Diffie-helman can be used for secret key exchange, but in this case you might as well consider the phone number the key. But as far as my original answer goes, she wouldn't be able to easily decode it since it basically amounts to a hashing algorithm.

>> No.9428376

What do you do precisely? Just curious because reasons

>> No.9429004


Usually you'd do 1 medium (warmup) then 2 hard ones, at least that is about equal for a typical Google phone screen (45 minutes).

But there's no standard - the interviewers are free to do what they want.


What kind of leetcode problems? For medium warm-up ones yes 5 minutes is expected. The hard ones should take more than 5 minutes though.

You can do any leetcode hard problem on 5 minutes the first try? That's hard to believe (outside of a few of them that are poorly classified)

>> No.9429023

I'm pretty sure Google stopped with brainteaser questions. Idk about FB though

>> No.9429072

While I don't want to shit wholesale on the plight of people who do CS, like CS, or even end up doing something related to computer science for their profession, it does seem like a redundant field at this point to study. Most university programs teach computer science as a 'learn to program, with a light focus on theory' kind of discipline. This is obviously becoming undervalued in the industry, and everybody and their grandma is starting to need to learn how to do some coding for their professions- often times being paid to take training classes to reach that goal.

Biologists almost always now have to learn R and sometimes python for data analysis- and that's even including evolutionary biologists and ecologists due to how streamlined greater bioinformatic approaches has made collation of data between levels of biology (molecular/biochemical approaches, genomics approaches, proteomics approaches, ecological approaches, evolutionary/phylogenic aproaches, soon-to-be connectomic approaches), the list grows every year, and biology becomes an even more complete field with every new level of analysis integrated. The point is that CS is becoming much more like it should have in the first place- a trade or a skill that is very useful when used in various fields, but not traditionally a field of study unto itself, except for of course if you look at the theory behind it (which a good school should base their CS program on, especially considering today's climate).

>> No.9429080
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>tfw theoretical cs undergrad
>no career path

>> No.9429444

By the way, these questions are NO LONGER asked during Google interviews for either data scientists (or related fields) or software engineering. They're purely logic problem solving coding problems with no way to memorize them. I assure you you've never seen the problem before the interview.

>> No.9429445

I'm the guy as up above. Google did stop with brainteaser questions. FB doesn't do brainteaser questions either. They will typically ask you 2 questions during the interviews and you have to give optimal code, optimal runtime, tell them the runtime, then give 2 or 3 ways to improve it.

Also, to add onto my other post >>9429444 , Google will most likely ask you a question about system design and being efficient for a lot of users. Typically, one of your interviews at some point will have a question like this. "If you're writing an API function to do this, what assumptions do you need for all of the features? Code it up and talk about the assumptions as you come across them. Tell me how you'd solve the assumptions and code them as well." Typically this can entail something to do with caching.

>> No.9429803

Any point in double majoring CS and Economics?

>> No.9429852


>> No.9430569

>learn python

Absolutely retarded advice.

>> No.9430599

Absolutely retarded opinion

>> No.9430644

Actually, learning python is great advice.
Data science? Python or C++
ML? Python or C++
Scripting? Python
Automation? Python
Python is so versatile and easy to learn, it's used everywhere. With that being said, C++ is more industrial and will be seen more often in embedded programming, robotics, ML/algorithms, GPUs, occassionally servers.

Python is fantastic to learn
But C++ is probably better
and C+/Java are definitely better to learn for interview questions

This guy is right

>> No.9430647

Do you want to be a manager who can't do anything else except throw buzzwords at others but has a gigantic ego?

>> No.9430656

This guy knows what he's talking about

>> No.9430679

I'll take that as a yes

>> No.9431157

My friend just interviewed at FB and he said they gave him some piss easy problem about changing 1 element of a binary tree. He gave it to me and I solved it as an EE in a few minutes. Not sure if he had more harder questions or what.

>> No.9431185

Typically they're harder than that. If they just asked him to change 1 element and just that one, he probably failed the interview.

>> No.9431188

No, it was to change the tree recursively if one branch changes. It took about 3 lines of code and he got the job

>> No.9431195

biologists suck at R and will spend years complaining about how they cant work on their best data set cause its more than 4gigs or whatever.

t. friends with md/ph.d

>> No.9431323

People in health sciences are some of the worst offenders, I have to agree. But it's something that industry leaders and academia is pushing for at the moment, and should hopefully become a required skill in the coming years.

t. geneticist with a boner for sleek graphical data representation and ez statistical analysis

>> No.9431325

Even though they're literally the exact same degree

>> No.9431328

>programming job
>studying a CS major to be another computer monkey
first year after graduation, maybe
but you could also be a backend/software/data engineer or a data scientist, those are NOT codemonkey positions and cannot be fully outsourced to India (if anything you need people with that expertise in-house to make sure the outsourcing is delivering an adequate product) or covered with people who took a 3-month online course after being laid out

>> No.9431385

I kind of find it sad to see the opinion of /sci/ in regards to CS. It's legitimately a great degree. For example, my school requires some stats, some calc, discrete structures, and algorithms heavy courses. It's not all about how to program. Of course, knowing how to program is a key component in order to solve some of these problems (e.g. Djikstra's). I would almost certainly take CS major's programming ability over any other discipline's programming ability. For example, a bootcamp graduate can learn how to program, but they won't know OS concepts, algorithms (sure they'll know basic sort functions), how to implement data structures, automata, or the core math. I'm not sure what degrees you guys are looking at but honestly my degree only requires one true "programming" course; the rest are legitimate logic/algorithm/systems courses that set you apart from the rest. And don't get me started on upper level electives that allow you to focus on the theory behind ML/CV/NLP/Databases/Parallel computing/etc. That kind of education can't be reached anywhere and it'll take you a long time to self-teach all of it. Don't get me wrong, some medical student can learn how to use R, but I can pick up R in 30 minutes AND know how to apply it. I can pick up any language and know how to apply it to a problem, create an application, analyze requirements, and make an efficient program too. I have more career opportunities as a CS major compared to some medical student that is stuck in some niche medical field and just so happens to have to know very basic programming.

>> No.9431393


No need to be homophobic

>> No.9431395
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>get a degree in math bro!! 300k starting

>> No.9431397


shit, I guess I should unlearn it.

I'll have to give up the enjoyable job where I currently get paid to write Python though

>> No.9431400
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Software Engineer in ML-as-a-service server infrastructure

>> No.9431412

I give you permission to shitpost these threads so long as you kick it down the road to allow finance majors to shitpost is your cs threads.

>> No.9431421

Where at? You actually doing anything related to ML or are you just handling the back-end basically?

>> No.9431423

Good question anon I handle the computational and server aspect of the back-end I'm too brainlet to actually do the ML part.

>> No.9431588

I am in eastern Europe, though

>> No.9431593

I'm the anon who brought up the biology example, and I do agree that competent programs will end up being much more comprehensive in theory, and this kind of thing is valuable. The problem with it is that the programs themselves- Compsci focused on learning how to apply the basics of logic in order to understand the how and why of code and how to look at it from philosophical and mathematical logic perspectives, and compsci that is "learn these programming languages, and applications" are hugely different yet are called the same thing.

A scientist is a scientist. There are true computer scientists- people who are dedicated to understanding it from a scientific basis- and those people will end up benefiting greatly from CS programs that focus on theory. But there's no way around the endemic problem of people going into CS to learn how to code so they can get a tech industry job so they can get dollars at the end of the day. It's almost entirely analogous to people who enter biology programs hoping to do premed, for the most part- caring about only the prescriptive ends is to be addressed with technical training, not with a B.S..

I guess the point I was trying to make, and one I think is important right now, is that CS has been on a pedestal for a while."computers are cool and useful- getting a degree to learn to code would be useful" being a common mentality has created a super inflated market.

>> No.9431597

>has created a super inflated market.
So then why is it paying so much better?

>> No.9431773

shilltard fuck off please