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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 391x459, satracialgap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9422989 No.9422989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

Not only does it exist, it persists at every socio-economic level

>> No.9422993

Because everyone knows that people will use this information for evil. Anyone that denies this is secretly wishing to do evil.

>> No.9422994

you already made this thread today, sweetie

>> No.9422995
File: 355 KB, 1000x1050, 1514664107315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because is gonna be used by niggers to talk shit about literal niggers.

>> No.9422999

Uh oh, someone's grumpy today.

>> No.9423010

How is segregation evil?

>> No.9423012

>Because everyone knows that people will use this information for evil.
At least you're honest. This guy is right. It's a known fact but there are significant social pressures not to look into it because of the implication that results will be used to support "racism". Modern science is more dominated by peer pressure than the search for truth.

>> No.9423013

It's one of those things that's like, "yeah, seems plausible, is there a solution?". Usually, the solutions people come up with go against western ideals of liberty and equality before the law.

>> No.9423017

Yeah and look at where all that egalitarianism is getting us

>> No.9423022

>Modern science is more dominated by peer pressure than the search for truth.
Modern science is dominated by grant committees, often staffed by government officials.

>> No.9423023

>so taboo
>but I have all this data
>and make this thread 3 times a day

>> No.9423053

You think people should be segregated because they're slightly dumber?

>> No.9423055

It's not slightly, there's a deviation of 15 IQ points

>> No.9423063

i'm fully in support of this but i think it's too important to leave to population statistics. i propose mandatory monthly iq tests where everyone who consistently scores below 90 loses civil rights and gets sent to the ghettos.

>> No.9423065

I'd say below 105

>> No.9423069

There's a strong correlation between lower IQ and higher propensity to commit crime, which I think we can all agree is borne out in the crime statistics and over-representation of blacks in them. Segregation is a matter of public safety. If people in one area had a 40% chance to exhibit criminal behavior and people in another had a 3% chance to exhibit criminal behavior which area would you choose to live in? It's a no brainer.

>> No.9423074

>Segregation is a matter of public safety.
This is how the world already is. Bad neighborhoods are separated from good neighborhoods. Stay in the good ones and you're fine.

>> No.9423077

But there are no laws keeping the poor out of neighborhoods they don't belong in

>> No.9423089

What about a little thing called freedom?

>> No.9423090

>another pseudoscience thread
When will you learn?

>> No.9423091

only sjw libcuck numale soyboy cuckold niggers believe in freedom

>> No.9423112

SAT is not a good estimate of intelligence

>> No.9423116
File: 1.48 MB, 2054x1037, the_change_in_sci_from_2015-2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please stop having these threads MORE THAN once a day? Maybe once a month?

>> No.9423139

Is there a problem? It is not taboo is it?

>> No.9423142

>Blacks being dumb as fuck is "pseudoscience"
In what universe do you live in

>> No.9423153

it is, especially when public education is standarized

>> No.9423175

its not you calculator.

>> No.9423229

You might as well start segragating rich people from non rich people then. Rich people tend to fuck over very large portions of populations financially. Look at the US.

>> No.9423234

>Rich people tend to fuck over very large portions of populations financially
No they don't. Wealth is not finite. Just because someone has more does not mean you have less. Go take economics 101, surest cure for socialist proclivities

>> No.9423236

because it hurts peoples feefees and their conceits of personal liberty and potential

>> No.9423242

>Wealth is not finite.
Pretty sure it is.

>> No.9423247

Ever heard of white collar crimes before? Sure violence among race is thing, but so if fucking over someone's bank account and their general well being of life. Rich white folks are the most dangerous people on the planet.

>> No.9423253

It has a high likelihood of damaging the lives of innocent people.

>> No.9423256

If I buy stock and it increases in value my wealth has increased. Who lost wealth as a result? If I create a company and there is hype about my product I could literally become a paper billionaire overnight if the value of my companies stock rises high enough. Again, who lost anything as a result of the value of my company increasing? Wealth can be created from nothing all the time.

>> No.9423258

>Rich white folks are the most dangerous people on the planet.
Rich white folks don't run up behind you and sucker punch you into a wall to steal your phone

>> No.9423264

Because then the Asians would take over more quickly.

>> No.9423265

Are we gonna talk about rednecks too? Because they're the dumbest motherfuckers I've seen in my entire life. Or is this is not about intelligence but about skin color?

>> No.9423269

The literacy rates in blacks at 1870 were about 20% it changed to 70% after 40 years even if systematic racism was present. Blacks also generated jazz/Blues which is one of the most important musical genres today and it has a lot if academic following. It's clear they aren't so stupid as to require segregation, but nowdays the black community is overepresented in all the "dumb" categories, which I believe the case has to do with what Thomaw Sowell says about the influence if black culture in black youth.

>> No.9423271
File: 1010 KB, 3112x3461, just fuck my society up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealth is not finite
Yes it really is.
>Just because someone has more does not mean you have less
That's exactly what it means. There is a set number of dollars (until central banks start creating more money and distributing it to failing banks for free, to be loaned out at interest) so a vast majority of money being held by an incredibly tiny minority is exactly why the majority of people are poor.

But I absolutely agree with the spirit of your point, that wealth is not a zero sum game, and that rich people having less would impact their lives negligibly compared to the massive benefit of the poor having just slightly more - them having more would definitely not mean the rich having 'less' in any meaningful sense.

>> No.9423272

Your company being worth a lot on paper means nothing until someone buys your stock, at which point that person is the one who lost money to create your wealth.

>> No.9423278
File: 55 KB, 300x308, 1470695843749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money is the only form of wealth
Anon please, how are we even supposed to have this discussion when you don't even understand basic economics? Do you think because Bill Gates is worth 70 billion he can actually go and spend 70 billion dollars on a whim? I mean in the pic you posted it's clearly comparing wealth between Americans and then you go and make the argument that because money is zero sum the fact that wealthy Americans have a lot of their value invested in stocks means someone else got less.

>> No.9423294

What sort of selection pressure would make certain populations of humans more intelligent than other races?

I mean, everything in Australia is out to kill you, so we'd expect the most intelligent population there if anything, right?

>> No.9423305

Wage growth being low was caused by the feminist revolution. Women entering the work place en masse created downward pressure on wages for unskilled work.

>> No.9423306

Travel distance from the major locations of invention and human innovation.
a selective pressure?

>> No.9423326

We can talk about everyone :)

>> No.9423379

You'd have to imagine genes selecting for something. I don't see what.

>> No.9423385

>implying genes are actually the cause

>> No.9423394

I'm talking about genes and environment here actually. Genes select for something because of the environment.

This is how you think about these things.

>> No.9423397

Australia is relatively tropical so it lends to only requiring a primitive hunter/gatherer skill set. It doesn't take brains to run down food.

Farming and industry take intelligence

>> No.9423685

how many times are you gonna make this thread
you're not white, we get it

>> No.9423703

Hey /pol/, thanks for reminding me to post some more blacked threads on your home board,

>> No.9423854

>implying they need to harm you physically to fuck up your life.

>> No.9423860

You posted the same thing a few days ago.

>> No.9424037

Anon wages went down because the whole world was recovering from WW2 and it turns out that other Euro nations and later Asian nations could do the same stuff American labor could but cheaper! This was already evident by the late 50's an grew until it became a massive issue in the late 60's and 70's.

>> No.9424040

>but nowdays the black community is overepresented in all the "dumb" categories

It's because the areas Blacks are in are most of the time the shittiest. You want to see poverty fucking up people go to the poor rural areas that barely have any funding for school and job prospects are null alongside large unemployment due to the loss of agricultural jobs and/or manufacturing.

>> No.9424045

SAT is a resource check. How much money you have to invest in your kids study and engagement in that training alongside their schools ability to be able to prepare said kids for the test.

>> No.9424060

hard workers earn more than lazy people - interesting.

>> No.9424079

>wealth is not finite
>go take economics 101
I'm not a leftist, but economics is LITERALLY the study of scarcity and its effects. You are a fucking imbecile.
In what way is wealth not finite? There are a finite amount of resources, which is why economics exists.

>> No.9424095

Yeah, in most basic classes you are going to be operating under the assumption of scarcity. There are some people out there, though, who do believe we live in a post-scarcity society, in many ways.

>> No.9424681 [DELETED] 

>In what way is wealth not finite
Wealth is defined as the value of the assets you own. If you own a potato and potato become the most valuable commodity in the world you instantly become incredibly wealthy. Wealth is not finite because you can literally go from zero to a billionaire based on how valuable other people consider the things you own.

>> No.9424704

>being unironically this retarded and actually explaining to us how stupid you really are

>> No.9424722

Wealth isn't zero sum. The assumption that because someone has more wealth it means someone has less is incorrect.

>> No.9424729

Can you give me an example of you creating more money for yourself without the addition of outside wealth sources (ie other people trading you money for what youve made, done,)

>> No.9424737

Money comprises part of wealth. You're conflating the two. Money is not wealth, it is an asset with the highest liquidity. Wealth is the total value of all assets you own. Bill Gates does not have 70B in money. He has 70B in wealth which includes all his property, stock, collectibles and anything else he owns, which includes the money he has available.

Seriously if we're going to have this discussion then you need to understand the basic definitions of what you're talking about. The entire point about wealth not being zero sum is that wealth derives from how valuable people believe your assets are. People value Microsoft stock highly, Bill Gates owns a lot of Microsoft stock therefore Bill Gates is extremely wealthy. It has NOTHING to do with how much liquid cash he has available or even how much liquid cash he can obtain

>> No.9424740

got to get paid

>> No.9424746

Ok, i understand what you mean, when most people think about wealth however in todays society we equate it to money which gives a numeric value to things

>> No.9424776

My dad is a white male who makes more than $200,000 and he is trying to mine bitcoins with gpu.
I have a friend (black) who lives alone and makes just enough to live and he knows like 20 different algebra books by heart.

even if segregation made sense then it would still unfairly punish outliers

>> No.9424780

Are you trying to say your anecdotal evidence trumps objective data? On /sci/? Bruh...