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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9421769 No.9421769 [Reply] [Original]

Does this confirm climate "science" is really just pseudoscience?

They're starting to look as bad as psychologists and the other non-sciences

>> No.9421779

that's not a scholarly journal asshole.

>> No.9421789

>that's not a scholarly journal asshole.
Can any climate "science" journals really be considered "scholarly"?

>> No.9421825


>> No.9421828

It's all just kike propaganda. Fucking obviously

>> No.9421831

Ok melting glaciers cause the sea level to go down? What is their rationale for this?

>> No.9421864

You are a retard for trusting news headlines instead of reading the actual papers. Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.9421962

Go back to your containment board, you moronic /pol-cunt.

>> No.9421980

>another poster spooked by the /pol/ bogeyman

>> No.9421994

Ok for all the unenlightened: the weight of the ocean deforms the oceanic basin making it deeper and have more volume, lowering sea level. But this article is clearly just alarmism because the sheer amount of water it takes is a looot and there's a time delay, the crust doesn't deform instantly, it takes 10s to 100s of thousands of years.

>> No.9422012


>> No.9422035
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I think they are more spooked by the fact that autism is easily spread. Make sure to wash your hands next time when you visit this board.

>> No.9422064

this is not a valid argument

>> No.9422075
File: 16 KB, 360x270, 071C8867-7B37-47FB-BFEE-A0E8F633C3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it goes again! My, what have you done? Why didn't you listen? All you had to do was wash your hands.

>> No.9422090

ice is less dense than water

>> No.9423427


>> No.9423616
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>> No.9423622

>literally retarded

>> No.9423625

>act like /pol/
>get called /pol/
if you didn't come from there it's where you belong

>> No.9423696

>act like reddit
if you didn't come from there it's where you belong

>> No.9423698

>>act like /pol/
>>get called /pol/
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9424661
File: 2.61 MB, 1891x4901, climate change 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.9424669

by posting a blatantly false and misleading image with multiple graphs that have been debunked over and over and over again both here and elsewhere. Now fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9424672

>by posting a blatantly false and misleading image with multiple graphs that have been debunked over and over and over again both here and elsewhere. Now fuck off back to >>>/pol/
Do you need to swear? It really invalidates your post

>> No.9424676

>It really invalidates your post
No it fucking doesn't.

>> No.9424778

Another great thread.

>> No.9424782

>No it fucking doesn't.

>> No.9424822

Ok so like all the ice that's melting is below sea level because icebergs n stuff so the sea level goes down well that would still probably be very bad like the mississippi drying up or some shit but yeah let's just continue to assume earth is invincible

>> No.9424861

>believes a /pol/tard, just because he posted some graphs
>a /pol/tard that posts a graph on ice age temperature changes
>says temperature variations are normal
>literally can't see that those temperature variations happened over tens or hundreds of thousands of years.
>forgets that temperatures have risen 1 °C in only the last century and is expected to rise another 3 °C in this century.
>20,000 years worth of temperature rise condensed into 200 years.
>Thinking that this won't have any effect on the plants and animals that are already adapted to this climate.

Yeah, that is definitely not going to damage our food supply in anyway, or cause mass extinctions.

Also, that graph that measures mid-troposphere 20s 20n is pretty outdated. It only measures a small section of the atmosphere, but even then, recent data still show that it's warming.



>> No.9424865

>still replying seriously to bait

This is why you are weak /sci/ and will always be cucks.

>> No.9424871

Misinformation spreads regardless of whether or not it's bait.

>> No.9424881

This shit is actually getting out of hand. I'm about to call my ISP and support the fuck out of them charging money to visit this site. $25 a month for every single board you want to visit. That way, if you fucks want to spread your cancerous bullshit at least you have to pay for your shit posts.

>> No.9424925

it just snowed in fuken sahara

>> No.9424940


>> No.9425376

>This shit is actually getting out of hand. I'm about to call my ISP and support the fuck out of them charging money to visit this site. $25 a month for every single board you want to visit. That way, if you fucks want to spread your cancerous bullshit at least you have to pay for your shit posts.
Are you okay?

>> No.9425397

>Ok so like all the ice that's melting is below sea level
Ever heard of land ice? Ever heard of Greenland?

>> No.9425619

This just means that in the long term sea level will distribute around the planet more uniformly as I understand it

Ice melts - Sea Level Rises - Sea Basins Sink - Ice stops melting - Seawater drains into sunken basins

This won't stop sea level rise of at least 1 meter this century

>> No.9425626

Why would the ice stop melting?

>> No.9425651
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>> No.9426447

Will climate "scientists" EVER be able to prove causation and not just weak correlation?

>> No.9426481

>water expands when frozen
>same weight + more volume = less density
this is grade school shit get the fuck out

>> No.9426623

>Will climate "scientists" EVER be able to prove causation and not just weak correlation?
Yes, they've been able to do that for decades.
Isotope balance + outgoing radiation.

Melting floating ice doesn't (directly) alter the water level.

>> No.9426634

>blatantly false
>that have been debunked over and over and over again
[citation needed]
Also, if your biggest refutation for an argument is repeatedly throwing out emotionally charged denials, you're relying too much on pathos.

>> No.9426682

Oh yes. I forgot how legions of journalists/scientists come to 4chan to find some nice facts to put in their papers.

>> No.9426683

You worthless cunt come here o ver and over again to spread misinformation and lies while ruining other peoples legitimate discussions. At somepoint you stop wanting to have a discussion with people whos only go to arguments are factless

>> No.9426700

Floating ice that melts doesn't change the water level, the ice below matches the ice above it. Try it.

>> No.9426701

>[citation needed]
Go visit any archive of /sci/ threads. There's a handful of "AGW isn't real" images that are spammed in nearly every thread, and they get an in-depth debunking in about half of them. I'm close to just putting together an image response that can be spammed back.

>> No.9426706


>> No.9426715

That’s funny, because in all of the threads I’ve shitposted in, rarely was there a response backed up by facts, and none have come close to tackling the anthropomorphic side of things. Please make that image.

>> No.9426719

Literally worse than pop-sci

>> No.9426732
File: 155 KB, 320x320, really makes you [stand].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.9426734

>they get an in-depth debunking in about half of them
[citation needed]

>> No.9426743
File: 4 KB, 250x220, 1499922479912s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asking a non-political question

Holy fuck you sound retarded.

>> No.9426752

>No really! /pol/ wins arguments on /sci/ ALL THE TIME!
Fuck off.

>>9424661 is obvious horse shit.
The Christy graph is torn apart by Gavin here: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2016/05/comparing-models-to-the-satellite-datasets/
and the rest of the image is one long misunderstanding of timescales, with plenty of wanking off in the text. The author seems to think that a sharp spike on a million-year-long graph is equivalent to a sharp spike on a hundred-year graph, so there's nothing alarming about the current warming trend. That's obviously wrong, as anyone who understands even primary school maths would notice.
There's also a bunch of stupid claims: "a *hypothesis* that CO2 affect climate in a meaningful way" and so on. I can't even be bothered with those: just check wikipedia or something: we've known about the greenhouse effect for more than a century.

>> No.9426753

>>No really! /pol/ wins arguments on /sci/ ALL THE TIME!
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9426756

>Fuck off.
Do you really need to swear? It invalidates your post

>> No.9426766

I don't give a rats ass who posts it. Debate the evidence.


>> No.9426772
File: 72 KB, 762x720, 1515009143254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even deserve a better response

>> No.9427036

What "climate science journals"?
Climate science is published in the normal major journals, along with everything else important.

>> No.9427041

>this is grade school shit get the fuck out
A straight up admission that you failed grade school.
Ice doesn't float on top of the water, it floats in the water at the surface.
There's a reason icebergs only show around 1/10th of their total size above the surface. The ice displaces as much water as it's mass, in water. So when it converts back into water there is no change.

Of course, this all only applies to sea ice, not things like glaciers that are melting into the ocean.

>> No.9427043

No not really, scientists get things wrong all the time. It's a pretty normal process to figuring out what's actually going on. Normalfags just don't trust scientists because "just gimme tha answer! What do you mean you don't know!"

>> No.9427128
File: 64 KB, 600x704, 550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate science

>> No.9427133

>what is an aggregate?

>> No.9427137

I'm not saying it's true I'm saying regardless why the fuck are we still wondering if we effect the planet? If we affect it at all in either direction it wouldn't be good. How could billions of machines running on fossil fuels not affect shit?

>> No.9427492

Do they mean polar glaciers then? That would make sense if most of it used to be under water