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9419089 No.9419089 [Reply] [Original]

What are /sci/'s thoughts on veganism?

>> No.9419100

An extreme choice to make when confronted about how important good diet is. Or, a very good choice to make when confronted with the reality about how many trees are cut down as a result of cattle farming and the monstrous amount of water that is wasted. I still love me some steak though.

>> No.9419135

Been vegan for 2 years now. I dont eat outside and i always prepare my own food so beeing vegan has been very easy so far.
>An extreme choice to make when confronted about how important good diet is.

vegan diet is perfectly fine or even beneficial if you do it correctly (which is easy). Only problem i have noticed is that you need to eat shit ton of food to maintain your weight.

>> No.9419222

Eat shit tonne of food? What about starches like potatos.
Veganism seems logically the ethically best diet. Never seeb people who have a good argument against it. Seems to always be reactionary against norms. And in the first world its not necessarily extreme any more for many people.

>> No.9419240

I'll be monitoring this thread for the facts on the matter.

Does veganism contribute to a lower carbon footprint and/or is it better for the environment? Compared to what other diet? Are you wasting resources the moment you raise an animal for food, regardless of how you do it?

We know veganism is better than shoving burgers in you all day, but is it the BEST diet? Is the the healthiest diet for us?

Followup on that. Intermittent (every other day) fasting alone can significantly reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and shit if I'm not mistaken, even if you do shove burgers down your throat every other day. How does that impact the answer to the previous question?

How much effort is actually required to go over to a vegan diet? Especially considering the fact that you need to make sure you get your nutrients.

And nobody gives a shit about the moral/ethics of it unless they're a retard.

Will eagerly wait to see these questions answered with citations from scientific journals listed in the master journals list, preferably meta/review studies. If they get answered that is.

>> No.9419251

Then how do you make your gainz?

>> No.9419253


>> No.9419260
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Shit-tier hippie diet.
>b-but muh animal suffering
You don't even care about starving niggers in Africa and you'd condone subjugating people who disagree with you politically.

>b-but muh health
Enjoy having no balls and lacking vitamin B, soy boy.

>b-but muh vitamin pills
I doubt you even checked if they were truly vegan. Also, enjoy eating cardboard while I eat juicy, delicious mutton.

Come on, say it.

Don't be scared.

>b-but muh chakras and connection to Source in eternal harmonic communion between the five elements and the consciousness of creation


>> No.9419264

No diets inherently the best. Aslong as it satisfies whatever we need in protein vitamins sugar fat etc. Meat diets can do that. Vegans i think overemphasise how healthy the diet is. Their health benefits could probably be done the same with meat.

Dont think fastings recommended. Easier for the will and your mind/mood just to have a balanced diet.

I think though you shouldnt be thinking about just your own footprint but whether your eating habits are supporting certain industries which create the footprint.

Veganism does have a footprint and isnt all great but probably better than the animal industry. Yes raising animals automatically consumes more resources because you have to feed and water them.

If you want citations look this stuff up yourself.

Why isnt the moral argument relevant? Its probably the best argument. Even in a society with sustainable animal industries veganism is still preferable due to this.

>> No.9419269

We arent talking about humans but id be glad to.

>> No.9419270

Calm down.

>> No.9419288

I'm asking these questions here on /sci/ because I expect someone with more knowledge than me on the subject to find the relevant studies on the subject so I won't have to waste time trying to find some studies here and there and still miss a huge chunk of the literature.

Basically I'm hoping to save time since I've considered something like perhaps a vegetarian diet for a while, but I only listen to facts. If the benefits both environmentally and health wise aren't significant compared to a balanced diet which I'm currently on, or a meat restricted diet of some sort, then I have no reason to expend effort trying to conform to such a diet.

Lol, morals.

>> No.9419296

You probably could be okay on a meat restricted diet. If you were really interested in reducing ur footpront youd look into non meat products that were potentially damaging too.

So you dont care about the moral part?

>> No.9419298

you've clearly found your passion, anon

>> No.9419300

>this logic

why are you even on /sci/ brainlet?
did some vegetables destabilise your image of masculinity?

Yeah veganism won't solve world hunger, and neither will meat diet
but it can prevent suffering of billions of animals who don't want to die and live under terrible conditions

>> No.9419301

Veganism isn't maintainable. The biggest flaw in it is you won't experience the problems with it till you're 60 then you're hyper fucked.

There is no evidence at all whatsoever that vegans live longer than meat eaters.

There is also no ethical reason to do it either seeing as how 1000x the amount of animals are killed to bring you clean drinking water than slaughtering one cow to feed 100 people. It is pure moronic stupidity brought on by people's desire to feel part of something

>> No.9419304


>> No.9419305

>1000x the amount of animals are killed to bring you clean drinking water

care to expand? i wasn't aware this was an issue in the west

>> No.9419307

You're against factory farms then not meat eating

>> No.9419309
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I am Vegan, for 3 reasons, none of them are about cruelty

1. Environment. 10% of wilderness has vanished since 1992, and this will continue to decline. A lot of that is for animal agriculture. The greenhouse emissions of Veganism are also far lower, which is preferable, and the amount of hypoxic dead zones in the ocean is lower if everyone follows a vegan diet. Animal agriculture has also created a massive collapse in genetic diversity amongst species because we've replaced all the habitats with fields for cattle.

2. Overfishing. I can't eat fish. We are collapsing the oceans by fishing down the food web, taking the tops of the trophic chain away then continuing to overfish the stuff that is left for oil and fish farm food. Deep sea fishing is becoming a thing due to demand which targets very slow breeding deep sea fish that cannot sustain population when faced with our technologies.

3. Antibiotic resistance. This is primarily driven by animal farming on an industrial scale and is something that could quickly spiral out of control. This alone is enough of a reason to stop eating factory farmed meat at the very least. Fish farms have the same issue

I am aware there are healthier diets but I'd rather take a couple of supplements than support the damage done by this industry.

>> No.9419314

Reminder that studies show there's no significant difference between caged chickens and free roaming ones. In fact, caged ones are more healthy.

If you truly care about the welfare of chickens, LOCK 'EM UP!

>> No.9419319

Whats the problem with it if you can replicate all the nutrients you can from a meat diet.

Its impossible to be perfectly morally consistent or aware but you can minimise harm done and think about the issues you know about. Atleast be mindful. No not eating meat isnt gonna stop animal deaths right now but it means your not advocating it and getting more people to do it creates long term change.

Its better to make little steps than none at all.

And for that clean water example i know nothing about but i still think we have to ensure society and people are healthy. Sometimes animals do come second thats true but doesnt mean there cant be a minimisation of harm.

>> No.9419320

1. forests are growing or stable in the developed world, where almost all food products are made

2. what about farmed fish and shellfish?

3. certainly is an issue, but the future of anti-bacterial medicine is in viral treatments, not antibiotics.

>> No.9419326

Good point. No eating meat (even humans) isnt inherently wrong for me

>> No.9419334

*clicking applause*

>> No.9419337

Grow up. Life is killing. Even trees murder their own offspring by denying them sunlight. Vegans live in fairyland

>> No.9419338

1. This doesn't change the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, though, and the Amazon is an irreplaceable jewel so I don't want to risk funding the damages being done. I'm pretty sure that many of the grains grown there are exported to other countries for cattle feed anyway

2. Farmed fish are almost always Salmon, Tuna etc, which are high trophic level fish and require fish feed, ie, they require the continued fishing of already exploited fisheries. These farms also contribute to dead zones because the fish shit so much into the narrow bands of water. I would consider eating farmed mussels and shellfish IF it could be demonstrated that these farms are not contributing to species invasions (another major issue fish farming causes) and don't suffer disease (diseased shellfish is a disgusting thing to consider eating). I would consider eating farmed, low trophic level fish that are being fed without exploiting the oceans (ie through the fishing of ecosystem essential krill in the Southern Ocean). I would also eat farmed freshwater fish provided they could prove environmental friendliness or fish hand caught by an angler (not 'line caught' as this can mean a longline fishing method). As it stands it is easier to just avoid fish altogether.

3. When we have effective treatments against AB resistant bacteria I can reconsider this position, but even then, there are potential outbreaks of other diseases from the horrific factory farming conditions (bird flus, prion diseases etc)

>> No.9419341

Why cant we minimise it. We do it in human society dont we?

>> No.9419343

If you could would you specifically check into where you got your food? Chickenfag up there makes a point. Certain types of farm or whatever can have the label of sustainability but it may depend on the specific farm sometimes.

>> No.9419347

We're not demigods. We're animals.

>> No.9419352


So you wouldnt object to somw guy dropping through your window and slaughtering you coz "life is killing"? Maybe youre a demigod to him.

>> No.9419354

Yes, and if I was a bit richer I would probably try to find local, sustainable meat to eat. I'd need to think about the issue more though, as there are probably a lot of things I haven't considered, and my position here isn't permanent, I just think that Veganism for me, ethically, feels like a risk management thing (as I know for a fact that the things I have mentioned are major issues, and avoiding meat altogether gives the best chance of not contributing to them)

>> No.9419358

You and your strawman have a good life.

>> No.9419367

All im saying is its not necessarily that hard and your life is killing argument is the wrong one to defend yourself with because you dont make a distinction with the fact that people dont kill eachother.

>> No.9419369

Wheres the line? Why not become oneof those people that live on a jar of waste per year and grow all your own veg in a bin?

>> No.9419373

It's an obvious distinction. Another one is humanitarian ways of killing animals.

>> No.9419377

Humane I mean.

>> No.9419379

Why is it obvious?

The point is why should living things die unnecessarily.

>> No.9419381

Men eat meat
Men need this food efficiently, and thus automated slaughterhouses exist
No amount of debating will ever change this

>> No.9419384

I doubt you can predict the future. Expectations are continually superseded.

If men dont have to eat meat to survive though, are slaughterhouses and its suffering necessary?

>> No.9419386

Because they taste good, and that makes it necessary. Also, we give them excellent lives with food and shelter, then even gift them a dignified death.

It's way more than we get, and you know it.

>> No.9419389

There's a disturbing lack of citations so far...

>> No.9419402


Lool way more than we get?

And i wouldnt say it gives them excellent lives.

The point is living things that suffer should be able to live and not be killed. You would agree with that in terms of yourself.
Plus dignified in your opinion. Does the animal understand it as dignified?

Tasting good isnt a good argument because someone could argue that about humans.

>> No.9419407

We are hunter gatherer animals, men are biologically designed to hunt down meat and slam it down for protein
If humanity continues to lose masculinity then perhaps something will change, but I doubt it'd look anything like the fantasy utopia you have in mind

>> No.9419411

They understand they never get torn to pieces by wolves. But the point is they don't understand much to begin with, so they're easy to satisfy. And they will they regardless one way or another unless I've missed something and cattle, sheep, etc are actual immortal crystalline beings beyond our comprehension.

Tasting good is an excellent argument. Humans are more intelligent and conscious than every animal on the planet, and even if they weren't and tasted good, we now know that we aren't nutritious at all, so the argument is still moot.

Sweating yet?

>> No.9419413

How the hell did "die" autocorrect to they? Fucking hell.

>> No.9419418

You have enzymes to digest protein for a reason anon.

>> No.9419419

Theres no food like meat. It just tastes so good, and has so much nutrients. Nothing ever compares to it.

Although i do understand we probably should eat less meat for energy reasons.

>> No.9419428

Then why arent you a hunter gatherer?

Biological design isnt a valid notion i think. Its just an easy way of describing biology when in reality there is a degeneracy in the types of niches an organisms can live in. Theres no specific design and unexpected organism-environment couplings probably occur often.

And an is doesnt necessarily mean an ought. Historical reference poonts are arbitrary especially as humans arent a historically discrete lineage and in our past and even now weve lived on many different diets.The things humans do in the past doesnt justify behaviour now. We did bad things in the past.

Again why eat meat if unnecessary.

>> No.9419435

It's not unnecessary though. It tastes good.

>> No.9419436

>on /sci/
>thinks meat is the ultimate source of protein
>probably doesn't even know what protein is

i kekd

anon, even goddamn broccoli contains more protein/g then most of meat

>> No.9419439

No they dont understand. And if you had the animals interests in heart why not just provide them the stress free lifestyle wihout death. And as is well known and chicken fag said. Their lives arent ideal. Lots of bad shit happens.

Understanding and intelligence isnt an argument. Just shows malevolent manipulation. We look after dumb children and disabled people. Would you advocate a higher being too? Intelligence doesnt necessarily link to volition agency suffering etc.

Lol we not nutritious? Apes are delicacies in some countries. We can farm humans to be nutritious too. Tbh you havent supported your view on our nutritiousness.

>> No.9419440

yeah broccoli contains 1/10 more protein than meat per gram

>> No.9419443

Instead of pussyfooting just say you dont care about animals. Your personal preference rather than being illogical. You accused me of strawman somehow earlier lol

>> No.9419445

>provide them stress free lifestyles without death
Talk about unnecessary! And a waste! I want to wat their flesh, silly. They will die. We can make it painless. Everyone wins. Intelligence also links directly to agency, suffering, etc, so yeah you can just rationalize that very important consideration away.

>> No.9419446

No it doesnt logically at all lol. We demonstrate that in our own societies.

Then why dont we kill humans when its necessary?

>> No.9419447

We're not nutritious according to science. Deal with it.

>> No.9419452

Now you're just being silly. You know I'm right. Also, assisted suicide is a thing, and I'm for it.

>> No.9419456

Nah humans still love eating meat, including all the ones with higher testosterone than you that have a higher chance of reproducing anyways

>Then why aren't you a hunter gatherer

I kill animals and eat them anon, although not all of my meals are obtained this way, real life men still exist, you should try it, you may like it

>> No.9419457

By the logic of this article we are more nutritious than lamb or chicken. You clearly havent read it.

>> No.9419460


Assisted suicide is consensual and still complicated.

Lol unlesss you give me an argument saying im silly wont do anything. Jist makes you look stupid.

>> No.9419462

Humans can love things that are wrong anon. And who cares about testosterone or masculinity. I might be a faggot or a woman. Not an argument.

You killing animals has nothing to do woth hunter gatherers. And yes i might like it but doesnt make it morally clean or right.

>> No.9419466

There's nothing wrong with people having different genes, I brought that up because people that prefer meat will keep reproducing, and so a vegan future for humanity doesn't seem likely at the moment

>> No.9419467

Consent also implies intelligence. How will you solve this cognitive dissonance, anon? Baka.

>> No.9419470

I want to respect their choice but the moment they start pushing towards outlawing meat-eating, which they certainly will, then it'll basically become the next religious war. I already know it's gonna happen that's why I hate and want them to fuck off, let me slaughter animals and eat meat in peace you faggots.

>> No.9419472

This is why I hoped morals/ethics would be ignored. You're just spouting worthless opinions at each other, wasting time.

>> No.9419487

Does it? A stupid animal cant let you do something consensually? A rat wont let you know when it doesnt like something?

>> No.9419488

As if you come this board to be productive

>> No.9419492

So eating meat or being vegan is a genetic thing? Hmm fighees how all vegans come feom vegan families with vegan parents.

>> No.9419495

I like to think of it as minimum effort productivity.

>> No.9419500

But do you see nothing bad about meat eating at all?

>> No.9419506

It hurts the feelings of those who personally are offended by it?

>> No.9419513

The greatest arrogance of vegans is assuming that animals suffer simply by virtue of being food.

>> No.9419518
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Would vegans go back to eating meat if farm animals were engineered to not feel any suffering?

>> No.9419522

Ha so you dont see anything bad about hurting an animal okay :p

>> No.9419527

I wasn't aware we were torturing animals before we killed them.

>> No.9419531



>> No.9419533

I think they assume they suffer by virtue of being animals like us.
Good question. Maybe. Eating meat isnt inherently wrong. Maybe its more complicated though. Interesting is where is the fine line where something is deserving of moral consideration. If we build an a.i. or even a simulation that is close enough to humans does that deserve it? How do you define a living thing. If this didnt feel pain would it still deserve our consideration? Is pain all that is deserving of consideration? Intuitively no because we wd try to protect those that dont feel pain i think if they were human. But would we if they were made and not born? Hard.

>> No.9419538

Ill include kill in that. And i dont think animal farming or hunting is painless anyway.
Lol looks relatively humane. Not the point though. And im not offended if you thought i would be. Im just reasoning.

>> No.9419543

Veganism is actually a capitalist conspiracy. Let me explain why. My girlfriend is a vegan and she's a normie so she browses facebook constantly and sometimes I'll just lay on her tits and see what she's seeing. The first time I did this I was fucking shocked because every 5 posts on her feed are either PETA propaganda showing animals getting slaughtered or capitalist propaganda trying to sell her food that is supposedly good for the environment and animals. (And for some reason, the capitalist propaganda always comes right after PETA's propaganda. So we know that facebook has some really fucking advanced emotional manipulation AI.)

After seeing this a couple of times I confronted her about her veganism and she admitted that she really wishes to eat meat because it tastes so good. And she also hates veganism because stuff like vegan cheese costs 10 times what normal cheese costs and she isn't rich at all.

That settled it for me. Veganism is a capitalist meme. Think about it. The food market is stale. The best and most efficient methods for producing food have been discovered long ago and are used by the biggest companies. So how does a new player actually compete in the market? By telling their customers that if they eat traditional food they are literally HITLER. Then, to pay for all this extra marketing (funding PETA) they raise the prices of their bullshit food. AND IT WORKS. I honestly consider my girlfriend to be a victim. This is psychological manipulation. This is emotional manipulation. Veganism and vegan propaganda should be outright illegal. PETA should be banned from all social media, and vegan food companies should be punished for this kind of punitive marketing.

So my take is this. If you are a vegan, either you've been brainwashed by a corporation looking to make a quick buck, or you are one of them and you are a SICK FUCK.

>> No.9419544

Tbh though i know that the animals shouldnt really be killed in the presence of other animals. Definitely the case in animal testing. Think types of farms might aim for that too depending on context.

>> No.9419547

I agree it is a capitalist meme but producing anything is and im not sure that the products were produced before the propaganda. Makes no economic sense. Im sure some vegans are vegans from thinking rather than emotional manipulation though.

>> No.9419552

I don't think death is particularly bad (or good), especially when it comes to animals whose whole purpose and existence is to feed us, so I don't feel anything when I see them getting killed without suffering. Didn't post that to offend you, it just looks extremely normal to me maybe it does to you.

>> No.9419557

>Im sure some vegans are vegans from thinking
No, I consider this to be impossible. Vegan food tastes like fucking shit so there has to be a deep rationalization behind it. It is either "I make big fucking money from vegan corporations funding me to keep blogging about vegan health bullshit" or "HITLER ATE MEAT. I AM NOT HITLER. PLEASE FORGIVE ME LITTLE COWS I DID NOT MEAN TO EAT YOU AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

>> No.9419559

Hate the movement but they're right about it being healthy. Why eat 10 different meat replacements instead of just a little meat? And there's a lot of misinformation/exaggeration, highly biased. Yeah vegetables are good for you, everyone and their mother knows this.

>> No.9419592

Nah doesnt offend at all. I dont get mushy over animals dieing. Just feels logical to me. People dont cry about rekt videos do they. It looks painless.

Wasnt hitler vegetatian?

>> No.9419595

No more healthy than a balanced diet.

>> No.9419604

>Wasnt hitler vegetatian?
Who cares. I am obviously exaggerating the propaganda. But if you want to see the real deal just go to PETA's facebook. They post literal gore there and for some reason ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) facebook allows it. Some of it is so fucked up that if I were to turn it into a .webm and post it here, I'd get banned.

>> No.9419612

the zucc is too busy getting the succ to moderate

>> No.9419615


Post or didnt happen.

God bless capitalism.

>> No.9419621
File: 26 KB, 411x412, 1478835628962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this post even?

>By telling their customers that if they eat traditional food they are literally HITLER

So plants are not traditional food?

>> No.9419630

You have free access to facebook motherfucker.

By traditional food I mean food that is just food. It is not marketed with some bullshit moral message about saving the environment and helping animals.

Plants are traditional food, but here it gets interesting. There are two types of plants. There are mass produced plants (the once I'd say are traditional) and then there are hipster bullshit plants grown by "local farmers" that cost 10 times what the traditional plants cost. Vegan propaganda will make you buy the latter.

Also, I remembered something that adds to the Hitler thing. PETA published a video on facebook about how one of the methods of killing [some little animal, don't remember which one] was by putting them inside a gas chamber. And they were undercover interviewing the farmer and they asked them to show them. Then the farmer grabbed 5 of the little animals and put them in the gas chamber to fucking die. Then the farmer took them out and checked to see if they have died. The guy said "Oh, look. This one is still alive. This sometimes happens. In this case, you just break its neck to end it quick." and then, on camera, the guy breaks the fucking neck of the little animal.


Wasn't m00t working on Facebook? Why does he allow this filth?

>> No.9419632

a shit diet that only keeps us from evolving our intelligence and brains
had we stayed with eating plants we would still be retarded monkeys throwing poop at each other
fats and amino acids in meat are what helped us evolve intelligence
all vegans should be eradicated for preventing the humankind from evolving

>> No.9419641

are you aware of how crooked PETA is?
they're like next-level evil

>> No.9419649

That has nothing to do with veganism though. That's just organic food and they sell organic animal products too.

>> No.9419654

Well, I've never been too aware of social movements but I can say that I'm not comfortable calling people evil. I'd say PETA is sick but I don't know if evil. At the end of the day, we are all capitalist. And we know money talks. It is clear that PETA is simply the propaganda arm of these food companies, and it is PETA's job to produce this propaganda. It is what puts food on their table. It is what feeds their families. They have to do what they have to do. But I'd say they are sick. But not evil. That is why I think we should target the corporations, not PETA. Once there are no more vegan corporations funneling money into PETA, it will disappear so fast you won't even notice it. That is how capitalism works, after all.

>> No.9419657

"Organic" "animal" products are simply a gateway to veganism. They are a gateway into making you feel guilty about what you eat. It is simply more propaganda and more manipulation.

Clearly, these companies noticed that most people are not willing to immediately buy 50$ vegan cheese slices so they added the gateway. Why not buy 30$ "organic" "grass-fed" "non-GMO" "non-antibiotic" cheese instead? That's right, EAT. EAT AND FEEL GUILTY, YOU'LL BE MOVING TO THE 50$ CHEESE IN NO TIME.

>> No.9419666

I will cast the first paper then.
>CONCLUSIONS: This comprehensive meta-analysis reports a significant protective effect of a vegetarian diet versus the incidence and/or mortality from ischemic heart disease (-25%) and incidence from total cancer (-8%). Vegan diet conferred a significant reduced risk (-15%) of incidence from total cancer.

The health part is now settled. If you want to be healthier, become a vegetarian.

>> No.9419668

I was compared to hitler once for gassing rats in a lab.

>> No.9419669

PETA isn't tied to food companies and shit they're fueled by pure ideology (like ISIS)
Maybe 'evil' is a harsh word but who gives a fuck this is (pseudo)anonymous
there's a Penn and Teller episode on PETA

>> No.9419672

If youre not a communist then shut the fuck up with ur whining

>> No.9419674

Well, I am not hating on gassing animals. It is okay to kill animals. What I am not okay with is filming it and putting it on the internet. It is gross. If a farmer does it, it is okay. It is his job. If you do it, that's cool. It was for science. But don't make me see that disgusting shit. Keep it to yourself.

>PETA isn't tied to food companies and shit they're fueled by pure ideology (like ISIS)

Sure sure. But let me tell you a secret: Ideology does not pay the bills. PETA has donors and thus their main concern is protecting the interests of their donors. The same is true for ISIS. ISIS has donors, and their main concern is protecting the interests of those donors. Maybe there is some ideology sprinkled it, but that is just the rationalization. That is just what they tell themselves to be able to sleep at night.

>> No.9419678

Youre a naive fuck mate.

Critical thinking cuckface.

>> No.9419679

>If you are not a communist you cannot criticize corporations
Wew lad, we have an intellectual over here. Yeah! Why bother trying to improve capitalism!

>> No.9419680

Veganism is an extreme. As such, I don't respect it. I understand the impact of livestock farming and agree that t needs to be cut back. That doesn't mean completely stopping. Eating meat is an easy way to get necessary nutrients, even though you can get these through diet planning with veganism. But most people are too stupid and lazy to adhere to dietary rules.

>> No.9419681

Look at all the other ways capitalisms corrupt. Youre just doing this hear coz vegans offend ur boipussy.

>> No.9419682

yeah yeah yeah
but medical research isn't perfect there's still some doubt to be had

>> No.9419683

How do we cut it back without government regulation

>> No.9419687

Second paper is thrown now. Showing vegetarian diets have the most benefit with regards to the environment.

>The largest environmental benefits across indicators were seen in those diets which most reduced the amount of animal-based foods, such as vegan (first place in terms of benefits for two environmental indicators), vegetarian (first place for one indicator), and pescatarian (second and third place for two indicators).

>I can make systematic review literature disappear with insults, watch

>> No.9419690
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You are really invested in this theory are you? Any kind of food is produced by someone. So you can accuse everyone with any opinion on nutrition of propaganda. This leads to nothing.

>> No.9419694

Mate they dont consider that a balanced diet with meat can be as healthy. They just compare vegan diets to controls. Thats my criticism.

>> No.9419696

Nigga, are you gonna tell me every attempt at communism hasn't absolutely been corrupted beyond repair?

>> No.9419698

I believe this but technology will save us
It's not the consumers fault or responsibility anyway

>> No.9419699

How was I supposed to magically know what your actual criticism is? At any rate, throw a paper showing a "balanced diet" is equal to that of a vegan one.

>> No.9419708

Im not condoning communism

>> No.9419711
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Yes it is the best diet if done healthfully. Many don't do it healthfully though and are only concerned with the ethical aspect. However vegans are still the only group in USA which on average fall within the <25 (overweight) BMI [1]. The best diet is obviously one which is high in vitamins and nutrients as opposed to empty calories of fat/carbs. There is no debate on that, so meat/butter/sugar based diets are out of the question. A diet should be based on high antioxidant, vitamin+fiber rich whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. No one argues that these foods are very healthy and you should base your diet on them. All health authorities recommend this.

The dispute is whether milk, meat, and fish should be included in the diet for health. I'll say a few things: There is no issue getting all vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fats on a vegan diet. Processed meat is a carcinogen [2] (Group 1, known, they are as sure it causes cancer as they are sure plutonium does), and red meat is a probable carcinogen.

>Processed meat is defined as any meat preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or with the addition of
chemical preservatives; examples include bacon, salami, sausages, hot dogs or processed deli or luncheon
meats. [3]

Humans are the only animal which drinks milk of another species. Dairy isn't necessary to meet your daily needs for calcium as evidenced by pic related.

Fish do indeed have Omega 3s, but also have mercury. It would be much safer to get Omega 3s from a source like Flax seeds, which also have fiber.

That's all I feel like typing. I'll post more if someone argues.

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19351712
2. https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/world-health-organization-says-processed-meat-causes-cancer.html
3. http://www.doe.in.gov/sites/default/files/nutrition/criteria-guides.pdf

>> No.9419716

Its not rocket science. Aslong as you get required protein fat vitamins etc its fine.

>> No.9419727

Your summation is correct. Stop eating meat if being part of an ethical dietary movement appeals to you, or if eating meat interferes with your health. Otherwise, eat <i>less</i> meat, which is a simultaneous step in both directions, with the distinct up-side of not turning into a dipshit.

>> No.9419730

>Its not rocket science

Nutrition is actually less studied than rocket science.

>> No.9419748

Im aware. Its called an expression. Infact i did a bsc in rocket science.

>> No.9419751

True but none of that says you cant be healthy and eat meat or dairy.. or even that taking out meat doesnt naje a noticeable difference.

>> No.9419752

Hold your horses a bit on environmental impact of a vegan diet. Or at least food sustainability.
>This study focuses attention on some underappreciated concerns. While agricultural land is often discussed in the aggregate, our analysis shows that accounting for the partitioning of land between grazing land, cultivated cropland, and perennial cropland has a strong influence on estimates of carrying capacity. Indeed, we demonstrate that under a range of land use conditions, diets with low to modest amounts of meat outperform a vegan diet, and vegetarian diets including dairy products performed best overall. Finally, the analysis illustrates how carrying capacity can be used to measure the potential food output of agricultural land. Moreover, the model presented herein provides a basis for exploring an even wider range of diet scenarios, and to further examine which diets make most efficient use of available land.

>> No.9419763

V. Interest

>> No.9419765

and literally what's the point if you can just eat meat and get 2x the nutrition in 1/10th the amount? inb4 cancer, i don't care about some funny 0,0001% risk of cancer increase
70g protein is barely enough to keep my muscles from wasting lmao, and definitely not enough to build them
and why are you not showing your carbs? how much did you eat? 400g? enjoy your diabetes soyboy
literally kys vegan cucks, accept the fact that humans aren't monkeys

>> No.9419768

Not a scientific paper, but I'm interested in the book discussed in the article.

>> No.9419772

Just have a soy protein powder.

>> No.9419773

or just eat meat which is 10x cheaper than soyboy powder

>> No.9419781

Very interest nut meats will taste less good.

>> No.9419785

>Overall, Fairlie estimates that farmed animals produce about 10% of the world's emissions: still too much, but a good deal less than transport. He also shows that many vegetable oils have a bigger footprint than animal fats, and reminds us that even vegan farming necessitates the large-scale killing or ecological exclusion of animals: in this case pests. On the other hand, he slaughters the claims made by some livestock farmers about the soil carbon they can lock away.

>The meat-producing system Fairlie advocates differs sharply from the one now practised in the rich world: low energy, low waste, just, diverse, small-scale. But if we were to adopt it, we could eat meat, milk and eggs (albeit much less) with a clean conscience. By keeping out of the debate over how livestock should be kept, those of us who have advocated veganism have allowed the champions of cruel, destructive, famine-inducing meat farming to prevail. It's time we got stuck in.

How will soyboys ever recover?

>> No.9419787

Loool u not making $200,000 pa femcuck? Too poor to sonal your virtues? Okay bae.

>> No.9419802


Have we learned something so far?

>> No.9419810

that vegcucks make faulty arguments and there is no reason to go vegan

>> No.9419840

>but a good deal less than transport
Wouldn't be so if we didn't have fucking carcucks and corporate lobbying everywhere.

>> No.9419853

Hold me back coz ill slap a bitch faggot

>> No.9419867

watch out, you'll break these noodle arms soyboy

>> No.9419910

Atleast im not a gayboy faggot.

>> No.9419961 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9420372
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MUH NUTRITION is hilarious bullshit.
Getting your needs on a Vegan diet is very easy
Pic related is what I ate yesterday. Apart frm B12, which most animals have to be supplemented anyway, there is nothing I cannot get from my food, apart from Vitamin D and I live in a Northern Climate (Ireland) so I cannot get that outside

Meals FYI

100g of Oatmeal with 16g Cocoa Powder
300g Steamed Broccoli (used as spoon)
B12 supplement

200g Kale, 200g Spinach, Sea Salt and sliced Banana salad
Turmeric dressing (Soy Sauce, White Vinegar, Turmeric, Flour)
1 small head of lettuce

200g Lentils, 200g Frozen Peas, with a sauce made from water, 30g Peanut Butter and 1 tbsp chili powder, with crushed Brazil Nuts sprinkled on top, onion and garlic fried in olive oil

Walnuts, 30g
400ml Almond Milk

Just over 2400 calories, and I am a cage fighter so I know for a fact I need this much food.
Since I changed to a Vegan diet I have had a record of 5 wins and 15 defeats, before that I had lost 29 fights in a row. Would still batter the pussies here though lol.

>> No.9420463

I think they suffer because of their pain receptors and amydalae, if I'm honest

>> No.9420476


>> No.9420525

I wish the bitch a slow death

>> No.9420538

>Veganism isn't maintainable. The biggest flaw in it is you won't experience the problems with it till you're 60 then you're hyper fucked.
Why? Missing out on heart attacks meat-eaters get and thus having to suffer a longer life?

>> No.9420547

>Even trees murder their own offspring by denying them sunlight.
No, they don't. They use various methods (e.g. "wings" of maple seeds, or animals/humans eating their fruits) to transport their seeds away from them, so that their offspring doesn't grow right next to them

>> No.9420553

You know the rules: No complicated words. Now get out

>> No.9420561

>ethically best
haha, what a retard

>> No.9420586

>but it can prevent suffering of billions of animals who don't want to die and live under terrible conditions
You don't care about the bacteria you crush underfoot as you walk around, why care about stuff you kill for food?

>> No.9420596

Why not just eat meat and argue/fight for a reduced human population?
That also solves a lot of other problems, like pollution and global warming.

>> No.9420610

Because one of these things I can change easily (it's literally JUST a decision you have to make, nothing more), while the other one I cannot change?

>> No.9420611

>I am obviously exaggerating the propaganda
Don't expect anyone to listen to you if you're going to do this, especially when you're completely correct: Hitler was a veggie. If your political opponents admitted to exaggeration or even outright lies (like you) for propaganda, you know you'd explode at them, and bring it up at every chance.
t. unapologetic meat eater

>> No.9420616

>Why not do two unethical things instead of zero?

And no, it would not solve global warming and pollution, unless you want to reduce the human population of First-World countries

>> No.9420618

that isn't a ethical argument -- why is killing bacteria when walking more acceptable than killing animals for food?

>> No.9420624

Because we can avoid one and not the other? Should I repeat it a few more times?

This is like asking
>Why is killing in self-defense more acceptable than killing for fun?
>Why is killing when you're only other option is dying more acceptable than killing for convenience?

>> No.9420630

It's not my fault I can buy meat and dairy at the store. If it's that bad (for the environment or otherwise) it shouldn't be allowed. The only real argument is that it's healthier but I'm not completely convinced a vegan diet is better than a food guide diet. You can't really juxtapose vegans and nonvegans because no vegans includes people that just don't give a shit about their diets.

>> No.9420644

The thing is, disallowing goods that people are used to is a really hard thing in a democratic country, even when it's absolutely obvious they are harmful and the positive effect of a ban can be proven
>guns (in the US)

>> No.9420654

but food products are different
Just change the health standards or whatever. I'm not in charge of this, it's not my problem.

>> No.9420674

I'm pajeet, ask me anything

>> No.9420713

To expand on this question, what if farm animals were engineered to feel nothing but pleasure?

For example, pain literally equals pleasure for them. Eating equals pleasure, etc.

Would it be morally wrong to raise animals who feel no suffering and only feel pleasure for food?

>> No.9420716

THAT's what settled it for you? Do you have like no critical thinking skills at all, or just like close to zero?

>> No.9421041

why do you think anyone who is vegetarian cannot care about people starving in africa?
i assume anyone who care about animals also care about people starving.

your argument is pretty dumb

>> No.9421064

Objectively a healthy option since most modern diseases are linked to non-vegan diets, but vegans are so god damn annoying about the moral aspect that people are never going to convert to it.

I can understand feeling empathy for a pig, even a cow, but a fucking chicken? They're pieces of shit.

The anti-dairy aspect of it is a bit impractical due to dairy being one of the cheapest methods of getting protein.

>> No.9421073

>being so high in estrogen that you compensate for it by having a diet that kills you

>> No.9421076

Meat diets will, 100% of the time, give you more dietary cholesterol than you need.

>> No.9421636

But is it harmful? Does the rest of your lifestyle and other factors placate it. Thats the question. Look at michael phelps. Im saying its not necessary to kick out all meat to be happy and healthy.

>> No.9421639

Even if it does give you more cholestorol than the average person needs

>> No.9421927
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>We are hunter gatherer animals, men are biologically designed to hunt down meat and slam it down for protein

lol sure kiddo

>> No.9421959

Anon, i think you might be autistic.

>> No.9421966

Go back in the forest and continue your fruit diet, while renouncing all technology invented by man. Then i would respect you, maybe.

>> No.9422004


>> No.9422029

This picture is literally as bad as the hunter gathering thing. The reason why his view is stupid is that theres no teleology in nature. Infact quite a few primates eat meat that you would consider frugivores. Nature is about what works and similar biological structures can function or adapt in many different ways. Theres no one to one mapping or evolution probably wouldnt even work.

>> No.9422034

maybe you have a chimp-sized brain but my large brain is the result of MEAT

>> No.9422554

>biologically designed
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.9422562

I think it's kind of tricky. The more you know about the bases of biology, the more arbitrary everything really seems- the capacity for pain, for example , is some processed signal that allows an organism to avert the source of something that evolved simply because it led to greater fitness- there's nothing particularly special about it.

But then, once everything has lost all meaning it kind of loops right back around and you realize that anything has just as much meaning as the next thing, and all of a sudden things are meaningful again. So I can't really blame anyone for wanting to be vegan to spare the pain of animals, it's really whatever floats your boat.

What I'm most interested in knowing is this: once we have made a few more advancements in genetic engineering (Which we aren't too far off from) and can grow biological products like fur, ivory, meat, etc. on plant hybrids, or even using some kind of a cellular mesh as a basis (though I'd imagine the structural benefits of using some plant that already has ease of access to the produce might outweigh the benefit of trying to reinvent the wheel there), would people who are vegan now consider eating meat from a source like that? If it's identical, even- let's say you ignore for the sake of the argument the structural and regulatory advancements that would be needed in our knowledge of how genetics works, and say we can implant the gene that controls for a cow rib superstructure, and all the necessary support genes, into a pumpkin plant, and can grow what would essentially be cow ribs (meat attached) on a plant. There would be, of course, no more ""pain"" than harvesting from a pumpkin plant, but it would be identical in composition to actual meat.

At that point, would it be something vegans would dig? I mean, it seems once it gets there to be completely arbitrary- most meat would likely be grown that way, as it would be direct photosynthetic energy to meat, and likely have high yield/low space taken up.

>> No.9422716


>> No.9422731

They don't. They feed other animals. It is a continuous cycle. When we die, we feed the next generation of plants (ideally, often cemeteries have terrible soil)

>> No.9422737


Many farm animals do have a better life than they'd have in the wild. Factory farming is the problem, but even there the animals survive longer than most of them would in the wild.

The appealing to nature argument is fundamentally flawed, many animals would today be completely extinct if humanity hadn't subjugated them in some manner (most bovines, chickens).

And yes, they have a life without being preyed on (except for the occasional fox in the henhouse) for the most part. They have food in abundance. Most wild animals do not have either of these things.

>> No.9422765

Absolutely retarded.

>> No.9422777

But rats do let you know when they don't like something.

>> No.9422783

>What are /sci/'s thoughts on veganism?
fear of eating meat if a psychological trauma. and severe veganism must be treated as mental illness.
some degenerate parents even abuse their kids forcing them to become vegans as well.

>> No.9422787

>Sure sure. But let me tell you a secret: Ideology does not pay the bills. PETA has donors and thus their main concern is protecting the interests of their donors.
If, by protecting the interests of their donors, you mean decieving their donors. Their budget allocations and operations are pretty shocking to say the least of it.


>> No.9422794

Some force their cats to be vegan. For those who don’t know, these species are obligate carnivores, and require the nutrients found only in meat to survive. Dogs can survive, but most certainly do not thrive on these diets either.

>> No.9422796

/pol/ posting is dicks in ass retarded.
>hurrr i dun lyke dis is degenerate!

>> No.9422798

I say, eat what you want
just be aware of the ramifications of >muh bacon though

>> No.9422807

this is degeneracy because media propagate it as something positive and contaminating more and more brainlets with veganism. this is also affecting meat industry which results in the reduction of life quality for normal people.

>> No.9422821

>The media orooegage it, as something positive
Ok, but how is it negative?
>affecting the meat industry
Good, the live stock industry accounts for more green house gases than all of the cars in the world combined.

>> No.9422852


As if anyone would believe something like that was okay, meat eater or not. Really poor argumentation. Excellent application of a fallacy.

>> No.9423000
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>> No.9423003

I thought keto was the best diet

>> No.9423262

Needs a lot more research. More evidence in favor of fasting.

>> No.9423315

I think most evidence is in favour of balanced diet and by proxy low meat/veggie

>> No.9423336

Thats how it is but not necessarily bares on morality. Morality isnt about what is but what ought. I guess thats driven by how to get along with eachother in society and sympathy or empathy. Letting things live and be free as long as they dont infringe on you because you feel pleasure and pain and understand that other living things do too.

>> No.9423360

Won't dispute that. Fasting seems to have its own benefits though.

>> No.9423371

This is true to a large extent but i dont think thats an honest argument because we only so it in exchange for food. Its not altruistic. Its disingenuous.

And yes animals do go extinct but i dont necessarily think its of interest to preserve species. When we do this on like nature reserves its not necessarily for the same reason a vegan would want to not kill animals. I think the vegan argument is best seen as partly an argument on how we should behave.

We shouldnt hurt animals but that doesnt mean we necessarily have a responsibility for their welfare away from this and regardless of the welfare we give them. They arent our children.

Even if domesticated, i dont see how killing them still is fine even though the animal is essentially owned.

Extending from this i think is just the idea of freedom of existence. Limiting interference. A living being should have the freedom not to die if it doesnt want to. The whole argument isnt really about giving animals the best life as possible. I think when you do that youre moving from a logical moral discourse into animal fetishism.

Humane deaths and great welfare is obviously very ideal and preferred if killing them but i think its not necessary for many people to eat them now. Or atleast approaching that way. I also dont wanna make it seem like animals are the same or as aware as us like some vegans may suggest.

>> No.9423377

Yeah was rherorical question.

>> No.9423381

keto is a meme, just like nofap
all of the """benefits""" of keto are due to people excluding processed sugars from their diets, which is not keto-specific
there is a lot of evidence that keto impairs your cognition btw

>> No.9423387

This is a very interesting argument for vegans i think. I guess vegans would say we shouldnt domesticate animals to some extent but then again if you had a kid that could only eat meat..

>> No.9423392

Not a lower carbon by any means unless you buy extremely local. Also humans evolved into more intelligent beings because of animal protein

>> No.9423400

Evolved. Past tense.

>> No.9423402

>humans evolved into more intelligent beings because of animal protein
[citation needed]

>> No.9423406


And monkeys involved into intelligent animals because of this also?

>> No.9423439

well Hitler was doing the same thing so it's logical I guess. I'd take it as a compliment

>> No.9423449

Well desu its more preferable to do barbiturate overdose or just guillotine their heads off.

>> No.9423530

>Humans are the only animal which drinks milk of another species. Dairy isn't necessary to meet your daily needs for calcium as evidenced by pic related.
No doubt this is true.
But why is it that the phenotype with the strongest selection pressure among humans is that of lactase tolerance?

>> No.9423576

>Fish do indeed have Omega 3s, but also have mercury
Levels of mercury in fish are harmless unless you eat fish every day, but even then that would only increase your alzheimer's risk by ~2% at age 65
Good luck trying to get EPA and DHA from your flax seeds, and don't tell me about algae derived DHA/EPA, we're talking about diets, not supplements
Vegan diet offers 0 EPA and DHA, therefore being drastically detrimental to your cognition. If anything, eating fish lowers Alzheimer's risk as compared to vegan diet, even though it has mercury. This suggests that switching from vegan diet is what helped us evolve high intelligence, EPA/DHA and iodine being few of the reasons.

>> No.9423601

Cognitive benefits from diet dont necessarily connect to evolutionary reasons for intelligence. That inference is very difficult to make even if plausible.

>> No.9423611

because of ancient goat herders surviving on nothing but goat's milk when times were hard
you can pretty much live off of milk alone

>> No.9423834

still the point is, vegan diet is objectively inferior and will make you dumber

>> No.9423857

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help notice how you failed to provide the peer reviewed paper published in a journal listed on the Master Journal list to substantiate your claim.

You probably just forgot though.

>> No.9423932

Being vegan or vegetarian is almost definitely a better way to live, but I love meat, its tasty.
I feel like vegan organizations should change their tack and instead of going after the cruelty bit, they should focus on health, sustainability, etc.
The cruelty should barely be an afterthought.
It's a bad way to go to give people the impression that the way they've been raised to be is immoral. It just makes people defensive, and if you shame people for eating meat it might further the divide. Furthermore, even if it works, and an individual gives up meat to feel good about saving animals, its hard to feel that effect from day to day because all those cows are still dying with or without you. But if you switch for health reasons, its something you can get benefits from almost immediately.

>> No.9423941

They can't help themselves though. They just have to sniff their own farts and flaunt their moral superiority in the most obnoxious way possible.

This is despite having a lot of positive facts on their side.

>> No.9423947

I agree. Idont think they should guilt trip people with cruelty and health or environment might be a better tac but i still think its good to present moral arguments.

>> No.9423951

So you think there will be a vegan world?

>> No.9423953

>(((soy))) milk

>245% of daily dose of copper
>but 96% of zinc
Huge copper-zinc imbalece here.

Zinc and copper compete against one another as antagonist in order to properly regulate the physiological pathways in your body. The proper balance between the two trace minerals is critical to maintaining health.

Unlike zinc, copper can readily accumulate in the body into toxic concentrations. In order to maintain adequate zinc levels, a higher dose of zinc compared to copper is required daily. Zinc is only stored for short durations in the blood and bone and is quickly excreted through our urine and fecal matter. (7)

Ideally, nutritional biochemist Dr. Paul Eck recommends that the proper intake of copper to zinc should be a 1:8 ratio (8). When properly concentrated in the right balance, zinc behaves like the bigger brother blocking copper in food and in the body from being absorbed (5).

5. Prasad AS. Discovery of Human Zinc Deficiency: Its Impact on Human Health and Disease. Adv Nutr. 2013 Mar;4(2):176-190. PMCID: 3649098

7. S. Department of Health and Human Services: Toicological Profile for Zinc Link Here

8. The Weston A. Price Foundation: Copper-Zinc Imbalance: Unrecognized Consequences of Plant-Based Diets and a Contributor to Chronic Fatigue.


>> No.9423958

According to the literature cited so far it's not the most sustainable model. I'm hoping for a low meat world.

>> No.9423962

I know but from a moral standpoint not sustainability.

>> No.9423968

>(((soy))) sauce

>copper at a whooping 941% !!!!!
>while zinc at 187%

>fiber at a huge 85 g, preventing the absorption of many nutrients

>> No.9423970

To an extent it seems inevitable. We'll be able to do it at a certain point, so we won't really have any reason to continue providing excellent lives for livestock before giving them a humane and dignified death.

>> No.9423990

They can go extinct, thats not the point. Or maybe they wont. Some domestic animals can survive back in the wild, who knows. Can always put them in zoos desu.

Im not sure its gna happen. If it does. A long time. Difficult for animals.

>> No.9423999

Pigs would definitely have no problems whatsoever. They go wild and grow tusks and hair pretty much the moment they are set free.

Pretty amazing really.

>> No.9424002

Hunting will always be a thing though. For ecological reasons if nothing else. And you might as well eat some of what you hunt.

>> No.9424007

https://www.quackwatch.org/ dont fall for memes kids

>> No.9424016

I know theres wild chickens in hawaii. Tbh cows wd survive in england. Nothing big enough to take down a cow.

>> No.9424025

Probably a good point.
The way they treat non domesticated animals now im sure there would be a concerted effort.

>> No.9424032

Shda put in same post but there does seem to be a weird double standard. People often dont like the idea of killing animals i think. The government etc gives a whole damn about so many species around like animal trade in africa. Theres inconsistency i think in the approach. I guessnits populous exotic animals vs relatively abundant domestic ones. And again the point in sometimes its necessary to cull animals for good reason.

>> No.9424290

can be useful tool to loosen up a bit to talk to a girl

most people that indulge are degenerate. easier just to ship them off to a island or whatever

gun control should be a thing. civilized society has no use.

can ban meat as soon as we come up for way to get nutrients without eating it. same way we'll ban human driving cars after self driving car software is 100%.

didn't see anyone mention how debilitating vitamin b12 deficiency is. Imagine if our society was completely ignorant to vitamin b12 and some random group of people outlawed people from eating meat. little something to think about.

instead of posting animal gore on facebook invest in genetic engineering so we could get all the nutrients we get from meat from plant foods

>> No.9424306

It's an expensive fashion trend that can only be afforded by people earning moderate wage. Additionally , it's impractical and confers very little benefits.

Milk and eggs are excellent foodstuffs, so I'm all for being vegetarian. I personally like meat and veggies equally

>> No.9424350

are you actually retarded? vegan diet doesn't provide you with DHA and EPA, which are essential for cognition, slow cognitive decline and have been linked to higher IQ, if you don't know this then you should leave this discussion

>> No.9424373

>still cites no scientific literature
Sure bud, we believe you. Right on!

>> No.9424385

>Never seeb people who have a good argument against it

Homo Sapiens are omnivorous.

>> No.9424413

>muh omega 3
If you really care you could take supplements made of algae, which is the source of omega 3 in fish anyway, so you'll be getting long chained omega 3's from a direct clean source without the middle fish. Veganism is great.

>> No.9424416

Still, if you look at our closest ancestor, the chimpanzee, meat only is 3% of their diet.

>> No.9424465

They fucking love it though.

>> No.9424538

Why we don't discuss what causes the fear of eating meat and how can we help overcome their fears.

Should we blame ((them)) for indoctrination of little kids with the anthropomorphic animals in cartoons?

>> No.9424644

Empathy? Are you saying that empathy is a bad thing? Ever owned a pet?

>> No.9424695

Like all feels empathy is a double-edged sword.
Empathy is a part of altruistic behaviour. Such behaviour increases the survivability of group of animals.
I doubt that sense of guilt for eating food can inrease survivability of any species though.

Vegetarians really need to experience a real hunger once in a while. That's straighten their brains

>> No.9424718

The Island with Bear Grylls comes to mind.

>> No.9424954

Largely negated by the fact that more recent studies have done away with the stigma against cholesterols. Basically, reducing cholesterol is pretty unhealthy.


>> No.9424956

If you have disagreements with capitalism, propose a better economic system
Hint: communism doesn't count, as it does not work and only serves to kill millions.

>> No.9424978

Vegan Gains is going to be pissed.

>> No.9424992

>Epidemiological studies from the past 20 years show no evidence of a link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease, coronary heart deaths or plasma cholesterol concentrations

>Clinical studies with dietary cholesterol challenges indicate that for those individuals who are sensitive to dietary cholesterol (25% of population) have increases in both LDL and HDL cholesterol, thus maintaining the LDL/HDL ratio

>Most recent epidemiological and clinical studies consistently indicate that dietary cholesterol does not increase the risk for heart disease in healthy populations. In addition, recommendations of less than 300mg/day of dietary cholesterol bear on egg consumption resulting in the restriction of a very good source of quality protein. It is also important to remember that eggs are good sources of the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, that have been shown to prevent macular degeneration and LDL oxidation and of choline, an essential nutrient for fetal development. Further, choline may also protect against Alzheimer's disease. It is time that based on this overwhelming evidence, we rethink the current recommendations and remove the upper limit for dietary cholesterol following the lead of other countries.


>> No.9424995

I wasnt criticising it in this post (even with my misgivings)

>> No.9425114

not omega3's you fucking retard, DHA and EPA
they are omega3s but vegan omega3's ARE NOT DHA or EPA
just random omega3s CANNOT replace EPA nor DHA, you'll suffer from cognitive deficits
no vegan food contains DHA or EPA, how many times do I have to repeat it?
how about you start with reading these fucking uneducated dumbfuck nigger

>> No.9425137

>eggs are good sources of the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin
holy shit, whoever is responsible for writing this paper should be excommunicated from doing science

>> No.9425161

why? they're not wrong.

>> No.9425231

Veganism is inferior in every way to carnivore diets.

>> No.9425250

>good sources
you'd need to eat at least 20 eggs a day to get the lower end of daily lutein + zaexanthin recommendation

>> No.9425251

here's another source saying average egg contains 250 mcg of lutein and zaexanthin, so
that translates to 24 eggs a

>> No.9425410


Do a similar comparison with the human digestive tract and you come to the inescapable conclusion that humans are carnivorous.

>> No.9425590


I disagree that it is a disingenuous argument. I think you and many vegans anthropomorphise animals to such an extent that you want them to have rights. But rights are basically given in exchange for duty/responsibilities and animals are not capable of those.
You ascribing a 'want' that an animal is supposed to have but that is a human idea.

>> No.9425606

op, post a pic of your canine teeth in thread

>> No.9425615

animal rights are a thing but I think it only applies to domestic animals
Like bear hunting is legal but if you're gonna keep a bear you gotta treat it well

>> No.9425687

Its not anthropomorphising. Its based on the fact that some animals probably have a comparavle consciousness to us and feel pain - living things we can empathise with. Minimising unnecessary pain.

Rights are not determined that way necessarily. Postvistically theees probably no one eeason we give thinfs rights though the social contract is obviously an argument. But your idea doeant stand to reason why children and disabled people have rights. Why vegetative patients have rights to some degree.

And crucially your missing out on the fact that animals do actually have rights right now. We prosecute people for mistreating and killing animals unlawfully.

Your argument doeant really stand up.

>> No.9425690

Animal rights applies to non domestic animals as well.

>> No.9425805


Society gives (and takes rights) as humanity sees fit. Children and disabled people have drastically limited rights compared to healthy adults - kids slowly earn rights as they mature and obtain an education and people with a disability typically lose certain rights, depending on what kind of disability they have (for example conclusion of a contract might require a guardian).
Vegetative patients have rights in so far as it is perceived that their vegetative state is temporary (just like we don't lose our rights while we sleep) - of the doctors ascertain that a comeback is highly improbable, the patient loses the biggest right (to self-determination) and the family (usually) gets to decide what is supposed to happen.

And yes, animals have rights, but only because we give them the rights, and it is purely in our self-interest. My argument stands, you're even providing me with more points.

Also, please spell-check a bit

>> No.9425834

Literally the dumbest person on /sci/

>> No.9425837

>being this weak-willed

>> No.9425858

Yes i do understand society gives rights. Im a moral relativist.

Society gives and takes away rights and that has changed over time hopefully for the better. Its good society gives rights. Otherwise we wouldnt be debating this.

And vegans arent asking for equal rights for animals. Kids and the disabled do have limited rights and intuitively i think they should in terms of welfare. Animals have limited rights for other reasons but i think they should have the right to live and not suffer if they are living conscious animals just like us.

The fact that we give rights doesnt change anything or disregard my argument at all.

But ill say that you havent directly given a good reason why a conscious living breathing animal shouldnt have the same right to live as us when it is unnecessary for us to kill it.

Its not an argument of absolute objective rights. Its an argument for minimising suffering. And it naturally follows from how we already do care about animals, domestic or not.

P.s. im on my phone its hard to type. Im not rechecking all my mistakes.

>> No.9425867

If you wear clothes or shoes you can fuck right off.

>> No.9425876

Also i would disagree if you think rights are out of self-interest. I think its alot more than that and most people would argue you are wrong and rights are often given inspite of self interests.

We dont give the disabled rights out of self interest. We certainly dont give wild animals rights out of self interest. Or atleast most of it isnt self-interest.

>> No.9425904
File: 85 KB, 470x960, 1515118111470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw id rather eat niggers than animals
>tfw caniballism is illegal and niggers have human rights
>tfw i would get some weird braindisease and die(if not properly treated)
>tfw i get arrested for being a weirdo on anonymous dog trading forum
>tfw nigger dick would increase my testosterone levels

>> No.9425918

Let's kill life that doesn't scream (audibly) so that life that screams and some that doesn't can die some other way.
Idrc desu

>> No.9425939

now thats some next level projecting right there

>> No.9425990

Tfw mutton iss probably one of the least juicy delicious meats.

>> No.9426120

there are 3 main origins of rights:
1. rights/moral meant to increase survivability of the group.
2. rights as the compromise of class struggles
3. cuck rights, because some mentally unstable weaklings can't handle their own freedom they want to throw it off.
these cuck rights/moral well studied by such philosophers as Nietzsche, Erich Fromm

>> No.9426125

Compromise of class struggle?

>> No.9426246

Growing the meaty parts without the worthless bony and/or brainy parts is even more efficient. Slaughterhouses are only a temporary step.

>> No.9426416


>> No.9426475

its difficult to get all essential amino acids in the right balance on vegan diet

>> No.9426573

Fuck orrff

>> No.9426755

Most of it is out of self-interest (maybe all).
Animals get rights so they can survive and be cultivated as our food source (earlier as part of our working equipment).
Wild animals get rights to keep a certain balance in the wild life and sometimes merely because humanity has romantic notions.
People with a disability get rights because that might afflict any of us at some point in life (accident) and we have provisions against abuse against the disabled for that precise reason.

If a different self-interest comes up, many of these rights may be revoked (and it might be wrong, but that is still the way reality works). I fail to see another motivation but self-interest here.

>> No.9426770

>and it might be wrong
For fuck's sake, don't pretend to make a moral argument then admit the position you're taking is immoral. It's fucking stupid.

>> No.9426782

Stop evading the argument. You have no leg to stand on and then deliberately misunderstand one word of mine?

>> No.9426800

>deliberately misunderstood
No, your position is dumb so any possible interpretation of it is likewise dumb.

I'm not the guy you were arguing with anyways.

>> No.9427471

I honestly don’t care. It’s their lifestyle, not mine.

>> No.9427618

Not even an iota of intellectual curiosity?

>> No.9427698

Literature doesn't appear to show much consensus so far. What conclusions am I supposed to draw so far?

>> No.9427700

There's DHA and EPA in algae and vegan DHA/DPA supplements made from algae are widely available and affordable. Chill your mantits when vegans wreck your whiny estrogen reeking dairy-fairy body.

>> No.9428445

>soyboys implying estrogen
and once again we're talking about DIETs, not supplements
you can get all nutrition from supplements but its not a part of your diet
humans stay on veganism = no EPA/DHA to evolve brains

>> No.9428829

Ill accept that when you dont have to think about to retuŕnď.

Mate, making it logical to yourself doesnt make it true. Could be horrific reasons for norms. E.g. slavery, segregation.

Ok believe u when u give a good argument

We dont give aninals rights of self interest coz we give wild animals rights. We get nothing bacl

Romantic notions is weird. None of this is against veganism. Say why minimise sufferingn. Give me An argument

>> No.9428834

None of it reasons self interest. Man tell me.

>> No.9428841

Notions isnt self interest

Where do you constrain it. And why.

Voice me ur definition of a right to live.

>> No.9428856

Lets define self interests as things we like. Then we all have them. We dont protect . animals coz they cute

And regardless you made no good anti vegan argument. I've covered your ass.

Argue against my main point. Minimise pain.

Don't present things i agrees with
Yes. Subjective world.s make urr point

>> No.9428859

I can refute u in two points. Do u want morality to be self inters
Say? Why?

U fuckin retarde.

>> No.9428869

And he argument?

>> No.9428873


First of all, we are veering off topic hard.

Second of all, you are now just rambling incoherent nonsense. Obviously none of you have the reading comprehension to understand my argument, even though it is clearly laid out. You have brought not a single argument to the debate.

>> No.9428886

Im happy to be defeated in argument by you. Just state ur view. I'll Nswer. If its bad criticise.
Go on.

>> No.9428892

Lets start fresh.

>> No.9428894

Feel free to actually address the points made in >>9426755

So far, no one has.

>> No.9428897

Self interest is irreleva mt. Is id not ought. Tell me why it argument matters. To me freedom is what matters

>> No.9428898

>If a different self-interest comes up, many of these rights may be revoked (and it might be wrong, but that's just the way reality works)

Your admission that it is wrong (implied morally wrong) to get rid of any of the rights you listed suggests that in addition to self-interest, there is a moral or ethical element to those rights.

>> No.9428899

All ur arguments are subjective. .my strength

>> No.9428901

Point of morality they irrelevant to origin. Am i a caveman. Piss off

>> No.9428903

You made no points other than some ppl have rights. Pisß off

>> No.9428906

Wtf. If self interests was the point lets kill all autists. World is complicated. Why constrict explanations like that. You live in a small world

>> No.9428933

Ill ask u for brevity . Is morality about self interest? Why du care?

>> No.9428942

Animals eat each other. Do you think it's nice living in the wild? It's stressful everyday terror. Animals that are used by humans for food are raised in safety and comfort even if they're caged. The only terror comes moments before they die, something which happens to everything anyway.

By being raised for food they live far far far better lives than they ever would have in the wild. I like how vegans want to deprive animals of the only security they'll ever have: being used as food for humans.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Vegans live in fairyland

>> No.9428955

Not the point.

Lets live under a communist x
Gov even if it's better

>i said before.

It's not about coddling
It's morality.
Don't harm.
Freedom of livoning.

Read the thread. Why should I repeat myself. My debater shouldnt either

>> No.9428956

>don't harm
Yup. Let's reduce suffering and increase happiness by taking animals from the wild and raising them for food. Do you understand the point? Or are you a moron?

>> No.9428958

there is no such thing as vegans just confused vegetarians

>> No.9428960

Are you agreeing with me
. Cant tell

>> No.9428962

Irony given libertarianism. Do they want you to put em in a zoo

>> No.9428966

You are a retarded Kantian ethicist. I am a utilitarian. Get with the program.

Fucking hell. It's like nobody takes basic ethics anymore.

>> No.9428969

So why am i wrong

>> No.9428971

>muh things are wrong therefore don't do them even if it improves happiness of people and society

Go study Kant, it's what you are. For a bonus study Utilitarianism, it's what I am

>> No.9428972

I agree with utilitarianism. But why am i wrong.

>> No.9428974

Because we've proven, as has been pointed out in this thread, that animals happiness is improved BY BECOMING FOOD FOR HUMANS.

>> No.9428976

Is kant the god of morality? Or are you immature.

Dunno why i argue with kids.

>> No.9428979

What if we dont need to eat meat. Hypothetical.

>> No.9428981

And why arent there more zoos

>> No.9428989

utilitarianism, sounds like a bunch of bullshit created by fags

>> No.9428993

Forget all this philosophy and get back to science. The nutritional aspect of veganism is far more important. Supplements are fine because they work, but in order for veganism to be taken seriously the primary foods in the diet should be able to support all of the body's needs without them. While this is entirely possible, a large number of vegans are unaware of how to balance macro intake given that they now eat primarily grains, fruits, and vegetables (carbs, carbs, and carbs)






Contribute by suggesting how we would solve these problems instead of debating whether a fucking cow would be happier if it were killed by wolves or humans

>> No.9428994

labeling yourself as anything also makes you an idiot

>> No.9428995

My point is minimise syffering.

How we y convince an advanced alien not to kill you

>> No.9429001

eat algae

>> No.9429003

Ffs we know! Go back to urbmoms basement

>> No.9429013


Again, only name calling and no arguments. My argument still stands and you seem to be so intellectually fragile as to be personally offended by a different view on a subject. And my post is obviously not my entire world view. Why would you claim that, except as a hidden jab at my expense? Add to that the numerous calls that I should "piss off" (which also leads me to believe I may be dealing with only one or two people) makes me think I am hitting where it hurts.

>> No.9429016

So what's it argument for clarity sake

>> No.9429018

Your* apologies

>> No.9429021

You've uncovered my conspiracy. Theres 30 people replying on this account.

>> No.9429024

>only name calling

None of these posts included name calling and you lumped them in anyway. I don't think you actually want to discuss anything.

>> No.9429028

I cant tell whose side ure on but be my guest. Let's argue. Sorry if I'm misplaced.

>> No.9429031

You lack clarity.

>> No.9429037

Just gimme your argument in words.

>> No.9429042

Irony that i want to a
Talk and u gone missing

>> No.9429048

You have a naive view of science. Pretend all you want.

>> No.9429056

I don't discount all philosophy. In this case it's less important though. Organizations like peta would have far more success in getting people to go vegan if they focused on making the vegan diet more accessible instead of just trying to guilt everyone with gore and condescension.

>> No.9429057

Least suffering is not killing them. Careful bout namecallin
Cos I'm probs smarter than u.

>> No.9429059

I dont care for pets. I care for logical argument.

>> No.9429061

Petra not pets. I'm not a monster ha

>> No.9429065

I eat meat ya know.

>> No.9429076


>> No.9429201

Humans are omnivores and have survived on meat, fruit, vegetables, grains, seeds and water. All food is indirectly derived from the chemical reactions between the sun, water and plants. All meat is derived from the meat of other animals, insects, plants and fungi.

>> No.9430394

How so? The human body converts ALA to EPA and DHA also and the conversion rate gets better if you stay off saturated fats. It's better to consume algae DHA and EPA than fish, since most of the fish we eat are polluted with endocrine disruptors, plastics, dioxines, merxury etc.

>> No.9430416

Someone should make a new thread which summarizes the actual science (and only the science) found ITT and continue the discussion.

>> No.9430768

>The human body converts ALA to EPA and DHA
not sufficiently efficient, you still end up deficient in both
>Vegetarian, especially vegan, diets are relatively low in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) compared with linoleic acid (LA) and provide little, if any, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Clinical studies suggest that tissue levels of long-chain n-3 fatty acids are depressed in vegetarians, particularly in vegans. [...] Conversion of ALA by the body to the more active longer-chain metabolites is inefficient: < 5-10% for EPA and 2-5% for DHA.
>ALA is endogenously converted to EPA and DHA, but the process is slow and inefficient and is affected by genetics, sex, age and dietary composition.

>It's better to consume algae DHA and EPA
you can get anything you want from pills, the point is we only discovered microalgae derived DHA 40 years ago, early humans wouldn't have access to it, so they wouldn't evolve intelligence if they stayed vegan and didn't eat fish

>> No.9430786

Past tense.