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9412213 No.9412213 [Reply] [Original]

It's been scientifically proven that one year of education increases one's IQ by up to 5 points. Why aren't we still subsidizing free college for everybody then?

>> No.9412236

But we are (in Europe)

>> No.9412239


Because it has been proven that one year of college education decreases one's IQ by up to 5 points.

>> No.9412242

Because "have the government play for college" actually means "make the wealthy private citizens subsidize poor people's college", and wealthy people hate to lose their shekels

>> No.9412246

Not everybody needs to go to college
We already have way too many people that go so now every mildly complex job unneccessarily requires a degree despite the workers spent their 4 healthiest years out of the labor force studying a bunch of shit they will never need to know instead of making money being a secretary or barista or whatever they would have ended up anyway
So you propose the same system but taxpayers are footing the enourmous bill so any retard has basically no downside to take some stupid degree especially since every pizza hut manager position will require you to study some useless bullshit in highschool 2.0 just to spend your life making pizzas
Tldr: enourmous costs for a marginal benefit

>> No.9412247

>It's been scientifically proven that one year of education increases one's IQ by up to 5 points.

Come again? This is the first time hearing something like that.

Are you implying that one can exercise their brain to become more intelligent?

>> No.9412257

and also this

>> No.9412270

Because america, thanks to organized religion, has been brainwashed to hate all forms of socialism.

>> No.9412287

Give source to your claim or you're just a bullshit child poster

>> No.9412336

No, I think it was socialism that brainwashed capitalists into hating socialism

>> No.9412341

because dumb people don't vote, or vote gop

>> No.9412344

Because you need to pull yourself up.

>> No.9412350


every reasonably well researched study disagrees with you. By your logic we shouldn't have anything above the most basic education possible.

>> No.9412351

>Why aren't we still subsidizing free college for everybody then?

Because not everyone is intelligent to attend proper subjects at college in the first place in which case they go on to study mickey mouse subjects and gender studies. They look for safe spaces and actively discourage an environment which challenges any of their preconceptions.

>> No.9412373

>Are you implying that one can exercise their brain to become more intelligent?
That's always been the case, m8
The brain is a fluid, elastic thing, neuroplasticity is a thing.
There's definitely genetic and environmental factors that can effect intelligence, the same way they can effect any part oft he body, but like a muscle a brain can be exercised.

The most important part is to learn/be really taught critical thinking skills though, which unfortunately most public education abandons after 3rd grade.

>> No.9412383

>It's been scientifically proven that one year of education increases one's IQ by up to 5 points
>Lowest possible IQ on WISC-IV is 40
>k-12 and 4 years of college is 17 years of school
>Making a profoundly retarded person sit through k-12 and college guarantees an IQ of 17*5+40=125
>Making him sit through medical school and a 4 year residency would make him one of the most intelligent people on Earth.

>> No.9412386

>but like a muscle a brain can be exercised.
no, just fucking no

>> No.9412389

>Why aren't we still subsidizing free college for everybody then?
Beause liberty matters?

>> No.9412393

Its an established fact, m8. Neurons can grow and create new connections, thats how brains fucking work.

>> No.9412400

The problem is getting people who want to actually do it verse the ones who don't really care.

>> No.9412401


This shit implies IQ means a damn thing while simultaneously demonstrating that it is just familiarization.

If government would like to do the most for people, then they would try to enforce networking behaviors.

>> No.9412404


>see a claim
>reply m-muh citation needed
>makes a claim with no source


>> No.9412407

Heavily biased reply incoming.
For one thing, it takes a lot of commitment to get through a single career, a commitment that a lot of people don't have or even care about. Humans are indolent creatures by nature and those who care to go through all that to increase their "intelligence" or whatever related stats are a reduced percentage. Take as an example the difference in population between freshmens and seniors in any university. And quite some of those who make it through do so merely to land a job or because society expects that from them.
Second, we still live an age heavily influenced by the industrial revolution. The powers that be don't want smarter people. They need a great deal of drones. And that's not it, a great deal of the modern economical system relies on the concept of *debt*, well-educated citizens wouldn't undergo debt the way most people nowadays do. Why do you think they never teach finance or microeconomics at middle or high school? Give me a single good reason.
I happen to live in a third world country, and it's staggering the amount of debt-inducing ads we get here. Loans are a huge business here, and it usually addresses both buying inane shit or simply being miserable and saving up your christmas bonus (through their company) so you don't go spend it in dumb shit, instead of, say, having a good financial discipline.
Same goes for america, by the way. Perhaps in Europe is different. I wouldn't know.

>> No.9412415

You're being intentionally obtuse or you are literally beyond redemption and therefore should crawl into a hole and die with the rest of the mongoloid children.

>> No.9412418

>It's been scientifically proven
I tuned you out right there. You obviously don't have a clue how science works.

>> No.9412439


it's clear in the social SCIENCE that it is actually the case

>> No.9412452
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>it's been scientifically proven that exercise makes you stronger

>> No.9413304

Free college for everybody is a waste.
It should be free for those able to get in based on the entrance exams (not sports/essays) and able to stay in (without grade curving).
See Soviet system as an example of higher education done right.

>> No.9413336


Because stupid people are superior.

>> No.9413370

It does though. Where the fuck do people get off saying this.

>> No.9413402

lmao this is the most american thing I have read this month

Not only is it morally objectionable to base education around need in a society that bases everything else around luxury, its also demonstrably incorrect. Every study, and the entirety of history agrees that higher education among a populace yields massive benefits in all sectors of society.

>> No.9413516

>not everybody needs to go to college so the value of my degree and ego increases.

>> No.9413525

yes, it can

>> No.9413536

We already subsidize first grade. Everyone gets that year free, so 5 free IQ points.
All schooling after 1st grade is a waste and shojld cost extra

>> No.9413540

Because then colleges will become underfunded, overpopulated shit centers and it will take 10 years to get your 5 IQ points