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/sci/ - Science & Math

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941056 No.941056 [Reply] [Original]


So /sci/ approximately 44%, or nearly half, of Americans believe in strict creationism. I find this weird, cause I don't know any. Both parents are secular, went to a nice private school, then to a nice college, so maybe that's related.

Does anyone interact with creationists on a daily basis?

>> No.941057

Well what part of the country do you live in?

>> No.941059

Yes, and they're hilarious for about 2 seconds. Then they are annoying as all hell and you just want to move to Europe, no matter the cost.

>> No.941061

Protip: Private school kids are incredibly sheltered.

>> No.941069

Weirdly enough I grew up in Texas, but like I said, sheltered life, yadda yadda.

>> No.941071

Half the country is democrat and lives in liberal paradises like the east and west coast.

Half the country is republican and lives in conservative paradises like the bible belt

Is it a coincidence that half the country believes in magic?

>> No.941083

I believe in creationism!

>> No.941103

This WAS an internet poll... and we know how accurate those are, amirite?

Also, half of americans don't know where Iraq is. What do you want to bet it's the same half?

>> No.941124

this is one poigant reason that i don't want to be ruled by one big democracy. because 50% of the population believes in baloney.

please, if you like science, do not support a large federal government. let the crazies live with the crazies, and let the science-affectionate congregate and live with the science-affectionate. or else you get the alternative of 51% of creationists legalyu ruling over the other 49% reasonable people.

>> No.941127

half of the usa believes in creationism
half of the usa lives in the deep south

>> No.941135

But us 49% have bombs while the 51% can only pray that their space daddy comes to rescue them.

>> No.941136

This statistic is bullshit

>> No.941139

not really
consult a population map

>> No.941142

I really like how people think this is a matter of opinion or belief.

>> No.941144

Actually you'll be glad to know that the percentage of Americans believing in a fairy godfather are diminishing in favor of atheism

>> No.941146

pretty much every poll ever conducted on the matter has yielded similar results

herp derp

>> No.941150
File: 25 KB, 320x277, USofC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a surprise

>> No.941156

In all honesty, OP even if everyone was an atheist, anyone dumb enough to believe in something without any proof, wouldn't really be contributing much to us anyways.

Also I highly doubt this many people truly "believe" in god or creation.

>> No.941157


>> No.941163

Very few people are strict creationists. It is basically impossible to have any kind of education and be one.

However, on a poll many people might click that thinking it means they believe in "some kind of higher force" that made things.

>> No.941175

>anyone dumb enough to believe in something without any proof, wouldn't really be contributing much to us anyways.

please, i'm sure you have tons of assumptions believed without proof or even evidence.

>> No.941181


first three results on google

holy christ you are an idiot

>> No.941192

Confirmed troll-bait

>> No.941193

>not in jesus land
>fuck yeah

>> No.941196

goddammit i am a noob

>> No.941197

Yes, but as soon as someone showed me evidence to the contrary I stopped those idiotic beliefs immediately.

>> No.941208
File: 62 KB, 698x680, 1207388218608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing prayer to evolution in the OP's pic
10/10, holy fucking christ 10/10

>> No.941226

Honestly, that statistic isn't as worrying as some others regarding scientific literacy. Yes, creationism is bullshit, but because of the connection to religion it makes sense that people would believe it. However, something like 60% of respondents to a poll done in America and Europe believed that antibiotics can cure viruses. That's not a religious thing, it's just pure ignorance - no one's going around preaching the merits of antibiotics, but people still fail to have a basic knowledge of science that's applicable to everyday life.

>> No.941238

>but people still fail to have a basic knowledge of science that's applicable to everyday life.
but is accurate knowledge about something like antibiotics important?

how would society change or benefit from understanding the intracies of something like antibiotics.

>> No.941251

You are a troll but I will respond anyways.

Knowing an antibiotic only cures bacterial infections and diseases, isn't intricite knowledge of how they work.

>> No.941259

they believe antibiotics kills "germs" and viruses are "germs"
common misconception

>> No.941260

when people think virus, they think "things that make you sick"
when people think antibiotic, they think "thing that makes you better"
it makes sense

>> No.941275

True it is common, but there is no reason it should be.

>> No.941284

it's important because people think tissues with antibiotics will prevent the flu

>> No.941297

you've evaded the question

why is it important for people to understand?

>> No.941321

knowledge is power

>> No.941316

Why is being in ignorance a better solution than not being ignorant ?

What is the incentive to be ignorant ?

Then I will answer your question.

>> No.941320

It's important because we have newspapers reporting that some celebrity got H1N1 and recommends "natural antibiotics" and most people probably believe them. Of course, naturopathic medicine is another huge problem.

It makes sense, yes, but instead of being the result of huge propaganda campaigns it's just because of poor education. Religion is a difficult issue; teaching people basic facts about medicine shouldn't be.

>> No.941353

>Why is being in ignorance a better solution than not being ignorant ?

here again by using the word solution you're implying there is a problem. i originally asked 'what is the problem'.

>What is the incentive to be ignorant ?
there is no incentive that makes me think one should work towards ignorance, it is the just the natural state of being.

I'm asking why accurate knowledge about antibiotics is important. I don't think much would really change if people understood the reality of antibiotics. I do think much would change in other instances, like knowledge about say health or impending technological developments or current ones like nuclear weapons, that would and will affect people in clear and significant ways.

why antibiotics though? why focus on that?

>> No.941370

People can live in ignorance all they want, but basic ignorance about the effects of medicene, can make the difference between their life or death.

Pretty important, If a doctor fucks up a prescription for your child assuming they had an allergy to x, but you can recognize the name of the chemical in the pill and go "Hey, My kid isn't allergic to any of the elements in that family" You saved yourself from unnecessary and potentially harmful medicine.

It's a poor anecdote, but being informed about the chemicals you are putting in your body can save your life.

>> No.941383

so everyone should know every element and their classifications, along with alternate names of it and what it is contained in?

>> No.941402


People should all be as smart as billy the hilly, who don't realize that not brushing your teeth leads to tooth decay.

I agree, people should also be ignorant of the actions of their governemnts, neighbors, friends, and families.

Who cares if we are so ignorant we pollute the whole planet and kill everything because we don't see the causation correlation in our actions ?

>> No.941432


When less people stopped using antibacterial cleaning products on everything in their houses thinking it will kill H1N1, then we would have less of a problem with resistant strains of bacterial infection developing from their overuse..

>> No.941452

I lived in USA, washinghton state for one year.
In my class (I think 24 people) there were 3 creationists.
So I guess all the biblefags are in the south.

>> No.941498

its not that i disagree, its about priorities.

some (science related) things are really important. others less so.

>not brushing your teeth leads to tooth decay.
actually cavities are caused by diet, so that's innacurate to say.


>> No.941527

All of the biblefags ARE in the South.
Probably Texas mainly.
In my biology class (I'm from NC) the teacher refused any discussion of evolution and it was always very specifically referred to as a theory.

>> No.941543

I live in Birmingham, Alabama.

Being secular denies you from employment.

>> No.941564

I live in Texas, went to a highschool of about 3000 kids.
Never met a single creationist kid or teacher, nor heard anyone say anything about creationist parents.
Hell, my biology teacher told our class, when he got into evolution, "I'm teaching evolution. Why? Because it makes more sense than some damn wizard creating everything. You don't like it, go whine to the councilor." No one left to go to another class, nor did I ever hear of any student that had to transfer to a more 'creationist-friendly' biology teacher.

I've honestly never met a creationist.

>> No.941615

Here in texas the retardfags usually slept through school. It's Awwwwright.

>> No.941619

>no prayer in school
>but let's teach evolution

should be

>no prayer in school
>but you're still coerced into state brainwash camps called public schooling, similar to a statist jesus camp

>> No.941625

i took advanced biology freshman year in a texas school, and I don't think evolution was mentioned once

>> No.941644

Your school sucked then man. I couldn't imagine a biology textbook without evolution.

>> No.941657

the big bang was mentioned once and there was a shitstorm. once at lunch i had a kid stand up and almost yell at me some anti-evolution stuff. it was pretty disturbing, considering i had never been exposed to anti-science before (i was like 16). i didnt understand why he would be against evolution at all. it was in the textbooks.

>> No.941663

Both my parents are creationist. In fact, my entire extended family are creationists....brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I swear to god I'm the only one in my family who's not fucking retarded.

>> No.941676

I teach science at a community college in Kentucky. Comes up quite a bit actually. I turn it into a lesson on the scientific method and run with it.

>> No.941691

Run away

>> No.941707

Live in Michigan, in particular Oakland County (which is a deviation or two more Republican/Libertarian than the rest of Michigan). In my school, only a couple of kids were creationists, and most people by senior year were "Christian in name alone" or "agnostic" (weak atheist if you prefer). I only know of two or three creationists in my class of 400.

My grandma is a young-earth creationist (Catholic, oddly enough), but she isn't strongly religious. My mom doesn't particularly care, my dad is a deist. Most of my friends are weak atheists or deists/pantheists, and a lot are strong atheists too.

Idk, it's pretty chill around here, probably because it's a majority Catholic, not Protestant, with a huge percentage of nonbelievers too.

>> No.941712

And you haven't got totally sick of it yet?

I can't tolerate loud morons.

>> No.941730

>I'm the only one in my family who's not fucking retarded.
>I swear to god
i see what you did there

>> No.941746

I would, but my scientific method lesson kicks all sorts of ass. Most evolution-deniers will soon at least acknowledge that they aren't going to win this one and shut their mouths. The rest get the door for being disruptive.

So as a result my "Intro to Physical Science" class has consistently been the class with the highest drop-out rate at the community college for 2 years running, but those that stay to the end also rate it as the best science class they've ever had.

>> No.941757

I love you.

>> No.941762

>implying I was actually swearing to a god and it's not just an expression

>> No.941765

I live in Kentucky. Which school?

>> No.941766

no, i didn't imply that
i said "i see what you did there"

>> No.941777

So people drop out because they don't like the material in the class?

>> No.941780
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>> No.941786
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yer in /sci/ OP go to /lit/ if you wanna cry about religion

>> No.941788

Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College. Though to be fair, I just spotted a typo I made- I've been an Adjunct for community colleges in Kansas and Missouri as well- that 2 years is combined.

Where in Kentucky? Moved in from Kansas, still get lost.

>> No.941805

Kentucky isn't as bad as other schools I've taught at, but yep. Lost over one-third of my students one semester while in Missouri. To be accurate, it was a community college known for being a bible college in all but name.

>> No.941813

>Very few people are strict creationists. It is basically impossible to have any kind of education and be one.
If that were true teaching evolution on the classroom wouldn't be a "debate" it would just be accepted

>> No.941818

That's because religion gets in the way.

>> No.941823

only in america...

>> No.941825

Ah, I see. I'm in Lexington going to UK. Kentucky is a shithole, get out while you still can.

>> No.941867

I'll take that under advisement.