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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9407266 No.9407266 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an evolutionary reason for why math and STEM nerds are mostly virgins?

Some of them don't even fit the stereotype of an incel. Some are reasonably attractive (uglier men than them marry), in shape (some I see are into biking, hiking and so on), and highly intelligent, with good career projections...

So, why is it then despite all of this STEM nerds still virgins? Is there an evolutionary reason?

>> No.9407274

>most STEM majors virgins

>> No.9407276

>"bitter virgin answer"

>> No.9407278 [DELETED] 


>> No.9407279

and also this.

>> No.9407280

STEMfags are so alpha-chad you have no idea

>> No.9407282
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>> No.9407288

>CompSci at 40%
>Mathematics at 83%
Holy shit /sci/ is about to go apeshit right now.

>> No.9407291

>CS and NS are the only chad majors
Biocucks on suicide watch.

>> No.9407296


Because we are pure of heart, waiting for the pure waifu who doesn't exist.

>> No.9407300

Oh, I like that one. It's like Bioshock, but instead of roaming an underwater city, you roam a biology school full of frustrated, autistically violent cucks and incels.

>> No.9407320

>Hey are you a virgin?
Fooled ya!

>> No.9407332

>Is there an evolutionary reason for why math and STEM nerds are mostly virgins?
How do you know this? You know, looking at most of my peers I suspect their virginity but I've never asked them. And then I realized that I look as autistic, if not more, as them but I am not a virgin. So maybe they aren't either. Did you ask all of your peers if they were virgins?

>> No.9407333

>Studio art 0%
Casting Couch?

>> No.9407343

You need focus and dedication to study /stem/, and I believe people that are able to do it don't talk too much to other people, maybe because poor people skills, idk.

>> No.9407346

dunno in the US but in Europe STEM is actually hard and you have to work your ass off for 3-4 years while everyone else is having parties and fucking.
So yeah it's expected for you to remain a virgin into your twenties if you go for STEM.
If you remain a virgin after graduating there's something wrong with you tho.

>> No.9407353

Women want men juuust dumb enough they can manipulate but smart enough to beat other males. Of course, physical attraction takes a backseat to this but most STEM guys aren't cream of the crop attractive.
On the male side, being too intelligent leads to "too much" introspection, self reflection, and self doubt. This is not attractive towards women, as it makes you appear not confident. Bitches love confidence ( really they love social value and confidence is reflects your social value. You can't imagine Ryan Gosling acting like some stereotypical beta orbiting neckbeard, right? )
STEMbois are unironically too intelligent for women.

>> No.9407368

Stereotypes are retarded, literally none of them hold up in reality
seriously though

>> No.9407391

Lost my virginity last year, bro

>> No.9407395

>Women want men juuust dumb enough they can manipulate but smart enough to beat other males.

>being too intelligent leads to "too much" introspection, self reflection, and self doubt.
I have read enough r/niceguys and r/incels to know that when a guy says that being too intelligent is a curse they are a permavirgin. And this begs the question, who do you think you are to talk about female sexuality when you've never experienced it, you fucking virgin?

All of the traits you list as negative are literally what women look for in a partner and especially in a husband.

>> No.9407401

>And this begs the question, who do you think you are to talk about female sexuality when you've never experienced it, you fucking virgin?
The same way physicists never experienced a black hole but still describe it's properties.
>All of the traits you list as negative are literally what women look for in a partner and especially in a husband.
I didn't know you had to be married to lose your virginity.

>> No.9407409

>The same way physicists never experienced a black hole but still describe it's properties.
Are you telling me you are a cuck?
>I didn't know you had to be married to lose your virginity.
I said *especially* husbands. But these traits are positive for any kind of partner you want to be to a woman. Fuckbuddy, one-night stand, boyfriend. It's all good.

Nobody likes someone too stupid to realize their own mistakes, and that is the general rule for why women appreciate intelligent men. The problem is that women are not a IQ. They are not a machine on which you input trivia to get blowjobs back. And I've seen this way too often. Men who just want to fuck but for some reason think that to break the ice they have to talk about some random topic. Sometimes even literally mention their IQ score (see r/niceguys). Why do that?

If you claim you are intelligent, but you are not intelligent enough to figure out how to talk to a woman you want to have sex with then I'm sorry bud, you have never been as intelligent as you think you are. You are just a common brainlet.

>> No.9407430

Because STEM is actually hard and one has to study alot often missing out on university life.

>> No.9407431

>If you claim you are intelligent, but you are not intelligent enough to figure out how to talk to a woman you want to have sex with then I'm sorry bud, you have never been as intelligent as you think you are.
What's with normalfags think having sex with women has anything to do with intelligence? Yeah I'm sure Jeremy Meeks is a fucking genius. I'm the real idiot here.
It's also very sad you honestly believe that all these STEM incels are dumb, because that belief is more comfortable to you than the idea women don't care and womens metric for sexual selection is not conductive to social cohesion.
It's easier for you to believe that people, who studies have shown to be above average intelligence, are actually dumb than to believe all the evidence that shows there are a lot of things women care about before intelligence even enters the equation?

>> No.9407438

>having sex with women has anything to do with intelligence?
That's not what I said. I said that if you were intelligent, you would not fall into these obvious traps and fail to get a woman. Daily reminder that all the greatest scientists and mathematicians got pussy on the daily. Even Ramanujan, that ugly bastard, had a waifu to stick his penis into. What's your excuse?

>It's also very sad you honestly believe that all these STEM incels are dumb

Well, if they are intelligent they are trying really hard to hide that intelligence. Women are not the Riemann Hypothesis. Fucking a woman is one of the easiest things you can do. First, there is prostitution which is literally 0% difficulty. But even if you are not into that, all you have to do is go to a party or club where you will find drunk and easy hoes just waiting for someone to dick them. This is not some great mystery.

>who studies have shown to be above average intelligence
Incels have above average intelligence? Fuck, now this is a big claim. What fucking study has ever been done on incels?

>> No.9407439
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most STEM students are nerds in high school
there are few women in STEM, so it becomes even harder for them to meet girls
when you're around other 'losers' you don't feel the pressure anymore, in high school I felt bad when i knew my classmates were partying and socializing. Now I study pure math and I probably didn't even have a female in my course for last 2 years.

>> No.9407449

>I said that if you were intelligent, you would not fall into these obvious traps and fail to get a woman
Then OP s lying? STEM majors aren't virgins? That other interpretation is that STEM majors aren't intelligent, but that's wrong.
>Incels have above average intelligence?
STEM majors have above average intelligence. A majority ( or sizable minority, I can't remember the article ) are virgins.
STEM virgins have above average intelligence. But according to you, they are actually not intelligent? I'm going to go ahead and believe the studies showing the high average IQ of STEM majors.

> First, there is prostitution which is literally 0% difficulty.
Illegal in most states
>But even if you are not into that, all you have to do is go to a party or club where you will find drunk and easy hoes just waiting for someone to dick them.
Oh, you are a dumb normalfag
>This is not some great mystery.
Oh really, then tell me EXACTLY how to get a random, average women 100% of the time. Oh, you can't? There is no scientific process? Sounds like a mystery to me, dumbass.
Just because dumb normalfags like you can get women on autopilot doesn't make you intelligent. And you MUST be doing it on autopilot otherwise you would be able to explain, in depth, your precise process of attracting a women into sex.

>> No.9407464

I'm a computer scientist and as you may imagine, I have pointers to all pussies, and they are getting some malloc this year, gonna make so many recursive calls on them, that their stacks are gonna blow with my calls.

>> No.9407478

>Then OP s lying? STEM majors aren't virgins?
Yes. I'm a STEM major and I'm not a virgin. I think the correct interpretation is that a huge chunk of STEM majors are intelligent (and therefore have a high probability of getting laid) while the rest are weirdos like you that have a really fragile ego to protect so even though they can't even get pussy, they use STEM as a badge of honor to shield themselves.

>STEM majors have above average intelligence.
>A majority ( or sizable minority, I can't remember the article ) are virgins.
Wrong. That's only you.

>Oh, you are a dumb normalfag
I wouldn't say this, but I don't give a fuck what you think. This is your bitter virgin talking.

>Oh really, then tell me EXACTLY how to get a random, average women 100% of the time.
Not even Chad Thundercock gets the girl 100% of the time. But here is the tried and tested strategy:

Step 1: Go to a place that single women frequent. This can be a club, or can even be a fandom. Personally, I met my current gf because of rhythm games. Bitches love rhythm games.

Step 2: Don't be boring. If in step 1 you chose a club then dance. If you chose some fandom then be knowledgeable about the game or show so people will want to talk to you.

Step 3: Have a good idea of common and safe topics to talk about. This is something you should be able to just do unconsciously, but I have been there. Back when I was a teen I literally googled "What to talk about on a date" because I was autistic. The point is you should know how to carry a conversation.

Step 4: Make your move, player. This means making a physical move like a kiss or maybe fondling her in friendly ways. Or if you don't think this is good then a simple "Hey, wanna go to somewhere more private?" will work as it will insinuate sex.

Here the path diverges

Case 1: She receives your sexual advances positively, so you fuck her.
Case 2: She doesn't. In which case you find a new woman and go back to step 1.

>> No.9407483

and a tad bit autistic

>> No.9407489

Didn't ramanujan have an arranged marriage

>> No.9407496

Arranged pussy is still pussy. I personally think that all valid methods of getting pussy are fair game. I've even read about western men who convert into Islam only because Muslim communities in the western world are very tightly close and after a new Muslim man is introduced into the community the local families look for a bride for the new convert.

>> No.9407510

> I think the correct interpretation is that a huge chunk of STEM majors are intelligent (and therefore have a high probability of getting laid) while the rest are weirdos like you that have a really fragile ego to protect so even though they can't even get pussy, they use STEM as a badge of honor to shield themselves.
This is really pathetic rationalization.
>Wrong. That's only you.
Lol ok, despite other STEM majors in this thread alone disagree with you. Typical normalfag.
>But here is the tried and tested strategy:
You can't even provide precise steps. I knew you wouldn't be able to, because you are a dumb normalfag and you don't get girls because you are intelligent. You get girls because your instincts take over and instincts are better at attracting mates than any conscious strategy.
>Go to a place that single women frequent.
Too vague. I asked you to provide a concrete strategy.
>Don't be boring.
Still vague
>Have a good idea of common and safe topics to talk about. This is something you should be able to just do unconsciously
Not only vague, but you admit to what I am saying you are doing
>Step 4:
All vague horseshit

Not only was I right, you even agreed that I was right.

>> No.9407515
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>You can't imagine Ryan Gosling acting like some stereotypical beta orbiting neckbeard, right?

>> No.9407528

>despite other STEM majors in this thread alone disagree with you
Dude, this is fucking 4chan. This is like Weirdo central over here. Obviously there would be virgins here. This is the website that spawned fucking /r9k/.

>You can't even provide precise steps.
Those steps are as precise as it gets. Women are not computers. Getting women is perhaps more like solving a Rubik's cube. You have to memorize a couple of algorithms, but at the end of the day to solve the actual Rubik's cube you need to look where to apply those methods and sometimes you will even have to get a bit creative with your moves. There is no one single algorithm to solve the Rubik's cube because there are too many possible configurations. You just need to look at the patterns and know where to apply specific situation algorithms you memorized.

>Too vague. I asked you to provide a concrete strategy.

I gave you the one I used. Rhythm games. Specifically OSU! which plays into the bigger theme of finding weeb women. Just find weeb women.

>Still vague
This means don't just stay in a corner doing nothing.

>Not only vague, but you admit to what I am saying you are doing
I even told you that you could google conversation topics. There is no shame in that.

>Not only was I right, you even agreed that I was right.
In this post, you purposely omitted the parts in which I gave concrete examples. And these should not even be necessary because as I said, women are like a Rubik's cube. This means no sequence of moves will solve every woman. You can only memorize algorithms that help at each step and then try to notice as many patterns as you can to try and find an optimal solution with the fewest moves.

>> No.9407532


That's the trade off for very intellectual people, they specialize in their niche instead of getting women.

>> No.9407539

>Just find weeb women.
I'm not white or asian.
>In this post, you purposely omitted the parts in which I gave concrete examples.
No it's because what you think are concrete are not concrete.
You gave vague bullshit like "If you want to buy a car, go to where cars are"
>This means no sequence of moves will solve every woman.
That was my point. Getting women has little to do with intelligence, intelligence does not help because intelligence lets you identify concrete patterns. What helps get women is subconscious instinctual mating strategies ( on top of being attractive ), something intelligent people lack due to intelligent people tendency to suppress instincts. Which you admitted directly, when you said "this is something you should be able to do unconsciously". which was my fucking argument.

>> No.9407542

incels were a mistake
t. jp

>> No.9407543

Why do people even want to have sex

>> No.9407545
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>tfw to intelligent too get gf

>> No.9407546

>That was my point. Getting women has little to do with intelligence

Are you saying intelligent people can't solve Rubik's cubes?

>> No.9407550

STEM guys go to majority men schools => less chances of getting the girl.

>> No.9407551

>Daily reminder that all the greatest scientists and mathematicians got pussy on the daily.
Sir Isaac Newton was pure, and remained his whole life untainted by the wenches' wretchedness.

>> No.9407563

Could you solve a rubix cube subconsciously?

>> No.9407576

I can solve 3x3 without thinking about it.

>> No.9407585

Why limit your question to STEM majors? Serious (autistic) humanities majors in things like philosophy, history, and linguistics are also virgins.

t. philosophy major virgin

>> No.9407601

>philosophy, history, or linguistics

Unless you're majoring in all three of these and are simultaneously writing an honors thesis, you have nothing to blame but yourself.

>> No.9407791

Oh look it's one of the 40%!

>> No.9407852
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>And you MUST be doing it on autopilot otherwise you would be able to explain
>his is something you should be able to just do unconsciously

Only on fucking /sci/ can I read an argument where someones rebuttal to a point is the same point paraphrased.

>> No.9407885

Dude. Knowing how to have a fucking conversation is a basic human skill. This is like me saying "When you are on a date and you go to the bathroom, you must be able to shit on auto-pilot" and you going SEE YOU ARE DOING IT ON AUTO PILOT.

NIGGA DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO HAVE A FUCKING CONVERSATION? Like hey, how's the fucking weather? Did you see that fucking movie? What are your thoughts the new Star Wars movie? Etc. etc.


>> No.9408637
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Excuses. Do you pull the same routine when you fail a test?

"Oh well clearly the failure isn't mine, the prof didn't teach the material correctly! Intelligent people can't do poorly on a test, being smart and doing poorly are mutually exclusive!"

The man gave you some good advice, whether you follow it or not is obviously up to you. However, trying to blame your personal failures on your intelligence is just silly. Being intelligent does not preclude romantic relationships. Like all things, including our studies, you must put in effort to succeed. You seem to have adopted this delusion that anyone who happens to enter into a successful relationship (or in fact any relationship at all) did so purely based on instinct and blind luck without any effort, when the reality of dating is that there is a lot of trial and error. Some people might get 'lucky', no pun intended, but most of us have to fail a few times before we get anywhere.

>> No.9408641

Brb changing majors to studio art

>> No.9408644

That's bullshit, some people just have that special something that allows them to lead dope lives with no consequences. I guess it's just luck or privilege.

>> No.9408648

this but unironically

>> No.9408660


Yeah, absolutely. Some people are 'lucky' and can get a 10/10 girl first try, end up marrying them, and be extremely successful at almost everything they do.

This is an exceptional circumstance and doesn't represent the norm in the least, and expecting to have things be this way is incredibly unrealistic.

>> No.9408668

That's not what I meant