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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 73 KB, 596x467, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9399810 No.9399810 [Reply] [Original]

can you explain why this is the case?.


>> No.9399815

The word 'global' could be a hint. There's an active thread about it already, we don't need another one.

>> No.9399820

Weather is stochastic, meaning that occasionally you get an extreme even. These events are incredibly hard to predict. However the average (and the trend) over months and years is easier to predict.

Or in other words: sometimes bad weather happens, it in no way changes the long term prediction.

>> No.9399826
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>> No.9400121

There is no lower threshold of IQ for fertility?

>> No.9400229

The Arctic is leaking, because heat increase ie. energy increase has made the jet stream around the north pole turn into a cogwheel shape.(**)
If you add up the total heat amount over this new area, you find it is increased - the distribution has changed: warmer north pole outweighs the colder east coast.
The reason the east coast, and not the west coast, gets cold is a combination of the direction of the Coriolis force and the distribution of land mass & water mass.

(**) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/16/277911739/warming-arctic-may-be-causing-jet-stream-to-lose-its-way

>> No.9400296

npr is a pretty left leaning organisation, do you have a source from a more politically neutral organization?

>> No.9400309


>> No.9400324

the ceo of google helped cinton by designing their website (some of the help he provided may still be undisclosed), there was also the not so far past issue of the search suggestions given by google when the search term "Hillary emails" was entered into the search bar.

>> No.9400375


>> No.9400387

>it goes deeper

>> No.9400395

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.9400420

npr is the peak of journalism tho

>> No.9400452

I'm blue if I were green I would die

>> No.9400480

hitchens only applies that to religion you dense fuck

>> No.9400496

Hitchens was a hack and so are both of you

>> No.9401265

Is this an admission of your inability to provide a source from an organization that isn't politically biased?

>> No.9401271

what organization would you consider to be unbiased?

>> No.9401291

They don't exist.

>> No.9401513
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>> No.9401731

I still can't believe this man is the president of the united states.

>> No.9401737

What other choice was there? The general public is full of idiots but at least they were smart enough to not allow Clinton the presidency.
Although he wouldn't have been elected had the democratic race not been rigged in Clinton's favor.

>> No.9401740
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>president expertly manipulates his scientifically illiterate followers by pandering to their anti-intellectual, propaganda induced delusions.

well gotta give him credit for knowing his audience.

>> No.9402552

>scientifically illiterate followers

why do liberals always act so high and mighty?

>> No.9402559
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>> No.9402560

that's........ not how ships sink

>> No.9402565

Go down to your parent's basement and dig up their VHS tape of the 1997 film Titanic, that's where the imagery comes from.

>> No.9402570

why do all liberals get their opinions and facts from movies? go watch a proper cgi recreation of the sinking
no big ship will sink like that, it's ridiculous

>> No.9402572

>Implying I'm a liberal

>> No.9402577

fun fact, the stern really did raise off the water, probably not as much as on that picture though, but it's the reason the ship split into two parts

>> No.9402582

Trump knows the 'climate change' is real, he's just pandering to his base.

He absolutely made the right decision though to pull out of the nonsense climate accords which just handed money to dictators in third world shitholes. The scientific consensus on climate change is it's going to happen, nothing we can do about it at this point, the best strategy is to make as much money as possible today to fortify your economy for the coming hell on earth and mass migrations that will happen from desertfication and flooding. Even if we all magically found a new source of energy and switched to it we'd still have catastrophic climate change because that's just how it is, and how earth has cycled over the billions of years.

>> No.9402590

It's not like Trump even pulled out of deals that work fairly for everyone. Carbon credits are still in place. The stupid treaty benefited third world shitholes while being bad for america

>> No.9402641

Trump is officially the biggest brainlet

>> No.9402643

>nothing we can do about it

>> No.9402684
File: 418 KB, 1100x827, gfs_world-ced_t2anom_1-day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been observed that warming and melting in the arctic results in colder temperatures in northern continents. There isn't 100% consensus yet but the leading theory is that warming in the arctic disrupts the gulf stream. The gulf stream is kept in place between a strong temperature gradient on either side of it. When the arctic warms, the temperature difference decreases and the boundary of the gulf stream loosens. This causes the gulf stream to meander north and south, so you get pockets of cold air pushing down into the US/Europe/Russia and pockets of warm air pushing into the arctic.

A better way to look at the current state of the climate is to look at the current temperature anomaly globally, which you can do here:

Right now everywhere except northern America is warmer than average.

>> No.9402706

>he asserts without evidence

>> No.9402723

If the voting base really understood how serious AGW is, and how shitty his policies were in regards to it, they wouldn't have voted for him. And they did.
Ergo, they're fucking retards
Also vaccine science illiteracy, muh autizms!

>> No.9402732


Do people on this board even know?

A quote from the Arctic Methane Emergency Group: " If we consider food security alone, the Arctic with its perennial sea ice has been crucial for world agriculture to be viable for at least two reasons:

It has kept the jet air streams (see “Introduction” below) within the behaviour range which makes agriculture viable; whereas with BAU, the jet air streams will very likely be well out of this range by 2025 if not sooner."

Doesn't that mean we won't be able to grow food at scale in ten years?

>> No.9402736

>antarctica is warmer than american midwest.

who is dumb enough to believe this shit?

>> No.9402737

There's a jet stream of bullshit coming out of your mouth, my friend!

>> No.9402740


I don't think that graph is measuring overall temperature... I think it's measuring temperature change.

>> No.9402742


heat & droughts

C3 & C4

>> No.9402744

Learn to read, retard

>> No.9402856

>the best strategy is to make as much money as possible today to fortify your economy for the coming hell on earth
Making money is not going to do your economy any good if global supply chains break down and you are unable to buy anything with your money.

We may also be able to use some geon-engineerig (e.g. fleets of mist sprayers or ocean alkanization with bicarbonate) to buy ourselves some time while we bring down emmisions.

>> No.9402878

If we are pumping CO2 into the atmosphere creating a greenhouse effect, why doesn't the CO2 sink back down because it's heavier than oxygen? How's it staying up there?

>> No.9402885
File: 31 KB, 180x250, mfw-nextome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>npr is a pretty left leaning organisation
>politically biased
mfw political bias overwhelms fact

>> No.9402893

>If the voting base really understood ((anything)),
>they wouldn't have voted for him
Perhaps so ... but that is a really huge qualification.

>> No.9402907

who are you to say what "we" need?

>> No.9402911

>he think global warming effects are tat quick and dramatic

>> No.9402914

Out in the open atmosphere, there is enough motion in the air to keep the oxygen and carbon dioxide mixed up. This motion of the air mostly comes from convection currents (i.e. wind) caused by temperature differences.

>> No.9402917

you're a movie which is even worse

>> No.9402924

so it's gonna get colder in winter? finally western europe can get piles of snow on a regular basis. i still haven't heard a downside to this global warming thing. fuck the gulf stream

>> No.9402926

How serious do you think it is though, cause the way you're talking about it you probably fall on the opposite end of the autism spectrum

>> No.9402927


time to pack up, the idiots have arrived

>> No.9402930

>Doesn't that mean we won't be able to grow food at scale in ten years?
>you'll never be this retarded
feels good

>> No.9403186

Can someone explain why I should care in the slightest about AGW?
What's the worst case scenario? Human extinction? Wiping out all live from the planet? So what? You're aware that's inevitable and it's going to happen sooner or later, nothing lasts forever? So why should I lower my high standard of living so to postpone the inevitable?

>> No.9403218

Beccause space alloys ggets mmore epensive untill you realize we will have to leave, because you think redducing human footprint is political agenda.

>> No.9403232

>But also import more immigrants that contribute nothing

>> No.9403286

>But let's also cause more refugees crises to occur over the next century

>> No.9403375

>Prevent refugees from reaching shore, return the ones that do immediately
Wow it seems this refugee crisis is an artificial problem created by people who want more 3rd world immigrants

>> No.9403392

i guess you could block out all refugees
But global warming is gonna affect everything, whether you give a shit about the rest of the world
Even if you don't help anyone else it's gonna make natural disasters like floods, drought, storm etc more common
it's gonna increase the range of many diseases and parasites, it's gonna make freshwater ecosystems more eutrophic (gross)
And a host of other things

>> No.9403465


I personally think we should wait until the supposed point of no return, if shit pops of like the scientists said there will be massive incentive to invent something to fix the problem, the market will fix itself.

>> No.9403471

The market won't fix itself, they'll ask for their neoliberal puppets to fix it for them and they'll front the bill to you.

>> No.9403488

why do you have to be big suka?

>> No.9403537

oh shut the fuck up

>> No.9403821
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 32323232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerisharts are priceless

>> No.9403882
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>> No.9404029

is this comic supposed to convey the idea that extinction is inevitable eventually so losing your mind over climate change is a waste of time?

>> No.9404106

this is bait

>> No.9405032


>> No.9405036

There isn't but there should be.
Really Nazis know in their hearts this is true.

>> No.9405039

Damn. /pol/ really did a number on this board.
Now you're bound to be talking to a legit brain dead retard in every thread.

>> No.9405102

If you lived in the middle of nowhere off the land entirely with no contact to the outside world this point would be defensible. But you dont, you profit off being a member of society (re communal good will) every day in everything you do with the tacit agreement to contribute. That you can ostensibly vote explains why America is such a shithole.

>> No.9405108

>HahAHA I know nothing about boyles, henrys, or pascals laws ; additionally I have no understanding of bernoulis principle or of fluid dynamics in any general sense

Is air less dense than water? If the answer is yes then ships can and do sometimes sink like that.

>> No.9405183

What was the response rate of the participants in those studies?
Whats with all these local variations: Manchuria, Iraq, NW Russia? And who thought it a good idea to have regions with no temperature change fill in with white in precisely the same way as -30 regions?

>> No.9405194
File: 45 KB, 931x524, freed by trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but at least they were smart enough to not allow Clinton the presidency.
toppest of keks

For one, the US public being "smart" did not decided the outcome of the election. The kooky electoral college system did.

Second you wouldn't have won your "great meme war" without the help of the Russians. There must be at least a dozen prominent twitter accounts that have now been outed as Russian controlled.

And most importantly, and I can't stress this enough, Trump is a Zionist who commutes the sentences of illegal immigrant employing kosher butchers when he thinks you're not watching. If anyone is leading you into WW3 it's him.

>Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. The world is watching!

>> No.9405199

>And who thought it a good idea to have regions with no temperature change fill in with white in precisely the same way as -30 regions?

Says the guy know does understand heat.
Think about.
HINT: continous

University of Maine btw.

>> No.9405233

InfoWars of course


>> No.9405287

>Now you're bound to be talking to a legit brain dead retard in every thread.
Yes the africanization of the west has now taken place.

>> No.9405294

>If you lived in the middle of nowhere off the land entirely with no contact to the outside world this point would be defensible.
So because I live in the city humans will not go extinct and life will never cease to exist? You're retarded mate.
>tacit agreement to contribute
Yes I do have a job, this comment you made is completely unrelated to anything we were talking about
Wrong fucking continent you massive cum guzzler

>> No.9405300
File: 77 KB, 645x729, brainlet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you link me crap scientists
gtfo of sci

>> No.9405321

>the nazis
>interested in people being intelligent or becoming more intelligent
you can pick only one my man.

the nazis actually killed anyone intelligent. and dont come up now with fucking german engineeering.

>> No.9405329

>the nazis actually killed anyone intelligent
what are you memeing about?

>> No.9406210


>> No.9406363

because there is nothing else to do when talking to someone who refuses to accept evidence or even hold a real conversation.

>> No.9407446
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>> No.9407454

Yawn, yet another "so much for global warming" tongue-in-cheek remark tantamount to troll science.

If you want to hear a more interesting and factual argument against carbon taxes and AGW alarmism, listen to Matt Ridley

>> No.9407487

What about Steven Crowder?

>> No.9407568

>Steven Crowder
I hope you're joking friend.

>> No.9407600

Stop pointing with the cane, Larry

>> No.9407843

I'm sure the Jews control Nat Geo though, right /pol/?

>> No.9407860
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>> No.9408111

He has a tested IQ of 156. That's when he was in his 20's though.

>> No.9408133

Not with genetic modification. Shit is wild.

>> No.9408137

no matter how many youtube personalities or late-night podcasts you throw at a topic, it's not gonna hold up compared to real science done by scientists
""""arguments"""" are only good for self-radicalization

>> No.9408666

Ridley is a science writer who cites and synthesizes dozens of peer-reviewed articles to back himself up. He's not your typical e-celeb bullshitter. The fact is that climate change has helped a great many people by increasing green vegetation.

>> No.9408801



Hey, Satan.

" He is the owner of land in the north east of England on which the Shotton Surface coal mine operates, and receives payments for the mine."

Sounds impartial to me to.

>> No.9408921
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>> No.9408925

This Tweet shows in his mind:
>Money is more important
>Then the longevity of the human race

>> No.9408927

Pretty fucking serious given that its something we dont totally understand but we know it could cause our society to collapse you dolt. I know you form your opinions off of infowars but fun fact; many crops, in particular rice, are not tolerant of wide temperature ranges and will not germinate above certain temperatures which we are already broaching in relevant areas. It seems like Americans will only accept AGW once it causes a global famine and ensuing refugee crisis.

>> No.9408928

I wish there was a cultural exchange program between the burgers and the chinks, go live in hong kong for any amount of time and then tell me man made climate change isnt a fucking thing.

>> No.9408937

>societal collapse
>world famine
>refugee crisis
You're a fucking lunatic, get off this board

>> No.9408947

These things are happening right now.

>> No.9408950


>> No.9408951

if you watch infowars

>> No.9408965

What the fuck are you talking about? There has been an ongoing refugee crisis in europe for over a year caused by civil war and food shortage. One of trumps campaign promises was closing the boarders to immigrants from select countries.

>> No.9408968


Only brainlet don't understand this

Global warming deniers should be put in jail

>> No.9408971

>refugee crisis
refugee crisis is an artificial crisis caused by incompetent politicians who are too weak to apply the rule of law
>caused by food shortage
please cite your source this was caused by food shortage, and this food shortage is caused by global warming.

>> No.9409270
File: 65 KB, 566x480, read a book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understands averages when it comes to racial stereotypes
>forgets all about them when it comes to the weather
can't wait till all these old shitheads are dead and in the grave

>> No.9409279

>the best strategy is to make as much money as possible today
love how you niggers think virtual fiat (((currency))) has any meaning in a post apocalyptic world

>> No.9409922


Thank you.

>> No.9409973

>increasing green vegetation

No, it hasn’t. Co2 is almost never the scarcest necessary component of plant growth. Desertification progresses apace. And even if AGW was good for farming, it is still beyond shortsighted to imagine that disrupting the entire worlds climate patterns is justified by a marginal increase in agriculture.

>> No.9410008

look it's fairly obvious what he's doing
Trump is intelligent enough to know why what he's telling is bullshit
He's also intelligent enough to know the millions of people who aren't are the folks who'll support him for denying climate change.
He's also intelligent enough to realize he's to rich and old for global warming to ever affect him in any way and in all likelihood his family will be to rich to be affected seriously by the effects of global warming.

>> No.9410013

I am not a climate change denier, I am asking this because I need an explanation.

I am seeing some crazy fearmongering on Fagbook that the Earth will experience insane desertification if global warming continues.

Can some climatologist explain to me how the world being hotter can decrease rainfall? If anything I'd think it would increase. More heat means more evaporation, meaning more water for clouds. Rising ocean levels also means more ocean surface area, which again means more evaporation.

Somebody explain please.

>> No.9410042


Can you see why it changed from "global warming" to "climate change"? It's so they can blame any weather event on CO2 despite it being utter fear-mongering pseudo-science.

>> No.9410074

Correct, doing what is necessary to reverse the Climate trend would result in nuclear war. The rise of Islam would also be unstoppable.

>> No.9410077
File: 70 KB, 1000x563, 2016-hottest-year-record-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should have left it global warming since that is actually what it is, and a good description of whats happening.

>> No.9410107

>Trump is intelligent enough
Is he though?

>> No.9410111

my earth sciences prof said that Al Gore was the worst thing to happen to climate sciences.

He's been teaching earth/environmental systems for a long time. Before Al Gore's stupid truth, he says that teaching about climate change and global warming was the same as teaching about metamorphic rocks. No drama, global warming was just a known part of earth sciences. Students accepted it. Then Ol' Gore comes around, and everything goes to shit.

Interestingly, he also has data from his years of teaching regarding opinions of his college students. Each semester he asks the same questions to the whole class - how old is the earth, is climate change caused in part by humans, etc. There has been a steady downward trend in 6000 years old / "no" answers.

At least the future generations won't be so retarded. But it will sorta be too late by then, unless we figure out how to reduce the residence time of CO2.

>> No.9410113

nope, he's almost illiterate and has fading cognitive abilities. In a way I'd rather him golf every day than make decisions.

>> No.9410140

If you are giving celebrities Climate awards, it shows you aren't serious about change. In fact, that's a 1000 times worse than what Trump is doing.

>> No.9410144


>> No.9410148

Could you elaborate?

>> No.9410154


They couldn't because temperatures have been falling. You can see it's going back down in that graph.

>> No.9410167

2017 was the hottest non-El Niño year ever recorded.

>> No.9410171

>t. brainlet

When considering years of climate data, you must look longer than 18(?) years I believe, for an actual assessment of a trend. Furthermore, the huge tropical storms of the late 90s have lasting effects. Thus the false trend of a “plateau” of recent years. It’s a laughable claim to make, not because it is entirely false, but because it’s simple data manipulation to try and show to normies that global warming is Fake

>> No.9410175

People are partisan hacks, virtue signaling has the complete opposite effect on people. If I go on a date with a girl, keep calling her a slut, and then give myself the chastity award, I'm probably not getting a second date.

>> No.9410177
File: 59 KB, 750x450, Falling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, look at these falling temperatures...

>> No.9410193


Do you seriously think the data from the 1800s and 1900s is going to be accurate? Did they attach thermometers to pigeons and fly them all around the world? Give me a break.

>> No.9410198

>please cite your source this was caused by food shortage, and this food shortage is caused by global warming.
I didnt claim the current famines were caused by AGW, I said the scientific consensus is that AGW could / probably will cause famine.


>refugee crisis is an artificial crisis caused by incompetent politicians who are too weak to apply the rule of law

RE you think social issues can be solved by totalitarian government because any other form of control is a tacit agreement of the people.

Further, what the fuck is an "artificial crisis" and how does it differ from the inferred natural one. People dont and often cannot just pack up and leave their homes because they dont like the current poltiical climate. They protest and if need be start a revolution even to the point of militancy, under you thinking the trainwreck that is Iraq is the peoples fault because they could simply move somewhere else. Do I also need to provide sources on the conflicts both civil and militant in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, India, among others?

Not being alarmed over the state of climate change is quite ridiculous given that it may be the largest threat to our society since the advent of the nuclear weapon.

>> No.9410202

Do you seriously not understand how a thermometer works or any basic physical principles?

>> No.9410204

The last coldest winter I had in this area was -40. After that, we had flowers blooming this time of year. This year is rater nostalgic for me. My water actually froze off. It's been -10F at best though.

>> No.9410238

>nuclear weapon.

Good thing they're a myth as well then.


Yeah I guess they had it all figured out in the 1800s.

>> No.9410243

>Do you seriously think the data from the 1800s and 1900s is going to be accurate?
Yes, that's when coverage and standardization became sufficient to use the data.

And I fail to see how that would show temperatures have been falling.

>> No.9410249

The Earth's natural state is without ice, seems like we are returning there.

>> No.9410252

>The Earth's natural state is without humans...

>> No.9410253


What with? A few thermometers stuck in some beanstalks?

>> No.9410259

Mammals thrive at higher temperatures, so says the fossil record.

>> No.9410260

If they were really right, it should only require one scientist to be convincing.

>> No.9410261

I think it's because the president of the USA does not understand the distinction between weather and climate. But some people would rather believe that he's playing 9399810D chess

>> No.9410263
File: 25 KB, 450x219, 1890 temp stations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get tired of pulling shit out of your ass?

>> No.9410264
File: 35 KB, 600x632, 1499955686717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He never sank a ship

>> No.9410265

Liberals don't seem to understand that distinction either. I was told a thousand times, Huston and Puerto Rico were destroyed by climate change.

>> No.9410266

If it were only one, /pol/tards would immediately argue that he is biased because he smoked weed once 40 years ago and because he donated $5 to the democratic party

>> No.9410267

Then stop believing weed smoking Democrats

>> No.9410275

Which mammals are those exactly? Because man has always lived in a climate with ice at the poles.

And temperature is positively correlated with extinction rate:

>> No.9410277

>Good thing they're a myth as well then.
I actually dont know what point youre trying intimate here.

>Yeah I guess they had it all figured out in the 1800s.

I recommend you actually research topics instead of forming a conclusion based on your intuition.

>> No.9410279

>If the Earth was really round, it would only require one scientist to convince all the flat-Earthers

>> No.9410280

Our evolutionary ancestors. We know fish are fucked, there is nothing we can do about that.

>> No.9410285

That is not how scientific consensus or indeed the scientific method functions you dolt.

>> No.9410292

Deniers are irrelevant, this is an engineering problem.

>> No.9410301

No, wrong again. For almost 100 million years the climate has been steadily cooling, and the ape line evolved completely over that period, eventually resulting in humans. If anything, one would have to argue that colder temperatures are better for humans. Regardless, this argument completely misses the point, since it is not simply the temperature which is concerning but the rapid rate of change in the temperature, which does not allow for species to adapt in time, leading to a higher rate of extinction.

>> No.9410306

Deniers are incredibly relevant as it requires social and political capital to institute change. Also its more of cultural problem than it is one of engineering. Its very unlikely we can engineer our way out of the problem without an accompanying paradigm shift of perspective concerning consumption, envrionmental impact, and our need for continual expansion.

>> No.9410324

You have absolutely no idea if that is true.

>> No.9410326

>Deniers are incredibly relevant as it requires social and political capital to institute change.
Pack up then, because you're fucked. That will never happen, ever.

>> No.9410331

Last winter was also especially cold. 2017 was also the warmest year on record.

That's the difference between weather and climate.

>> No.9410336

>Global warming
Please say climate change so we don't get more idiots saying "it's colder in January than in July, so much for global warming!"

>> No.9410338

>In a way I'd rather him golf every day than make decisions.
He has done less and golfed more than any other president, so you almost have your wish.

>> No.9410340

It's not just "especially cold" This is the coldest it's been on this day in history for my city since 1884.

>> No.9410345

>I didnt claim the current famines were caused by AGW, I said the scientific consensus is that AGW could / probably will cause famine.
moving the goalposts i see, you said these thing are happening right now whatever. the link you shared say nothing about global warming causing famines anyway.

>RE you think social issues can be solved by totalitarian government
what the fuck are you even saying you mongoloid

>"artificial crisis"
a "crisis" that only exists because politicians let it come to be and stoked it with their ineptitude and indecisiveness.
>People dont and often cannot just pack up and leave their homes because they dont like the current poltiical climate.
except that's just what's been happening

>They protest and if need be start a revolution even to the point of militancy, under you thinking the trainwreck that is Iraq is the peoples fault because they could simply move somewhere else. Do I also need to provide sources on the conflicts both civil and militant in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, India, among others?
what is this about? and your english is mangled up i can't even understand you

>Not being alarmed over the state of climate change is quite ridiculous given that it may be the largest threat to our society
it won't cause societal collapse or world famine i can tell you that much. you've way too many political pop sci crap on youtube

>> No.9410346

anything anomalous = global warming
it really is seriously cold though

>> No.9410351

>only western europe and america are covered(as expected)
>we somehow can deduce global temperatures from this

>> No.9410353

>Not being alarmed over the state of climate change is quite ridiculous given that it may be the largest threat to our society since the advent of the nuclear weapon.
Holy shit LOL and I thought republicans were fear mongerers.

>> No.9410385

See >>9410275

>> No.9410388

Means nothing

women's transgender studies prove magic exists and blacks can fly.

>> No.9410390

All I had to do was read the first sentence to know it's garbage.

>> No.9410419

>we somehow can deduce global temperatures from this
It's called interpolation, it's pretty simple.

>> No.9410423

All I had to do was read the only sentence of your post to know it's not an argument.

>> No.9410425


See 37 seconds in. They do sink like that, not as high up out of the water as in that artwork, but the general idea is correct.

>> No.9410428

since it's so simple explain how you can know average global temperatures with thermometers only in western europe and north-east america

>> No.9410443

>since it's so simple explain how you can know average global temperatures with thermometers only in western europe and north-east america
There were thermometers in the southern hemisphere throughout the instrumental record, so this is a bullshit loaded question. Also, we've known since the 90s that the same northern hemisphere stations we had in the 1880s are representative of global temperatures:


>> No.9410457

>There were thermometers in the southern hemisphere throughout the instrumental record
yeah like 5 of them are you serious?

>we've known since the 90s that the same northern hemisphere stations we had in the 1880s are representative of global temperatures
how do you know that

>> No.9410460

Read the paper, mongoloid.

>> No.9410463


>> No.9410469

if it's so simple as you claim it shouldn't be a problem explaining how that's done instead of redirecting me to a paper. unless you're full of shit and don't have any idea how that works and you're just using words like interpolation without knowing what that is to look smart (not working btw)

>> No.9410473
File: 149 KB, 839x1280, F3.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I read the paper, and thus confirmed what was in the first sentence. Here is the data fit. How embarrassing.

>> No.9410481

That's exactly what weather is. In one city on one day, it was very cold.

It was also colder winter of 2017 than usual, but the year as a whole was higher than average temperature. That is what climate is, long term trends over large regions.

>> No.9410490

It shows exactly what it claims, not sure why that would be embarrassing.

I mean, I get a little embarrassed when my wife tells me she loves me and then gives me a kiss. I guess that is a thing.

>> No.9410514

The paper explains interpolation in a few sentences, why would you need me to explain it to you? Perhaps because you are trying to use an ad hominem attack instead of responding to the substance of the argument?

>> No.9410557

Are those dots to scale? I mean for a thermometer to measure that much area you'd need millions of them.

>> No.9410565

>Are those dots to scale?
My god you're dumb.

>> No.9410587


>> No.9410593


I have no more questions your Honor.

>> No.9410615

>It shows exactly what it claims
That's right, they found a data fit to support their predetermined conclusion.

>> No.9410632

>Are those dots to scale?
actually lol'd

>> No.9411405

I know, feelsbad man.

>> No.9411408

He's just taking money from these programs because no one will notice until he's dead, kek

>> No.9411413

Ok, I see now you are illiterate and incapable of expanding on your reasoning.

>> No.9411415

You clearly have no idea how science is done. Let me educate you:
>Form a hypothesis
>Check whether the data supports the hypothesis and the difference to the null hypothesis is significant

>> No.9411422

>Form a hypothesis
>Ignore data that contradicts your hypothesis and twist and alter your experiment to remove data contradicting your hypothesis then say it proves your original unaltered hypothesis and attack anyone who tries to bring up the fact that the data contradicts your hypothesis.
You meant to type this right?

>> No.9411424

Where did they do that? Care to show any proof?

>> No.9411646

Perhaps because you're just saying words without knowing what they mean? Pretty fucking sure at this point you don't know what interpolation means.

>> No.9411650

>says the person whose broken english is completely unintelligible

>> No.9411653
File: 1.94 MB, 1728x3072, 1514988532145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you guys are talking about this.

I can post my shitty pictures.

It's snowing in South Georgia right now, it never snows here guys, this is so awesome.

I'm not making a political statement or anything /sci/-y I just thought it was neat. I never seen snow before.

>> No.9411663

Snow's awesome, and if global warming means more snow where I live I'm all for it

>> No.9411673

You're just projecting your complete ignorance of the topic onto others, in order to avoid the argument. It's not working.

>> No.9411686

So you have no problem explaining how a bunch of thermometer in western europe +north east america and a few more scattered around the other landmasses can give an accurate estimate of global temperature

>> No.9411795

what did you mean by this

>> No.9411798

>You scientists say that it will be warmer six months from now than it is today, but today is COLDER than yesterday. How can the trend be up if we’re going down! Morons!

>> No.9412014
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>California, Texas, and New York should decide the political fates of every other us territory

>> No.9412022

Because they do not not differ significantly from temperature stations That were later added to the record. That is what the paper I posted shows. So far you have not responded to the paper, just lied about me not knowing what interpolation means. Pathetic.

>> No.9412026
File: 1.62 MB, 495x495, Pacha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9412028

>necessary investments would be a small fraction of the massive subsidies still being given to fossil fuel companies and would be received primarily by tech companies and manufacturers in first world nations
What did anon mean by this

>> No.9412034

Bro just let it go, we had a good run. We're all just stardust anyway.

>> No.9412048


We're talking about global temperature. They could not accurately measure global temperature in the 1800s, we can't even do it now.

>> No.9412051

>>California, Texas, and New York should decide the political fates of every other us territory
You left out Florida. But you're still wrong.
Under a popular vote system, EVERY SINGLE VOTE in California, New York, Texas and Florida (which would never happen) still isn't a win.
Let's add the next four biggest states? Still nope, every single vote in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Pensylvania and Ohio STILL isn't a majority.
But take a closer look at the EC.
Because all you need is 51% of a state to get all its votes, 51% of voters in 12 states can win against 49% of the voters in the same 12 states, plus every single vote in the 38 other states combined.


>> No.9412052 [DELETED] 

And besides, the alternative we unfortunately live with, is the inbred rednecks in the 20 smallest states (12% of the voters) control 40% of the senate.
Wait... actually, 51% of the voters in those states (6% of the voters altogether) control 40% of the Senate.
Most Americans who voted for the POTUS voted Democrat, but we goat an extra-retarded Republican anyway.
Most Americans who voted for Senators voted Democrat, but the Senate is controlled bu Republicans anyway.
Ok, the hose is an exception because the Republicans have gerrymandered so many states so heavily, there are a lot of districts where Democrats don't even bother to run.
But even so, in every district where the voters were given a choice, most Americans voted democrat.
You only like the EC because your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980, and only two such wins since the 1920's, unless you count Nixon's 43% "win" in 1968 when the Dems split the vote and ran two candidates.
Most people still voted Democrat though.

You only like the EC because your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980, and only two such wins since the 1920's, unless you count Nixon's 43% "win" in 1968 when the Dems split the vote and ran two candidates.
So your only two real wins in nearly a century are Reagan and Eisenhower, and Ike was practically a communist compared to modern Republicans.

>> No.9412056

>>9412051 (You)
And besides, the alternative we unfortunately live with, is the inbred rednecks in the 20 smallest states (12% of the voters) control 40% of the senate.
Wait... actually, 51% of the voters in those states (6% of the voters altogether) control 40% of the Senate.
Most Americans who voted for the POTUS voted Democrat, but we goat an extra-retarded Republican anyway.
Most Americans who voted for Senators voted Democrat, but the Senate is controlled bu Republicans anyway.
Ok, the House is an exception because the Republicans have gerrymandered so many states so heavily, there are a lot of districts where Democrats don't even bother to run.
But even so, in every district where the voters were given a choice, most Americans voted democrat.
You only like the EC because your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980, and only two such wins since the 1920's, unless you count Nixon's 43% "win" in 1968 when the Dems split the vote and ran two candidates.
Most people still voted Democrat though.

>> No.9412062

How so? Do mean like directly measuring global temperature? Satellites can take direct temperature measurements over large areas. I mean, it's not the same as measuring the surface temperature of every point on Earth and averaging but it's pretty good.

>> No.9412063


>in excess of 90% of minorities tend to vote in one direction

No, I like the EC because we don't live in a perfect world where 100% of the eligible citizenry is effectively educated and willing to vote as an informed decision. Instead, the major population centers have the infrastructure to prey on the dregs of society and buy their votes with transportation, t-shirts, and laws interfering with proper voter identification.

I'm not a Republican, so you can fuck right off with your party bait bullshit. This idealism fueled virtue signalling is why we have the liberal and alt-right shitstorm dominating the vacuous minds glued to the shitcast screen 24/7.

>> No.9412067

None of your argument makes sense. The electoral college members all vote according to what the uneducated masses vote, the only difference is that it makes uneducated redneck votes matter more.

>> No.9412077

just take the outgoing longwave and apply Stefan's law to get temperature
it's simple, IRL it's more dirty than that but that's the underlying principle

>> No.9412079

>Please change your falsifiable proposition into a non-falsifiable proposition so it makes it easier for us pseuds to dismiss our critics

>> No.9412083

climate and weather have a definitive difference
atmospheric phenomena that lasts < 1 year is weather
atmospheric phenomena that lasts > 1 year is climate
simple, no hurricane has ever lasted longer than a year but on other planets like Jupiter that's not the case

>> No.9412088

I'm not interested in your babble address the point

>> No.9412102

>them damn rednecks
It's okay anon, I'll help you out. A large city with more avenues for installing a particular political agenda is necessarily going to be more apt to use those avenues. We cannot guarantee 100% voter turnout, so areas capable of improving turnout for whatever demographics suit them will have much better representations. The electoral college counters this (though imperfectly) by limiting the value of any given governance.

Just look at the election maps by county for the 2016 race.

>> No.9412120

You actually cant win against these retards

>> No.9412125

The absolute state of american public education that you think full sentences with punctuation is grammatically invalid because you have the vocabulary and literary analysis skills of a gnat.

>> No.9412130

It means less for pretty much everyone. You'll get more rain though! And tornados!

>> No.9412140

I 100% guarantee before trump won because of the electoral college you wanted it gone too. I honestly can't believe Americans are so stupid. They see something the rest of the world does and no matter what they won't do it. It's why they're the most backward country on the entire planet. Whatever have fun living in your shit country. I just wish Americans would stick to one corner of the Internet, facebook seems like it would work, and let the adults have real conversations.

>> No.9412162

>them damn minorities
So it was never really about whether voters are uneducated, they just have to be right-wing.

>> No.9412166

>We're talking about global temperature.
Actually no, we're not. We're talking about global temperature anomaly.

>> No.9412248

>implying the US is a democracy in any form
“Ron Paul 2012 media blackout”
Your vote doesn’t matter. Not because they dont count it, but because the media conglomerates will not allow someone with your best interest in mind to make it far enough to make a difference. The US is a plutocracy, the elections, and politics in general, are just there to give you the illusion of choice.

>> No.9412466

>Crap scientists are anybody who disagrees with my left-of-Stalin worldview.
You aren't really a scientific person. You're just another whore for the leftist state.

>> No.9412511
File: 423 KB, 1200x1029, AgwLeftards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the left does all day every day is claim ordinary weather events are due to climate change, and then one day Trump does the same thing and they just freak out: "THAT'S OUR SCAM!!!"

>> No.9412516

They aren't doing it right

>> No.9412531

All /pol/ does all day is make up shitty straw men.

>> No.9412563

>Open the floodgates to millions of immigrants who are immediately lashed to the suckling teat of the welfare system and vote democrat in the hopes of more free shit
Can't say anyone is really surprised anon.

>> No.9413467

Amazing considering your tribe throws biology out the window in favor of ideology daily

>> No.9413472

Unless we start electing green politicians who will actually crack down on fossil fuel usage and drastically so, we will have the joy of finding ourselves living in a hellish environmentally devastated world by the time we are middle aged. And time sure flies.

>> No.9413586

Yes sure let's vote for the politicians whose solutions is moving Africa to Europe and are hell bent in dismantling every nuclear plant

>> No.9414358

The market gets more money from killing people than it does from saving lives, shithead.

>> No.9414377


Nuclear energy seems good at first glance but then you realize the costs - not just money - involved as well as the damage done with each minor accident and the picture changes.

Energy efficiency is the answer, supported by renewable energy.

>> No.9414419

Oh well I guess we gotta go back to candles, horse transport and bedtime by 6pm for the next 60 years while we figure out efficient renewable energy

>> No.9414425

You're right, we SHOULD block all refugees right now so we can use our available resources to solve these problems. Then we can provide our solutions to the leaders of the countries who will no longer need to send refugees because they will be self-sufficient. Really makes a lot more sense than dooming humanity by blindly giving out our resources as gibs to refugees we blindly let in.

Wtf I love closed borders now, closed borders will save the world

>> No.9414482

>I never seen snow before.
As a leaf, I will be honored to take over stewardship of your land after everyone in the southern states are wiped out from wind chill

Leafs shall inherit the snowball earth

>> No.9414726

Did you know that submarines would sometimes do this (not as dramatically) when diving too quickly? In emergency dive situations the entire crew that wasn't piloting the sub would run to the front to help counteract this. It would be really bad if the prop rose out of the water, especially when a plane was flying overhead as it would be really easy to spot


>> No.9414807

This is true though. The human race is only temporary. Just ask the Neanderthals. Or the dinosaurs. Or even the Canaanites who have been successfully genocided.

>> No.9415188

Women love assholes who abuse them so you may likely get a second date.

>> No.9415231


Show me a single (non-ironic) example of "left wing media" blaming an earthquake on climate change.

>> No.9415436


>> No.9415442

>In emergency dive situations the entire crew that wasn't piloting the sub would run to the front to help counteract this.
>run to the front to help counteract this.
Are you dense? Subs have independent ballast tanks for a reason.

>> No.9415539

Did you read the article? In the first paragraph it describes the procedure in detail, including spare crew running to the front of the sub to help crash dive faster. In note 1 it also explains of a German u-boat that accidentally lifted its rear out of the water when a crewman delayed filling the rear ballast tanks for too long.

Just read the first paragraph on the wiki anon, isn't that long. And if you really want to be stubborn do 5-10 minutes of your own research.

>> No.9415547

>241 replies
bait successful

>> No.9415847

>Devastating hurricane? More than 1,000 lives lost? It must be climate change! Almost inevitably, Hurricane Matthew’s recent rampage across the Caribbean and south-eastern US has been fingered by some as a backlash of global warming driven by humanity’s polluting activities, but does this really stack up?

>The short answer is no. Blame for a single storm cannot be laid at climate change’s door

>Climate change can only bring forward the occurrence of an earthquake if the fault was already susceptible to rupturing. These things can occur where there is ice or where there is increase in sea levels. But, even if these happen, their occurrences may be within the annual variation of the earthquakes of those sizes.
Doesn't blame any earthquake on climate change either, just says that earthquakes COULD BE CAUSED by climate change

Now if only you could read...

>> No.9415866

Dumbfucks elected a literal billionaire boomer who is one of the most narcissistic man on the planet into office. Why anyone expected him to have the future in his best interest is beyond me.

>> No.9415875

But money, on the other hand, is eternal! Oh wait

>> No.9415879

Trump is referring to weather, not climate.

>> No.9415888
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 4L_Uu7bLpug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>point is made by incorrectly understanding the semantics used so the point has literally no ground to stand on
>anon explains the semantics which would automatically infer to anyone with the slightest bit of reading comprehension that the point was moot in the first place
> a hurf durf not interested in ur babble

>> No.9415931

shut up you fucking retard, there is a difference between source and structure of power in government and the US is a democracy as the power of government is drawn from the people

>> No.9415939

You know nothing about electroweak physics or the engineering challenges and history or nuclear energy or large scale energy generation of any kind. Though you are correct that efficiency now is better than hoping for wizard tech.

>> No.9415957

Probably because on many of the hotly debated topics their side is demonstrably supported by all data from domestic and foreign sources. EG abortion, climate change, tax reform, healthcare, criminal code among others. Everywhere else in the developed world these are all already accepted facts and what is debated is implementation.

>> No.9416052

Now if YOU could read go back to this >>9412511 and tell me how that image is inconsistent with what you're saying

>> No.9416120

>people in America are freezing to death
>Drumpf is more worried about the East
Since when is he president of Asia?

>> No.9416174

The concept of money 'can' be eternal. Even isolated tribes in the middle of nowhere or on an island have barter systems.

>> No.9416186
File: 217 KB, 1172x764, hwhwoojhtfws6hihs3wk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the temperature anomaly on the day he tweeted that.

>> No.9416319

Currency systems are in no way equivalent to barter systems. What you mean is the concept of value can be universal.

>> No.9416335

Proof that God will protect America from global warming or coinkydink?

Only time will tell...

>> No.9416412

>the US is a democracy as the power of government is drawn from the people
>he actualy believes this


>> No.9416662

Are you an anarcho-communist?

>> No.9416704

you don't have to be an anarcho-communist to realize how big a fucking fraud US democracy is.

>> No.9417024

Edgy, did they teach you this in your humanities class?

>> No.9417033

He's right though. It's a republic, not a democracy, and you don't even get on the ballot without a tremendous amount of money and support from the party chairs.

>> No.9417048

Oh wait, he's serious, let me laugh harder.


>> No.9417054

How much are sun cycles impacting all of this? Aren't we going out of a max now?

>> No.9417280
File: 758 KB, 624x676, pootang come on now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russians made (((tr*mp))) president so he could wage war with iran and norks, two of russia's strategic allies

>> No.9417417

It's a federal republic. Complete difference.

>> No.9418122

>America isolates itself while Russia becomes a more attractive ally to countries around the world just for having a rational leader
Solid move by Putin

>> No.9418138

Putin expanding influence in his border states by taking over their news while simultaneously reducing confidence in western democracy by openly manipulating elections all while slowly stoking the embers of the cold war. It's a bold strategy but seems to be working.

>> No.9418312
File: 29 KB, 473x500, 1514982240703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically defending global warming
Jesus, the Jews really did a number on you guys.

>> No.9418324

>When you have no clue about political theory
Read a fucking book jesus christ

>> No.9418939
File: 208 KB, 1053x709, lavroved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 4D chess for you

>> No.9419027

Any uneducated fuck can dismiss whatever they want by strawmanning those trying to assert views that they ideologically oppose.

>> No.9419070

>My water actually froze off
Was the baby hurt?

>> No.9419130

*sigh* when will drumblgrumpfkins understand?

>> No.9419134

Holier than thou syndrome, just for the fact that they are moralfags and they fucking love science

>> No.9419160
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Wishing you a 2018 full of happenings

>> No.9419498
File: 222 KB, 500x500, Opinion Discarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We cannot guarantee 100% voter turnout
Why not? Australia does.
basically instead of making it easier for people in rural areas to vote, you make it arbitrarily difficult for city dwellers to vote, and then the laws get thrown out by a court because they caught you guys literally researching what kinds of IDs black people tend to use and then disallowing those.

the Electoral College really is the result of slavery. under the 3/5ths compromise, slave (Southern) states could count their slaves towards census representation in the House. but if the popular vote nationwide determined the President, Southern states wouldn't get to do that. so instead, they tied the proportions to Congressional delegation counts.
it was never about rural versus urban states; EVERY state was rural when they wrote the Constitution.

>> No.9420860

>NPR is a left leaning organisation

>> No.9421089

>Studies into scientific agreement that the Earth is flat. Circa 11th century

>> No.9421541

>Hurr I'm not wrong because I moved the goal post

>> No.9421795
File: 23 KB, 283x283, 1500890218854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of civic and political knowledge and virtue in america lmao. Only they could think the amount of electoral repression and manipulation that goes on is ok.

>> No.9421842

>caught you guys literally researching what kinds of IDs black people tend to use

Someone elses?

If you don't have the ability to prove who you are then you shouldn't be able to vote. If you don't have a government issued photo ID then you don't have this ability. Be glad we stop at telling you that you can't vote and don't deport you to North Korea I don't see what's so racist about IDs. I don't see what's so wrong about denying people too dumb to get an ID a vote. I don't see why you want everyone to vote in the first place. Half the country has a double digit IQ. Even more for the black part of this country. Why in the world should their votes count as much as the guys with 3 digits? Why don't we let the apes in the zoo vote while we're at it?

>> No.9422682

>If you don't have the ability to prove who you are then you shouldn't be able to vote. If you don't have a government issued photo ID then you don't have this ability.
Except that they don't accept all government issued photo ID.
A common practice in those laws is to allow things like gun permits, but not student IDs, since rednecks are more likely than college students to vote Republican. and because they're so damn incompetent at disguising their motives, the courts throw out the laws over and over again.

stay salty, stormfag.

>> No.9422755

*waddles to keyboard, frothing at the mouth*
*wheezes in pain as lungs struggle to keep pace with the rigorous activity known as typing*
*fatty tears congeal in the corner of eyes, too thick and greasy to roll down cheeks, or perhaps too lazy*
*heart strains to pump blood through obese veins*
*praises Kek as the heart attack hits*

>> No.9422809

>>trump says so much for global warming this is a record cold winter
>>al gore says this cold weather is exactly what you would expect from global warming
>lmao conservashits are so stupid, cold weather is proof of global warming of course
why are alarmists such shills?

>> No.9422827

Australia just requires any government photo ID, and there isn’t any issues at all with the system. Why can’t you just appeal to implement the law which is fairest, rather than leaving a gaping hole because muh bogeyman might make it unfair. The only people that ID laws discriminate against are the people who aren’t allowed to be voting in the first place, which is exactly how it should be.
With your logic, there should be no restrictions placed on anything, because there could be ‘some way’ to make it racist.

>> No.9422865

>A common practice in those laws is to allow things like gun permits, but not student IDs, since rednecks are more likely than college students to vote Republican.
reliable source and examples of this cause it sounds like you made it up

>> No.9422885

reality is left-leaning.

>> No.9423324

Citation needed.

>> No.9423689


>> No.9423706

>The only people that ID laws discriminate against are the people who aren’t allowed to be voting in the first place

Incorrect, there are large segments of society who are the absolute scum of the Earth as well as dedicated liberal voters.

>to make it racist.
It's called disparate impact, according to federal law anything with a disparate impact, eg all the useless nigs without documents, is de facto racisms

>> No.9423719
File: 2.61 MB, 1891x4901, climate change 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad

>> No.9424345

Why do people think that taking a screenshot of bullshit on /pol/ will magically make it not bullshit?