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9397060 No.9397060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can people with an IQ of less than 130 truly be considered human?

>> No.9397068

you need those people for serving your food, cleaning your street etc. show some respect.

>> No.9397069

Well I can respect them about as much as I respect any automata for benefiting me. Doesn't mean they can be considered human though, right?

>> No.9397071

Define Human

>> No.9397073

People with high IQ can intuit the definition of human based on their superior mathematical and verbal abilities. The fact that you need me to spoonfeed it to you tells me enough.

>> No.9397084

Actually you have it backwards. People with IQ over 130 are not humans, they are a superior race; the "homo superior". They are the next step in human evolution, and will bring us to an age of enlightenment that mankind as not seen since the fall of Atlantis.

>> No.9397147
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Depends on what aspect of you are focusing on under what scenario. For example, in a civilized society like ours people with 80-90 IQ might seem like a bunch of borderline retard subhuman scum, but in a real survival scenario (like post nuclear war) someone whose been living off their intellect will be just predated and hunted by those who've been living off their hands / doing farming or been in the army. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is who survives while we might have comfy lives that can change over the coming decades. Also, Einstein had children and his children had children, none them got into science with good talent in fact they lived mediocre lives. There's no point glorifying people of high intellect, all the low hanging fruits in science have already been picked and perhaps AI will become a reality one day and a 130 IQ individual will be like a cockroach v1.5 compared to it anyway

>> No.9397150

No op, you are not human. Go back to the shadows.

>> No.9397153

'People' with any iq are nonhumans . Only noniq people are normal.

>> No.9397181
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Dude you haven't even reached the first stage...

>> No.9397187

Below 130'ers are just NPCs. Simple

>> No.9397188

don't east asians have high iq? because they certainly aren't human

>> No.9397380

Are you implying that blacks aren't human?

>> No.9397848

That explains why AI can reproduce such people

>> No.9397874


where's the brain for IQ being a shit measure

>> No.9398398

sub-130 here. can confirm I'm still human

>> No.9398555

Clearly selection bias, but I don't expect you to understand.

>> No.9398646

As machines do more of the thinking, emotional intelligence may become more prized, if it isn't already more prized now

So either you become a Half Human Half Glados/HAL or you prep the bull and become in touch with your inner side

>> No.9398689

The bottom stage is really just the beginning, as a truly intelligent person would be able to achieve a high level of social skill as far as it would be useful to him and then have further realisations beyond that

>> No.9398905

Can people with an IQ of more than 130 truly be considered human?

>> No.9398989

>smart people are unable to do stupid people tasks meme
If you can't figure out how to serve food, your IQ is probably not anywhere near 130.
Additionally, cleaning my streets could be done with automation if normalfags didn't think automation was terminator.

>> No.9399044
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>> No.9399045

I'm a 18 year old w/ 121 IQ that's studying Medicine. Do I have any hope or am I beyond the point of salvation?

>> No.9399525

84 IQ here. I made it past Differential Equations and Calc 3, so I'd say I'm doing alright.

>> No.9399532

I'm more educated than you, in every way shape and form. Also more intelligent than you (exponentially so). I am better than you, in every facet of life, and I don't even know you, however, I just know, that I am. Also, we aren't bros. If anything, you are someone I assign less value and worth than my own feces. Your life has no value, and you will make no contribution to this world, in your entire life, because of your low intelligence, and lack of skills. How does that feel, you fucking bottom denominator. go back to you vegan subreddit to fill your useless void of a life, pretending it means anything. Am i a narcissist? I don't know, I am a fucking God. I will, do, and have succeeded in every facet of life. I have done more, in this year alone, than you will have achieved before you leave this world... let that sink in. You have no fucking clue who you are talking to. I am so vastly superior and intelligent, that I can infer all of this, with 100% accuracy. You are like a fucking ant, and I am a GOD. You do not even fly on my radar, let alone get acknowledgment, from the likes of me. I know you can sense my superiority, my power, my intelligence,and you are trying to pretend you don't feel, its real. To conclude, go back to fucking yourself, you meaningless water-trash bottom feeding peasent.

>> No.9399596

Statistically people with an IQ of 100 are more human than people with an IQ of 130, dipshit.

>> No.9399617

IQ 150 here. I jerk off evrey day and don't shower lol