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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9396296 No.9396296 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we group numbers by 10
Why not any other arbitrary count like 4?
as in
1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32 33, 100, etc?

>> No.9396303

because we have 10 fingers probably

>> No.9396304


>> No.9396306

Not everyone uses base 10 and no one is forcing you to use it either.

>> No.9396322

Best base would be base 30, would correspond roughly with the letters of the alphabet, you also have about 30 joints on both hands. Also divisible by 2,3,5.

>> No.9396323
File: 16 KB, 297x255, base 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone uses base 10

>> No.9396325

Hexadecimal masterrace reporting in

>> No.9396347

Base 30 is just too many symbols.
Hexadecimal is useful for computing, but that's about it.
Best system to use in day to day stuff would be dozenal.

>> No.9396351
File: 269 KB, 856x2193, first_contact1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reminds me of a picture i once saved when i was like 15

>> No.9396388


>not using a base based on a prime.

How does it feel like ot be a brainlet?

>> No.9396390

Best base is 12. Far more factors than 10 (or 30): 1,2,3,4,6 &12. Base 12 is much more efficient than base 10 for everyday human computation.

>> No.9396393
File: 93 KB, 675x645, Keys_in_dozenal_clock.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

base 12 master race reporting in

but not really, it's too late to change anything now :/

>> No.9396402

Dozenal master race reporting.
You can even count to 143 on your hands using the 3 segments of each of your four fingers.

>> No.9396489

You can count to 1023 using binary with just whole fingers up and down

>> No.9397478

t. someone who hasn't looked at their thumbs lately

>> No.9397648

it just works

>> No.9397678

>not being unidecimal masterrace

>> No.9397680
File: 7 KB, 270x186, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We sort eggs in 12's

and bread in 13's

>> No.9397867


>> No.9397876

there have been counting systems with bases like 5 or 20. it seems to have come from the number of fingers or (toes) that ppl have

>> No.9397895

It actually has to do with the complete superiority of the number 9. Trust me. This number in base 10 is not comparable to any of its other forms.

A close second is so the first 144 digits of π add up to 666. We have to keep that message going until you apes are ready to evolve.

>> No.9397906

this image took me way too long to understand

>> No.9397946

this isn't /pol/, learn a minimum of a math before posting op. You've got a while to go if you've never heard of bases.

>> No.9397952


>> No.9398373

i like that pic. even though some of it is bullshit. the idea is nice

>> No.9398710

what about the fucking clocks!???

>> No.9399861


If you've ever watched The Simpsons then you'll have noticed that they all have 4 fingers per hand for a total of 8 fingers and yet despite that they still use base 10. In the few episodes where God appears, he has 5 fingers per hand for 10 fingers, showing why The Simpsons use base 10.
Hence, we group things by 10s because we have 10 fingers. We could also do it by 12 or 24 because we have 12 knuckles per hand (using the thumb to count them out), which is how the Babylonians did it.

>> No.9399864

The Babylonians used base 60

>> No.9399874

You're too stupid to be on /sci/, go back to /pol/ or /b/.

>> No.9401593


>> No.9401599

By the way, we do use other bases
For example, computers use base-2 (0 and 1)
HTML colour coding is in base-16 (or hex)


There's a bunch of applications for a lot of bases

>> No.9401608

Simpsons is a kids tv show, you cant use it explain stuff or use it as an argument.

>> No.9401759

>Why do we group numbers by 10?
>Why not any other arbitrary count like 4?
4 is useful for some things.
Binary seems like the natural desu.

>> No.9403084

cuz we have 10 fingers. But we use binary too (base 2) in some cases regarding computers because computers use binary because it only requires 2 modes for bits to be able to describe things (on and off).

>> No.9403715


Come to think of this, this is the only basis we have to be on base 10. Incredible.

>> No.9403915

This basically. 10 Fingers
I mean Base 12 is clearly the patrician's choice
> divisible evenly by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12
> makes splitting things 3 or 4 or 6 ways easy
But it may take a serious near-earth hypergate accident for us to change our ways.

Eskimos used Base 6 by the way, they would count up to 5 on one hand and when they reached 6 they would just add one to the other hand and reset the singles digit hand
> they could count to 35 using two hands

I disagree about the symbols chosen for ten and eleven but I agree with base12 completely. I think we should use symbols from other languages that represented those numbers as a single digit.

>> No.9404000

I'm fine with it being 0123456789X, but the symbol for eleven is retarded. Some weird upside down 3? Just use E instead. My keyboard has no upside down 3 and I'm not typing ctrl-shift-u every time I want to type a number.

>> No.9404010

>first 144 digits of pi add up to 666
You mean the first 144 decimals. The first 144 digits adds up to 669.