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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 400x380, AMERICANS LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9394952 No.9394952 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans are calling a 12-year-old Colorado girl 'genius' and 'a hero' for 'inventing' a 'lead detection smart app' that will 'save millions of people from ever ingesting lead ever again'
>She has already won $25,000 for her invention

THE STATE OF AMERICAN EDUCATION. You JUST can't make this stuff up.


>> No.9394957
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Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gitanjali-rao-12-year-old-girl-troubled-by-flint-water-crisis-invents-lead-detector/


>> No.9394959

a smart app? So something on a phone? Does it tell you to go buy cheapo test strips or is it doing something novel with the camera?

>> No.9394976

i don't get it, what's so funny?

>> No.9394980
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She connected a lead detector to a smartphone, and made a pretty app.

Now American news is calling her a genius, a hero, an inventor, and a scientist.

She will probably get a full ride and free stuff like Clock Boy...

>> No.9394997

Remember the idiot who build a clock hahahaha America gets cucked again

>> No.9395001

>With Gitanjali's device, instead of taking days to send water samples to a lab, her device detects lead in seconds using carbon molecules
How's it work? Is it novel? I assume it can detect lead in water by testing how much electricity the water conducts?

Do they not have these already? Can't find any on amazon or anywhere actually.

I guess it's cool if she made a mobile app to go along with it though.

>> No.9395004

Clock boy lol, terrorist in the making

>> No.9395006

she didn't just make an app

>> No.9395010
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>> No.9395011


She is more of a spokesperson than an inventor. All of the tech is from 3M. 3M invented it and gave it to her and she presents it and gets patted on the back.

Congrats to the people at 3M and her teachers for making her look good.

>> No.9395015
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>using a $500 phone when a $1 LED screen will work
>using a smartphone for everything
t. american

>> No.9395016

There are more of them geniuses?

>> No.9395019

>*sips creek water*
>clean water makes you feel good! the tool allows easy testing at home
>free of lead but dies of parasites

>> No.9395021

No help from the parents, I promise.

>> No.9395024

actually the $500 phone would be cheaper in the sense that you don't have to buy a $1 LED screen. it's great to be able to use my smartphone for everything. instead of buying a wireless mouse/keyboard combo I download an app which allows phone to act as one at no extra charge.

>> No.9395030

It uses a 3M nanotube sensor and measures the change in voltage that occurs when lead particles are inside the nanotube.

I bet the most she did was 3D print the case.
3M provided the tech and her CS teacher did the coding.

>> No.9395041

I don't think you understand how the led would work.. I'm not that anon btw

>> No.9395042

Haha true. Pretty good marketing to use the young minority girl though I bet, much more publicity = $$$.

>> No.9395052

>Be American
>Drink Lead

The absolute state of your infrastructure m8s.

>> No.9395056
File: 21 KB, 600x647, 4ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A TDS meter cannot accurately detect the amount of lead in a water sample.

Basically what >>9395030 said, however I can't find if it's proprietary to 3M Company.
Also, here's more information: https://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/semiconductors/materials/carbon-nanotube-based-sensor-detects-toxins-with-a-mobile-phone

>t. brain-dead retard

>> No.9395059

sorry we need to divert more money away from clean water to giving all our fat old people on social security more triple bypass surgeries so they can live to see another hamburger

>> No.9395061

Now you're being sarcastic, but deep inside you're jealous of the BBC (Big Black Cranium)

>> No.9395064

I mean he is 11, I hope my kid has that sort of drive for tech, but making it national news?

>> No.9395066

using t. is not an argument friend. everyone has a smartphone, there's no reason not to use them for as much as possible to maximize their value.

in this specific situation I don't see much of a point but the person I was replying to implied a $500 cost of this device. it just utilizes the fact that everyone and their mother has an iphone/android at this point.

>> No.9395074

It is probably a neat little invention that's able to detect lead with inaccuracy, what you're reading on shitty media conglomerate websites is just sensationalism to get more ad revenue. Not really anything special and won't save millions of lives but if they want to throw $25,000 at a person for that then it's pretty stupid. Might not even be her invention anyway as they point out >>9395011 >>9395030

>> No.9395094

Dude, a kid did something nice. Just be happy. Obviously this was inspired because of the young american scientist prize and she won fair and square. The only thing I find distasteful is the fact that she claims she did it for the flint water crisis. I first I believed this was true because I thought she lived there, but then I read she is some middle class retard who has never suffered in her life so sure buddy, I am sure that while watching your Saturday morning cartoons you were feeling real sad
:(((((. That said, I don't blame her because of what I will explain next:

>her CS teacher did the coding.
This motherfucker is a fucking genius. Let me green text this shit:

>Fell for the CS meme
>Now a shitty high school programming professor
>Spend my days ripping off code I find on stackexchange
>find lead detector tutorial online
>follow the steps just for fun and build it
>have great idea
>I'll give the invention to a girl
>A brown girl invents "X" Oh fuck it sounds so beautiful
>Oh and here's the cherry on top, I'LL SAY WE DID IT FOR THE FLINT WATER CRISIS

So obviously this was all a plot by the adults in her life. She was just the randomly selected brown girl. And heck, If I was her I would just go with it. 25 thousand dollars just to appear on camera being a brown girl pretending to build something? Sign me the fuck on.

>> No.9395101

The blacks in flint are the villains, not the victims
The victims are the whites who had to flee flint in response to the blacks, or who still live in a white minority city called Flint today

>> No.9395105

Oh, I didn't know that the newest issue of Liberal mad-libs was coming out today

A [insert non-white skin color] [insert non-male gender] invents a [insert something that obviously had to be made by someone else] to [fix some retarded issue liberals care about].

Damn, I had good money on
A [black] [FTM transgender] invents a [battery that never runs out] to [solve climate change]. I never win this fucking game. Hopefully next week I'll get some luck.

>> No.9395174

This is true, lol

>> No.9395232

Get a life.

>> No.9395268

None of the adults working in the field could possibly have had this idea?

>> No.9395277

kys nig lover

>> No.9395281

she is a genius.
Able to read the political climate to make a quick buck off morons.
More than anyone here will ever accomplish.

>> No.9395323

>dies of parasites


Are parasites to americans what the flu was to indigenous peoples

>> No.9395331

lol no but i wouldn't drink stagnant shallow water from some random creek. lead would be the least of my worries

>> No.9395786
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So, its the same thing the guy who came to my house to test for lead in the water used 7 years ago? It turned out to be worthless too, just like those home test strips. You need to send it to a lab and pay serious money.

>> No.9395807
File: 587 KB, 2578x1124, risk maps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lead would be the least of my worries

It is just the tip of the ice burg.

>> No.9395810

His point was that we already own the smartphone so there's no need to shell out $500 for one.

It's a great idea. Use something everyone owns to help save lives. I don't see why people are getting so autistic over this

>> No.9395815

she obviously should just have been a chucklefuck shitposter like OP

>> No.9396134

can someone explain to me why memelets from pol are obsessed with shitting up this board

to be fair to this board its actually probably the least underage and least inane overall and therefore you can quite clearly see the difference between someone roleplaying a le redpilled superior white man alpha and someone actually interested in mathematics

this begs the question: are the edgy summerfags genuinely oblivious to the difference between this thread and a good one because they are really dull, or, is here a concerted effort by them to troll /sci/?

serious question

>> No.9396139

people like sensational bullcrap especially when it includes children

>> No.9396141

pol comes to sci to gather info about the superiority of muh white genes so later they can take it to pol and masturbate to it
if you say niggers have a lower iq they get their little dicks erect
if you say jews have a higher iq they call you jidf shill and that iq actually doesnt matter

>> No.9396147


top kek

>> No.9396171

>high end computer

>> No.9396180

will she just get ignoted if shes asian

>> No.9396186

/pol/'s go-to argument is to declare "Isn't it obvious?" and call you a shill for disagreeing. All they're really looking for is the appearance of credibility, a smart person to say something that they can represent as agreeing with them.

>> No.9396191

She looks brown asian not yellow asian, so who knows?

>> No.9396202

what makes you think some trifle about a kid from hackney (east london) building himself a PC was national news you stupid fuck?

what about that image makes you think national news in england involves the lives of niggas from east london?

it wouldn't have even made BBC london news or any of the free papers like the standard or the metro

you see, unlike you yankee bellends we have a very free press with a huge amount of local publications expressing a myriad of views (one of the best things about my country) and local people who live in East Ham might actually read the paper it was published on so that they can find out about what other people in the community are up to.

some of you people are so autistic-ally jaded and out of your depth when it comes to the most simple of things that involve some social or civic understanding; especially when it involves a black or brown nigga - you just start sperging out.

>> No.9396228

>She said her next project is to create a "happiness meter which measures the amount of serotonin in your body or the amount of gamma rays and I still have to figure out how this works."


>> No.9396259

Fine... Not national news... News at all tho.

Is that the sort of "news" you are used to?? Don't be agressive/autistic, but yeah, I don't see how anyone would care about this

>> No.9396262

/pol/'s willing to go after children, these spergs have no age filter for their own jealousy/inadequacy.

>> No.9396274
File: 704 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171227-051816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Update: It actually made national news, niggers all over your country read this, fuck you

>> No.9396282

as i said before; in England we have a free, prolific and incredibly diverse press. This means we have LOCAL NEWSPAPERS that report about what the COMMUNITY is doing.

and yes, if i pick up a local paper i expect stories about what that locals have been doing.

i know you dont see how anyone would care about it. thats because you do not have any social or civic understanding.

i know this might come as a shock to you but anyone (and i mean anyone) can publish a newspaper in this glorious country.


this is where it is from. as you can see the guy is obsessed with zimbabwe and south africa.

i would have thought you would have a free, varied press in the land of the free - and not be confused about a trivial story being published somewhere.

the reality is that most of you are from pol and are just circlejerking about making fun of black and brown people who are smarter than you because you want to feel like le superior white man

>> No.9396287

holy good lord are you serious

it literally says on the top left "britains top black weekly"

do you even understand your own argument? do you know what national news is? do you know what the word weekly means?

i know you pol teen-aged yankee smalldicks are fairly ignorant of absolutely everything everywhere outside of memes on an anime forum but jesus christ my man at least try wikipedia before you try to waffle me.


For specific ethnic groups:
The Voice – a weekly tabloid newspaper aimed at the British Afro-Caribbean community


>> No.9396289


>i know you dont see how anyone would care about it
Well I mean, it's just not interesting.

>i know this might come as a shock to you but anyone (and i mean anyone) can publish a newspaper in this glorious country.

That's called a blog post, go back to Tumblr, find more of em

>> No.9396290


>the voice == UK national news
gb2 /pol/

>> No.9396291

i mean even the idea of something "making national news" being a problem because some bellends didn't think it was important enough is so unbelievably arrogant, undemocratic and quite frankly childish.

things become national news because people want to read about it. newspapers are privately owned and people ought to be able to publish what they like.

no doubt you're probably a self diagnosed memelibertarian but as soon as a smart nigger gets a story in a local paper and a paper specifically designed for black Caribbean people you start crying about it

>> No.9396294
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Not my words,
Take that up to them

>> No.9396314



>> No.9396328

Another kid makes pols get mad.

Face it, shitler lost the war because he was an inferior subhuman. Follow your chaplin moustache leader and kill yourselves, parasytes.

>> No.9396533

I thought the guy who posted that story was trying to be funny... How can this be real?

>> No.9396785

Lots of jealous brainlets in this thread.

>> No.9396793

People like >>9396785 do consider I news worthy

>> No.9397232

you know this actually has nothing to do with race, virtually all of the general public thinks building a computer is some amazing achievement. Im sure maybe the Berwick local news or whatever ran a similar story about a white kid once.

>> No.9397259

I agree with this.. it is still sad

>> No.9398945

I was expecting an explanation on why this was "obviously false" but only found suppositions. I was ready to get mad...

>> No.9399467


>> No.9399799

say what you want, making an app is still impressive for a 12 year old

>> No.9400030 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1005x440, particles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my new book

The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9400136

How did a 14 year old program an app?

>> No.9400175

she's 12

>> No.9400182

>he cant even keep up with what a 12 year old is saying.

>> No.9401328

Not him but she was very clearly reading the script, couldn't even keep her eyes on the camera most of the time.
When she "explained" "her" invention it was very obvious she didn't even understand what half of these words mean because she could barely pronounce them properly.
Also, a little girl's voice is annoying as fuck especially when talking really fast, so of course it's hard to understand what she was saying.

>> No.9401385

do rich people even understand how ridiculous it is for a 12 year old to ''invent'' fucking anything in the 21st century?