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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9394053 No.9394053 [Reply] [Original]

Is maths discovered or invented?

>> No.9394056

Neither, its shat out of an elephants ass.

>> No.9394059

you cant invent the truth

>> No.9394061

and how is it true?
I can make my own math where 2 + 2 = 5 and it would be as true as the 'official' one

>> No.9394068

true is what we declare to be true, see >>9394061

>> No.9394089

>I can make my own math where 2 + 2 = 5 and it would be as true as the 'official' one
its not worth discussing this with you if cant see why that is an absurd statement to make

i could explain it to you but, on the other hand, you wouldn't need it explained if you were capable of understanding it.

heres an exercise: try to make a consistent formal system where 2+2=5 and then prove it. switching 4 and 5 on the number line is just semantics and does not count.

if you are literally saying you can use different symbols to say the same thing and that its easy to formulate a system with different notation and nomenclature then i agree with you.

the very fact you said you could make 2+2=5 and it would still be true just proves my point but you're probably too thick to notice

>> No.9394094

and why is 2 + 2 = 4 true? because that's how we define it, if you take 2 things and 2 things you have 4 things
I can make math that gives you 5 things if you have 4 things and it would be as true in a hypothetical universe as the current one.

>> No.9394101

>and why is 2 + 2 = 4 true? because that's how we define it
why are you even here if you don't study mathematics

>> No.9394104

All possible thoughts are out there in a pre-existing thought-space

When you think of something “new” you aren’t inventing it , you’re merely discovering it from the space of possible thoughts were it already existed

Therefore no idea can be “invented”

This is what platonists actually believe when they say mathematics is discovered not invented

>> No.9394105

we derive all maths from very basic axioms. and axioms are defined to be true and cant be proved, thats their very nature

>> No.9394107
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>stupid esoteric bullshit
>reddit spacing

checks out

>> No.9394108


Look up the difference between a logicalaxiom and a non-logical axiom, brainlet


>> No.9394110

whats your point? logical axioms ARE the only fundamentally true things that exist

we discovered them through our understanding of mathematics, of which logic is a subset.

>> No.9394111

That is literally true though, 4 := 3+1

>> No.9394120

>Calling slightly abstract things you can’t understand “esoteric bullshit”

Sure sign of someone unintelligent.

>> No.9394125

>all devices/processes exist in a pre-existing device/process-space
>when you "invent" something new you aren't inventing it, you're merely discovering it from the space of possible devices and processes where they already existed
>therefore no such thing as invention exists
when will you brainlets learn, that whether math is discovered or invented is just a matter of definition of the word and a pointless question

>> No.9394134

stop being autistic, if you develop that math a little bit more you will get an absurdum

>> No.9394143
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>my thoughts are so intelligent, everyone who doesnt share my opinion clearly is stupid

how does it feel to be on the far left side of the dunning-kruger diagramm?

>> No.9394145

>defining words is pointless
you're just a higher level brainlet to the "le 2+2=5 if you want it to so randumb" idiots

>> No.9394148
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>> No.9394153

Wrong. Mathematical axioms, e.g. straight paralell lines meet at infinity are non-logical axioms.

I told you kid, look it up

>> No.9394154

it literally takes one layer of abstraction to understand his argument lol

>> No.9394157

>god created the world
wow i can understand this argument too. but that doesnt make it true, faggot

>> No.9394158

Intelligent people may disagree or agree with my argument, but being unable to understand it because it is too “esoteric” is unintelligent ;)

>> No.9394159

>straight paralell lines meet at infinity
how in the fuck is defining a projective plane where parallel lines meet at infinity a non-logical axiom

>> No.9394164

>i can understand this argument too
which? maybe we would have more faith in your analytical skills if you could actually 1: perceive when an argument is being made, and, 2: have the mental capacity to understand and argue against it

>> No.9394166

i can unerstand his argument, but i dont think what he describes is plausible

>> No.9394200

Well it depends on what you mean by invented. The wheel wasn't really invented, the concept of it is eternal and can't be made or destroyed. Sure, somebody must have made the first one, but its importance is more like of an art piece. What is truly important is the idea of it, and that changed the world. And it was just discovered.

The only things that can't be discovered are art pieces. More fitting term would be... invented. There was no concept of Michelangelo's David before it was made. You can say "well, there was the concept with a dude with his dick out before" but it is not the same as THE Michelangelo's David, and THE Michelangelo's David didn't exist before it was finished, even if Michelangelo before making it had a rough draft, or even a detailed visualisation of what would it become.
And math is certainly not an art piece.

>> No.9394220

If you got 2 apples from one basket, and 2 from another, and combined those two in a single basket, how many apples would you have? Five?