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File: 2.96 MB, 1032x1922, 20171226_121323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9394010 No.9394010 [Reply] [Original]

Is this movie becoming a reality ? Are we doomed to devolve into shit brained retards ?

>> No.9394013

>Are we doomed to devolve into shit brained retards ?
Brainlets like you are; the rest of us should be fine.

>> No.9394024

People no longer have to use their brains and muscles to survive, on top of that the modern diet is mostly toxic filth.
So ya 100% this is happening and will continue.

>> No.9394042

When socialist systems exist then absolutely. In my country at least IQ is negatively correlated with number of children and there is relative financial burden on the intelligent and relative financial support for the less so. Fortunately such a system requires success to sustain itself and in the case of downward drift it will collapse.

>> No.9394048

it has already happened
it's always been like this

>> No.9394055

Shockley warned us way before that movie and we destroyed him instead of listening to him.


>> No.9394063

This movie is amazing because make a lot liberals likes idea eugenics (literal nazi foundation) just putting hey just looks this rednecks and low class works start to had a lot children, no like you smart and educate liberal.

>> No.9394065

>People no longer have to use their brains to survive
False. You saying this means you have no idea about human life before civilization.

>> No.9394082

excuse me, what? your post is unintelligible.

>> No.9394183


>> No.9394196

are you over 18? have you fathered any children? cos iq 85 j'ameelleion is on to his 3rd.

>> No.9394203

>the rest of us

>> No.9394242


>> No.9394269

political eugenics was invented by left wing liberals and is only ever championed by progressives (who are invariably also left wing liberals)

not to be that guy but what makes you think Nazism and liberalism are even remotely ideologically incompatible?

The thread that binds left-wing liberals and eugenics is, of course, the blood spattered utopian-ism that infects anyone who believes in science-based doctrines or, indeed, equality.

>> No.9394314

So, liberalism is good?

>> No.9394341

good for whom?

>> No.9394381
File: 28 KB, 1357x1920, 1509564711573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you, only child, single, childless, iq 140
>jamenesqualionel, youngest of 10 brothers amd sisters, single, 6 kids (like his brothers and sisters), iq 82
Reminder this actually happens. You're closer to 1:10,000 breeding ratio compared to n*groid than 1:2 much less 1:1 or greater, and liberal scum are doing their best to give the world to these bottom feeders and breed themselves out existence.

>> No.9394408
File: 56 KB, 600x372, IQMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The show is inaccurate and too comedic, the first few minutes bring a valid point but the rest degenerates into comedy.

It does not take into accoldunt how a vacuum made by America's fall would not be filled. Nations like China could easily take that place with their technocrat oriented country.

Also, states would vary in their success, by stats, northern states would do fine, while southern ones , aside from the economically more larger ones, would be in trouble. we would also see many tech corps based in cali or texas move further north.

>> No.9394414

Yes but with blacks, mexicans and muslims instead of whites.

>> No.9394417

perhaps an isolated incident OP

>> No.9394435

hey I'm Mexican whats up

>> No.9394663

That map is bullshit I guarantee it. There is no fucking way the average person in Montana has a higher iq than the rest of America.

>> No.9394674

people called it since early 20th century (they were right)

>> No.9394717

Absolutely, yet not likely.

I would like to start this by saying most people, specially intellectuals live in their own bubbles, when bret weinstein says facebook should do this and that to reduce the almost compulsive use among most people reasoning that he would make use of that function he forgets most people are not even near him in terms of IQ, this applies to every strata of society, for example, the military requires you to have a minimum IQ for you to serve, if you don't pass you can't enlist, around 10% of the US population doesn't pass this list.

I grew up in a bad neighborhood, I've met people who had trouble doing simple addition, 2+2 would take them almost 10 seconds.

These people don't think about the future and the consequences their present actions hold, it's not their fault, it's just the way it is, these people also tend to have more kids than those who do, essentially the beginning of Idiocracy is factually correct, there's a big correlation between IQ and fertility.

Play this game for a couple of generations thanks to the benefits of modern society and you end up with dysgenics, this was explored in an icelandic study last year, they predicted something like this.

But.. in comes CRISPR, google it.

So we're essentially good as soon as we can engineer IQ, until then we're declining.

>> No.9394722


see I'm already a retard with my spelling oh well I'm drunk from chritmas, what can a nigga do

>> No.9394724

>the military requires you to have a minimum IQ for you to serve, if you don't pass you can't enlist, around 10% of the US population doesn't pass this list.
petersontard opinion discarded

>> No.9394727


What? The fuck are you on? The military does this, look it up.

>> No.9394770
File: 217 KB, 1066x600, 1513058426177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK OP is a fucking idiot

>> No.9394896

>Is this movie becoming a reality ? Are we doomed to devolve into shit brained retards ?
Sadly, it's looking that way, at least with our current trajectory.

>resurgence of irrational, supersitious thinking (i.e. religions)
>rejection of logic, reason, real facts, science accelerating in the face of the above
>In the U.S.: Dominionists changing the face of education, making it less accessible to The Poor, trying to inject irrational, irrelevant things like religion into public education, overall lowering the bar for everyone who can't afford private schooling
>more and more 'conveniences' being invented; people being required less and less to 'know' things or learn skills
>(smartphones, self-driving cars, AIs (even if they're shitty AIs), and so on)
>people in general getting fatter, weaker, and overall less physically fit (does not promote good brain function)
>rise in 'nationalism', racism, bigotry, sexism, right-wing leaders with backwards ideas
>global warming making everything more difficult, coupled with climate change denial (linked to some of the above)
and many other things I can't think of off the top of my head.

>> No.9394906
File: 130 KB, 800x600, Lancaster_County_Amish_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even check the US birthrates by religious belief, the liberal hard left won't be here in a generation, meanwhile the evangelicals are going at it.

Also what about pic related, they have 7 kids on average, what is their IQ?

>> No.9394921

Isn't that state pretty depopulated?

>> No.9394931

>t. dawkins
You are actually retarded anon

>> No.9394935

The Amish should be the least of anybodys worries. They keep to themselves and just want to be left alone. It's the right-wing fundamentalist Christian types that are the problem, them and the Dominionists. Of the two the Dominionists are the worst, they're literally batshit insane, and given their way we'd have a full-on Apocalypse, because they think that's what it'll take to bring back Zombie Jesus; they WANT the Earth destroyed, so they can 'go home', and if killing everyone else on the planet is what it takes, then that's fine with them. Go look up 'Dominionism' if you don't believe me, it makes The Handmaids Tale look like a fun vacation at the beach.

>> No.9394939

This is /sci/ not /b/, so instead of acting like a /b/tard and just flinging insults like a monkey flinging shit, how about you justify your position with some actual verbage?

>> No.9394958

I'm not too sure about the fit part, isn't gym culture big now?

>> No.9394967

>resurgence of irrational, supersitious thinking (i.e. religions)
Religion was completely absent from idiocracy, and you are a fool to believe that religion is dumbing down society.
>rejection of logic, reason, real facts, science accelerating in the face of the above
In what world is this happening.
>In the U.S.: Dominionists changing the face of education, making it less accessible to The Poor, trying to inject irrational, irrelevant things like religion into public education, overall lowering the bar for everyone who can't afford private schooling
Never before has it been easier for the poor to attend higher education, I got an AA while homeless then transferred to a top tier university with an endowment so thick I don't have to pay a penny for school. There is so much money for poor people to attend school it is absolutely insane, the people that leave school with massive amounts of debt are fools or grad students.
>more and more 'conveniences' being invented; people being required less and less to 'know' things or learn skills
This is true, but as long as they are learning new skills with emerging technology, why would this matter unless there was a nuclear holocaust.
>(smartphones, self-driving cars, AIs (even if they're shitty AIs), and so on)
Is dialing a phone or driving really considered an intellectual skill? Something that can be done while performing other tasks?
>people in general getting fatter, weaker, and overall less physically fit (does not promote good brain function)
Agreed for the first part. Too many smart fat people contradicts the second.
>rise in 'nationalism', racism, bigotry, sexism, right-wing leaders with backwards ideas
You've been on the internet too much and the real world too little. This is false.
>global warming making everything more difficult, coupled with climate change denial (linked to some of the above)
Nobody denies climate change, they just don't think man is having as much of an effect as people say.

>> No.9394969

well tough shit they are almost a deviation up the liberal birth rate so..

>> No.9394971

I don't have statistics on what percentage of the population are into physical fitness, but it seems obvious to me that it's a small percentage, based on the state of the general population, and the fact that the majority of people view exercise as inconvenient, painful, and to be avoided at all costs.

>> No.9394984

You're not offering any facts to counter my opinions, you're just offering opinions counter to my opinions, and as such I reject everything you're saying as such. I am not moved in the least, and I stand by everything I've said 100% and will continue to do so. Furthermore I know I'm far from alone in my opinions, and furthermore you sound like all the sorts of people I'm claiming are behind the movements that are endangering the continued intellectual and social evolution of humankind -- and therefore as such I reject *You* entirely.

>> No.9395676

>Are WE doomed?
Excluding (((them))), yes.

>> No.9395682

yeah but guy who accumulated wealth and has 2 kids with good wife will create superior offspring.
quality over quantity
but if i get good job im aiming at around 5 kiddos desu and gonna raise all of them to become ubermensch

>> No.9395691

were we smart at some point? when was this, ancient greece?

>> No.9395709

>than the rest of America.
Looks to me like it is only the south and commiefornia that have low iq.

>> No.9396472

>Californians almost considered mentally retarded on average

>> No.9396621

do not respond to shitposters

>> No.9396630

no, Including them
a neat trend is that whenever (((they))) try to introduce new social engineering bullshit, it hits their own communities twice as hard
they'll wipe themselves out with the backblast long before reaching total victory

>> No.9396636

I think we're closer to transhuman evolution (and extinction) than we are to the portrayed dystopia.

>> No.9396647

Since the stone age, the brain size of humans haves been decreasing, so yes we are becoming more stupid every year

>> No.9396681
File: 70 KB, 729x520, idiocracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has no one posted this yet?

>> No.9396687

the important thing is he found out a way to be superior to those bigots who think humans are animals affected by natural selection ;)

>> No.9396751

Its not necessarly an argument about moral decay , its about a decline in intelligence, cognitive functions,etc by a lack of natural selection

>> No.9396853

Notice he didn't refute the idiocracy premise (because he couldn't), he just resorted to insulting the guy who proposed it. Remind me why people think xkcd's creator is intelligent.

>> No.9396878
File: 83 KB, 420x460, FT_15.04.02_whiteShareMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The states with the lowest IQ have the least Whites.

>> No.9396901

because the people who like them mirror their political views
they care little for truth, just just they say what they want to hear

>> No.9396929
File: 132 KB, 358x828, based_khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a eugenicist I can only surmise that the current dysgenic program is DELIBERATELY designed to engineer a majority stupid slave caste. There is no other logical reason. In agriculture, animal husbandry, and breeding it's just common sense to take the organisms with the most desired traits, and only propagate those. In humans that would be intelligence, health, mental stability, empathy, time preference, self direction, and low aggression. it doesn't even have to be extreme. Just sterilize the bottom 10% of each generation in exchange for guaranteed universal basic income.

I think it would have been more realistic if there were robots that did all the real work (including fixing themselves), and computers that organized most things. I could see robots do the manual labor as rednecks poke them with sticks while saying, "You talk like a fag."
>a vacuum made by America's fall
We nuked them. Because America, fuck yea!!! There, plot hole fixed.

>> No.9396933

>The states with the lowest IQ have the least Whites.
>lots of asians
>low IQ
whatever makes you feel better brainlet

>> No.9396959
File: 67 KB, 648x578, image-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is 40% Latino, 14% Asian. And only certain asians have higher IQ.

>> No.9396961

no its based on a very silly interpretation of the modern synthesis of evolution and capitalism. It has some truth to it but not the part about people actually getting more stupid. it is grasping at a truth. The band DeVo said it better. Neither really discerned ad articulated what was really going on, check out that lecture from Murray Bookchin, he had some very interesting thoughts on the subject, gives very accurate predictions that did come true, and a criticism that grows more relevant.
its interesting trust me, and don't let your pet dogmas force you ignore what the man has to say
here he talks more about the interaction between social institutions and the way we view nature, ourselves and species included
relevant devo songs

this heat

even death grips
even in that one gay radio song
i feel like my life aint mine (WHO CAN RELATE, HUUUH)

ive seen it grasped at in science and the arts so many times, ive been looking.
its an evolutionary trap, hiearchy and coercion in our social institutions, have hedgemony over our communities and their dynamics, and thus our behavoir, and ultamtily the way we understand it, which is a phenomenological ecophysiological triat that is maladaptive.
so it really doest have anything to do with genetic devolpments
here is a more standard, general explanation, i needed to explain the phenomenological particulars of our particular evolutionary prediciment first https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313185347_Etho-Eco-Morphological_Mismatches_an_Overlooked_Phenomenon_in_Ecology_Evolution_and_Evo-Devo_That_Supports_ONCE_Organic_Nonoptimal_Constrained_Evolution_and_the_Key_Evolutionary_Role_of_Organismal_Beh..
im sorry, i could have articulated that better but i wont

>> No.9396977

Contrary to liberal stereotypes people who live in rural states often descend from NW Europeans, one of the highest IQ subgroup in the world.

>> No.9396996

So what's this about? Red-herring + ad hominem?
He didn't even try to refute idiocracy, just imidiately crossed over it and started to attack his opponent..
maybe i'm just too dumb to understand

>> No.9397241

civilization weakens the species. the more advanced and productive, the more idiots get to live and pass their genes. the more idiots that raise the next generation in a substandard manner.

the pre agriculture man was not only in better physical condition but more intelligent as well. memorized a deep oral history. master of crafting all relevant technology. knew the details of his land with in several days hike in all directions. knew what was good to eat an what wasn't.

>> No.9397344

Not all of us. There will always be a small class of elites ruling over the dumb cattle, and the divide of intelligence between those groups will only get bigger. Idiocracy is wrong because the retards are ruled by more retards, which would be unsustainable and collapse almost instantly.

>> No.9397410

This map is based off of tweets extrapolated through reading level into IQ from a real estate company.

The levels of error on this thing is unreal. Anyone who seriously thinks this is a good way to measure intelligence needs to take a good long hard look at their life.

This is factually wrong.

>> No.9397452

But shouldn't the smart/dumb people ratio be maintained because of the low/high class system in our society. I mean, I don't think smarter people would want to work as a garbage man and would rather rise against the system or kill himself. Smart people have always been in the higher classes thus are few than dumb people.

>> No.9397475

It's always YOUgenics, never MEgenics.

>> No.9397480

What are inbred nobles?

>> No.9397568

I'm talking about a meritocracy as in smart people are considered the high class not a medium where a fat fuck is considered from a higher class because he was born a "noble"

>> No.9397578


Superiority is the foundation of evolution and life, it is unavoidable

Were there ever a case where too many dumb people existed a correction would ensue where they would either starve and die out or be slaughtered by a superior entity

>> No.9397594
File: 246 KB, 3000x1908, Flynn-–-World-Regions[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no, everyone is getting dumber!