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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 346 KB, 1280x1288, 1280px-Aldrin_Apollo_11_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9393728 No.9393728 [Reply] [Original]

we literally went to the moon. how fucking cool is that?

>> No.9393729
File: 447 KB, 1280x1280, 1280px-NASA_Apollo_17_Lunar_Roving_Vehicle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393730

it was the most trending thing on twatter that day, das about it

>> No.9393731
File: 1.65 MB, 3928x3928, John_W._Young_on_the_Moon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9393741
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>> No.9393744

Initially I was going to just pass by this thread. Then I clicked on it and it made me think. Like these guys trusted a group of a hundred scientists of so that they met 3 or 4 years prior with their lives. Back in the 1950s they probably didnt couldn't even imagine what the Moon was like or if it was even truly real. Hell, I'm used to it as a millennial and I can't even fathom it. We take it for granted, but damn, once you think about it you're on a whole other planet (or should I say moon). You're literally not even on the Earth anymore. I can't comprehend what that's like.

>> No.9393759

>if it was even truly real
Russians made a hard landing in 1959 and a soft landing in 1966 (with probes) so people definitely knew it was real and solid before Apollo 1.

>> No.9393763

Ok, you get my point though. Just change the dates to a few decades earlier.

>> No.9393774


You didn't do shit

>> No.9393794


I also never owned a slave or lynched a minority but that's held against me

>> No.9393796

Who's holding this against you?

>> No.9393856

Me. I hold it against him.

>> No.9393863


>> No.9393875


>> No.9393889

Just think, in 50-100 years time there won't be anyone around that witnessed the moon landings. Our technological and societal degradation will be at a point where most people won't even be able to comprehend the fact that we went to the moon. Most people won't understand why anyone would even want to go to the moon, I mean why would anyone want to leave the comfort and safety of the home, where they can browse facebook and watch reality tv all day? More and more 'evidence' will surface that the moon landings were faked, and it will be easier for people to believe that it was all fake, rather than admit that we achieved in the 1960's what will be impossible to us in 2060's.

>> No.9393895

Just stop for a moment and think of it differently. How much pollution did the industry spew for that specific stunt? Was it worth it? Are we and the planet better off?
Seeing the fumes from one small rocket launch is enough to make a person's hair stand, and that's with modern technology. I literally weep thinking how it was before when nobody opposed environmental destruction out of ignorance.

>> No.9393900

Shoo, hippie, shoo!!

>> No.9393903

I think the internet is a more important succes

>> No.9393940

I bet your existence alone caused more harm to the environment than the moon landing did. Were you worth it?

>> No.9393948

>Our technological and societal degradation
I really wouldn't assume there's any degradation.
The Apollo program wasn't the last stand of a dying golden age, it was a historical freak accident.

>How much pollution did the industry spew for that specific stunt?
Very little. The rockets might have looked impressive, but the program was mostly people sitting at desks.

>> No.9394271
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we should use harmonic drive hubs in all wheeled vehicles

>> No.9394316

This is a science board gtfo you giant pussy

>> No.9394332

We gotta get off this rock eventually. Stop whining about how you don't like it you insufferable vegan faggot.

>> No.9394348

in your dreams?

>> No.9394553

nigga why you posting on 4chan. did you not think of all the elctricity you wasted and all the coal that was burned just so you coul;d post this? think about the environment nigga. you supporting strip mining coal and ruining everything.

>> No.9394643

Who's we, white man?

>> No.9394661
File: 88 KB, 1041x781, PaleBlueDot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We made a trip from our planet to our planet's natural satellite.
That being the extent of our live space travel might qualify us as the most retarded lifeform in the galaxy. We're basically space abbos, this is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.9394667

>Were you worth it?
1080p Kek detected

>> No.9394671

>implying we did

>> No.9394676

I think the Apollo program is the greatest accomplishment in human history. Hominids have been looking at the moon for +1 million years, and now we've finally actually set foot there.

>> No.9394686

#TYLER, will you be my friend?

>> No.9394690

#TYLER, I think I love you :{D}

>> No.9394697 [DELETED] 

fucking beta male cuck

>> No.9394740



>> No.9394765

>We're basically space abbos
How do you know that there aren't other life forms out there who are less intelligent than us but more intellgent than, say, a lizard?

>> No.9394783

How do we know there are other life forms out there at all? All we know for sure is that we haven't found anything.
Even if there is other life out there, would it even CARE about space travel? Or us?

>> No.9394798

>I don't consider an achievement good so it is worthless and everyone is retarded
The moon landings were and still are a grand achievement to be proud of
No matter how far we go, it will always be our one giant leap for mankind

>> No.9394849
File: 400 KB, 493x342, retard_alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Landing on the moon less than a century after planes were invented is pretty goddamn impressive

>> No.9395890

What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9395895

we as humans excluding the monkeys like you who only exist to shitpost

>> No.9395903

Wasn't there a short time that they were worried that landing would sink them into it like quicksand?

>> No.9396231

That was one of the theories that Surveyor was sent to test. I think the possible ideas went from
>its a hard rock with a cm of dust on top
>a rocky core covered in hundreds of feet of talcum powder

>> No.9396362

no you didn't, it was proven to be a hoax now fuck off

>> No.9396732
File: 16 KB, 320x320, rare space pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool. i love reading about Wernher von Braun and the NASA projects that lead to the moon landing. Building a rocket is the holy grail of engineering. A rocket looks so much simpler than a plane but is so much more complicated and powerful. A rocket has oxygen tanks that mixes with the fuel at the exit what is really amazing for me. All the technology it needs to fly is inside that thing while planes are incredible depended of their environment. The only thing that upsets me is that a rocket is just another device that heats up our atmoshere. we also don´t really know how our atmosphere really works in higher layers so we don´t know how much damage we are doing.
It´s still great to see this industry building up even though it just does for obvious economical reasons.

>> No.9396747


>> No.9396773 [DELETED] 

>I think the Apollo program is the greatest accomplishment in human history
Now the official primary objective of the agency that accomplished it is to make sandniggers feel better about themselves.

Save us, Elon.

>> No.9396784


Will conservatives please stop with that nonsense and at least try to educate themselves on the topic a bit?

And no, Elon's promises are not realistic or any way feasible in the near future.

>> No.9396811 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 4196x2085, taurus_littrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar moon porn

>> No.9396825


>And no, Elon's promises are not realistic or any way feasible in the near future.

A fucking city on Mars is not realistic, however a fully reusable rocket reducing launch costs by an order of magnitude is entirely realistic. That much became clear the moment a Falcon stage was reflown. It is mere engineering rather than science.

>> No.9396843 [DELETED] 

What's unrealistic about FH and a moon flyby versus a launch system and crew vehicle that were just started from scratch because a certain president took a steaming shit on Constellation?

>> No.9396982
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, AS17-140-21391HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ALSJ is an incredible resource. Literally everything is in it

>> No.9396991
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>> No.9396995
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>> No.9397000
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>> No.9397005
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>> No.9397009
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whoops that's a dupe

>> No.9397011
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>> No.9397013
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>> No.9397015
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>> No.9397018
File: 1.10 MB, 2343x2368, AS15-85-11425HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9397020

It will probably become infused in religious myth in 500 years, they will no loinger take it literal.

>> No.9397021
File: 859 KB, 2340x2364, AS15-87-11724HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9397027

That's a nice boulder

>> No.9397030

but can't cure balding

>> No.9397032

sorry to hear that anon

>> No.9397034

Comparison is the thief of joy.

>> No.9397039
File: 200 KB, 1839x1888, AS17-149-22859HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my greatest fear is a St. Leibowitz future

>> No.9397049
File: 221 KB, 1264x1024, 21492hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9397051
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>> No.9397055
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>> No.9397062
File: 1.27 MB, 2340x2360, AS17-139-21205HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9397065
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>> No.9397072
File: 890 KB, 2340x2370, AS12-48-7132HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that streak you see is there Pete brushed dust off of the surveyor TV mirror

>> No.9397080
File: 1008 KB, 2500x2500, AS12-51-7501HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to go through the image libraries yourself

>> No.9397092


>> No.9397123

>mfw nasa or space-x announces they will have a woman be the first to set foot on mars
Fucking stop and grow a pair.

>> No.9397144

There are almost certainly animals on other planets, I'm only comparing us to alien peope though, not to alien animals.
Given the size of the observable universe, the amount of time elapsed since the big bang, and the lack of hard limits on space travel (e.g. it's not physically impossible to colonize other star systems in any absolute way), I would be surprised if no one made figured out how to do to other stars and planets what we did by analogy when colonizing other lands on Earth.
In which case a civilization that only makes it as far as its own nautral satellite would be analagous to an aboriginal tribe compared to a colonizing empire in Earth history terms.
We're also located in a random offshoot of space compared to the more densely packed / centralized regions of space that are probably where the civilized aliens live.

>> No.9397162 [DELETED] 

apollo17.org plays the video and audio from its namesake mission on an infinite loop, plus thousands of pictures. But right now the site's not loading for me.

Then Jack Schmitt is publishing a very wordy diary of his experience one chapter at a time. Search for Diary of the 12th Man, I think it's called.

>> No.9397409



>> No.9397763

Feels like the lost technology of ancient Rome and we are on the brink of the dark ages.
Access to information is killed with missleading spam.
Democracy is steered by propaganda.
Anything useful becomes uneconomical as the only worthwhile occupation is tapping to financial mechanisms.

>> No.9397774

No one has been to the moon in 45 years, and there are no plans to return. I sometimes wonder why "we" even bothered.

>> No.9397786

I'm not so sure. The Columbus voyages were 500 years ago, but we still believe they actually happened.

>> No.9397802
File: 77 KB, 480x680, gay space anarcho-communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as she has a feminine penis I'm cool with it.

>> No.9397818


The first feet on Mars will belong to a black Muslim gay transexual refugee.

>> No.9397833

Just how I like it

>> No.9397836


>> No.9397837

Literally just luck, had the gravity be a little higher, like 11 and it would be still impossible

>> No.9397838

funny you mention that


it's one spooky wikipedia article. Makes you (honestly) think

>> No.9397842


If Earth's gravity was higher we would have evolved to withstand higher gravity and thus could tolerate more extreme launches required to escape Earth.

>> No.9397847

it's assuming society degenerates into a sort of post-roman dark era which all indicators show it will. this age of learnedness and modernity is temporary.

>> No.9397859

Its not about human resistance you nigger, its because fuel wouldnt give enough power to escape the earth, the fuel/total mass is alreadt like 95%

>> No.9397865

Who the fuck is "we"?

Some people went to the moon. And they used a shitload of resources to get there, which made my breakfast cereal more expensive. Fuck them for making my cereal more expensive.

>> No.9397954

How did the moon program make cereal more expensive?

>> No.9397973

more money to nasa => less money for subsidizing corn

>> No.9398001 [DELETED] 


Its a simple supply and demand economics principle.

By buying the limited amounts of raw materials needed to launch rockets into space, you raise their price. (More demand = higher price, literally the first thing they teach you in economics 101) Therefore, the price of the raw materials needed to maintain farm and transport equipment goes up, causing the price of the end product to go up for the consumer.

This is a fundamental reality that many of the smartest people in society do not understand. It essentially proves that consumerism is morally bankrupt.

>> No.9398007


Its a simple supply and demand economics principle.

By buying the limited amounts of raw materials needed to launch rockets into space, you raise their price. (More demand = higher price, literally the first thing they teach you in economics 101) Therefore, the price of the raw materials needed to maintain farm and transport equipment goes up, causing the price of the end product to go up for the consumer.

This is a fundamental concept that many of the smartest people in society do not understand. It essentially proves that consumerism is morally bankrupt.

>> No.9398011

>the fumes from one small rocket launch
You think those things run on unleaded, you prolapsed anus of a man?

>> No.9398018


>humanity can never launch rockets or try to leave Earth because it might make some other stuff a tiny bit more expensive
Food and farms are massively subsidized in America so this is not an argument

>> No.9398056

>retarded nonsense
>t. bloated morally bankrupt consumer

Sad. lol

>> No.9398618

Comfy video of how the moon rocket works:


>> No.9398968

Is there any interesting landscape on the moon? Because all I see is a grey desert with some hills here and there.
Any canyons or cliffs? Something worthy of a postcard?

>> No.9398985

From first controlled flight to landing on the moon, well within a lifetime.

>> No.9399026

NASA conveniently lost all of the telemetry data from the Apollo mission.

>> No.9399132

>NASA conveniently lost some unimportant TV back up tapes from the Apollo moon walk.

>> No.9399159

You know we've been there more than once, right? There wasn't a specific "Apollo Mission," it was the Apollo PROGRAM. That specific program landed people on the moon 6 times.
THE Apollo Mission was only the FIRST time.

>He doesn't know we've played golf on the moon.

>> No.9399207

there are craters deeper than Mariana trench and mountain ranges as tall as Himalayas there

>> No.9399358

Are there pictures?

>> No.9399382

there's video you doofus

not gonna spoon-feed you

>> No.9399390

I accidentally replied to the wrong post.

>>9399358 was meant to be a reply to >>9399207

>> No.9399401

We have pictures of all lunar surface but it's very hard to judge size because there are no familiar features to compare with. Largest crater on the moon is the size of Europe and 13 km deep.

>> No.9399402
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>> No.9399409
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a rocket is just another device that heats up our atmoshere

>> No.9399475
File: 1.10 MB, 500x375, 1506011927305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change is a hoax
>humans did nothing to cause it

>> No.9399512

Not just life would be affected by gravity but everything would. The used materials would be stronger and fuel denser. Changing gravity to a 9 or 11 wouldn't make a damn difference over billions of years of adaptation.

>> No.9399543

Why conservatives specifically?

>> No.9399616

A timespan that really boggles my mind is from 1903 - 1969.In just 66 years we went from the first powered heavier than air flight to landing on the moon. I mean that's a within a lifetime.

>> No.9399642

The moon landing is pretty fake. Why can't americans go again?? It's so fake.

>> No.9399648

That's less than a lifetime. You had two world wars, the depression, first car, first air flight, and what else? I can't wait to see what happens in my lifetime if we can get that far. If it's not completely badass I'm going to be disappointed. And honestly, if we can't get a human colony on Mars or a human on Jupiter by then I'm going to be pretty disappointed.

>> No.9399659

Aliens give us the tech. No fucking way humans are that smart to get into space.


>> No.9399702
File: 171 KB, 550x634, 1495580598487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human on jupiter

>> No.9399703

The research is thoroughly documented though.

>> No.9399711

>not human in jupiter

>> No.9400255

The buggy with the makeshift wheel fender is my favorite. Didn't they say you should never go to the moon without duct tape after that?

>> No.9400268
File: 1.07 MB, 2340x2364, AS17-137-20979HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically yeah


>> No.9400326

you're right, my dog is definitely smarter than a lizard dude

>> No.9400329

If other species exist they probably have individual thought. If their population is big enough and they have any significant level of technology, the tiny percentage of them that have both the means and the interest will work together to try to look for life.

As a species we humans are fucking retarded apes intellectually confined to muh job and muh media, and do not give a FUCK about actual space exploration. This will hold true for pretty much every intelligent species; just like us they will be essentially coasting on the achievements of the rare Einsteins and Feynmans that pop up now and then and advance science and technology, and as a population barely even be aware that they live on a rock in space.

>> No.9400333

Yeah but we still cross the oceans, and in fact do it much faster and more easily than they did, so it's easy to believe they did. Much harder to convince people that we could land on the Moon with essentially dinosaur technology, but now we can't despite many decades of 'progress'.

>> No.9400360

you sure about that?

>> No.9400369

are you trying to say my dog is a reptilian

>> No.9400405


>> No.9400481
File: 76 KB, 694x600, apollo-13-mailbox-with-duct-tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably after Apollo 13.

>> No.9401066

>fuel denser
What? Stronger gravity won't change the chemical properties of the used materials.

>> No.9401158

The Saturn V (along with other rockets of the Saturn family) ran on kerosene and liquid oxygen. Not liquid hydrogen and oxygen like modern rockets. While that faggot does need to be put in his place for saying the Apollo missions arent worth it, i felt the need to inform you that you are wrong.

>> No.9401164


>> No.9401227
File: 179 KB, 1236x951, Goodwill_Rock_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some hills here and there
You get no atmospheric depth perception on the moon so those little hills like the North Massif in pic related are often miles away and higher than the walls of the Grand Canyon.

>> No.9401242
File: 1.58 MB, 3783x2340, a15dmh1231715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some spoopy trenches that are 1200 feet deep and never see sunlight

>> No.9401243

Sorry bro, moon landing was fake!!

>> No.9401248
File: 120 KB, 750x675, Aristarchus_and_Herodotus_craters_Apollo_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a crater that is either haunted or contains an ayy nuclear facility

>> No.9401252
File: 215 KB, 838x740, pt0EdrV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9401254


>> No.9401279

>first animal in space
"Laika died during the flight, as was intended"
>first man in space
"Yuri Gagarin died during the flight, as was intended"
>first woman in space
"Valentina Tereshkova died during the flight, as was intended"

>> No.9401315
File: 965 KB, 2340x2364, AS15-90-12274HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these photos are too big for 4chan

>> No.9401318
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>> No.9401319

what? no they didn't

>> No.9401323
File: 1023 KB, 2340x2364, AS15-87-11719HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9401330
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>> No.9401333
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>> No.9401350
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>> No.9401352
File: 1.12 MB, 2340x2359, AS14-66-9254HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9401398


>> No.9401439


>> No.9401457

Getting to space was the real achievement americuck

>> No.9401477

>t. russian commie spy cuck

>> No.9401488

Could it have been possible to achieve orbit or at the very least beyond atmosphere suborbital hop in the 1800's? With some firecracker form of rocketry of course, not gigantic guns.

>> No.9401493

>we literally went to the moon.

>> No.9401511

How do you have so many pics of the moon landing? Jesus dude, it's been days and you're still posting them

>> No.9401529

there are multiple anons posting them

>> No.9401577

I'm just posting interesting ones from the alsj

>> No.9401616

>Thinking about 50-100 years
>AI's at human level in 3-4 years

>> No.9401623


>> No.9401643


we all walk on a big rock in a black void everyday

>> No.9401646


>> No.9401657

I don't give a shit about going to a fucking rock in space with no useful fucking resources for fifteen seconds
the space race was just a way to show the russians we have a bigger dick
and don't let me fucking start about those idiots who want to make moon/mars colonies

you know what would actually be cool
if someone would actually start working out the kinks on laser-driven fusion
Motherfucking idiots

>> No.9401659

>jsut round the corner guys!

>> No.9401708

Lmao enjoy your new iPhone every year.
Humanity will never see that kind of progress again

>> No.9402087
File: 84 KB, 4000x4000, 1445800614884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no useful resources

>> No.9402101


>> No.9403324

Usually looser have a bigger dick.

>> No.9403624

Lunar mining when

>> No.9403669


not in the stated timeframe. expect it to be delayed at least 10 years, maybe closer to 20 considering how many unsolved challenges they are going to be tackling.

>> No.9404022

Are you assuming xhir will have feet?? Fucking ableist.

>> No.9404270

Yeah, when my grandmother was a young woman, she was watching it, two whole generations ago.
Now what do we have?

>> No.9404279

Real or fake?


>> No.9404433

War is great for technological advancement.

>> No.9404515
File: 37 KB, 445x528, nicoletommy12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we literally went to the moon. how fucking cool is that?

Yep, they sure did, little fella. And here is their testimony.


They're not lying. They're NOT lying.

>> No.9404536

There's literally a mirror on the Moon you can fire a lazer at to prove that we went there, dumbfuck.

>> No.9404557

And have you personally done that or do you put blind faith in others

>> No.9404564

How is any object on the moon proof they personally went there? Explain to me like i'm a dumb fuck.

>> No.9404626

I have personally done it in an astrophysics lab. It's not hard to check. You literally just need calibrate the laser to hit a specific spot.

>> No.9404652

Haha how adorable

>> No.9404826

>ominous but irrelevant quote
>goofy speed-up footage
Wow. I'm impressed.

>They're not lying.
They sound like exhausted test pilots that had been roped into giving a press conference when they'd rather be at home.
I've never heard a professional actor that sounded like that.

>> No.9404927

MBA was fun as fuck
I'd run around offering guys blowjobs to fix couplers for me - "it's not gay if it's on the moon"

>> No.9404950

If the moon has no atmosphere how come you can't see the stars? Astrobrainlet here

>> No.9404951





>> No.9404954

The Soviets put that there in 1939 retard

>> No.9404979

Exposure time.
If you waited long enough for starlight to be visible on the photos, the much brighter surroundings (->landscape) would have overexposed the rest of the photo and it would be completely white.

Photographing stars in general works by using long exposure times because stars and other cosmic objects are just so dim.

>> No.9404984

moon is only 384.000 km away from earth, that is only 20 times the distance between Paris and Sydney. Nothing extraordinary here, the only question is why didn't we go back more often / why the moon isn't full of cities already.

>> No.9404993

damn that makes my penis sweat

>> No.9405003


>> No.9405004

>I can't wait to see what happens in my lifetime

You're what, 20 already? Nothing of that magnitude will ever happen in your shitty, millennial life. You didn't even get to witness the internet (the thing that made you this mentally ill) being made.

>> No.9405092

>I've never heard a professional actor that sounded like that.
I never said they were professional actors, and you can clearly tell.

>roped into giving a press conference
Where every reporter thinks you're a hero or is hand-picked by the government. Yeah, poor guys, they just wanted to go home. Why tell the world about walking on the fucking moon?

>> No.9405099

>Yeah, poor guys, they just wanted to go home.
From what I understand. they'd just come out of a long stay in quarantine. Out of all the possible explanations for why they sound like shit, why assume they're lying?

>> No.9405107

The explanations look more like excuses. Why not assume they're lying?

Faking the moonwalk is exactly what the USA government would do, in order to win the space-race. Maybe the russians would have done the same.

Why assume they're telling the truth?

>> No.9405124

>The explanations look more like excuses.
What explanations? It's more than an hour long, be specific.

>Why not assume they're lying?
Because there's a ton of evidence otherwise?

>Faking the moonwalk is exactly what the USA government would do, in order to win the space-race.
The USSR would have immediately called them out. They'd have nothing to lose from it, and it would have been a major blow to the USA's credibility.

>> No.9405138


The footage is sped up because they deliberately sped it down. The clips towards the end of them fighting the counterweight are so obviously fake it would be case closed in court.

>> No.9405144


The US and Russia work together, don't fall for their games.

>> No.9405155

Stop shilling your shitty youtube channel

>> No.9405168

>What explanations?
I was refering to your explanations for their body language and tone of voice.

>Because there's a ton of evidence otherwise?
Everything could have been done without them personally landing on the moon. And their testimony doesn't help them.

>The USSR would have immediately called them out.
Maybe they didn't know enough, maybe they believed it themselves. I wouldn't know how the USSR media handled the situation, or what they had to go by.

In theory, the moon landing is real. Problem is the human element.

>> No.9405172

>the cold war was a hoax to fake the landings
Does retardation have no limits?

>> No.9405196


Burst your moon bubble has it?

>> No.9405262


Being 'first' by cutting corners and by sacrificing lots of hardware and people isn't exactly prestigous, Ivan.

>> No.9405322



>> No.9405559
File: 373 KB, 900x1200, sui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usually looser have a bigger dick.
Usually losers spell loser "looser"

>> No.9405609

No, but it did cost me 17 seconds I will never get back.

>> No.9405635

But, did we?

>> No.9405649


>> No.9405925

>people holding minorities against you
Imagine how awful that would smell.

>> No.9406118


You might want to watch all of it before throwing a tantrum.

>> No.9406228

Considering my mounting anxieties and problems, I don't really care.
Which is how most people feel

>> No.9406245

goddamn thats a terrifying prospect.

>> No.9406254

but lets say there was a planet with less gravity somewhere out in space that had intelligent life on it, the would be able to go to there moon or natural satilite much easier expending less fuel per trip. Therefore, or achievement would be less so ranked in comparison, because their planes would have been invented within years of a steam or combustion engine being invented, due to the lessened thrust requirement for sustained flight due to the decreased gravity present on said hypothetical planet.

>> No.9406276
File: 2.81 MB, 480x268, Amazon Warehouse Robots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean that's a within a lifetime.

My grandfather was born in the late 1800s and watched men land on the moon in 1969. He was born the same year the first diesel engine was made by Rudolf Diesel. Can you imagine growing up seeing technology spring to life like that? Shit just from the 1980s to 2018 I'm a bit boggled myself, though tech is more social and introspective now with computers, smartphones, and internet. There's still mind controlled mechanical arms and AI controlled war robots.

I think people have been retards all along and that we only now can see that fact thanks to the internet.

>> No.9406295

Wrong. We colonizing the galaxy mf

>> No.9406307

What kind of fucking piss poor NASA shill thread is this

>Landed on the moon

>> No.9406312
File: 62 KB, 700x525, 1514590913515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone brainlet

>> No.9406317

>Most people won't understand why anyone would even want to go to the moon
This has been the case since the Apollo program was going--Gallup polls of the time found that 60% of Americans felt their government was spending too much on space travel. A Science poll of 113 scientists outside NASA found that 110 of them thought the manned stage of the program was being rushed for no good reason. You are romanticizing the people who watched the moon landings when in reality most of them thought it was fucking stupid and eating up their tax dollars. Random folks watching wanted it spent on something else. Experts tended to believe the structure of Apollo doomed it to be a flash in the pan--it did not allow for any of the longterm infrastructure or development needed to last in space, just YOLO TO THE MOON BRUH WHO CARES ABOUT THE NEXT STEP MOON ROCKS BITCHES.
t. bitter old man

>> No.9406565

hippies should be gassed.

>> No.9406802

What a killjoy.

>> No.9407636

Only cause we dropped the ball way back in the 7th century. The Chinese had fireworks. That's rocket technology!

>> No.9407659

oh no it's retarded

>> No.9407678

no, he's right. the NASA insists on the existence of AGW, and in the end, it was them who caused most of it.

>> No.9408050


>> No.9408059

You almost hooked me with bait like that. Well done.

>> No.9408094

And then it just, dropped

What the fuck happened?

>> No.9408118

election intervals

I'm not kidding. Election intervals are the number one reason for the stunting of technological growth. Roads can be built in 2/4/8 years. Space colonies cannot.

>> No.9408121


Humanity has done some pretty amazing stuff in the last 66 years.
>landed rovers on Mars, probes on Venus and Titan and some asteroids
>we know so much more about the rest of the solar system due to how much we have explored it (in the early 20th century many people believed there was life on Venus and that it was a steamy jungle)
>didn't even detect the first exoplanet until 1992 and have since discovered a ton more, including some good candidates that might host life or be Earth-like plus one orbiting in the nearest star's habitable zone (Proxima Centauri)
>the planet thing might not seem like a big deal but before we started discovering exoplanets most people believed planets were either very rare or only existed in our solar system, now we know they are pretty common
>the internet alone has made society today unrecognizable compared to society 70+ years ago
>GPS is another incredible technology invented during this period
>satellites are so prolific now we have to worry about junk like specks of paint and loose screws in orbit

>> No.9408798

>not inventing a pressure cancelling device and landing on Jupiter‘s core of metallic hydrogen.