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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 432x452, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9392917 No.9392917 [Reply] [Original]

Official IQ of 146. Studying Computer science.

Aced every single course of my bachelor's degree, and I am now offered to start my PhD directly after my bachelor's (getting a master's degree in the process).

Please roast me to feel better about yourself.

>> No.9392923

I love you and I hope your life goes well. Stay safe and enjoy your work on your PhD. Good luck!

>> No.9392928

You're still bragging to strangers on Christmas. That's pretty pathetic.

>> No.9392932

>I am now offered to start my PhD directly after my bachelor's (getting a master's degree in the process)
that's the typical progression for every student in the US who decides to pursue graduate work


>> No.9392933
File: 19 KB, 384x384, 5A796867-FE64-4631-84E0-AC4219477B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What uni op?

>> No.9392947

Top 10, but not top 5

>> No.9392962

Same IQ, but a NEET failure.

>> No.9392997
File: 117 KB, 342x454, 1512690990396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very jealous, you happy now OP?

>> No.9393105


ever had a gf?

>> No.9393107

I'm a CS major too, also starting my phd studies in 2018. Don't know about my IQ, but I bet it isn't particularly high.

>> No.9393109

Yes but which One?

>> No.9393120
File: 132 KB, 246x239, 1474709099080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is CS something you have to born to do, or can you really learn it all being a fucking mathematical retard from the ground up if youre 100% committed. I just feel a certain level of autism has to be in your bones to do CS

>> No.9393127

>Roughly the same IQ
>Theoretical physics
>Just got my first D

At least everyone else got an E or worse

>> No.9393131

Have you ever seen Clitoris except monitor screen?

>> No.9393149

yeah yo mama

>> No.9393541

No :(

>> No.9393561

Another CS bachelor here. Can relate.

>> No.9393577

Can you design me a webpage?

>> No.9393584

I-It must be pretty lonely if you must go bragging to 4Chan on Christmas Day. I-Its okay anon. You'll find someone to love you soon.

>> No.9393657

I'm a golden boy like you, friend.

Official IQ of 154
I majored in math, graduated with honors in 3 years. Currently in PhD studying numerical methods for algebraic problems and PDEs.

>> No.9393665

hey congrats man, bang up job, keep up the good work you twat

>> No.9393668

I just got a b.s. in bio what the fuck do I do now, I'm so screwed

>> No.9393737
File: 36 KB, 623x450, 1513744046001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 101 iq studying CE

>> No.9393819

>Official IQ of 154
>numerical methods for algebraic problems and PDEs.

>> No.9393832

Not op, but having a gf doesn't matter for everyone. I'm not saying that cause I'm a cringelord or anything, I've gone on plenty of dates etc etc, it's just not really important to me.

>> No.9393873

why do lots of people who have an IQ higher than 140 often seem to go for trivial subjects like comp sci? is it because you literally have to be autistic to have an IQ that high? surely these alleged uber-geniuses can see the futility of studying CS in a real fulfilling, academic way: like you can with Mathematics?

computer science should be for 100-120 IQ brainlets, 120-140 do mathematics and the elite 140+ actually end up contributing something tangible to the field sometimes.

what the fuck do you get out of CS other than autistic satistisfaction? did you just get memed into doing it because you've been on 4chan since you were a child?

>> No.9393881

How do you plan on actually contributing to society instead of just collecting titles?

>> No.9393883

I really need this webpage. Are you down?

>> No.9393884

no one plans on contributing to society; you do whats good for you and le invisible hand does the rest.

t. that smelly sock scot on our 20 pound note

>> No.9393914

chem engy or comp engy?

>> No.9393929


>> No.9393937

>tfw 135 IQ and barely passed errything
My excuse is that I had to travel 1.5 hours each way to uni.
I do models at a national bank now so i swear i'm not a complete brainlet.

>> No.9393944
File: 340 KB, 600x583, 489573984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair, why can't I be you? I bet those achievements are so fucking amazing but only you get to experience them!

>> No.9393953

If you had a YouTube channel or something talking about your knowledge I would gladly subscribe and write compliments to your impressive skills and thank you for sharing with us.

>> No.9393956

Was thinking I should take on this major as opposed to my current chem major; however, my school only has aerospace, mechanical, civil, electrical, and environmental engineering majors as options. What should I do? my first thought was just take on mechanical and minor in chem or something but idk.

>> No.9394113

idk im 101 iq

>> No.9394135

Unless your minor is in CS you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.9394151

Freshie/softmore detected. It's incredibly common for programs to not include masters intermediates, but be straight to doctoral degrees, where a masters is only possible if you drop out partway through the program.

Have you never looked at grad programs before?

>> No.9394156

By ace every single course in your Bachelors, what do you mean? I've gotten a first in every module at my university, so am I basically you?

>> No.9394160

What is your end game? With that level of IQ you could create/invent stuff? Or are you just gonna do some shitty phd on some shitty subject that no one cares about? I mean what is even the point of phd?

>t. 98 iqlett

>> No.9394171

i can explain, people with high iq have a very bad gauge on human relations. they see CS as an opportunity to reshape the entire human species into something they can manage more easily. this works due to neural plasticity in young age and old people today being too weak to fight back against these changes.

they realise they are too brainlet to do breakthrough energy work to power their robots (why would they attend a university if they could fix the problems in plasma physics?) so they attempt to engineer human beings into robots by slowly changing their technology use habits, bringing the monitor closer was one of their major achievements in the past decade. the touch screen also meant the barrier of entry lowered to little babies, meaning you get them hooked when the brain is even more malleable.

>> No.9394174

what so its like a big autistic conspiracy to revolutionise the social stratum such that neckbeards become chads and vice-versa?

sounds reasonable, actually. i say round up all the 140+ creeps and hang them

>> No.9394177

Official IQ of 250. Studying cognitive-theoretic modef of the universe.
Aced everything in the world.
Would you like to talk about it?

>> No.9394179

High energy physics is like putting all eggs into one basket. If one is lucky (of thousands high IQ individuals) and come with some breakthrough one will be god but the other 99.99% physicists will never be remembered.

Cs is safer, come with some shit, make some money maybe even be relatively known or famous.

>> No.9394184


>> No.9394192

the chads in banking and military sniffed them out after the whole nuclear debacle in the 50s and basically funded their companies from day one. samsung, amazon, alphabet, facebook, apple, microsoft, ibm, dell, intel, hp, cisco are all just holding companies for the american empire for world control. there is the company who hires and fires people and does the work day to day, and then the "company" which consists of permanent board members, lifetime directorships and a voting majority to ensure the ship always sails in the correct direction.

imagine zuckerbergs face when he realised holding controlling shares in his company didn't mean shit and he had to do whatever the military and intelligence services told him or he would be publicly humiliated and destroyed?
you need to be a mechanical and theoretical genius to be high energy. (most high iq's can barely work their body, let alone develop the hand eye coordination and dexterity to invent in the physical world) they've pumped billions of dollars into magnetic containment and it's gotten them nowhere, ITER and the big scale reactors are doomed to perma-fail, it really comes down to someone inventing new techniques, for that you need to pre-select high IQ babies and have them grow up in some environment where they make geometric connections between rotational motion, multiple points of balance, and the natural world around them. probably dose them with lsd from an early age too so they develop some kind of different pathway below the ego and identity of every day life.

probably above 150 iq you are functionally retarded unless given an extremely challenging childhood, imagine the narcissism you must develop by the time you socialize with your peers, "oh this kid is rubbing shit in his own face and crying. time to retreat into my magical kingdom."

>> No.9394682

oh god...is this what they tell themselves?

>> No.9394700 [DELETED] 

holy hell how are you surviving?

>> No.9394704

You still haven't said if you could design me a webpage.

>> No.9394706 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 644x781, CKlHOfFUEAQhBNA.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not fucking fair is it mate? FUCK

>> No.9394891

What was your GRE? Did you apply to top 5 programs and get rejected or did you just apply to that one school?

Did you win any competitions? What were your side projects or your bachelor thesis like? How highly ranked was your undergrad school?

>> No.9395842

>I can only comprehend things from the perspective of a normie
I'm not meming ya dude. I doubt I'll be able to convince you, but it's really just not a priority for me.

>> No.9395855
File: 314 KB, 556x511, NONAME2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please kys to make us all feel better

>> No.9395875

my iq is 137 and i never even finished highschool so your not that hot op

>> No.9395921

you smart, big dicked bastard

>> No.9395967

Have a digital cook, you deserve it

/::' --|-- '::\
|:" .---"---. ':|
|: ( O R E O ) :|
|:: `-------' ::|

>> No.9396496


>> No.9396550

>implying you need a high iq to ace CS degree
good bait. A bit overdone but good attempt

>> No.9397254
File: 272 KB, 400x271, 1435929147679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can't even get an internship as an EE with 2.87 GPA and an IQ of 133

>> No.9397262

But have you ever gotten a blowjob?

>> No.9398408


>> No.9398411
File: 30 KB, 128x121, 283850481628086284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be NEET on 4chan
>feel bad that you're doing nothing in life
>decide to goto /sci/ and tell everyone you have an IQ of 146 to make yourself feel better

>> No.9399361

I see you've reached the maximum allowed autism allowed per post

>> No.9399456
File: 34 KB, 540x304, extrabrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying computer science
>acing every single course
>just before finishing dropping out and laughing at everyone because computer science is not a real science, just a meme

>> No.9399457

>can't even get an internship as an EE with 2.87 GPA

are you surprised, brainlet?`

>> No.9400980

Official IQ of >150. Got bullied in school and quit college because of depression and panic attacks. Spent 10 years trying therapy to get my life back. Gonna start a pleb tier CS apprenticeship next year in hopes of getting off neetbux. I just want to die.

>> No.9401089

>be 60
>retake cs course for 10th time
>ace everything
>kids on the same course struggle
>fucking retards, i am genius

>> No.9401586

My IQ is 10 points below yours. Prove to me you can solve for my IQ and I'll believe you're genius.

>> No.9401660

i hope things work out for you anon.

>> No.9401813

not really

>> No.9401815

your iq is 156

>> No.9401819

Give him time to google the top 10 list.

>> No.9401928

at the undergrad level not even close

>> No.9401969
File: 94 KB, 680x788, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw IQ of 128 NEET

>> No.9401976

Your IQ is in area around 136 to 156

>> No.9401977


>> No.9401986

are you me?

>> No.9402001

How old are you OP?

>> No.9402040

A word of advice. You appear to find things easy and have been lucky enough to not really come to something you couldn't do in an academic setting. This will not continue forever. I see a large number of people who have never failed crumble the second they do the first time because they have never failed before. Prepare for when you inevitably fail.

>> No.9403046

go to r/roastme dumb fuck. Maybe you think reddit is for normies, but at this point everyone says that, so thinking THAT is normie as fuck. Statistically you are lying about most of what you said there, and if not, you are still lying because no one with that iq would post this without evidence and expect ppl to believe it enough to actually try to roast you. I see how me saying this right now disproves the latter half of that sentence, but if you aren't gonna think stuff through, why should I? You might also say that iq doesn't necessarily encompass the type of intelligence I atributed it too, but saying that would prove how tiny the slice of intelligence iq tests cover actually is, which doesn't make it as much of a cool number to boast as you might think it is. I see how you picture proves that I am taking this too seriously, but honestly, why should I care? (Not that I am expecting an answer to that question). One last thing, CS is about as good at teaching you computer science skills as Philosophy gets you jobs. Honestly, that is just advice. Don't expect CS to be a full package. You still gotta learn tons of other stuff on ur own.

>> No.9403097

Is 28 a good age to pursue a masters and maybe a PhD afterwards?

>> No.9403152

If you are doing to do a PhD in CS, you should learn a lot of mathematics. If you are teaching, also prepare for realizing just how stupid most people are.

>> No.9404064

Congrats on sticking around in the education system for so long with that high of an IQ. 95% of your peers with a similar IQ, do not make it through.

You see, education is a test for obedience, and you happen to be obedient enough to tolerate it. Have fun doing worthless assignments and wasting 5 more years of your life getting a phd.

>> No.9404177

IQ 134 here, cursed with attention deficit disorder and with a life in a third world country. Also a complete NEET.

>> No.9404850

That is what I am doing right now, is it really that bad of a choice? I hope to get in to the medical field with it, have you considered that as an option?

>> No.9404854

I'm a professional student

>> No.9404859

you kiddin nigga? college is the shit. you learn math from top researchers, drink, have sex with literally no other responsibilities in the process.

t. noncompliant high school dropout who went to college after working at retail stores and having fun

>> No.9405017
File: 239 KB, 780x438, pd2h9flg9fmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 18 years old 130IQ NEET have no plans or ideas of what do in life.

>> No.9405023
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 👍.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130 isn't very high, anon
shotgun to face and jumping off building shouldn't be very painful.
if you jump off a building apparently you lose consciousness long before you hit the ground

>> No.9405024

good for you i guess?
im not sure how you're gonna get into a research position (industry jobs are a different situation) but good luck anyways.

>> No.9405026

130IQ is still 6% of population it would be for better if he would make children then hordes of low IQ induviduals.

>> No.9405027

T...t...thanks for advice.......

>> No.9405090
File: 1.17 MB, 862x864, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok really us and do something with this, before the kikes genocide and enslave mankind, your move we are watching, impress us

>> No.9406511

Hey I've seen you post in /pol/ before!
I'm subbed to you by the way.
Sieg Heil

>> No.9406516

Pays good though don't it?