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9387869 No.9387869 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw got a B+ in vector calculus


I mean my gpa is still good (3.91) but WHAT BRAINLET DOESN'T GET AN A IN SUCH AN EASY CLASS FUUUUCK

>> No.9387870


>> No.9387874

never understood americans and their retarded grading systems
>0 to 4 gpa

why can't you use just one general grading system from 0 to 100 like the rest of the world? what the fuck is a b+ supposed to mean, 60? 80?

>> No.9387877



>> No.9387879

t. american trying to communicate in his native tongue

>> No.9387883

Got a b- in calc 1, b+ in calc 2 and a b in calc 3. Aiming for an A- in calc 4

>> No.9388078
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My GPA went down 0.3 points this term. I got an A+ in vector calc though.

>> No.9388127

This is not a moment for criticism, but self-reflection.

Tell us what kind of posts mocking the intellectually febrile you've made before.

>> No.9388129
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>gpa went up from 2.78 to 2.82 this term

>> No.9388146

GPA 3.85, probably has dropped because of a B+, dying inside, my teacher is great though.

>> No.9388149

nice job, anon!

>> No.9388153


in my cell and molec biology 300 level class a c was a 59% average based on quizzes and tests and lab

>> No.9388196

>tfw easiest semester (credit hour wise) but for some dumbass reason skip lectures half the semester barely knowing when tests are and gpa drops from 3.95 to 3.90
fuck man going into possibly hardest semester and need to get this mf'in money

>> No.9388203

B+ would be anything from 87-89% in the class, and would be 3.33/4.00 for gpa.

>> No.9388260

A lot of my classes have tests where the average is 30% by design while others have 90% averages, the point of lettering is to standardise this into one scale

>> No.9388271

Dafuk is calc 4

>> No.9388279

My uni spends the first half of calc 3 discussing vector functions / parametric equations. (Dot/cross product, tangent/normal/binormal vectors, arc length / curvature, etc), and the 2nd half on multivariable functions / partial derivatives / basically calc 1 expanded into R^n>2). And it ends with introducing multiple integration and simple techniques for it, as well as polar/cylindrical/spherical coordinate systems.

Calc 4 is vector calculus, with green/stokes/divergence theorem and all that shit

>> No.9388281

B+ can be literally 10 - 90 depending on the course

>> No.9388284

Oh I see I see,thats cool.. I always thought we rushed through all those theorems at the end... But then again, I went to a comm college (poorfag)

>> No.9388322

I feel like doing Vector calc in 3 is the norm, at least in Canada. Usually people do linear algebra in 1st so vector functions are easy to comprehend by second year.

>> No.9389273

Yeah that's what I am used to, but linear algebra before vector calc seems like a good idea actually

>> No.9389292
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wew it's another nerd who didn't got an A+++++

good luck next time to get the best grades in the universe and people will clap to you and suck your dick and make monuments for you, and live forever

>> No.9389521

t.fucked up thermo

>> No.9389568


Kek, just got an A and I didn't even attend the course apart from doing the exercises. How did you manage to fuck it up?

>> No.9389582

Honest question for you anons who maintain 3.8+ GPA.

What is your schedule like? Do you not work? I'm holding 3.3 while working full time. Studying Applied math/ee

>> No.9389613
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>GPA went from 2.2 to 2.0


>> No.9389618

this, not to mention the fact that any form of gradings system is counterproductive to the whole concept of education

>> No.9389637

in my university calc 1 is intro to clalculus (mvt, derivatives, anti-derivatives, etc), calc 2 is series,s sequences, and advanced integration techniques, clac 3 is triple integrals, largange method, stokes theorem, etc, and calc 4 is diff eq.

>> No.9389786

My school combines ode's and vector calc in one class

>> No.9389808
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>mfw got a B in Abstract Algebra II
>I was worrying whether I'd even pass

>> No.9389813

>gpa went up to 2.957

>> No.9389817

Usually it's 87-89

>> No.9389846
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You have no clue. My GPA went down to a 2.something and I got suspended from college because I finally snapped and got in a fight with my roommate. He'd been stealing from me and threatening me for months, smoked cigs in the room (windows couldn't open), kept me up all night blasting tv, was always fucked up on drugs and would trash the place, or would be fucking ugly girls so I couldn't be in there. He stole my card and tried withdrawing hundreds of dollars. Dude was a total scumbag. Even though he never went to class (he was just there for loan money and a place to sleep), was much older and bigger than me, and had a huge crime record and record of issues with the cops, even though they found a bunch of drug paraphernalia and stolen items in the room, the school took his side and kicked me out; causing me to fail the semester and putting a beautiful suspension for battery on my record. He received no disciplinary action, and afaik is still there doing the same stuff, some guy overdosed with him a week or so ago.

Meanwhile I can't even get into community college now. God bless America.

>> No.9389860

>8:30 am analytical chem class
>go to class 3/4 of the time because its not even lectures; he just does the harder problems on our homeworks
>get 90%+ on all tests and final
>92% homework grade
>88.7% final grade because of attendance

The professor made homework and attendance worth 30% of the class' total grade because people do shitty on the tests.

>tfw grade inflation deflates your grade

>> No.9389880


Yeah I don't work, just getting by on loans. Do spend 6-10 hours in the lab every week, but I just can't manage an actual job. I get migraines and shit that knocks me out of commission without much warning and can fuck my schedule up. If I had strict 10-20 hours I had to spend at a job week I'd probably slash my GPA by 40%, not even kidding

>> No.9389890
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Fuck vector calc, made a D in it this semester but made a B in ODE.

>> No.9389937

> This rampant grade inflation

what the fuck guys, the average grade for my calc 3 class was about 70%. How do you have averages that are almost 90? that's fucking ridiculous

>> No.9389995

Is vector calculus the murikan word for Analysis |||? If so how is that an "easy subject" I'd say it's the hardest in the entire undergrad(depending on the professor I guess, but even with an easy one it's hard imo.)

>> No.9389997

>Is vector calculus the murikan word for Analysis |||
No, it's basically cal 3 with more stokes theorem

>> No.9389998

Getting to and proving stokes isn't an easy task tho

>> No.9390002

Do you mean from the perspective of smooth manifolds and building up from differential forms? In full generality sure, but vector cal usually constrains things to Euclidean spaces

>> No.9390003
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>Standard for an easy class is an A
>class is easy
>get a B
so are you retarded?

>> No.9390005

Yes I meant on smooth manifolds

>> No.9391014

We are the same, we just don't call it calc 4 haha but it's the same

>> No.9391022

Damn..that's a bit hard to believe, sucks anon

>> No.9391024
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>2.2 gpa
i know that feel bro. it feels bad man

>> No.9391028

Wahahahaha and that's why I don't take 8am classes... Sorry anon

>> No.9391127

But that's awesome if you plan on staying in academia or in a lab setting professionally. Good job man

I suffer migraines too. Sucks. Have one now. Took 1200mg ibuprofen. Seems ibuprofen is the only thing that works

>> No.9391183

Suicide. Seriously. There is nothing for you in this world.

>> No.9391219

2.1 here

but gpa doesn't mean shit
unless you wanna go to college
which thanks god i realised is a huge waste of time

>> No.9391300

>gets 2.1 GPA in high school
>college is a waste of time

haha hustle hard bro #vaynernation

>> No.9391305
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Can't relate, I got an A in vector calc. I got all As this semester too.

>> No.9391310

4.0 GPA here. A+ in every math class, right through to partial differential equations.

That means I'm better than you.


>> No.9391316

there are no proofs in the typical american calculus sequence

it is merely computation

>> No.9391340

Huh, we did a good number of proofs. Mainly in class with the professor but I remember having a couple particularly annoying ones on the homework in calc 2 and 3.

>> No.9391357

Me too, kek. Doesn't help that most algebrists are fucking perfectionists. My professor was pedantic as fuck.

>> No.9391641

A in first semester algebra and real analysis
Feels good man

>> No.9391659

Some schools do Calc I-IV (Differential, Integral, Series, Multivariable)

Others do Calc I-III ((Differential, Integral, Series) with Multivariable as its own class because you don't need more than Differential and Integral calculus for multivar calc.

Then there's Calc I-III (Differential, Integrals and Series, Multivariable)

Shit's weird son. Especially if you transfer schools in the middle of your Calculus series.

>> No.9391660

Holy shit how old are you

>> No.9391665

Damn sucks for those who transfer, I can see how someone would lose credit or shit like that

>> No.9391669

Brainlets should not be in /sci/
Children should not be in 4chan

Mods, ban this underage fag

>> No.9391746

Who is stating averages here? You know class average can be 50% and people could still have 100% right?

>> No.9391748

>The "college is a waste of time" meme

>> No.9391752

no-ones says college is a waste of time

>> No.9391884

College is a waste of time for non-stem majors