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File: 385 KB, 899x901, chess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9387027 No.9387027 [Reply] [Original]

Debes posse solvere hoc problema. (i.e. You should be able to solve this.)

>> No.9387032

When you give a chess problem, state who moves.

>> No.9387033

Hold pawn position, since black can't possibly take any of them without allowing a queen to come into play.
Chase blacks pawns down with your king, black cannot reach either pawn to promote without white being able to capture both.

It's implied you're playing as White, since that's the board orientation.

>> No.9387048

how is that implied? that late in a game the kings could have moved sides and the white pawns are in their starting positions.

>> No.9387054

a way to make this problem a lot more interesting would be to move the black pawn in the center and shift it to the right by one column

>> No.9387056

Because otherwise White loses, there's no way to stop black from getting a queen immediately followed by another in 3 moves, leading to inevitable checkmate.

>> No.9387060
File: 141 KB, 426x791, 10 most EPIC brain teasers alive today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why should I care? It is White's turn.

>> No.9387061

black wins
this is like a level I or something.

>> No.9387101

Too bad its White to move and win.

>> No.9387112

Why does white always move first in Chess? This game is so racist.

>> No.9387117

>Too bad its White to move
ya i knew that...

fuck man, dont you have an iq test or play connect the dots to do, fucking idiot.

>> No.9387123

You should alert the Canadian Broadcasting corporation. You'll probably get yourself a lucrative gig.

>> No.9387133

After 1. Kb3 e4 2. Kc4 e3, Black needs to play a5 or he loses his e-pawn. But then White plays Kb5, and if Black plays Kc7 White plays Ka6, and if Black plays Ka7 then Kc5.

>> No.9387135

go for the black pawn on the right, black can't capture your 6th rank pawn because then you'd advance to queen
after you capture the pawn, depending on blacks answer, either chase the other one or move king to your pawns and push them to advance
this is 1300 problem at best

>> No.9387137

>solve this
There is no problem.

>> No.9387154

god damn

im am dumb, and a horrible person

fucking hate chess now. going to apologize to >>9387101
play connect the dots and iq tests now....

>> No.9387208

The objective is to win, so that's just a reason it'd be black.

>> No.9387214

Move to collect his passed pawn in the center of the board.
When he moves his other black pawn collect it as well.
If he captures your pawn, you queen with the other.

>> No.9387253

It isn't as easy as that. Black can advance the edge pawn also. Try to take one, and the other one can queen.

1. Kb3! e4 2. Kc4! a5 (if e3 then Kd3 catches both pawns in time) 3. Kb5! Kc7 (else Kb6 and c7#. If Ka7 then Kc5! e3 Kd6! Kb8 [e2? Kc7 e1=Q b8=Q+ Ka6 Qb6#] Kd7 e2 c7+ Kxb7 c8=Q+ Kb6 Qc6+! Ka7 Kc7 e1=Q Qb7#) 4. Ka6! e3 5. Ka7 e2 6. b8=Q+ Kxc6 7. Qe8+ forks the pawn before it queens.

>> No.9387258

>Debes posse solvere hoc problema.
Jesus you're retarded

>> No.9387268
File: 232 KB, 899x901, solved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know shit about chess so I cannot tell you in fancy notation but obviously the white king moves to support his pawns and the black pawn frantically moves downward in an attempt to become a queen, but loses unless white really shits the bed

>> No.9387273
File: 33 KB, 395x400, 201843.image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested

>> No.9387289

1. That's not implied
2. anon is asking who is next to move. That is not implied from the board state and without it it's fucking useless.

>> No.9387418

>1. Kb3!
only 60 IQ brainlets use ! notation

>> No.9387428

here you can analyze this position with a computer via lichess

>> No.9387440

This is the most incoherent Latin I have ever read holy shit. Are you this desperate to come off as smart in front of your only friends.

>> No.9388057

"Pluto dixit Proserpinam cum matre sex menses habitare posse." has two infinitives in a similar construction.

>> No.9388164

there are 64 places on the board.
that was what i was solving, right?

>> No.9388182

How does White win (white to move)?

>> No.9388225

>Chase blacks pawns down with your king, black cannot reach either pawn to promote without white being able to capture both.
Is that really true m8?
in 2 moves black can get the pawn on a7 to a5 now how can that king run both down?

>> No.9388318

There are two possible outcomes, both start with Kb3.

1) Black pushes the E pawn, in which case just chase it down.

2) Black pushes the A pawn, in which case ignore it/take it but prioritize getting to B6 then move c7#. Black will promote to a queen the move before but it doesn't matter.

>> No.9389401

then black wins after taking pawn on f7 :3

>> No.9389811

it's basically impossible for black to win. stockfish says it takes 19 moves for white to checkmate black

>> No.9390306

There is nothing on the f column, are you baiting?
Black cannot possibly win

>> No.9390329

I would move king to B3 first. If the black moves the A pawn then move back into A and run straight into it then move to B6 and check with the C6 pawn.
If black moves the E pawn then move to take it out then you have options, you can move back in front of the A pawn or move to B6 to do the check again because he will have to move the A pawn.

>> No.9391326 [DELETED] 


this /thread

>> No.9391328


too many ! but analysis is correct, it seems