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/sci/ - Science & Math

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938695 No.938695 [Reply] [Original]

ITT bullshit people told you about university/college

>go talk to your professors they will be delighted!
>knocked on lecturer's door three times, he was busy
>emailed another lecturer about exam 3 days ago no reply

>> No.938705

> You will meet loads of like minded people!

> Nobody else in class gives a shit about work
> Have to listen to them talk about drinking games

>> No.938710

> you will get laid
haha oh wow

>> No.938713

I've been told the sole truth

>> No.938717


>> No.938738

your universities must suck

>> No.938775

Half of those drunkards are probably underclassmen who drop half their classes partway through the quarter. The other half spend most of their day studying so they can goof off during the evening.

>> No.938780

I know it, bro.

>you will be challenged and forced to learn a great deal

>> No.938782

>you won't get raped by your step-father

>> No.938787

in order to survive you have to study at least 2 hours a day

god were they wrong

>> No.938794

I laugh whenever somebody pegs a constant term required for the comprehension of knowledge.

>> No.938799


>> No.938800

>You'll learn new things about yourself and what you really think about things

Nope. Turns out I was a pretty smart kid and had things pretty much figured out.

>> No.938807

You spend three hours reviewing for every hour of lecture.

>Hour long lectures.
>Punctuated by jokes by the professor.
>Take roughly half a page of notes each lecture.

>> No.938808

I was never told I'd be drinking with a bro of a professor twice a week.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.938820

You have to take half a page of notes for every lecture?
The only things I write down in my notebook are in class questions and exceptions that will probably end up in the exam.

>> No.938825

Sounds awesome, I envy you.

>> No.938827

You won't kill yourself and come back as a ghost haunting the school.

>> No.938838



>> No.938846

this ;_;

>> No.939010
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>Our school have over 9001 clubs and everyone can find something interesting

>check club website- meetings on every Monday of the month in room xx

>go there, no one there , room locked

>check website again

>last updated 2003

>my face when all of the club websites haven't been updated in at least 3 years

>ask someone who has been to the school a while, and it turns out clubs only exist to get money from the student government. They don't actually meet or do anything, they just take the funding and spend it on beer.

>only club that is active is the anime club and student government

>check out student government, it is all black people yelling at each other about a movie.

>> No.939024

>only club that is active is the anime club and student government
>anime club


>> No.939026


My uni's anime soc. is the biggest scam of all. They DL pirated animes and charge people for watching them- all while getting screening rooms for free from uni.
It's just a matter of time till present chairman leaves uni and grabs the money.

>> No.939046

Report them to the FBI.

>> No.939049


your school is bad

>> No.939054

there are far too many girls, and not enough neckbeards in op's pic.

>> No.939132

made me lol

>> No.939328
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>Everyone will be motivated to learn and willing to work hard at group projects.
>No one will ever cheat or plagiarize; academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
>This is one of the best engineering programs in the country; you'll be surrounded by intelligent, open minded peers.

>> No.939349

made me ;_;

>> No.939351
File: 325 KB, 885x778, 1273849954545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will be surrounded by like minded people.
>Your worldview will be shaped by your (liberal) proffessors.
>Getting a BA is just as good as getting a BS.

>> No.939371

carl sagan would have opened the door and replied your email :3

>> No.939380

Hahaha oh man, you sound like you go to my school

>> No.939386

If I were a professor I'd do the same
People ask way too many stupid questions
Also students always blame the professors instead of blaming themselves

>> No.939394

>you will be with like minded people
>go to orientation for engineering school
>group of 3 people you will stay with the rest of orientation
>one guy is trying to be an electrical engineer because he fixes xboxes in his spare time, coming in as a transfer from business major at a community college. Has 40 credits he can't use in engineering field.
>second guy is black and literally can't speak english

>Head person "the friendships you make during orientation will last throughout your tenure at this university"

>group in front of me has 2 girls, one is actually hot, and that is like a 1/9001 chance in engineering, they are talking about programming in c, and how java sucks.

>my group discussing tpain and autotune


>> No.939405


Happened to me at orientation. I tried switching group and the guy called my name out. My friend who was in the other group is now living with a girl he met that day, while I'm stuck with XBOX guy. FML

>> No.939424


>> No.939439

I actually left my group and just walked alone. All the groups combined anyway. I wish I had talked to other people though, rather than sitting alone. QQ

>> No.939485

I have met loads of likeminded people, actually.

Still haven't gotten laid though.

>> No.939504

Fucking this. I hate going to classes and labs, getting in groups, and finding, if anything, they just want to do the minimum work required and get out quickly.

And then when a professor says something cool like, "we're the stuff of stars... all the elements that make up earth and all life is the product of fusion of billions of suns. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen are so important they do this blah blah... how awesome is that?" showing us a few pics of space, and it was kinda cool I thought.

Then a girl next to me said "well if he likes stars so much why doesn't he become an astrologist?"

>> No.939507

They should warn you that if you're a science major you should disregard everything you've been told

>> No.939517

>"well if he likes stars so much why doesn't he become an astrologist?"

She should never touch any kind of academic degree.

>> No.939536

Please say you punched her.

>> No.939569

>walked to the front of an Ochem class of 300 people at the end of a lecture, in the front of a line of like 10 people.

>said: hey prof, I want to do research! he said: what is your GPA? I said: 3.6! he said: your hired!

>did research for 2.5 years as an undergrad and nearly burned out my goals for graduate school.

>quantum mechanics will gain you nothing in the real world.

>real calculations are performed using classical hamiltonian and lagrangian mechanics with small purturbations employed to correct for certain QM effects.

>> No.939565

though she will get one because they need to give 50% of the degrees to women

>> No.939580

>Then a girl next to me said "well if he likes stars so much why doesn't he become an astrologist?"
>Presumably, this is her reaction when watching Cosmos.

Please say that you ruined her life, please!!
What is that bitch doing in academia anyway?!

>> No.939595

No I didn't. Sad thing is I heard some other classmates later bitching about it, and I didn't hear anyone liking the professor. I mean it was a biology class, but this was just a brief intro thing.

>> No.939605

Sure is people who go to shitty schools in here

>> No.939608



There's so much bitching here it's unbelievable. Even between the guys

>he was copying my work in discrete

>> No.939613

Hoping she meant that astronomy is as useless as astrology. If she was >implying that astrology actually does something

I will rage like the motherfucking fist of the thrown beehive.

>> No.939619

or if you are reasonably smart you can drink all term and then cram for finals and get 70s.

>> No.939620


St Andrews is shitty? Seriously, it's the same everywhere. Obviously there will be "like minded people" and "interesting professors" at the best universities but mostly it does not live up its expectations.

>> No.939616

I recommend you guys try to get into some sort of honors program if you're not already in one. I go to a derp state school, but I've met some incredibly smart people that way.

>> No.939632

>astronomy as useless as astrology
best be trolling nigger

>> No.939636

Not a hint of irony in her voice.

>> No.939637


What's the point of learning about the universe when there are people starving?

>> No.939639

>not shitty
Pick one

>> No.939647

What's the point of feeding people who refuse to use birth control and have children they can't support?

>> No.939648


you can make apple pie and feed them all if you invent the universe

>> No.939652

>Take CS degree, in first year it's a mix of computer science and psychology
>Psychologists are all herp derp drinking games let's skip class
>Computer scientists are all let's program and make awesome things!

>> No.939654
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>> No.939657


Ranked 2nd in UK for computer science...

>> No.939662

Because discovering the fucking universe is more important than feeding Jamal.

>> No.939664


ScotCSfag here, brofist

>> No.939665

Which post was yours then?

>> No.939671

Judging by this thread I'm the only lazy bastard on /sci/

whatever, I'm happy with my 3.1 GPA.

>> No.939672

>computer science
Pick one.

your choice for picking a shitty degree

>> No.939674


Natural science is a subset of science, not an equivalent set

>> No.939679

>You'll get to pick courses you like

That was a lie. I'm going for history and theres only 2 courses on military history/technology history. And there in the 3rd and 4th year. So to take 2 courses I like I have to go through 14 I don't.

>> No.939675

Professorfag here... personally I am delighted when students come to talk to me about the course material *in my announced office hours* or *when I'm not doing anything that has to get done right now*.
I'm not so delighted when they knock on my door 10 minutes before another class and act pissy when I say I can't talk to them now.
Nor when they don't come to class or office hours for the first half of the course, clearly don't understand enough to write the midterm exam, but then after they get the midterm exam come to my office and complain about the mark.

>> No.939680

Shouldn't that be "shitey"

>> No.939693




None, but I ditto all the comments about peers having no passion for their subjects, uninteresting professors who look annoyed when you ask them something out of the scope of the classes, and general disappointment.

Also the content of the course itself isn't challenging, it's almost like school in fact, which is why I now only do enough to get my grades, and focus my private studies on stuff which I find interesting.

>> No.939698

Maybe you should've tried harder at getting into oxbridge then

>> No.939699

The people who are seriously interested in academic stuff -- you're not going to meet them until you've been there a couple of years and find them going to all the classes you do, and that other people hate because they're too hard.

>> No.939708


yeah that was a load of bullshit, i had a choice between two classes this year, both of which sucked. all the interesting ones they announced at the start of the year were conveniently cancelled.

>> No.939748


thanks for the tip bro.

>> No.939758

>conveniently cancelled.

conspiracy, I tell you!

>> No.939761
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>>He is still awesome.

LOL, too bad for you.