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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 253x148, transnation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
937620 No.937620 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of all of these transpeople claiming they have scientific evidence to support their case. I say, let's prove them wrong. Shall we /sci/entists?

>> No.937623

Forgot my trip.

>> No.937629


>> No.937630

I'm bi, scientifically prove that I'm not.

>> No.937631

Its hard to argue with a penis and vagina on the same person.

>> No.937636

Wait, what?

>> No.937637

are you talking about people with both genetilia?
or someone who has sex with both genders?

>> No.937642

What does Transgenderism mean?


>> No.937645

The only difference between a man and a women genetically is concentration of hormone release. (Think back to when living creatures first differentiated between men and women. Then think a little further back down the evolutionary chain and see: hermaphrodites.) It's a combination of gene manipulation during growth and development and social input of gender roles.

>> No.937648

I'm talking about people who claim they were born the wrong gender, but just do not accept who they are.

>> No.937654


protip: mental illness does real

people who think they're animals (furries) or Napoleon aren't normal either

>> No.937655


They're like furries.

>> No.937660

Except these people claim to have scientific evidence to support their case unlike the furries. How can I debunk them?

>> No.937664
File: 129 KB, 888x1185, ohshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this moot?

>> No.937668


Throw rocks at them?
Let them live their fantasy?
Religion is a far worse enemy IMO, because transgendered people generally keep their beliefs to themselves, unlike religious people

>> No.937669

So basically you're just a giant homophobe looking for pseudoscience to support your pre-fabricated and intolerant conclusions. It's a real documented condition broski:

>> No.937671

by finding new evidence that proves otherwise you fucking idiot. If you're honestly expecting a bunch of knee jerk reactionist hate from a bunch of fags who all want to suck Sagan and or Feynman's cock you're in the wrong place,

>> No.937672


>> No.937678
File: 393 KB, 648x864, buckyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am transsexual and I am quite interested in finding definitive evidence either way. There are some studied linking neurological differences in trans people to the manifestation of their gender, but I'm far from satisfied with the conclusiveness of it.

Basically, carry the fuck on, as long as you do it without bias.

>> No.937680

There is tons of infomation on the wikipedia link you just posted, how about you actually read it?

>> No.937682

Who was that girl with the large dick often posted on /b/?

>> No.937683
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>> No.937684

I remember that thread.
I'd honestly fuck both of them.

>> No.937688

>he thinks I'm a regular on /b/ and know every goddamn tranny on the internet

>> No.937689


>> No.937691

It was a common image on all of 4chan, dude.
She was apparently next to some stairs with her gigantic cock sticking out.

>> No.937698
File: 13 KB, 260x341, sandwishguyat40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I think I do know the image you're talking about. Saw it on /fit/ and /r9k/ a few times.

Still have no idea who the fuck she is.

>> No.937700


>> No.937701

>I have an opinion based on an emotion. Let's find evidence to support it rather than forming an opinion around the evidence.

>> No.937704

Was it the one with who would you rather fuck A or B?
If I remeber rightly A was that freak posted above (CBA linking)

>> No.937705

You were molested/had sexual trauma as a child which fucked your natural self up.

inb4 'no I wasn't'. Yes you were, you just don't remember it.

>> No.937706
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>> No.937707

I have that picture but can't post it right now

>> No.937708

>inb4 'no I wasn't'. Yes you were, you just don't remember it.
you can say that about anything to anybody and all it does is manage to make you look retarded

>> No.937711
File: 47 KB, 786x719, 1270767702215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a fuck. Let those people be!

>> No.937719
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1272208425513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science does care, neither does /sci/. Let people live however the fuck they want. GET A FUCKING LIFE OP!

>> No.937720
File: 12 KB, 470x308, costello_grin_wideweb__470x308,2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot.
But I would sustain sexual relationships with his anus.

>> No.937721

uh oh, someone has repressed memories.

>> No.937722

OP you're thinking about sexual identity.

Sociology says that there is a difference between sex and gender. Sex is biologically determined where as gender is socially assigned. Sex is vaginas and penises; gender is pink dresses and blue slacks.

So what we have is people who are biologically male or female but identify themselves as another gender. Which technically you can't prove them wrong outside of biology.

You can explain why they feel the way they do with psychology but you can't really do anything with science beyond that.


>> No.937723

should have said "doesn't"....oops...LOL

>> No.937729
File: 34 KB, 333x500, 6a00d834527dd469e200e5538bc5548834-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I THINK THIS IS A GLBT thread now!

>> No.937733
File: 28 KB, 390x292, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineering pride

>> No.937734

Yes, that's it! Did it say you also have to choose one because you have to be attracted to one of them?

>> No.937767

Disgusting, transexuality is disgusting and does not exist, you are a product of your experiences you freaks.

>> No.937777

I bet you believe in God.

>> No.937780



>> No.937785
File: 47 KB, 453x604, demburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be hatin' on us for loving ourselves enough to do what we need to, bro.

>> No.937786


Oh my... What's the probability of gettting quads or better? 1/1000? Hardly that amazing...

>> No.937788

>>durr the numbers are so rare he must be rite
I bet you believe in god

>> No.937795

Numbers are always amazing.

Fucknut. This board is dedicated to numbers.

Oh wait, Christians don't believe in mathematics.

>> No.937798

>Christians don't believe in mathematics.

This isn't mathemathics, these are numbers, No single post number is any more important than any other until you apply some christian symbolism or superstition or something to them (like you apparently did...)

>> No.937799


I will hate, I hope you get shot.

>> No.937803
File: 64 KB, 330x357, føler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to the day you unknowingly befriend a trans person and have to reconsider your views when you realize we're not disgusting deviant freaks.

Pic related, I did this to someone recently.

>> No.937811


>> No.937812


Made him feel good?
I don''t wanna know...

>> No.937813
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>> No.937815
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>> No.937817
File: 6 KB, 240x320, I-Dont-Give-A-Fuck-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like op is a transgender

>> No.937819
File: 6 KB, 446x361, 1272336382494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So op, what does your dads cum taste like?

>> No.937829

Befriended him with him thinking I was straight and biologically male. Told him I was gay and ftm when it came up. He freaked out for a few months because he was a sheltered small town bigot who didn't know how to deal with people that didn't fit into the standards of sexuality and gender he was familiar with.

Now we're bros. Made me feel good, man.

>> No.937840

Yeah, that sounds about right. Its always the parents that tell there children bullshit, but once the kids actually meet someone "differenet" they usually grow to accepet it.

>> No.937845
File: 22 KB, 500x767, ai-esu-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intersexuality (ie: non-standard sexual organs) is physically verifyable.

At birth the doctor either says:
- It's a boy!
- It's a girl!
- What is this i don't even!?

This question normally blows the minds of Godfags:
When an intersexual person has sex, how can anyone (incl God) decide whether or not it's heterosexual or homosexual?

>> No.937846
File: 56 KB, 740x401, opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a little transphobic until I met someone transgendered in real life, and realized that most of them are normal people.

>> No.937849

Pretty much.

>> No.937855

Like my brother's friend when he found out he was an atheist?

>> No.937860

Not all intersex conditions necessitate mixed genitalia. Malformed external genitalia(enlarged clit and vulva, micropenis and underdeveloped testes) is considered intersex, even without the presence of sex chromosome mutation/etc.

Weird fucking shit to raise someone a boy/girl just because their junk wasn't up to snuff.

>> No.937865

How's dis for proof.

Someone intersexed with XX chromosomones and a penis can identify as male and be happy, this means someones brain doesn't always match their DNA, does that make them less of a man?

Someone intersexed with XX chromosomes and a penis can identify as female, which means someones gender doesn't always match their genitals, does that make them less of a woman?

Nature fucks up sometimes, and sometimes creates people whose gender identity doesn't match their genitals, chromosomes, or both.

>> No.937867

Well I am not going to sit here like a fucktard and say

Because anyone who is, does not make a big deal of it. They find support, they quietly defend their positions and they move on.

Those who claim scientific proof are idiots who do not understand that certain actions within the brain cannot be mapped and therefore could very easily be psychosomatic.

Does this mean I think all transgenders (Myself included) are faking it? No, their perception of themselves simply falls outside the accepted societal norms.
This simply means that they are different, in all likelihood they cannot help it and they REALLY should stop making an obtuse deal out of it cause it makes some of us look bad.

>> No.937870

I don't want to sit here and try to justify myself either, you just have to accept that some people are just created this way. Making a big deal out of it is like making a big deal out of homosexuals, or left handed people.

>> No.937871

I think this is what you're looking for:



>> No.937879

That just supports their case.

>> No.937882

Thank you. I have found such debate to asinine at best. One is who one is. And it is only up to the individual to decide. It is not up to them either to designate whether science supports it.

>> No.937885

no shit.

>> No.937891

i don't see why you have to define yourself as gender.
People just "are".

There are hyper-masculine women who still call themselves women, even though they are more masculine than most men.
And there are hyper-feminine men who still call themselves men, even though they are more feminine than most women.

I'm suspicious that Transgenderism is just a symptom of growing up with gender rolemodels that were overly strict, limiting and unsuitable.
Some naturally ultra-fabulous boy who got regularly beaten to a bloody pulp up by his dad for being a faggot. Never gets over it, and becomes his father by adopting the same stupid black&white gender roles.
Black White Man Woman

>> No.937898

Would make me feel a lot better to have some slightly more tangible proof that being transgender isn't a delusion. This makes me sound like a huge cunt but I would be a lot happier if I had some kind of intersex condition that made me somehow end up with a penis even though I have XX chromosomes. :(
But you've got to learn to deal with the cards you've been dealt I guess.

>> No.937902

That's odd, I don't think someone being masculine or feminine makes them a guy or a girl, AT ALL. In fact I love people who break free of traditional gender roles and just live their lives the way they want to. Women can be masculine and still be 100% woman, men can be feminine and still be 100%, and more power to them if they're comfortable with it.

>> No.937905

People don't transition because they don't fit into constrains of acceptable gender performance.

They transition because they are not comfortable seeing a body that doesn't match their concept of self on a very basic level, and because they want people to better relate to them as they understand themselves.

I know a lot of trans people. The spectrum of masculinity and femininity is just as diverse as it is with everyone else.

>> No.937917

I feel quite the same. I don't actually need tangible evidence to justify what I'm doing to myself and the lack of it isn't going to impact my decision, but it would be nice to have a better sense of validity.

It's more curiosity than anything. I am a /sci/entist, after all.

>> No.937922

>Not all intersex conditions necessitate mixed genitalia.

So add them to the mix.
And add homosexuals.
And add other funny sexualities: People have sex with shapeless BALLOONS, what gender is a balloon?!

With all of this showing that gender labels are increasingly meaningless. One is left wondering why Gender Labels are so important to Transgender people.
Do they know something the rest of us don't?

>> No.937930

Are you fucking serious? Nearly everyone clings to gender just as much, if not more than trans people. Trans people are just stuck doing it in a more visible manner.

>> No.937956

It's not about gender roles see >>937905

Saying transgender people put too much importance in gender labels is ridiculous. Homosexual men are still men, they obviously find their gender very important because they are only attracted to men. And you probably wouldn't be happy either if you were forced to live as the opposite gender every day for the rest of your life, there's a reason suicide rates with transgender people are so high.

Waking up with and having to deal with a body that doesn't match the perception you have of yourself every day is unimaginable torture, I can understand why people have trouble taking it seriously, I really hate being feeling this way, I feel like some kind of freak of nature most of the time and wish every day things were different, dealing with other people who think it's just being silly isn't helping.

>> No.937957
File: 20 KB, 340x479, Anvenreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at what /sci/ has become

>> No.937958

You're a faggot.

>> No.937964
File: 29 KB, 511x635, wegay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you mad, bro.

>> No.937977
File: 82 KB, 642x589, brossharingorange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had a brofist for you, but I think this is close enough.

>> No.938304
File: 153 KB, 679x1023, GUNNMLOv01c03085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waking up with and having to deal with a body that doesn't match the perception you have of yourself every day is unimaginable torture.

But i know intersexed people who just accept their intersexed status (ie: neither gender) and get on with their lives.
It's hard for them, a lot of people don't understand. But it's not torture, not for them.

2 of them grew up as boys, then when puberty hit they displayed female secondary sexual characteristics (breast growth, widening hips).
It was obviously a sudden shock, to say the least. They started to experiment living as female, then male, whatever.

Personally i wouldn't mind being a male or female, it doesn't matter to me. I have role-models from both genders.
I don't think you're silly. I just don't understand why gender matters to other people so much. (Also gay sex, i don't understand why men are so terrified of gay sex.)
Maybe my brain is just naturally androgynous.

>> No.938337

disturbing lack of dickgirls in this thread

>> No.938370

/d/ is reserved for that, we stay on topic

>> No.938387

That's exactly the point.

These people had to figure out what they were most comfortable with.

So if anything, they prove that gender is not something you can just force on someone and expect them to deal with it.

If your brain is androgynous enough it probably wouldn't matter that much, although there are plenty of transgender people who are androgynous mentally and were ok being one gender, yet just feel more happier being the other gender and ended up changing it.

>> No.938400


And I'm also tired of homosexuals thinking it's ok to be homosexual however I have better thinks to invest my efforts on!

>> No.938401

> implying dickgirls are fictional
Sorry I like pictures not drawings.

>> No.938405


>implying they are not feminine faced boys with boobs

>> No.938409


We shall request some advise from the Gaygeneers roaming /sci/! Anyone?

>> No.938416

Wait a goddamn minute... OP is like a religious tard?
"My beliefs are right, does anyone have any evidence to support it? Otherwise, fuck that I don't care, I'm still right"

>> No.938422
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To be honest I get why you don't understand, I don't understand it myself, lied to myself for so long, but I just want to feel comfortable with myself. At the same time,I really hate being like this, I hate feeling like this, if I could, I'd much rather be a feminine gay guy, but that's just not what I am, I wouldn't be being true to myself acting like that. Sometimes I'd rather be dead than trans, because I know I can't turn back time and be reborn 100% female, this will always be a second choice. I feel horrible being this way, but I've come to realize there's no other way to be happy, and with the alternative being death I don't really have a choice but to go through with it.

>> No.938443
File: 143 KB, 677x1023, GUNNMLOv01c03086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll be able to have a cybernetic body in whatever shape you want, soon enough.

>> No.938469
File: 152 KB, 682x1023, GUNNMLOv01c03087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.938475


Umm.. is that from Battle Angel Alita? Source plox. Looks interesting.

>> No.938497

Yeah, but the new Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita) is called "Gunnm: Last Order".

I think this is from the 1st or 2nd volume of Last Order.

>> No.938502

This just in: Each person is different and deals with things in their own way.

>> No.938573

i hope you can figure out howto download Gunnm Last Order yourself.
try the /rs/ board

>> No.938590


Imagine every time you looked in the mirror you didn't see your own reflection. Kinda like how a vampire has no reflection. How long would it take before you started worry about who you are, what you look like, and get all stressed out. Kinda like the how that guy goes crazy in that movie Hollow Man. Now imagine how confusing that would be if you DID see a reflection except it wasn't your own. You'd see a reflection in the mirror except it's some weird stranger you don't recognize. You might think that after a while you'd get use to this reflection and accept that this is you, except you don't. You try to accept that this person in the mirror is you but you can't. It stresses you out that this person isn't you so you try to become this person in the mirror. Every time you look it's always a stranger to you. You decide that you have to act like this stranger every time your in public. Every minute of every day is an act, a lie. Every word that comes out of your mouth is not your own words but the words that this stranger would say because you are pretending to be this person. This is what it's like to be transgendered. Having to pretend and act like that in front of other people all the time is stressful in a way you have never experienced, unless you're transgendered yourself that is.

>> No.938656
File: 27 KB, 251x400, transgender_avatar_530-723839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A study by psychologists at Nottingham Trent University has found that 54 percent of all males and 68 percent of all females “gender swap”–or create online personas of their opposite sex.
>54 percent of all males
>68 percent of all females

Maybe ones gender never had anything to do with ones sex. Maybe everybody's gender is intermixed. Maybe 50% of the genetic males identify with a female gender and 50% of the females identify with a male gender except everybody is too hung up about gender roles to do anything about it. Or maybe instead of gender isn't a dichotomy. Perhaps there's a gradient scale from masculine to feminine that everybody falls on and those who call them self transgendered are people who fall on the extreme opposite end of the sex they were born as.

>> No.938714

I just had a flashback to myself at a really young age looking in a mirror, the first time it felt like it wasn't me looking back. I felt a weird sense of vertigo, completely disjointed from myself, like I was falling down a chasm yet standing in place at the same time, I got sick and had to throw up, then I cried.

After this I decided to grow my hair out again, for about the third time in my life, but I ended up cutting it all off again when it reached about shoulder length because people were starting to look at me funny again.

That's a lot of maybes. It's interesting to think about, but there's just as much evidence against all those points. I definitely see gender as more of a sliding scale, with very few people actually falling in the extreme ends, but people are often pushed there anyway because of gender roles. I usually prefer male online personas, it just saves me from a lot of drama and frankly idgaf what gender people think I am online, I think many women masquerade as male online just to avoid the whole "omg a women on the internets" shitstorm. Also extreme masculinity or femininity doesn't make one male or female so I'm inclined to disagree with that as well see >>937905
>They transition because they are not comfortable seeing a body that doesn't match their concept of self on a very basic level, and because they want people to better relate to them as they understand themselves.

>I know a lot of trans people. The spectrum of masculinity and femininity is just as diverse as it is with everyone else

I know I have masculine sides to my personality and am quite fond of them, yet I'm still planning on getting my genitals mutilated, so to speak.

Transgender also covers an area way larger than MtF and FtM trans people. A lot of people identify as androgyne, neither explicitly man or woman, and some people prefer to see themselves as something else entirely.

>> No.938724

Maybe there's more customization in female avatars, and the few girls that may or may not be on the internet choose male avatars so they don't get berated all the time online.

>> No.938739

Have you read into "body identity problems"? Those are some serious neurological disorders resulting in person feeling disconnected from his/her own body.
In extreme cases people were wilfully amputating their own limbs because they "felt alien".

If I were a troll I would now make a witty remark about transsexuals and penises.

>> No.938742


>> No.938749

The issue here is that while some people have genuine physiological or psychological reasons for feeling they are a different gender, this is a very rare occurrence. The problem come from the relatively large number of people who self-diagnose themselves as transgender. They're not really transgendered or transsexual. Though they may genuinely think they are, the underlyig reason for it is attention or a coping mechanism. This actually hurts people with genuine gender identity issues, as it makes them all look like fickle freaks. It's just like people who go around saying they have cancer or Tourette's or something to mask their real issues.

If you want scientifically reasonably proof, just look at occurrence rates in different populations. If you meet somebody who says they're transgendered, you can almost always safely bet they are not.

>> No.938759

lol, bad science.

>> No.938768

Honestly, that sounds like a pretty wonky statement, especially given intersex birthrates.

>> No.938789

>the underlyig reason for it is attention or a coping mechanism
Your overall point is well taken, but this part is far too glib and judgmental. "Attention" and "coping" can be more than superficial problems or character flaws. Mental illness, while socially defined, nevertheless denotes a problem more than someone just being a tool.

>> No.938813

>This chick Marla Singer did not have testicular cancer. She was a liar. She had no diseases at all. I had seen her at Free and Clear, my blood parasite group Thursdays. Then at Hope, my bi-monthly sickle cell circle. And again at Seize the Day, my tuberculous Friday night. Marla... the big tourist. Her lie reflected my lie. Suddenly, I felt nothing. I couldn't cry, so once again I couldn't sleep.

>> No.938828

you're a HUGE faggot for quoting that shitty book

>> No.938849

Different =/= wrong

>> No.938856
File: 43 KB, 740x600, He Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh am I now.

>> No.938900

So basically you're telling people to discount the gender identities of transgendered people because it's symptomatic of something else they're trying to hide?

Aren't you an inspiration.

>> No.939167
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>> No.939289
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>> No.939346
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>> No.941636

How is this shit still continuing?