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9370875 No.9370875 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Redpilled scientists and mathematicians

>> No.9370877
File: 125 KB, 750x504, Ted-kaczynski-e1458546134543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

>> No.9370897

james watson

>> No.9371260

John Derbyshire

> Derbyshire once argued that America would be better off if women did not have the right to vote. In 2005, in a monthly column containing a series of miscellaneous musings, he controversially stated that women's physical attractiveness peaks between ages 15–20.

>Derbyshire presented multiple statistics regarding disparities in IQ test scores and rates of violent crime between blacks and whites, and described "about five percent" of black people as being "ferociously hostile" to whites, relying solely on personal anecdotal experience to make the latter claim. He then advised his readers to avoid settling in black neighborhoods, avoid events that draw large numbers of black people, and refrain from helping black people who appear to be in distress. He advised white readers to scrutinize black politicians more heavily than white ones, and to cultivate friendships with the minority of "intelligent and well socialized blacks" for reasons of both "ordinary pleasures of friendship" and for "gain[ing] an amulet against potentially career-destroying accusations of prejudice."

>> No.9371323
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The one and only.

>> No.9371327
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unabomber was an unintelligent hick
I hope you're reading him ironically anon

>> No.9371329

>unabomber was an unintelligent hick
What do you mean?

>> No.9371332

>same old "everyone should be the same and perfectly equal" except with a eugenics angle to getting there

>> No.9371335

There is an easier option to making everyone perfectly equal, genocide

>> No.9371337

>Through yesterday's action a completely new situation has now been created. In order to restore peace in our institute it is necessary, above all, to clear up the fundamentals behind it. You spoke of your belief that what happened yesterday was an anti-Semitic demonstration. My standpoint was, and continues to be, that an anti-Jewish individual action might rather be directed against everyone else than against you. I am not concerned with making difficulties for you as a Jew, but only with protecting - above all - German students of the second semester from being taught differential and integral calculus by a teacher of a race quite foreign to them. I, like everyone else, do not doubt your ability to instruct suitable students of whatever origin in the purely abstract aspects of mathematics. But I know that many academic courses, especially the differential and integral calculus, have at the same time educative value, inducting the pupil not only to a conceptual world but also to a different frame of mind. But since the latter depends very substantially on the racial composition of the individual, it follows that an Aryan student should not be allowed to be trained by a Jewish teacher.

>> No.9371371

Didn't know unintelligent hicks could become assistant professors at UC Berkeley at age 25. Good to know.

>> No.9371680

>went to Harvard at age 16

He's definitely an extremist but come on.

>> No.9371687

Charles Galton Darwin

William Luther Pierce

>> No.9373009


>> No.9373029

if you're going to make retarded claims at least attempt to substantiate them.
>hurr durr i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.9374599

Perelman is red pilled, so is Grothendieck.

>> No.9374630
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>> No.9374646

The Unabomber was right about alot, he certainly didn't know how to fix anything, and was a drama queen. Basically all he accomplished was giving the law and corporate owned media more ammunition to treat anarchy enthusiasts as terrorists. He may have single handedly wiped anarchism out of American public dialog. He fucked things up so bad I almost want to believe he is a false flag. See social ecology for an example of reasonable thought and proper behavior under the circumstances Ted brought into question.

>> No.9375337

He sure was pilled, but redpilled? Idk.

>> No.9375347


>> No.9375372

good, anarchism is retarded.

and ideas opposing technology are not anarchy unique, or maybe even anarchy related

>> No.9375413


>> No.9376489
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>Had an office at Bell labs reserved exclusively for Nobel prize winners
>Office is revoked because he continuously comments on how niggers are incapable of mediocre intelligence

>> No.9376492

>White nationalist
>Marries a chink

>> No.9376653

He's not a white nationalist

>> No.9376660

True though.
Hitler was right on this one.

>> No.9376672

Wow, the unabomber was a fucking genius.

>> No.9376684

>political views of scientists

>> No.9376717

What's wrong with anarchy?
>Not exclusive to anarchy
Yeah. No shit. Are you trying to say Amish aren't anarchy deluxe?

>> No.9376807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9376808
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>> No.9376817
File: 178 KB, 498x674, Peter_Kropotkin_circa_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9376964

The important point is that none of these men could get jobs in today's academic job market. They would all be blacklisted for not being SJWs.

>> No.9376992

Not a real thing
The guy above you was friends with Emma Goldman. Two people who really liked social justice. They certainly wouldn't have liked any kind of coercion, corporate power structures or anything like that. As a matter of fact he would probably blacklist himself.

>> No.9377144

100 years ago social justice was completely different from the modern one.
Also Emma (((Goldman)))

>> No.9377156
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T. pseudo self-hater white mate.

>> No.9377167

Is Technological slavery worth reading? So far I've only read ISaiF, and despite pretty weak attacks on the left, i found the book very insightful and interesting.

>> No.9377199

That is Teichmuller, not Hitler. He organized a protest against a Jewish teacher, a very good mathematician, teaching calculus. The argument isn't that the professor was incapable of teaching calculus. It clearly is that calculus also to do with the outside world including philosophy, and especially intellectual development, so a Jewish teacher would naturally infect the discourse around the math to the detriment of the aryan students. Teichuller basically said that Jews see the world differently and that it isn't good for them to be teaching their worldview in German universities.

>> No.9377200

blah blah blah

>> No.9377204

I get his point. Jewish teachers should be allowed to teach anywhere outside Israel.
Mind that very good mathematicians were Jewish, but still there a thread to the well being of society.
One example was Einstein support to a federal Europe ideia. Burn in hell kike but thanks for relativity.