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File: 70 KB, 500x375, agnostic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
937037 No.937037 [Reply] [Original]


I will just leave this here.

>> No.937043

Photoshop doesn't make you cool.

>> No.937049

Nobody here cares.

I'll just leave that here

>> No.937050

"Obviously Young Earth Creationists are blind, but the same can often be said about biologists in the vein of Dawkins, they aren’t ’scientific’ in the sense that they also true to prove right a certain thing, they’re not trying to investigate what’s true, they have their minds made up and then try to prove it right. However what they try to prove right has an ‘aurora of scientificness’ around it, making Dawkins appear attractively British-the end."

>> No.937051

agnostic atheist

>> No.937067

do you have something to say?

>> No.937091

whoever wrote this blog can't fucking spell for shit, and yet they are insulting everyone else for stupidity..

>> No.937092

>"I have no reason to believe a god exists, therefore I don't believe a god exists"
>Logically fallacy, reduced to the absurd by: ‘I have no reason to believe all the specific people I’ve never met exist, therefore I don’t believe they exist.’


>logically fallacy

>> No.937100

1) Bad spelling doesn't mean the post's content is bad, perhaps it was just rushed like most of the content on the internets.
2) The quote's content is bad in this case independently of the bad spelling.

>> No.937112

>"Russell's teapot shows no god exists and it's random to assume it does"
>False, Russell’s teapot says this...

HUGE strawman. Holy fuck, I hope this guy doesn't do this for a living.

>> No.937196

What's the strawman?

>> No.937223

No it doesn't, there are many other indicators of that. Bad spelling implies sloppy presentation and lack of pride. The writer confuses theism with deism

"Creationism solves a great deal of puzzles, but those can also be solved of course by the multiverse hypothesis, and neither can we prove false or true at the moment. How could we, we can’t look before the big bang of course, we can’t say if the big bang was ’started’ by some intelligent force who devised all almost perfect laws of physics for complex structures to occur"

obviously a novice of this issues.

>> No.937579

Go on

>> No.940140


>> No.940988

No one seems to have refuted him so far.

>> No.940999
File: 22 KB, 400x400, agnostic truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all of my hate

>> No.941012

>Atheist: Lack of belief in god or gods

Lol no.

Atheist. A belief there is/are no god or gods

>> No.941020

>Splitting hairs
Either way, those two statements both imply that they do not believe in a divine creator

>> No.941033
File: 14 KB, 397x418, 1260565142743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babies first troll

>> No.941037


Most atheists I know of don't use that definition when they call themselves atheist.

>> No.941041

I never quite got the hate that people get when someone says they are an agnostic. I assume that you are an agnostic atheist, however I doubt when you say that you are when people ask what your stance is regarding religion. You likely just say "atheist" which just as limiting as saying agnostic. When people state that they are agnostic, people tend to assume that they are AA. However when people only say that they are an atheist others tend to assume that they are GA. This is largely due to how the media reports religion. However, I think it is safe to assume when someone says they are agnostic that they are AA, just as it is safe to assume that someone who is an atheist is a AA (despite the idea that is pushed y the media that atheist=GA).

>> No.941046

Because they use the term wrongly and it's annoying.

>> No.941053
File: 112 KB, 284x298, john-locke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you find it so hard to believe?

>> No.941058

I agree that it is annoying, however after explaining what AA so many times to people who don't know what it is ("Oh! I think you mean that you are just agnostic.") I think people just say "Fuck it" and use the simple theist/atheist/agnostic split most people are used to.

>> No.941081

Theism: Belief in a god
Atheism: Lack of theism

Gnosticism: The belief we can know god
Agnosticism: Lack of gnosticism

This should be sticky'd so you retards don't keep fucking that up

>> No.941121
File: 221 KB, 1440x900, wallpaper-141955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.941160

>This is what americans actually believe