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9364951 No.9364951 [Reply] [Original]

Does this actually make yoi smarter or just more confident? Took it twice and felt like I understood everything i was studying immediately but idk if that was just in my head.

Worth taking during finals?

>> No.9365308

its worth it, and its a combination of the placebo effect as well as actual strong meds

Just dont rely on it or you might become degenerate

>> No.9365490

Adderall is essentially watered down meth.
Unless you have ADD/ADHD it will destroy your life. It might take a month. It might take several years. If you really need something to help you study and/or concentrate, I would look into nootropics.

>> No.9365527

Don't listen to ^

I've tried both and can confirm it isn't. Just because there's a one carbon difference doesn't mean it's watered down anything.

>> No.9365531

>instead of taking drugs take meme drugs!

>> No.9365675

The people who take these drugs tend to do worse overall than the average student. Just learn how to study properly and work efficiently

>> No.9365682

It's a stimulant, it makes you the same as you are normally but a little speedier.
For some people, speeding them up might make them significantly more capable of coming up with quality ideas / solving difficult problems, but for others, speeding them up will just make them exhibit stupid behavior at a faster rate.

>> No.9365688

fpbp, I use it in small doses very occasionally (5 mg once or twice per week, 10mg on for big exams). My tolerance stays low and it does exactly what I need it to do. It’s really worth using but you have to be really responsible and only use it to augment your study habits not rely on if entirely.

>> No.9365717

I prefer it for studying, not actually during exams. Helps me pay attention for longer periods of time but

>> No.9365762
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>people with ADHD take meds just so they can compete with normal people
>but normal people take meds too so they can be better than other normal people
>so people with ADHD still can't compete with normal people


>> No.9365995

Don't do it. I literally can't study without stimulants now.

>> No.9366236

That's not because of the drug. It's because they're already failing and are looking for a miracle pill to solve their problems instead of fixing the fundamental issues.

>> No.9367497
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>> No.9367502

If your objective is greater recall you would be better off studying after using a specific body wash or with a scented candle.

>> No.9368287

How do you even get it?

>> No.9368330

buy from friends

>> No.9368582

I don't have any friends

>> No.9368590

had a similar experience on ritalin - can confirm it's just because it makes you concentrate as well as acting as a stimulant

>> No.9368679

>Does this actually make yoi smarter

It does, even if you don't take ADHD. You will understand things faster and in more depth than you normally would, anyone who says otherwise is an idiot who bought the,
>lol if you don't have ADHD it doesn't work!!!
is an idiot. Give it a try lads.

>> No.9368682

Go to a psych and say
>help I can't pay attention in class
Got vyvanse though not adderall.

>> No.9368691

Im a straight man and within one month I was sucking weiners for adderall and letting homosexual men poop on my face for a fix

>> No.9368902

In my experience, it makes you borderline manic and keeps you awake but it decreases your functional intelligence and memory. It can be helpful for some people, but it is habit-forming and can ultimately fuck you up. You'd be better off just studying normally. It doesn't make you any smarter or more capable than you already are.

>> No.9368919

I got addicted. What do I do?
Can I go back to normal?
I'm pretty scared.

>> No.9368923

Do you want someone to spoonfeed you about the dark web or are you just not interested

>> No.9368925

What nootropics do ya'll suggest? Just need a little something. Not down for energy drinks/coffee anymore.

>> No.9369031

It will be more detrimental than helpful if you take too much. That line can be surprisingly low for people without ADD.

>> No.9369042

Prl-8-53 was the only thing that made a difference for me. I tried a variety of the piracetam based stuff but they didn't have any significant impact for me. Except pramiracetam. It didn't help with memory but it seemed to increase richness of sensory experience. I also got music stuck in my head constantly, which is uncharacteristic for me. I think that is due to the ampakine properties of pramiracetam though.

But I digress, prl-8-53 made it really easy for me to memorize things. I remembered phone numbers after hearing them once and memorized a 50 digit number in several minutes. I have ADD though and prl-8-53 works predominantly on dopamine so maybe its effects were exaggerated on me.

>> No.9369059

adderall ruined my life. overdosed on it somehow even tho i took my prescribed dose and now i have a stomach disease.

>> No.9369091

And people can't interact with others in social settings without a depressant.

>> No.9369093

This, avoid things like gaming and masturbating on amphetamine